I Spent 37,094 Years Making Humanity Regret Existing - WorldBox

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hey there's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out world box today a god tier god simulator where we can create little civilizations with big ideas and really anything that our heart desires so long as our heart desires the apocalypse and i know ours does hey speaking of the apocalypse let's talk about our sponsor for this video and that's dying light 2 which comes out really soon on february 4th and you can pre-order it right now using my link in the description so techland the creators of dying light 2 just released the final episode of dying to know which is basically a 30-minute show that features new gameplay and trailers developer interviews about making the game and fan contests that you can take part in so what can you expect from dying light too well let me tell you a sprawling open world where you can parkour to your heart's content creative combat that you can use against zombies and people alike i especially like messing with people day and night cycles that have their own share of unique dangers like this guy or this one and a little bit of that oh my not to mention your choices in the game matter and will shape the city as you play and most of all you can go it alone or pile in some friends for some two to four player co-op i'm pretty pumped about this game i played the first one to death so i'm pretty excited to use my grappling hook scale these rooftops miss time all my jumps and fall to my death all while my co-op buddies are laughing at me and did you know rosario dawson is in this game everyone loves rosario dawson you can see more about that and that dying to know thing i talked about like 30 seconds ago and again dying light 2 is coming out on february 4th which is right around the corner and you can pre-order right now using my linky below so thanks again to techland for sponsoring and i'll see you on february 4th okay so here we are in a randomly generated world i'm pretty sure this is gonna be the first of many and i'll tell you why one because of this thing in the middle this active volcano that's slowly eating everything up reason two there are disasters in this game a whole lot of them actually we can raise and lower the temperature we can strike lightning we can cause earthquakes tornadoes and more oh and we have another tab right here what do you think those are they look kind of like fish don't they well you're wrong they're bombs because that's the destruction powers tab look at all the random stuff we have we got four kinds of tnt fireworks explosives ranging anywhere from grenades to nukes and then if we're feeling really exciting we can do a giant bowling ball a meteorite warning can kill everyone if it lands on a village excellent and i'm excited to try this one out the heat ray hold the heat up the pixels hold longer to melt them oh boy are we gonna have fun i am kind of curious though like look how far the volcano has gone in the small amount of time i've been talking if i just leave it here what's gonna happen in fact what happens to everything if i just leave it here for a while well let's put it to 5x speed and see if it slowly crawls out over time hold please all right so it looks like not a lot can happen it's the year 700 now just making its beautiful eye of sauron right here in the center of our universe hey what is this what is that little turquoise dot why it appears to be a fly auto-named ew age 38 oh my god flies can live to be 38 in this world on these islands there is other wildlife too i go over here we can see that we have stuff like foxes which has the trait of wise i would assume so seeing is how you're 50 years old and then we've got this island over here which is mutually populated by rhinos and buffalo well that's interesting if you've survived this long i assume that means you must be in perfect balance with the ecosystem right so let's mess with it a little bit first things first let's expand the land we're just gonna make it a nice little perfect circle here sorry that it's taking down some of the trees just kidding no i'm not ah would you look at that nature is healing interestingly enough though the beast population hasn't really changed at all i also don't think there's 200 creatures here i think it's being influenced by all the other living beasts i'm talking about all you cute furry little things you're messing with my scientific research and for that we're gonna give you the bowling ball okay i really don't know what to expect from this but here we go oh oh oh that's big all right okay great well now that we know what it does here have some more this is not exactly what i was expecting in the best kind of way well this is a barely effective way to kill anything what if we just introduce one predator will that take care of you guys run bunnies run for your lives what are you like petrified by choice like it's netflix or something well your food meter is at 72 and you haven't decided on your favorite food yet but don't worry i have faith you'll figure it out what are you looking out there for there's nothing out there for you i like how the bunnies like feel bad for this bear it's okay we can all be friends oh what's happening here oh i guess that's how little bunnies are made oh my god did the bear just yep it sure did i know it says you don't know what your favorite food is but i think we all secretly know let's just put you on your own island so you can think about what you've done or not i didn't stop to think that you're just gonna swim across i forgot that bears can swim try to pull a fast one on me will you that's fine there's always bigger fish in the sea and in this case i mean this a dragon okay we'll just go ahead and put this down [Music] aw see now we're talking prepare to meet your maker bear or not where the hell are you going what's so exciting for you up here oh i see you just wanted to harass these monkeys i mean i guess i kind of get it they are trying to fight back which as you can see is really working out for them okay now we're talking i think it's going back to the bear oh just a love tap than somewhere else huh it couldn't help but notice it's doing everything but attacking the one thing that i wanted it to do [Music] oh okay great you did some fine work your services are greatly appreciated here's your prize a heat ray here you go yeah try and sleep through that and scene oh that really does some fun things to the landscape doesn't it and as an aside either from the dragon's actions or my own things are on fire oh how unfortunate all right so be it we're just gonna handle this problem on our own just gotta give it a feather touch until everything is turned into lava i know that when you zoom out it's like really chunky pixels but it still feels so good ah see that's much better everything is pure lava except for that one island and now we can safely say that all the beasts here