This Is What Going Insane Feels Like

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out mon bazoo today it's got all the things we love rusty fonts rusty cars and a whole lot of maple syrup also this video is sponsored by igg and lords mobile but more on that later i think this is like a driving-ish repair game based on the wrench and the wheel and that thing in the back and that mon bazoo means my clunker and not to mention all these falling bolts wait do these things just keep falling like forever well only one way to find out hold please yep they sure do this is from leaving the game on for 18 hours and now we've got bolts all over the place oh not in my take out but enough talk new game the game starts with us staring outside our window hearing longingly for the outdoors ah it looks like i'm in my very small very sparse bedroom but good news we can change shirts we're gonna settle on blue for now so you might notice that our posters are not in english that's because as the menu likes to tell us location east canada the date spring of 2005 temperature i don't know cause it's celsius so that helps to explain this poster and the lovely french language you can even see from our statuses as is up above we have all the important meters maple syrup poutine energy and anxiety all the things a growing body needs anyway let's check out the rest of our house nice beautiful starkly even lighting and it looks like we own a pickup truck for when we want to go out for a rip we can open the fridge so let's see oh yes all the essentials it's like a gun rack of maple syrup oh and there's more in here oh it's poutine by the way if you don't know what poutine is it's actually great and definitely looks just like that and over here we have our very fancy very cutting edge computer and again more importantly our knockoff tim horton's cup can i call someone who cares sure you can call someone who cares but first can you do something for me oh yeah i got this one but first let's talk about our sponsor for this video igg and their game lords mobile and hey lords mobile is collaborating with kung fu panda yeah that one if you download the game right now you get an exclusive limited time dragon warrior castle skin downloading will also give you a chance to potentially win upwards of 10 grand in cash and then they provided me this overlay to show what cash looks like see there you go but i counted up the bills and it's nowhere near 10 grand so let me fix that there that's better probably so what is lords mobile lords mobile is a free-to-play classic strategy game that's full of heroes battles and chaotic situations all pretty in 3d and waiting for you for what exactly well you can build your army you can create cities choose hero formations and join a massive community to play with hundreds of real people all over the world and if you only have a few minutes to play then you'll love the three-minute tower defense game mode so you have a few ways to win parts of this 10 grand cash giveaway there's the link in the description and in the game there's a might ranking where the top might player will win a thousand in cash there are also 500 and 300 cash prizes available based around this might ranking and also you can spin the lucky wheel and potentially win cash every time you upgrade your castle and regardless everyone who downloads gets a free lord's mobile gift pack worth 350 dollars and don't forget that dragon warrior castle skin thing is a limited time offer so you're going to want to pick that up as soon as possible so thanks again to igg and lords mobile for sponsoring so answer me this my canadian friends is this pretty much the canadian lifestyle do you actually own three separate types of vehicles outside of your absolutely amazing portable house overlooking a lake or the ocean actually this is starting to seem pretty sweet almost as sweet as this atv i mean i know what i want which is to go for a ride yeah let's do this oh boy this is fun well i think that's enough atv for me today but i'm glad it's here i'm sure we're gonna need it for something now let's take a look at this beauty i feel like there's lots to love on this car like the rust the mismatched paint job the grimy wheels in fact there's nothing about this car i don't love so let's take it for a spin shall we let's do this come on come on come on well that's not working oh i guess i wouldn't have gone very far anyway after all one of the wheels is missing and let's see what about you are you also a fixer-upper are you gonna work as normal ah excellent let's get this show on the road oh whoops i had it in reverse whoopsie daisy okay well that's great it's nice to know what our vehicles are and what secrets can we learn from this shed hopefully it's filled with more canadian things i don't understand what no bodies i mean close enough we got the chainsaw for carving the bodies and then we've got the shovel for burying the bodies and a blowtorch for shed stuff we also have a bunch of to-do lists and we all know how much i love guided instruction although in this case this might actually be quite helpful install the wheel that's missing off that car install a valve cover talk to your brother and sell firewood firewood is that where you come in handy chainsaw only one way to find out hey car think fast oh you can't cut this you don't know what i can't do fine let's try it on this tree hey tree think fast gasp and there