I Turned an Entire Planet Into 100% Pure Lunacy - Planet Crafter

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're playing planet crafter today which i assume is gonna happen on this planet beautiful bleak and has veins some planet veins amazing but enough talk new game on it looks like our journey begins in an escape pod with all the modern essentials of living email and air conditioning and what a view we got rocks we got minerals we've got what looks like a crashed spaceship in the background truly we're living our best space life and just like any survival game we've got all the basic survival things like an oxygen meter a thirst meter and a falling in love meter or it's a life meter whatever we've also got this thing up above called the terraformation index which is currently sitting at a glorious zero ti and that's important because that's our entire reason for being here welcome to your assigned planet your mission is to advance the terror formation process of this world generate o2 heat and pressure to do so first reach 175 000 ti and create a blue atmosphere you got it corporate overlords consider it done so the first step to this entire process is we're gonna have to collect some minerals like cobalt and iron and silicon all inside me at once thank goodness all these minerals are just conveniently here on the surface and then before you know it your inventory is full because it turns out when you first start you really don't have that many slots that's okay i figured out a way to deal with this now the game starts with one basic container and then we've got some essentials like some kind of seed as well as some space food space oxygen and space water but we don't have very much extra space space so what are we gonna do with all this stuff well i'll show you so when we're inside our little pod here even with the door wide open it keeps our oxygen at max but if we step outside we start to go through oxygen really quickly and if we sit outside this thing and do nothing eventually our oxygen levels are going to get lower and lower and then before you know it ah we've died and all of a sudden we're back in here i guess this thing has like cloning capabilities because we definitely died out there and transformed into a convenient coffin for our dropped items and wow our death receptacle sure has more space than our living one well that sure is convenient and now we're free to roam all over the planet and collect as many minerals as we can find and then when i'm all full up i can just swing back over to my life pod run out of oxygen and slowly die again and a little piece of me is gonna be waiting for me then before you know it all of this turns into this what a beautiful clean planet and what did we do with all of our stuff well we just collected it right over here welcome to planet coffin population me dying over and over so i can make crates for free now that we've got plenty of supplies the next step is doing these tutorial things first we got to use this little crafting station here to craft a microchip for construction as well as some other crap okay construction construction there it is we need silicon and magnesium good thing everything we need is right out here we'll just grab some of this magnesium just a couple of those and a couple of silicon for the road okay where were we crafting a construction microchip that's what as well as this deconstruction one okay great now our fancy gun has different modes our favorite's gonna be this one though cause it's the one that's gonna let us do all sorts of building craft a living compartment that must be what this construction menu is all about we got base stuff we got machines we got screens and we got furniture and this little gem caught my eye stairs well hang on we need to see how this works first yep just like you'd expect wait so can i just like keep building more of these of course we can well i think we know where this is going don't we which is is there a limit to how high we can build only one way to find out well at this juncture i just don't know at this point we're pretty high up see that's the pod and that's all of my caskets i like how it looks like the pod vomited out all the boxes and we just keep going and going and going to the point where it just stops drawing all the items and we're basically level with the ship up here now and almost past these cliff sides which speaking of this is kind of where i stopped for now because i was like hey we hit land so we're not gonna really need the stairs anymore we'll just take it from here on foot oh oh good oh good oh oh my limbs well since we're here between dimensions i guess we should take a look around now that we've seen past the facade let's see i think we can run up this weird muscly mountainside oh oh no oh no i fell oh good and then i died well i guess we have no choice but to keep on building upwards until we've gotten past all this okay well you know i feel like i've gone kind of far enough seeing as how we're definitely beyond the boundaries of the level but at least so far if there is a limit to how high we can build these stairs i can't find it but even if we don't know how far up we can go i wonder how far out we can go and just like before only one way to find out oh whoops died again okay let's take some supplies with us we're gonna bring stuff to make a living compartment as well as a door because here's what we can do with these things once we had a door and head inside being in here replenishes our oxygen so we'll just make sure to take this stuff with us so let's launch ourselves over the edge again hey there my dead body turned into a box and every time our o2 is getting a little low we can just bring out the setup go in for a little o2 break get rid of the thingamabob and then continue running how the sand sparkles while i just run forever ah thank goodness we found it the very edge of civilization all right time to jump off the edge i can tell we're falling just by seeing this weird silhouette of uh oh well here we are back at base well that was convenient i guess this will always be here if we need it you know if we want to jump into the abyss again but let's get to the actual base building stuff thank god we have all these supplies and we'll go