Made $1 Million in 7 Hours, Ruined a Whole City in One

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out oh boy it's time for internet cafe simulator 2. cheesecake dev thanks for a key i guess oh and also this video is sponsored by monster legends but more on that later for now new game cafe name enter the name of your internet cafe i guess the first prompt wasn't asking cyber sadness population okay that won't fit so we'll just write pop you cyber sadness population you i'm in and here we are in our hookah bar is this where i live apparently so how do i have such a decadent place and a prison bed with a lumberjack's torso for a pillow and that's when i stop asking questions anyway let's get the hell out of here wait is this the elevator are you telling me that only our apartment is on this floor my god we must be royalty yes definitely royalty that's what this elevator says to me couldn't help but notice there's a stop button i can't imagine why this is in here if not for me to screw around like if i just stop between floors like this damn it why can't i open this so it seems kind of finicky about when you can get on and off like if i stop it halfway through it won't let me open any of these doors but i wonder if i'm quick enough if i can get it to do it let's see all right push the button and open run yeah look we're somewhere still can't quite fit but maybe we can never mind the doors did it for me ah yeah here we are in the elevator shaft well neat let's get out of here you must be on the same floor as the elevator okay how do we make that happen let's just pretend it was all a dream a nightmare we caused ourselves okay enough horsing around let's go see what the city has to offer us oh boy this is the internet cafe semi remember where every model is is this xqc oh good i'm glad we have elon musk in this one oh internet cafe sim and can i still punch people i sure can and they don't like that at all do they all right fine have at thee oh god he's so mighty cat in the street protect me ah i have been bested oh god where am i now oh hey here we are at cyber sadness population u or as i like to read it cyber sadness pop em that sure was nice of them to drag my body over to my internet cafe huh all right let's see what we got yep i look ready to start a small business looks like we got all the essentials i need a cd i love the all lower case it looks so dejected can't imagine why besides that our crappy pc sits under our crappy table and we've also got the world's crappiest keyboard and mouse and a surprisingly modern display all things considered not to mention apparently the electricity is off and the tutorial wants us to grab this mop and clean ugh do i have to can i just turn on the power let's find out oh yeah the computer is booting up oh what's that i see why it's our sponsor for this video monster legends monster legends is a fun free to play game for android and ios where you get to collect a whole bunch of monsters and build habitats for them before making them fight for you and there's a whole bunch of different ones you can collect with unique rarities and elements all their own you can also breed different monsters to create new species meaning that the possibilities are endless and then you take your monsters and you level them up and choose what skills you want them to have and then you can take them into the wild world of pvp you've got an adventure map dungeon exploration and you can even fight in real time against your friends probably soon to be enemies after you crush them let's settle for frenemies and one of the other cool features in this game is there's a thing called youtuber island where everybody speaks super fast there's red arrows pointing to everything i'm kidding but you will find monsters there created for some of the biggest youtubers around there's also new events every week so there's always new adventures right around the corner so if you're ready to hunt down and collect all these glorious monsters download the game right now using my link in the description doing so will get you 50 000 food 300 000 gold 10 gems and the epic monster kaori but time is limited so sign up before february 6 to get all the goodies and don't forget it's free so thanks again to monster legends for sponsoring anyway here's our computer terminal looks like all of our stuff is up here blocked by the stupid tutorial okay but i'm only gonna do it this one time and it's to get the tutorial prompt off the screen i'm sorry what exactly am i cleaning i guess this kind of makes sense that i can just siphon up the footprints but what sense does this make what kind of magical mop is this it just sucks up trash and done and now the tutorial wants us to buy a computer case monitor keyboard and mouse on zamazor you got it tutorial let's see zamzor ah there it is everything from z to z lots of other things here too like crypto and bill and mail all right i gotta know what is this for ah games we love games i can spend my hard earned money playing fake claw game everybody loves the claw game look at that i'm rich and that's great and all but i think i figured out where the real money is in the skin case the ultimate form of gambling you've seen this on shady gambling cs go sites now get into the action with a rare case for only 4.99 and you too can gamble for this sick blade what will you get probably something where it's hard to recoup your losses or you can go for the best case for 2.99 and you have a chance to win an ak-47 covered in cocaine or you can go for the poor case for 99 and get a human life i'm not sure if these are priced accordingly let's go for the 99 one we don't have that much money so you click it it gives you a bunch of options and you open one and you hope you get something that's worth more than you paid for the box like this outback steakhouse knife what a profit and look at this one 135 it's like we're printing money so the question is if i just keep buying these boxes over and over again can i make money this way only one way to find out [Music] uh the answer is a resounding yes look at all the money i have all i'm doing is buying these boxes finding stupid-looking knives like this and before you know it we're a millionaire all right whatever let's finish the tutorial i have been staring at this in the upper left corner this whole time as well why do we need to buy this again my totally legit equipment here has held me over for a whole million dollars and it's not even plugged in oh technology you're so mystical anyway where was i uh bills okay first