goes the tree can i cut down any tree please say yes please say yes oh i mean i guess it's fair i'm pretty sure the game doesn't recognize this as a tree i don't know if anyone does but it looks like all the ones on my property can indeed be chopped down wait can i just cut down all these trees does my chainsaw ever run out i think i know how to solve this question nope chainsaw never runs out now it's just a tree graveyard and that means firewood aplenty but i digress let's check out some other shed duties so we need to install the wheel the valve cover and torque the wheels well yeah who doesn't know how to do that i don't know how to do this kind of stuff on cars i don't even know what torque means i guess we'll start with the wheel and i love by the way that there's no collision on these things you can even let things go in the car and then not get them back thank god there's no locks on this thing come here you okay so i think we can just there we go that was easy now i think we're supposed to put bolts on all five of these little points here but i mean do we really have to i'm betting not let's make sure to turn this game into crappy mechanic simulator where we half-ass literally everything oh boy and it turns out that's not gonna be too hard because i don't know what any of this means but we do have this valve cover and i'm sure we can figure this out together also known as let's wing it see that wasn't so hard and again it looks like there's six places for bolts but whatever okay did i miss anything use the adjustable spanner to screw a bolt do they mean just like give them a twist oh the answer is yes does that mean i don't actually have to screw in any of these other ones because i sure don't want to wait why is the top one done but the other ones aren't are you telling me i actually have to screw these in can i just use one of these screws oh yeah i sure can i mean listen installed means installed right since i don't know what these do i'm sure it's gonna be just fine yeah crisis averted-ish i guess that means for this we also have to screw in all of these things well i know we have all these bolts in here but why do that when we have all these perfectly good bolts right here we'll just borrow a couple from each tire it's fine we're basically full-fledged mechanics now okay and now that it's checked off time to unscrew them all almost all the way yep there we go just like a tire supposed to look and the wheels support us now also let's see if the car can start oh yeah well let's take this beaut around the block oh i forgot to close the hood can i just do it from in here okay cool perfect just make sure to watch those thingies onward you know i couldn't help but notice i'm not going anywhere what seems to be the problem oh oh how weird you know what i got a better idea why don't we just take the truck we'll just leave the car forever idling in the driveway the important part is that we get that tire pump at cali gas and let's see we have a map that should help us out except for the part where i don't speak french oh wait i can understand some of this like um and vroom so i think this is us which i think translates to not pretty but nice either way we're gonna try to make our way over to this blob since that appears to be the town okay let's do it yeehaw and no i won't be closing this door oh gotta shift and now i don't have to shift by looking down at it like this but i feel like it really adds to the realism for one you know when you're driving up a mountain road and you look all the way down to shift whoa no oh dear me downshift downshift oh yeah this seems like everything's going huh i wonder if things still work yep they sure do oh yeah we're fine clearly trucks were built for stuff like this well once again now we gotta know can we just drive away from land like forever just into the great unknown i guess i should secure the vehicle for this we're in for the long haul you know as the sun goes down leaving skid marks in the ocean as you do i couldn't help but notice that our need for maple syrup is also getting dangerously high and i have no idea what happens next now we know what happens r.i.p you die of hydration idiot where am i now am i in heaven nope just in my house again now i have this skull icon counting down but luckily i reset my maple syrup poutine and energy but my anxiety is weirdly high yeah i bet dying is pretty stressful now it's time to stumble around in the woods and try and retrace our steps and see if we can figure out what happened to our truck okay let's see this was the mountain i think this is about right here when the horse play began which means that the car oh yeah there it is just hanging out waiting for us well that was easy all right let's go get it oh my god is this my top speed in water well here we go i do need my truck after all finally the truck also changed directions i think i don't think it's my imagination according to the tire tracks it is indeed slowly turning well i'm not gonna question it i'm glad it was just idling and waiting for me i guess we'll head back to uh oh can't find anything oh thank goodness we can just follow the tracks back okay and we're back okay where were we i guess all we need to do is find the pardon me okay found the road where were we yeehaw new adventures await us oh a sign that's the town sorry about your sign well look at this we have a nice little seaside village what's this shack right