must be from that one island so here we are year 800 i think we're doing pretty good so far and look at this some of these creatures have lived forever i didn't know buffalo could live to be 148 nature is crazy so just to confirm when left to their own devices they don't really get much larger in population but i don't know maybe now that the rest of the world's population is dead maybe it'll work out different if we just leave them alone so let's try okay so we've been sitting here watching them do nothing for the last hundred years not a lot has changed we have 95 beast which is a little bit up from what it was but honestly i don't think it's these guys and here's my evidence in our little blocky pixel world we can make out a couple of things like there's the volcano and those little pixels moving around are the rhinos and the buffalo which means what are these little white things moving around well let's find out oh crabs who knew they could survive a heat laser from space or that they could live to be 87 years old but anyway these crabs would explain this discrepancy in the amount meaning that over here the population is staying exactly the same well that's not super exciting but you know what would be adding more stuff so let's re-add a bunch of nature we already have our rhinos and buffalo so we don't need to add that but for all these other things we're gonna add 50 of each and we're just gonna let them duke it out and figure it out on their own okay there we go a big disgusting overlapping pile of pixels oh yeah perfect harmony on nature just watching little pixel creatures fight other pixel creatures hey wait a minute who invited you i love watching this one monkey run from all these rhinos oh and just like that after a little bit of fighting looks like the dust settled and now there's all kinds of creatures on here can't really tell by taking a quick glance but i think all they did is kill the wolves and that might be it now that we have a more comfortable sample size let's just let them figure out their surroundings and we'll check back into them later don't let me down you 185 beasts [Music] and you let me down it makes me sad to only see 125 beasts but who doesn't like 29 000 deaths i mean i did give him 35 000 years to sort this out so i guess this is what nature's equilibrium looks like we've still got our buffalo but also some cows and monkeys and that appears to be it my god did you know that cows can live to be 145 and that buffaloes can become 202 my goodness the things you must have seen well i guess that's all past tense now since you went behind that tree and died we did it we found the perfect circle of animal life so let's screw with it some more i believe this is the savannah biome which is known for being hot so let's see how it deals with a grassland's biome we'll just go ahead and do a nice sprinkling of seeds now the savannah parts look like slices of pizza oh this is exciting we can actually watch as the biomes fight over the land ah look at nature fighting over this like a giant petri dish kinda seems like the grasslands are taking over so it sounds like we should probably introduce the most dangerous of prey human beings besides humans we do have other varieties like elves and dwarves and orcs but we're gonna go basic for now with good old basic humans with basic needs we're just gonna put five of you down right in the middle okay play nice and before long they've got tools they've already harvested some wood and now they're taking that wood and i don't know what i just saw why can't you people leave that buffalo alone it's 93 years old leave it alone oh and this one's so excited to work she can barely hold on to her head it's so creepy yet perfect sure didn't take long for them to build civilization did it they've already built themselves a little tent and a fire which the cows seem to really love a little too much so far they're all in the same little group you can tell because they're all wearing blue like this one that's just like mario if mario were shirtless underneath oh hey look a rhino i thought you went extinct hey guys you might want to be careful they look a little tough see what did i tell you and you too and you and you well i bet you guys feel stupid you just died to a rhino that's 133 years old which means it's all up to you headless lady now you're not gonna do something dumb like attack that rhino are you you know why am i surprised welp i guess the blue people have been defeated by their mortal enemy the rhino oh nature you're so strong see there you go you could have just left it alone and time would have taken care of it i think that might have been the last one so let's go ahead and try that again we're still only doing five people they need to figure out how to make this work okay so they're off doing their thing flying fields making a big fire oh and look they've got fancy shirts now they're ready to go to the office and while they're doing their thing let's go ahead and check out some of their kingdom info so far we have one kingdom the sockish well let's change that second chance failures yeah i like that a lot more and let's change the pre-made slogan our ancestors sucked and we probably suck but we'll do our best to see if okay that's as far as it lets us type our ancestors sucked and we probably suck but we'll do our best to see absolutely perfect i wish them all the best oh i also forgot to mention but i named this whole area failureville i don't know it felt appropriate it seems like this might be going better the second time mostly because there's no single one rhino to just ruin everybody so basically what happens is over time they start to develop their own civilization their tents are slowly turning into houses they've started to have children of their own and civilization grows and grows and what a nice harmonious life we already have 24 people i got an idea it's the year 36 944 that means in 56 years 37 000 let's check back in with them then and see how they're doing and there we are well look at that we have all these little houses we even have whatever the hell this is obviously a ski lodge oh boy and look apparently we have a standing army nice weapons you dorks oh my god they're actually wielding sticks created by viru from second chance failures 27 years ago oh yes the family stick passed down through generations of second chance failures they're not all like this though look this one has a wooden sword rare weapon yeah keep telling yourself that that definitely wasn't a lie your parents told you and what's with the shield over this guy's head why is he so special besides the fact that their traits appear to be slow and ugly but your favorite food is sushi so you're a winner in my book i think they must run the army that's my assumption does that mean they follow this person around i think they do you think what i'm thinking and does that have anything to do with this tool i certainly hope so cause that's what we're doing divine