of all that's six bills not three second of all am i led to believe that for all this electricity from sitting here day after day cost me five dollars and the penalty was eight dollars well seems a little rich for my blood but i guess i'll pay it this time but now it's time for the fun stuff shopping oh golly i'm so torn just kidding no i'm not crappy cases only all right let's buy the other components why is it that computer cases is up here and then you have to scroll through all this non-computer stuff just to get all the way down to keyboards and then lambs you can illuminate your surroundings with ceiling wall or floor lambs i had to take a second to make sure i was actually reading that correctly and that i wasn't actually going insane anyway time for some keyboard starting from the bottom we have sucks sucks and sucks totally sucks piece of garbage and we have a winner if something has 0.5 stars you know it's got to be good i know it's not computer related but i can't not buy some lambs oh don't get all correct on the spelling now we're committing to them all being called lambs and while we do have a lot of interesting and compelling choices pretty sure we gotta go with overhead ceiling interrogation lighting every time we can for monitors we're going to diversify one of each why not and now let's pick up some mouse's is is i can't say no to this one that's everything on the list hope this gets sent to me same day wait for the products to arrive exclamation point love it ah my items must be here i they sure are happy to see that the general public can just walk all over them yes please do not touch thank you for heeding the warning anyway i guess we gotta unpack all this crap an empty box my favorite let's try this one ah there it is mostly stuck in the floor just the way we like it let's see how does this look looks terrible i'm in excuse me sir what are you doing oh sorry sir we're not open yet you're just gonna have to wait okay monitor and old keyboard and you go i just realized you don't get to build the parts into the computer when they said computer case they meant computer so this is what we're stuck with okay the whole band is here place the product and get the computer ready i guess we got to put it on this table right and by on the table i mean literally on the table this worked in the first game so i'm kind of hoping it'll work here too okay computer you ready to go oh drat the monitor is literally not detecting the table okay fair enough yeah that'll do sticking out of my shop hopefully i never have to close the doors actually never mind that's not a concern chase a monitor all the way in the front computer all the way in the back keyboard out of customer reach and mouse is only for me okay are we good what's the problem no chair good thing we got this trusty thing back here okay let's see if we can are you serious that guy stole my i don't know what he stole i just know i gotta get him i huh what'd you do with my stuff you tell me right now i guess he must have dropped it off in a wormhole elon can you believe this city it's just filled with hoodlums couldn't agree more myself okay what do they even steal the keyboard but how well good thing i've still got some in inventory so the game doesn't want to let me put a chair down what if i just throw it will that do still doesn't recognize that but i do see a green spot occasionally appears so there we go okay cool i think it's installing chair now what are you trying to tell me boy i don't understand do i need to face it to you oh finally open the cafe yes cyber sadness is definitely ready for its grand opening excuse me almost first i need to get my ass kicked in an alleyway okay where were we oh that's right open oh boy i can't wait for my first satisfied customer i hope it's one of these stray animals okay great hell of a first customer all i know is my pc parts are still in operation and that's all i care about okay real first customer get in here [Music] hello young man welcome to cyber sadness or whatever customer sent you a request to turn on the computer uh it looks pretty on to me oh i see i have to start the client's time wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i saw you back there don't steal anything ah i don't even care about getting it back i just want to punch someone can you believe this town it's always something isn't it guy that looks like he's from dude perfect well the customer's gone probably because the keyboard got stolen again time to go back to the vault find another keyboard oh boy how i can't wait for our third first customer to arrive everything's been so successful up to this point what could possibly you get out of here what could possibly go wrong hello welcome sir are you and your creepy hands ready to have the internet cafe experience of a lifetime you want to use it for three hours you got it and now i'll just be all creepy from a distance as i watch absolutely nothing makes sense i mean you got to give this guy an a for effort oh are we done oh i see you want to give me that money huh you know what's more important to me than money giving you a neck adjustment excuse me sir this area is for paying customers only you're gonna have to leave okay so it's night time now i'm gonna go back to setting up lamps and another my favorite is when most of the lamps go through the floor which means even though we had 20 of these we're running out kind of quickly so we're gonna have to buy some extras in fact how many things can you put in a cart at once oh god it's a lot let's cap it at 11 32 because i don't know what this is gonna look like when it arrives now to pay 200 000 for all my lamps ah my boxes are here oh no they're slowly appearing over time and i'm really glad nobody cares well i have no idea when this is gonna stop i'll never get tired of watching people just walk in like yep this is no big deal time to get swallowed up by boxes i just have to keep standing farther and farther away you know if we play our no wait buddy don't nah never mind the boxes are fine so one of the exciting things is you can actually climb up the boxes and we're almost able to reach the roof and i think we've stabilized for now which means we should order some more i mean we can get inside oh god why can't i just order this stuff from my phone i just gotta clear some lamps so i can get in there almost almost ah i made it inside lovely let's just have a seat i love trying to operate my computer with a box in the way okay let's see what gives us the most bang for our buck these are kind of