Becoming the #1 YouTuber by Ruining Everyone's Lives - YouTubers Life 2

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're playing youtuber's life too today it looks like our life as a youtuber is gonna be all sorts of wild i can't wait for our tired lonely existence dancing in the center of our room surrounded by video game pop culture oh boy what a life we're about to live oh and also this video is sponsored by rise of kingdoms but more on that imminently for now new game oh what fresh hell is this your potential has caught our attention and so we are giving you a golden ticket to come and live in new tube city the perfect place for you to build your career and become one of the best ah good old-fashioned nepotism i love it good choice we'll start preparing your apartment dress up like a real youtuber and i'll see you there oh god is this how a real youtuber dresses cause this is the face i make thinking about it let's see body type male alien skin color shrek green and for the hair we're gonna want something a little less like this and a little more like this oh yeah and let's see for facial hair last time we went with something a little like this but i think this time we might go with something like yeah there we go who needs to see the mouth anyway after all all the pain is visible right here except that's not entirely true cause we're gonna cover that up with some sweet glasses looking most excellent and as awesome as you're looking we need to get you out of those terrible terrible clothes literally yep that's the look and i know we could put them in jeggings but why do that when we've got some jorts and let's select some nice sandals so there's always the danger of being put on wiki feet at any time you're welcome come on buddy it's time for the big city of youtube landia or whatever it's called yeah you did it you got off of a train oh boy it's like a funko pop came to life welcome to youtube blah blah i've got to go we'll talk later well this appears to be our home what's this package what the hell is this thing enter drone name oh boy i bet this thing is gonna follow me around everywhere i go and i bet that's a camera drone name privacy concern privacy concern i love it yes we all love it do the privacy concern dance okay now it's time to name ourselves and our channel name early life crisis channel desperate topia jess rolls right off the tongue oh boy now it's time for us to use our computer and i just want to point out that our keyboard is not lined up with the monitor which i feel like is going to bother somebody which is why i'm pointing it out anyway it's time to make our first video and build our youtube kingdom hey you know what else has a lot of kingdoms our sponsor for this video rise of kingdoms which you can download right now free to play on android and ios and now also on pc and it's all cross play so you can play whenever and wherever no matter what device you're using rise of kingdoms is a strategy game that features real civilizations from history and also piles and piles of historical generals that you'll be using to lead your armies not only that but you'll be collecting resources developing technologies breaking through to new eras in history all to build your dream city and expand your kingdom and right now rise of kingdoms is celebrating the release of its 13th civilization the egyptians so get ready you other 12 there's a new civ in town yeehaw and there's plenty of fighting for territory to go around with the game featuring 1.44 million square kilometers to explore real mornings and evenings real terrain and tons of other stuff just waiting to be discovered so ready your huge army form some alliances with players from around the world participate in massive kingdom battles and help egypt join in on the fun you can download the game right now by using my link in the description and use this gift code to get incredible resources for free and also by participating in in-game community events new and current players will have a chance to win a round-trip ticket to egypt the real one i mean so feel free to clicky that linky and thanks again to rise of kingdoms for sponsoring okay so now it's time to make a real video and by that i mean the only option we have a commentary video hashtag commenting and what a choice angle hopefully it's not about his forever alone bed so basically the way it works is it gives us a prompt like to start the video and then you do like a choose your own adventure of which one you want to do or you could do nothing oh tough luck look at that great footage we've got you answer a hater from a previous video while um all good options but i'm gonna go with doing nothing again and then to finish we are neither gonna sign off nor are we gonna ask for subscribers instead we're gonna take this pose and just give up i'm not sure what the problem is look at all that really good footage and now it's time to edit oh yeah you can tell this is gonna be a good video we got a clip of me despairing followed by another clip of us giving up and you're supposed to like line up all the clips in a way that seems like it starts and finishes appropriately so that we get more editing stars than zero but i don't care so now we select our thumbnail and while we can use one of their clickbait phrases like 10 things about home that will surprise you or i try to troll someone and it goes wrong home but of course we're going to make our own defending my hashtag home from this one hashtag weird trick discovered by uh oh and then i can't go any further well i just won't finish it then i guess upload oh my god he's got his hopes up oh i guess it wasn't received well but you know say what you want look at those subscribers rolling in even though i think they're angry so that's the youtube side of things oh but guess what not just youtubing but we've got fake instagram to be doing we could be taking sweet pictures like blair here has this year the play con is coming to new tube city i'm not gonna miss it hashtag playcon hashtag center so the game wants us to publish a photo with the hashtag of playcon wait can i just do that from here okay so now i'm in picture taking mode uh can i just like run into the corner and blair witch wait will this be enough okay i see how this works the hashtags are auto-generated and they show up here so i think if i just type playcon in here it doesn't