here i'm glad this truck is so resilient let's see what do we got ah a potato seed whatever it appeared to be free so i'll take it here you just live in the back of my truck let's see let's take a look at our map okay so according to this we're probably somewhere right around there good thing we can operate the wheel apparently with our knees i wish i could remember what the thing is that i needed what was it called like cali gas or something huh oh well that's convenient there it is cali gas hello hello are you not open hours of operation huh 8 a.m to 17 30. oh damn it that's definitely not 17 30. that's fine i can wait oh oh or i could die again no big deal and by that i mean maybe i'll take the atv into town can't imagine why i would need to do that oh thank god the truck is still here yeah that's perfect can't even open the door anymore that's okay that's a problem for later hopefully this works excellent glad neither of you mannequins are concerned hey dork nice denim on denim oh don't look at me like i'm the weird one you don't even have a face okay let's get this over with how are you doing i see your vehicles you know we have towing services eh i'm sorry what makes you think we would need that everything is just fine you know what how about i just browse yeah let's do that look at all this fun stuff i love spray paint and i don't care about den repair kits oh there's what we're looking for good old tire pump let's take a closer look or because i touched it it looks like i bought it well thanks for your patronage you live back here with the potato now okay let's see is there a way that i can get this thing home with me i don't want to leave it here so we do have this other thing built into our truck called the hoist puller here's kind of how it works first you put it on the ground and then you take this end and you attach it to something like so at which point you can just start cranking backwards and pull it does now the bummer is you can't put this thing on anything but ground can't put it on the roof can't put it on walls actually maybe i'm overthinking this what if i just get on and oh it's dead maybe i just need to dislodge it first we'll just keep slamming it with the door until the whole thing comes apart almost there and there we go still won't start i think it might just be out of gas so we're just gonna pull it over to these gas pumps slowly but surely actually now that it's kind of lined up i wonder if we can just kind of get it to force its way on there we'll just take this thing put it sort of in the uh in the front like that and then we'll run this apparently through the car and just right on the front yeah this'll clearly work that's how you like to see is the truck lurching ever so closer to my face to my soft breakable cranium well it did do something all right just not what we expected let's see what happens when we put the truck in reverse still nothing screw it let's just use the truck to shove it around yeah that's the ticket just escort it over with the door oh and also hey guys inside thanks for helping okay filler oh super i don't want super where's the crappy gas store is close get out 1733 and they close at 17 30. well guess what you guys left the door open i might not be able to buy anything but so help me god i'm gonna put my mouth on everything okay sorry atv i guess we got to leave you here for the night since haunted gas station doesn't want to help me stupid haunted gas station with its stupid rules i guess at least we got my ah everything's fine everything's fine i mean at least we got our tire pump thing ah home sweet home yeah that's probably fine oh good where'd my tire thing go i have no idea where it went and i looked all over the place but i can't find it whatever we'll just check it out tomorrow after all it's night time let's try out the computer ah good old windows xp i miss you windows xp can we do anything on the computer ah this is how we save via dial up networking oh my god he's playing ultima online hold on i'm gonna be here for a while or i'm gonna die you know i'm not even mad at least it's day time now let's see if we can't find that stupid tire pump i have no idea where it went so i legitimately cannot figure out what happened to the tire pump i have looked all over the place and i absolutely cannot figure out where it went wait found it there it is so if we look back at the footage we can see as i'm leaving town i do a little one of these and it turns out that's when it fell out well glad i walked all over civilization looking for that time to carry it home okay finally we're back took me forever to walk this thing here i assume we use this to inflate the tires right oh we sure do is there anything stopping us from just going until we don't want to anymore oh now we know you ever feel like we're never going to get this car complete what if of the remaining tires i screw them in and then i pump them up to like a normal psi if i do this on the remaining three tires then i wonder if we can drive this thing with one missing wheel let's give it a shot oh good we're out of gas okay well gas can come with me we gotta take a little trip and you're gonna ride shotgun with me can't have you trying to escape on me almost there i've arrived good god just fill this thing up will you you disgusting you can't use peasant fuel are you serious i have to use super okay i've now proceeded to fill up everything i own with gasoline