expensive at 180 dollars what is like the cheapest thing we can buy that we can actually see the price of box please box stop moving i think the winner might be one of these mouse pads for 65 i mean that's the assumption we're gonna make because i can't see anything hey you know what else i can't see how many of these we have in our cart oh that's much better thank you game's already starting to struggle around the 5000 mark so we'll just stick to this for now okay quickly let's see if we can get outside so we can watch this happen well here we go it's starting at this point my whole cafe is almost entirely gone you know i forgot to close the garage door oh well i'm sure it's fine in there did you see that police officer's face for one second before the boxes ate him oh look i think we're yeah we can make it to the roof now just hop over here and now we have a nice aerial view of the madness you know it's so weird but this is doing odd things to the frame rate can't imagine why buddy no don't do it oh the consequences i hope he didn't come to this video hoping to see me build an internet cafe because i'm pretty sure we're well beyond that point yep i can safely say that there's very little i can do now you know i don't think it would be so bad if people would stop walking through the boxes stop creating a physics nightmare or do i don't really care but i get it you got to do your interval training right there as you go nuts in that little circle so i think it's done growing but how am i to really know i can tell you two things though one this cat doesn't give a crap it's sleepy time the hell with your boxes oh never mind bye ish and do you see this air conditioning vent i'm pretty sure right down there is where our internet cafe is but it's kind of hard to tell at this point i guess the best way to find out is start opening boxes and seeing if i can get down to it flashbang out oh look there's the sign oh thank goodness there's a pocket of air in here so that i can continue to run my small business yep perfect we can do all the things we need with one triangle's worth of screen you know what i'd really love is if the game would just lock up so that we could okay good thank you i've never been so delighted for something to lose my progress good morning 60 frames per second and a normal sized pile of boxes ah here we are again although unsurprisingly even though the game rolled back my progress my money seems to be gone and how am i supposed to function if i'm not a millionaire but also this was too boring so let's dive into the wild world of paying a bill first okay ten dollars fair enough anyway where was i into the wild world of crypto yeah i don't know what any of this means three two two eight one more like three two two eight fun bro did you know that crypto always pays off down six percent no one told me that crypto's gonna be so volatile i wish i'd known that before i upgraded every room in the arcade including this amazing kitchenette well there's only one solution to this which is not to cut my losses but instead double triple and quad down and for that we're gonna have to start mining our own bitcoin these are all the things we're gonna need to get started graphic card for mining oh or just the bitcoin miner as is perfect and of course the rig case i'll take one of these wait does this thing not go in here you can really tell how much i know about bitcoin mining huh onward it's happening and good thing i have a second one i guess and we're gonna make sure their fans are just right up against each other if they're not blowing directly into each other what's the point and here i thought those things go into the thing because i don't actually know anything about mining crypto and if we head back over to the crypto app we can see it ever so slowly mining more oh boy is that slow let's pull out our original investment and i think you know where this is going right give me everything a newbie like you can't buy more mining tools but why so it turns out there's a skill tree and in order to buy more mining stuff you have to unlock it well this sounds terrible and my current setup sucks i wonder if i can figure out a workaround for this [Music] okay i figured it out you ready so if you have too many of these things out they won't let you buy more it bases that on how many you already own but the only way it knows that is if the item exists in the actual world like all of these thus i would like to introduce you to our best friend the backpack which you can buy from this secondhand store run by this deadbeat so if i pick this up and then i put it on my person i get 10 inventory slots and then i can pick up each one of these put it in one of the slots and so on and so forth until they're all in my inventory so now i'm gonna head back over to the store over here buy these other three stow them in my backpack and once i'm all filled out deposit your full backpack back at the shop go pick up a new one buy some more cards and before you know it swimming in supplies so give me a second while i get even more stuff and build out the rigs oh hey i didn't see you there i was too busy setting up all this crypto in the kitchen as you do how would you like a tour here's some of the crypto and then if we head over here into the bathroom you guessed it more bitcoin miners excuse me is this occupied oh my apologies i didn't realize you were so busy in here and of course that's not all there is of course an upstairs which you guessed it even more rigs so at long last let's see how we're doing oh yeah that's what we like to see just an aggressive amount of bitcoin now to be clear this might not seem like a lot but don't forget one of these coins equals twenty thousand dollars we're getting another coin like every two seconds so twenty thousand dollars every other second and that's how you become a crypto billionaire i love it when things just work out i want to thank monster legends again for sponsoring to check out the game use my linky in the description don't forget to sign up before february 6 to get all these awesome rewards so hope you had fun i know i did and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 5,124,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, internet cafe simulator 2, internet cafe, internet cafe simulator, internet simulator, cafe simulator, cafe simulator 2, let's game it out internet cafe, lgio internet cafe, made $1 million, ruined a whole city
Id: ls2TxZ2afBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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