actually count but what the hell post it anyway oh boy 42 whole likes all right well let's go outside and see if we can't find that thing to capture it how nice of them to give us beautiful beachfront property and honestly this looks a little like animal crossing except with hashtags so basically it's like animal crossing instead of sending us to a vacation island we went straight to hell excuse me i meant hashtag hell oh speaking of here's that stupid billboard thing for playcon all right buckle up cause it's picture time or not what the hell was that you fell asleep in the street last night do i always have to go around looking out for you remember to return home before 4am oh good this guy again good morning early life crisis i didn't mention it before but the ticket to the festival cost 1 000 coins it's a lot of money and i know that you still aren't earning much with your videos but don't worry because you have until the 22nd day to get it there's also an app where blah blah blah sorry i can't hear you too busy youtubing this time we're going to do it in the wild world of gaming and just like before we're not gonna take action for literally anything we do okay great we can kind of tell that this is supposed to be the beginning and this is supposed to be the end of the video so we'll just go ahead and put those in the wrong reverse order look at that all these editing points and nothing connects also what the hell is going on in this footage you stop that right now this is a family environment i guess we're just gonna choose this thumbnail because it's too hot for the platform i make love to a video game console doctors hate him oh yeah we got one subscriber the youtube grind is real time to supplement that with something on the gram hashtag the last thing you see before you die wow that got a lot more likes wait a minute so i've done three posts can i just keep posting the same crap to instagram oh yeah another handful of likes dare we keep posting and see if there's a limit i think we dare unfortunately that answer appears to be yes for whatever reason it caps out at 32 posts and if we try to take another picture i think it just overwrites the last one i would love to know why it's 32 that it stops at but honestly i don't care we've got crappy videos to make you're running out of energy oh well i guess it's time for sleep at 4 15 pm it's been a long day and i mean look at that we've got our daily summary we made five coins and six coins got a whole bunch of subscribers all right it's time to make more videos and edit and title and post and we're too low on energy again so back to sleep at 11 45 a.m and just watch those coins subs and viewers pour in actually you know what i've got an even better idea instead of recording nonsense videos over and over again we're just gonna select whatever because it's not gonna matter and then to finish we're gonna ask for subscribers and then when we get into the editing room we're only gonna put in the ending where we ask for subscribers what could possibly go wrong and oh my goodness it seems like that must have gone better because now he's showered in gold and look how good it did 14 coins 66 subscribers 270 views i think we've definitely got the youtube grind underway i can't believe how well this is working and look at that apparently we're in the top 98 of all youtubers okay so far so good i'm just churning out videos and i'm not even bothering to give them real titles anymore and yet somehow we're thriving uh-oh but now our computer is smoking whatever will we do wait never mind it still works and use it we shall the viewers love it oh crap hi early life crisis the new tube awards are being held tomorrow at the theater you can't miss it all right well let me just record a quick video on my absolute fire hazard of a pc and now let's go see about that stupid gala ah here we are hashtag theater oh it's literally starting right now what a colorful cast of characters we have dejected person we have angry person we have a literal cartoon and this guy looking like he's taking a dump and it looks like all that fiber's paid off he's the big winner meanwhile our shirtless wonder is getting all starry-eyed in the audience this could be us one day well clearly we have newfound motivation oh god what now hey early life crisis i was thinking that your apartment is starting to get a bit too small for you so you need to upgrade your apartment space that way you can add a new editing or sound studio to improve your videos and give up old faithful i think not to do this you need to go to city hall and speak to the mayor as his assistant okay well first let's beg for subscribers and it's off to city hall ah and here we are hashtag city hall let's hashtag talk to this guy after all i would like to carry out a procedure welcome to city hall what procedure do you want to perform okay let's see we've got get the scooter permit a building permit for my house move to a different neighborhood a duplicate set of house keys or file for divorce what suddenly i'm so excited for what the future holds well i guess for now we need to get a building permit looks like you don't have enough money i think that's what this means anyway well if i can't do that can i at least get a scooter permit thank god i can just ride this thing anywhere and then just right into my house too bad it doesn't follow me in the house anyway back to the wild world of begging for subs [Music] oh we have a visitor and it's a real youtuber who i definitely didn't have to look up to know that i don't have time for explanations i need help right away i lost my friend german let's play we were looking for a magical golden coin that is essential to save new tube city and all of a sudden bang he disappeared hey that's a cool story and all but instead of doing that how about you hold still so i can use your hashtag in my crappy commentary videos thank god the suggestion thumbnail is just perfect holding pollutant hostage for subs oh my god we've got a big hit on our hands well while he's still here we should probably record another and now if you'll excuse me i'm very tired hashtag watch me sleep i don't get it why aren't they here in the morning i mean not that it matters we don't need them i still have a bunch of videos of them to edit aw crap i'm out of render points oh crap it's because my ram hard drive processor and graphics