okay let's just put this down and cap is not on all the way okay if you insist don't see why you're being this way game just for that i'm gonna leave the cap open and i'm gonna drink deep from this one yeah you two like what you saw okay you know what let's try to get this thing on the back again i think all we need is some sloped ground like this or maybe this person's porch well let's give it a shot we'll just put this guy right here like okay yeah yeah just like that and now let's go get the trucks bring it over and back it up easy easy easy ah nice and secure and now all i've got to do is drive like a normal person and i'm sure everything will be just fine now hang in there atv this might get a little bumpy oh oh losing some traction losing the atv oh god no come back like after all this the next thing i see is the gas can sitting on my lap you know maybe i'll just leave it here for now i'll come back for you probably and back oh how i love being in my favorite ditch clear gas can let's go have you fill up the car i'm glad we can fill up all the way from back here okay oh yeah missing one wheel no problem you hear that sound that's progress yes excellent timing ah new body knew us just gotta shake off those post-death jitters how you doing car still hanging out that's cool oh and what's this i bet you fell out when i was messing with screws earlier eh you moved it all i'm sure it's not a problem good morning pickup truck no don't get up i'm just gonna hobble down the road and go get the atv there you are little guy don't you ever leave me again yeah that's definitely how that happened right oh my god what is this oh my god i have a neighbor just down the road hello neighbor i actually you know what we need to do this the proper way we're gonna do a little trick that i used to do on my bike when i was young called hopping off at the last minute good morning neighbor hope you're having a fine morning ah it's frances glad to see you little brother that's it huh okay that's fine you won't mind if i uh take a look around the property would you oh and look at this beauty oh i can't steal it how upsetting also what the hell is this place firewood here to sell oh firewood hey big brother i'll be right back i think we might have some firewood to sell because i don't know if our big brother knows this but we're something of firewood connoisseurs ourselves okay is this it this firewood can i hop on this and then pick this up and then drive oh yeah sure can just hold a giant log out in front of you arms fully extended it's a canadian thing you wouldn't understand oh i can taste the money already here you go what what's the problem is this not firewood enough for you hey francis how do you want this firewood prepared um what oh it's 17 30. i guess literally everything businesses are social close promptly at 17 30. well great talk and thanks for nothing stupid town closing everything it's stupid 1730 also stupid log not counting a stupid firewood let's see we've got all this wood but what do we do with it wait what the hell is that thing still can't tell by looking at it oh god do i have to actually like go on google and look this up god why do i have to do so much learning [Music] okay i did some googling and this looks to be a firewood cutter so there you go let's try it out let's see we take one of these nice fancy logs walk it on over to the wood cutter well that did it now we have two glorious pieces of firewood getting beautifully soaked in the rain so just for funsies let's take one piece of firewood and see how much it sells for i'm here to sell you firewood there you go seven dollars oh my god welp i think i know what we're about to do on this lazy sunday step one chainsaw the trunks step two fire wood it and step three hold please and there you have it a whole bunch of wood my favorite part is that it's quivering i'm gonna find you a great home i mean in theory i actually don't know how i'm gonna get this over there presumably the truck is a great way to do it josh feather touch that gas jesus i guess we just have to go one at a time don't we okay i don't know i'm not convinced this is gonna work everything seems a little shifty that well whatever one of the nice things is you can just shove it right into the middle really just make it the physics problem i think this might be as good as it gets the longer it sits the more stuff expands and falls out so we're on borrowed time here let's get going oh good i can't close the door because the wood is slowly creeping into the cockpit you know all things considered it's hanging in there pretty well coming in for a landing oh calm down little brother don't you see that it's full uh no i didn't realize you could ever have too much well good uh and we have all this extra firewood gosh i hate cutting firewood so much well then boy do i have great news for you here have some firewood okay bye oh but more good news if we wanted to sell more firewood looks like it's open for business again and you know what this is good and all i'm getting really tired of the pile just falling out so let's go ahead and utilize our other space especially since we can clip right through doors oh yeah this is working great oh my god i've shoved so much wood in here it's just everywhere you might be wondering how i'm gonna drive that sounds like a five minutes from now problem i wish i could tell you just how much wood i've shoved in here the answer