ahead and put this oh i don't know up in the sky somewhere let's see right along right there i'm glad that it can just float and we'll give it a door okay now let's hop in and oh okay it's time to walk it off you're fine and by that i mean let's build some additional stairs yeah that's better home sweet home and now the next thing we need to do is build a drill and a wind turbine apparently we need the wind turbine to generate energy looks like we can put it right up here on top of our building and now we have the drill which generates pressure by releasing gases trapped in the ground and i think i know just the place for this oh thank god we can put the drill right here like on its side yeah that looks intended very very intended oh and would you look at that our ti is going up awesome and just a couple more things for us to do including crafting monitors every power user's dream i can tell you that much now we need to create a veggie tube thing oh well first more power ah how delightful now we just need to put something in it oh look at that and now the game wants us to make a heater and right there okay great now we've got heat we've got our very rapidly growing plants which means now we've got heat being generated as well as pressure as well as oxygen which means we're well on the way to terraformation in fact look how fast that's going up right now which is exciting because our next objective is to reach a blue sky by getting to 175 000 ti i mean we're basically there right and i know i'm probably supposed to build like more stuff so that we can terraform this planet quicker but i mean really how long could this possibly take [Music] whoops i think i overshot the 175 000 by a little bit with a cool 674 000. all that from this i guess we should see what the planet looks like now oh wow this is not at all what i was expecting everything looks so nice and thank god despite all this beautiful blue sky we still can't breathe this atmosphere so i guess our work here isn't quite done yet meanwhile look at all these new exciting construction options like windows and a launch platform greatly speeds up the terraformation process by sending rockets into space oh my lucky stars literally the hell is this communication antenna receives transmissions from outer space i want that now we gotta find aluminum post haste all right which one of you has aluminum none of them awesome well let's go check out this spaceship maybe there's something up there i know there's other building options but we'll get to that later i need this now okay let's see what do we got hello hello is there anyone home oh it's so dark in here all right hold on let me go construct a flashlight hold on i'm just gonna build a thing yeah just right here that's what i meant it's perfect and in here we're gonna put down one of these another craft station tier two and from in here we can make a torch ah okay where were we grabbing random materials that's what finally i can make some jeans and a super alloy i love the sound of high-end technology let's see servers for torrenting bunk beds for crying come on big money give me something i want look there it is aluminum okay i think that's everything from the ship what a visual splendor we got a little bit of everything in here iridium our glorious aluminum and just so much more what a glorious haul and i guess this is gonna be our secret treasure trove anyway now we have all the supplies we need to make this communication antenna which i think i know just where to put it it turns out that right outside of this crashed ship is a secret cave and i'm pretty sure everybody knows that the best reception is deep underground okay so now that we've got that placed now we need to combine this with a transmission screen oh well thank god i can just build this just about anywhere here you go what have you got for us ugh a bunch of reading that's what you mean i have to communicate with other people i thought this would be for like aliens or something not reading oh thank god oxygen levels saved me from this oh well that's convenient it dropped me right back off in my treasure trove well now that we've built a boring ass library i guess we should focus on making a real base right seeing as how this crap's not really going to cut it well let's head on down to our base and see about making something owie my bones so i figure we can kind of make it down here somewhere if for no other reason our supplies are right here so we'll go ahead and start with the basic room and then another room on top of it [Music] and more so much more we've got the front door and then we have a whole bunch of little tunnels that do a little windy thing for no reason and then it leads up here to our little observation deck on the top where i made a roof using stairs we also have this thing in the back that i like to call the space shed as you can see it's actually a thing for plants now you might be wondering to yourself how did i even get up here well i'll show you let's pretend we're starting at our original module thing first you obviously head to the front door of this place where once you pop inside there's a ladder waiting for you watch out though because when you hit that climb button it's pretty quick and from that point it's a matter of just walking down all the endless corridors and then climbing up again and if you want to head on over to the bio thingamabob that's just right over here or if you want to head up higher to the main deck you just take this ladder and then this ladder and then this ladder and then this ladder and before you know it you're here at your observation deck and also for looking out at rocks and stuff but it's not just all for looks we're going to utilize this space effectively if you recall we salvaged all kinds of cool stuff but it's stuck in that container right there so let's go ahead and bring all this stuff closer to home ah much better neat little piles for all my crap we have random materials and a whole bunch of piles of seeds and iridium and uranium just co-existing looks really good from down below doesn't it but don't worry we're still using these things we use these for all of our common minerals which honestly we're running a little bit low on like sure we still have a bunch of these