card are all destroyed how unfortunate wait does that mean i can just replace one of these and we're good to go after all it's not like we're making amazingly huge videos either way let's head on over to elite point your one-stop shop for computer components now let's see what is the cheapest thing we can buy it appears to be this 250 gig hard drive and it gives me two render thingamabobs i'm sure that's all we'll need i mean anyone who's a computer person knows this if your ram graphics card and cpu are all fried don't you worry just put in that fresh hard drive you'll be back to editing in no time after a long day of exploiting that guy that came to me for help back to sleep i go ah so many subscribers and before you know it we've reached the top 50. oh my goodness the maerus has sent me a dm over insta life you know the most official of channels for communication hey early life crisis come see me in my office in the city hall it's time we chatted by the way it's important that you come alone oh my goodness well if that's the case we should change our attire for such an occasion which is to say we're gonna change our george to a more formal black hang tight mayor this bastion of professionalism is coming in hot hello have you noticed that there have been a lot of conflicts with new tube lately blocks errors uh i think you mistake what i've been doing all i do is beg for subs it's because of a group of hackers who are altering youtube's algorithm to try and destroy it thanks to dr erman goud's new invention the tubetron nto37 we can travel to new tubes virtual universe i just want to make commentary videos if these hackers manage to destroy the algorithm new tube will cease to exist we cannot allow this to happen why is there a story in this game we already know that you have talent but to prove your commitment you must be the one to activate the tubetron you'll see the machine works with five codes disguised in the shape of medallions for security reasons they have been distributed to five citizens you and them will be part of the squadron that travels to the youtube universe oh god earn their trust and get each nt code by completing the mission they give you well that sure was a lot of exposition i have a much better idea one task at a time okay if they want us to be the savior of humanity or whatever fine we're not gonna do that till we first become the number one youtuber thankfully it's not going to be that hard as it turns out so hold still we're going to do that well looks like we're having some new results here our thumbnails seem to all say hacked now not like i'm concerned i mean really it's not that bad a thumbnail if you look at it top 25 reach effort to get there zero and scene and apparently that's all it took to become the number one youtuber ever all that achieved in year one and each season is one month long so we basically did that in less than three months oh did i mention by the way that on top of my 1.5 million subscribers we're also multi-millionaires with our 3.6 million coins yep life's been pretty good to us all we're doing is asking people to subscribe see there we are desperate topia begged our way to 78 million views and oh my god here we are at the gala look there's us and the number one youtuber is desperate topia oh my god it's me i love that during this award ceremony there's just this obnoxious hashtag forever floating and you can't get rid of it well that was cool can i go in and get another award [Music] the answer is yes desperatopia you've done it again two awards in the same night and yes you can do this forever okay new day new us and with that all squared away i guess it's time to finally do this nt code business which is to say we need to find these five people do their stupid missions and insert this stupid secret code thankfully we already know aaron you know this dumbass listen i heard from the mayors that you're searching for the codes but you know we still don't know each other well enough for me to entrust something so important to you are you thinking what i'm thinking what do you think sir collab hey and now the game locked up do you guys need a minute well i guess i did say collab all right fine game i'm gonna do a reboot but enough of him for now we've also got this dude adam that we're looking for and we're gonna run up and just bother him at his place of work are you gonna buy something or not oh he didn't like that well that's okay we'll just creepily stand outside and wait for him he has to get off work at some point right quick there he is get him stop following me by that do you mean you're interested in taking a picture under duress yeah there we go farm those likes oh hey that helps they seem to like your photo you can improve your relationship with your neighbors by talking daily posting a weekly photo with them or giving them gifts i like how the speech bubble is coming from him okay well that's good to know are you saying after each day passes we just go back up to people talk to them at their place of business and it increases their affection for us i guess we've entered the dating simulation part of the game now i guess all we need to do is locate all five make small talk and take creepy pictures with them oh hey and here's ziggy one of the other guys we need waiting for a haircut i doubt that very much listen i heard from the mayors that you're searching for the codes blah blah blah stay right there i'm gonna go hide in the corner but we're gonna call this a picture together hashtag ziggy why yes i do feel like we're becoming closer friends here's another person we need to talk to clara blah blah searching for code yeah yeah let's hold still and just take a weird picture while this lady does infinite bicep curls and creepily watches real pros only do bicep curls on one arm another success be back tomorrow and here's our buddy aaron again here wait right here we're gonna take a picture i'm just gonna be over here in the background creepily staring at you while you stare at that wall hashtag winter jorts yeah that's how you forge a friendship i figured out where the fifth and final person is right here in the hashtag sewers so the way we deal with this is we head to one of our favorite restaurants where it turns out we can buy some food like these tasty fried prawns now our inventory is absolutely stocked full of prawns which yeah we can consume or we