is almost all of it remember that big pile that was right here help it's all in there now okay let's see if we can get inside somehow oh boy oh god quickly where's the seat stop shoving me away don't worry we'll get this oh i did it i made it in now we just gotta get to the ignition and now to close the door nope that's not happening all right and off we go it might be night time now but we did make it on the road finally what matters is that we made it to the pile yeah talk about easy money now i kind of wonder if there's a way that i can do all this without opening this door because that's really the troublesome part isn't it hang on i have an idea first let's back up the pickup truck into this space yes good next even though this thing doesn't have a back wheel it still seems more than capable okay and now let's see if we can make it huh okay first attempt didn't go so great but honestly we might be able to still salvage this with some hoist pullers just in the ground and now i'll connect this here and did you know these vehicles have those two after all what's better than one hoist puller obviously two okay so just uh just easy easy you're doing great switch over to the other one come on oh my god i think this is actually sort of working druck don't fail me now oh yeah that's looking great moment of truth let's see if we can roll forward easy easy oh my god oh my god yes no no no no no no no no stay stay stay right where you are everything's gonna be okay okay back to the hoist pullers can't really see what i'm doing but i'm sure it's fine see that's the magic i want just both tires off the ground oh yeah there it goes there it goes this is getting better and better isn't it wow these things sure are strong aren't they i'm able to pull a car on top of another car well this doesn't seem physically possible but uh who am i to judge oh god no oh god no no whatever we're gonna keep going i'm not gonna let my dreams stay dreams oh this is getting good again oh are we stable now i think that might have been the magic well i think that's about doing it let's test this by driving shall we car you ready to go welp still there only one way to know for sure though and that's to see if we can fill it with wood and one okay stop sliding and two and three how did we get here how does this feel totally normal to us at this point i mean if it's gonna help me sell all this then i think it's all worth it okay we've shoved a lot of firewood in there for some weird reason everything's rocking about i've had to hold it in place with these guys after all it continues to be the best way to reposition there we go okay let's go make a delivery shall we i can't quite tell what's in the rearview mirror i think it's the wood in the car which i can't see when i turn around whatever i'm sure it's just like a law of physics thing and here we are car intact and everything ah there it goes it just sucked all the wood out well that worked out shockingly well and you know what i feel like celebrating so let's go do some shopping top of the morning to you no no don't get up i'm just here for the spray paints oh yeah oh yeah i don't even really have a plan here i'm just gonna kind of dust everything with whatever color i just happen to pick up okay there we go this feels appropriately hideous doesn't it hey guys what do you think are you impressed by what you see at your fuel pumps it's okay don't be too jealous see isn't this a much more festive drive everything in the interior is so colorful even the rust bucket behind me looks great and wouldn't you know on my way to saying hi to francis i have a new option available can you help me with the garage thanks you little brother i will start working on your garage tomorrow well something tells me it's going to be right here on this spot on this concrete slab so let's get our truck stupidly in the way surely our brother will consult with us before he builds it and let me see what can i do while we wait it's definitely not more ultima online [Music] uh hello what the hell's going on out here excuse me oh i see i see that construction has started well this seems ideal when did you find time to do all this work it's like eight in the morning well great anyway where was i well seems like something's been happening while i was asleep and it seems like something is still happening while i'm awake looks like the garage is done huh can i take the grand tour would that be okay truck bodyguard we'll just sneak past you here and take a look inside ah good here's my desk for crying here's where i hang my photos of crying and this thing i slide around on pretending i was on a bobsled team oh and let's open the garage oh oh easy there buddy easy now the garage won't close because for some reason there's a foreign object in the way well this game sure is wacky isn't it i think we're gonna cap it here but there's clearly more stuff we could do so let me know in the comments if you want to see more of this i hope you had fun i know i did and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 8,049,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, lords mobile, mon bazou, mon bazou game, mon bazou gameplay, mon bazou lets play, mon bazou funny, let's game it out mon bazou, lgio mon bazou, let's game it out driving, let's game it out simulation
Id: VbPdjKlla5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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