things but it took a lot of resources to build all this i did however find a way to get boatloads of iron literally unlimited amounts it's easy really if your oxygen gets too low we've seen that not only do you die you drop all your belongings into your own little personal casket but normally if we collect all of our items from it it just disappears on its own but instead if we just go ahead and die and then head back over to our casket and instead of picking it up we save our game go back to the main menu load our save game back up and now when we pick up the box even if we empty its contents the box stays right there press f8 to give feedback i'll give you feedback right now this is perfect now you can switch your gun to the deconstruct mode come here storage crate and you got yourself one additional iron which means if you just go ahead and let yourself die over and over and over again before you know it you have a little nest egg of boxes i mean corpses no wait boxes and now we have all this free iron my iron cup runneth over so yeah that takes care of the iron but we're gonna need a lot more of everything else and we're gonna need that to build so many cool things so let's work on getting this thing underway the ore extractor we have some of these things already like super alloy aluminum and titanium but we still need to figure out where to get osmium and iridium rods amazingly while i was out running around when i came across this golden box here which wouldn't you know it there's an iridium rod right now as well as other things and even the box gives us good stuff planet crafting sure is easy and it's exciting to see the supplies building up okay so we have everything now but the osmium i feel like i might have seen some as i was running around specifically in this cave over here yep it was that easy i knew i saw him just hanging around this cave oh hey and look at this this ice will eventually melt at what is that 100 nano kelvins and if we check in on our little sign here it looks like our current heat is at 319. wait does that mean it's melting already maybe it's just really slow i'll check in on it later either way we now have all the things we need for the orextractor now it does say it extracts stuff depending on where you put it so i guess we're gonna have to do some testing well that noise sounded exciting and like not a good thing ah i see we don't have enough power we're over here producing kilowatts per hour when what we need is 89.5 now we could be smart about this and instead of building more wind turbines which each generate 1.2 we could go with something more like a solar panel which for more materials gets us 6.5 or the even bigger solar panel which gives us 19.5 but look at all that stuff we have to give it versus the wind turbine which is virtually infinite thanks to our glorious iron coffin trick so i have a much better idea than putting solar down why spend all that time gathering all those minerals for solar when we have all this beautiful land over here just asking for production look out desert here i come time to get started and one and two and three oh boy i'm having such a good time [Music] yep that'll about do it oh boy that's a lot of wind turbines i like how they don't obey any physics and clip through each other and how many are there exactly well if i consult my screen here that's just sticking out of the side of a mountain we now have 1 650 wind turbines and that means now we're generating a glorious 1979.97 kilowatts per hour that's a lot better than what we had before so hopefully this will be enough oh and would you look at that it just started to rain weird ropey strands of rain well whatever it's another planet i'm sure it's normal oh and it looks like this thing is working as intended now that certainly does look promising anyway let's see what it does about resources via this convenient box well that's nice it looks like it's pulling the basic essentials and while it's nice to have all these things we need to see if we can locate something more exotic so let's return back to our favorite cave where uh it certainly does seem like the ice is melting doesn't it this is definitely a smaller heap than it used to be anyway let's head down into its sort of icy depths and see if we can't find a place to put the drill there we go fits like a glove now i'm not really sure why this swirly thing down here shows a piece of iron but who knows maybe this will churn out something good in the meantime i did notice that right over here is another big block of ice although this one looks like it takes significantly longer to melt starts melting at 5 micro kelvins which apparently is the equivalent of 5000 nano kelvins and we're only at 447. so while this thing keeps on drilling let's see if we can't get some more heaters set up now we of course have old basic but that's going to take forever then we have tier 2 which seems rather nice but if we can find a way to generate from tier three that's obviously ideal but for that we're gonna need more iridium rods and i have no idea where to get those welp i guess it's time for an adventure if there were crashed ships like this it's a safe bet to assume that there's more like i don't know what's that stuff over there well let's go take a look no time for all you pesky run-of-the-mill materials we have all kinds of other things to discover and what the hell is going on over there well now i have to know huh still can't tell what's going on but it does lead into a cave and i don't need to be told twice so let's go well if it sure is pretty in here and now sure is foggy in here but i do see something promising well it's not iridium rods but it's the next best thing so count me in and more what a fortunate cave this is it has all the stuff we need and after a little while of plundering these natural resources haul it all the way back to base leave it all in a nice big disorganized pile and you know what looking back at this thing i'm starting to think this symbol means that we're only going to get crap let's move this thing over to this more promising looking area and here you go oh yeah that's more of what i want to see an iridium symbol i got a good feeling about that also known as the games telling us what we're gonna get