can just hold it yeah just like that not in a box or anything and then we can just run through the city holding it out in front of us until we get to one of our friends and then we can just be like hello i would like you to have this offering from me one delicious shrimp loosely rolling around in my backpack is this for me creepy guy that walked behind the counter to give me food there you go just pack it away in your pocket for later and that helps them love us even more anyway the way this relates to the sewers here for some reason when you get close enough it gives you the option to leave food and when you do that the sewers love you and if you do that enough looks like we're invited in well let's see what we have here oh hello okay listen i'm pretty sure that this is a choice guitar literature air fresheners cheese and crackers yeah this is intentional it's more like hashtag sewer life anyway let's be really quiet we don't want to startle hello you're the one who left me all those presents outside aren't you you mean the shrimp listen i heard from the mayors that you're searching for the code yeah yeah yeah we get the drill oh but good she has a quest for me get a treasure chest so that katya can store all her precious junk awesome a fetch quest is that what all of you idiots are gonna have for me eventually i know we don't know each other very well but i've arranged to pick up a pen drive at the dock between 6 to 10 p.m just know that i visited everybody collected all of their dumb quests talk to them about their stupid problems did all their dumb quests and also forge relationships by giving them prawn presents and then eventually i get their codes or whatever which it turns out are actual giant coins at one point though we need to get to open up into a new room which looks all sparse and normal and we can't have that thankfully there's a world of different kinds of furniture not like we're gonna buy any of this stuff though not when these are available i wonder what the plumbing would look like for this surely it's a thing of beauty and let's take old faithful and move it into this room yeah that's even better quite the view for our awesome commentary videos now honestly i would probably watch a channel like this if all their videos had endless toilets in the background pretty sure i would find that endlessly enjoyable hashtag top secret we even had time to do some unboxings with our shrimp and that's how we collected all five of these things but the adventure doesn't end there because we've done a lot for these people now they like us a lot and within a really short period of time it's time to pop the question is this for me yes yes it is i know we've never like kissed or talked about dating yes i want to uh such a happy occasion officiated by the mayors who isn't even looking at us and we didn't even bother to shower oh and then he gets a little confused oh yeah very smooth oh and would you look at that we have a new wing of the house now you know what's funny if i go into ad furniture mode i'm not actually allowed to put furniture in her side of the house this bizarre room literally doesn't belong to me okay so be it that'll teach you to want to have your own space and if you go up to your spouse and say hi to her you know i don't know if it's actually best if you visit me okay that's cool hi yeah i'd like to carry out a procedure please i would like to file for divorce ending a relationship is always a difficult decision yeah it sure was all right we'll start the paperwork and it'll be effective as of tomorrow ah finally single again what do you have to say for yourself you know i don't know if it's actually best if you visit me yeah we know that part you're so handsome that you distract me oh i guess that goes to show the value of communication hey adam i was curious about something you're already living with someone else three's a crowd oh you're right i have to sleep off the last marriage hold on now to sleep blissfully alone on good news your bed is magically small again and that room is completely gone that's how you know the paperwork went through anyway where was i yes i will marry you well that was easy at least the mayor's looking our direction this time glad to see our bigger bet is back as is the room i don't actually get to use you know i only see one mistake with this whole situation they should have really made it cost money to file for divorce as it stands i don't think we have anything in common anymore and they're just getting between me and marrying all the other people we had to talk to don't you worry though i divorced all of them finally single again and now that we know that everybody on the team hates us it's time to put our nft things into the machine and there we go eureka it worked you've activated the tubetron look the whole divorce gang is here except this guy i think this is adam but who the hell knows and it was never talked about congratulations early life crisis you've proven that you're the youtuber we need i want you to meet the new tube squadron yep this must be adam the only one on the team who clearly took this way too seriously they will accompany you to the new tube virtual universe and help to restore the algorithm doors open and then one by one team new tube or whatever goes in there and finally us but then you know what happens that's just the end of the game so instead of that being our ending let's roll it back a bit here's what really happens they all step in and we're about to step in and then we decide now and then we shut the door where they're stuck formless and conscious for billions of years all divorces are final i want to thank ryza kingdoms again for sponsoring this video check out the game right now by scanning the qr code or use the link in the description and also use the code thing for extra stuff so i hope you had fun i know i did i'm gonna let him have his moment and let him do his dance of seduction for as long as he wants and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,918,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, youtubers life, youtubers life 2, youtubers life 2 gameplay, youtubers life 2 game, let's game it out youtubers life, let's game it out youtubers life 2, youtubers life 2 let's game it out
Id: HIzgRmWTxIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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