see this is much more exciting the bridge of a spaceship or maybe it's an internet cafe the important part is it has stuff to steal here we go jackpot not to mention a rocket engine okay now that we've got quite the pile of materials going on here least of all this beautiful growing pile and you know what i just realized so if we build this advanced craft station sure is a big thing isn't it we can actually build iridium rods all it takes is nine iridium and something tells me we can spare that well then sign me up for some tier three heaters so let's get to gathering and before you know it rods for days okay let's go put some tier 3 heaters down shall we now i don't think we actually need to put it down near all the ice but what the hell what could it possibly hurt except for the part where i can't actually seem to place it anywhere ah i see it insists that we put it inside of a room okay if you insist it's about to get mighty hot in here and as you can see by our readout heat certainly is building up faster now at least but hey we've got all these heaters let's add even more now there's nine of these in here that room's got to be nice and toasty okay there we go now i'm satisfied we only need like 10 times what we have now to start melting this and now i'm just gonna take another room and just put it right here we're just gonna watch this window for a while and see if it melts well shiver me timbers it really does melt before your very eyes at least when the footage is sped up versus when i stepped away and forgot about the game and let it run for like three days and just like that the passage is clear and i think we might have uh gone a little overboard here we only needed five and now we have 161 micro kelvins anyway now that we've done that let's head outside and huh you know i can't put my finger on it but something seems different i'm sorry did i say something i feel like a lot of things might look different i guess we did melt all the ice so it should be no surprise that there's a lake we can probably swim right i mean we're in a space suit so this should be just fine and look all of our supplies are still here everything's gonna be a-okay that's okay we'll just head inside replenish our o2 and wait are we still under water what's the point of an airlock thing if we're still going to be submerged i would have assumed this would have been airtight right seeing as how it could normally pump o2 into here oh good even this is still underwater i mean to a point we can actually surface but half of it is indeed below water well at least all this stuff is still above ground what tremendous accidental foresight you know what else is pretty wild is that not only is it nice and beautifully green like here with a lake and more green over there but if we keep heading up the stairs there's actually some green over here too actually you know what else i wonder will this water help us from breaking our legs only one way to find out oh god walk it off and let's go find somewhere that's less shallow like what if we jump off the top of this thing that's a little higher right i'm not sure but let's give it a shot bomb voyage oh look we survived that one ah what the hell was that wait are you telling me it like buffers my fall damage oh wait are you telling me that if i jump into the water but don't hit the ground but then decide to swim all the way to shore the moment i touch the ground it's still gonna hurt ah oh my delayed joint pain anyway you know what i think would be really fun to mess with next rockets starting of course with this launch platform iron and titanium are super easy and for the super alloy we can just make our own with relative ease ah fiddlesticks it's not gonna let me place it underground oh well here we go what a perfectly terrible place to put a launch platform i like it and now that we have our launch platform here we just need to get something to launch we're gonna go with this thing which multiplies our heat by a thousand one asteroids attraction rocket coming right up and there it is that is a big giant rocket all right well no better time than the present and launch [Music] goodbye wow it's really pulling those asteroids fast isn't it i'm sure the skies will calm down soon well that sure was fun okay next test what if over here on like the launch platform we put a like uh an obstruction in the way well looks like the rocket materializes right inside of it now the only question left is what happens when you push the big red button [Music] hey rocket you okay there you seem a little drunk well i suppose it eventually found its way okay i've got another idea so for this one instead of blocking it why not just hitch a ride ourselves definitely worth a shot right and run up the stairs wait don't leave without me onward and oh what is happening where are we going where is this magical adventure taking us oh no i'm sorry i haven't been watching my normally slender figure up and off it goes okay i have yet another idea in addition to this rocket i have enough in my possession to make another rocket and while i tried to enter the crafting menu to put down another rocket it tells you that space is already occupied well what if we launch and then craft another one let's give it a shot okay so one and then quickly craft another one well it seems to have crafted one into the other one and oh oh hold on let's launch that next one okay is that helping that surely oh god [Music] yeah this is definitely the expected outcome looks like these things are having trouble deciding which direction they should go are you okay rocket do you need any help okay i see how it is oh god what's happening now well not sure what's happening here but it looks like we're under attack which hey fine by me that's what i like to see so i hope you had fun i know i did i'm just gonna hang out here underwater with the uranium and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 9,348,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, planet crafter, the planet crafter, planet game, craft game, planet crafter game, planet crafter gameplay, let's game it out planet crafter, lgio planet crafter
Id: ZTpRsEp-_04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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