magnet grabs creatures to be dropped somewhere else all right everyone move i want to take just the one guy don't try to hide behind a tree it's not going to save you there you are i got you ha ha oops picked up a couple others well whatever anyway get in the ocean okay there he is why aren't you following them into battle what if i bring them back to land okay so they do try to follow them come here then what if we drop you off like right here i don't get it why don't you want to follow them don't you idiots believe in your leader well what if i take one of you and drop you in the dead center between the two places where are you gonna swim now back to shore okay you leave me no choice let's pick up all of these people i've picked up the whole army here pick a side go okay well that's not really picking a site at all is it i feel like you don't know where you're going i mean at least this i get coming back to shore obviously makes sense but where the hell are all of you going i guess we'll just see how this plays out this is the grand journey of humanity after all looks like some of them are safely here ish i can't believe you're all swimming all the way up here why would you do this what makes you think this is a good idea oh you know what they might not be there that long look what's being made right now and look at that they've chosen a new commander even though the old one is still alive i guess they just decided they didn't need him anymore well what are you guys waiting for do you want to mount a rescue or what oh boy here we go nope never mind it's just a fishing boat sorry guys i don't think you're gonna make it out of here but don't worry i'm gonna find a way so you can die with honor by turning into a zombie just a couple of dashes of this and that and before you know it tada brains are on the menu including the cow i had no idea oh my god look rescue is upon us no you don't want to pick him up is anybody interested in being rescued oh oh they're coming to get you oh my god quickly friends make your way to the boat quickly before it's too late quickly oh no that sucks but hey at least these people got rescued right right don't you want to get in there why aren't you getting in the boat yes not the boat's leaving without you bye and now it's on its way home ah yes definitely scrape the boat on everything that's just some good sailing it did it it brought our people back i guess i was a little premature in turning you into zombies huh quickly get on before the zombies see you oh or make the poor decision to go fight the zombies well i guess the boat just takes off well that sure is nice that it goes and picks people up can't beat that service now what happens if i trap you inside first it appears the boat just sits here for many many months because realistically that's how long it took for this dude to walk up to the boat anyway and then it just sits here waiting for something anything oh i see they just send another boat to pick the rest of the people up but wait there's still two people on board and also what the hell is the name of this culture can we change this ah we sure can license to not know stuff we are quite the culture aren't we and to my complete shock it seems that most of our people have been rescued most of them well this is all fine and dandy but we really need to give them something to do just look how bored they are you know i've got an idea let's build another civilization and let's build it right around this one and because the village in the center has a head start we're gonna give them some extra people a lot of extra people like a lot a lot of people like a lot a lot a lot of [Music] yep just a couple more for some reason the frame rate isn't liking this don't know why don't care why i think in the middle ring here there's about 300 total villagers which means that out here there's about 15 000 people of which most of them are on this little square right here unpause oh yeah there they go spreading out like a tidal wave starting oh my god it's just so many people yeah that's right form a very very solid single file line going that way and then one going that way where's everybody headed where are you going uh i see they're coming together at the top to form i don't know what a lot of mingling i guess i also see something kind of interesting happening here a boat from across the really really tiny river has made its way over here and you can actually see now there's two distinct groups we've got the light blue people and then we have some people from across the way and i don't know what they're doing here but they sure brought a lot of their friends so hopefully soon they don't get along oh look they built their first house and oh my god everybody's going inside yes don't worry there's room for everybody in there oh my god this looks ridiculous how many people are in there and how are things going on down here oh look they formed their own tribe separate from the other one and they've got two houses to shove all these people in i love it it's like a steady train of ketchup and mustard oh and that's not all there's even a separation right here over on this side we have another group surprisingly no one's building anything right here probably because this crap is in the way that said i think we're about to face a true dilemma which is everybody is starting to get hungry which makes sense after all i didn't put any animals on this space so something tells me that we're gonna start seeing some mass death real soon that's okay i'm sure you guys could just sleep it off kind of wonder if we make a little bridge right here will they march over and start taking everything let's find out quickly buffalo get to our side of the land this is your chance to feed like one person in a nation uh-oh the militias here oh boy this is getting weird you guys better start making some moves you might get hungry soon [Music] oh hungry is an understatement oh it's happening over here too in fact it's happening over the entire ring either way let's go ahead and close this up no one seems interested anyway oh god it's so alarming when everyone takes damage simultaneously so what's the plan fellas are you gonna be able to figure this out or are you just gonna keep taking damage over and over again you know i think i do know one solution but i don't know if you're gonna like it oh what the hell we gotta try come on friends i have a new assignment for you i'm just gonna drop you off right into this space right here you know where it's not too populated have fun now they're being attacked this much is true but there's a couple infected in there so i think some things are gonna happen 26 infected yep it's starting to spread surprise they might i'm not sure if they can handle all the zombies that are being created yes yes yes come and try and fight them in your hungered weakened state yeehaw oh god looks like some got launched the mainland and things are on fire so much is happening here we got zombies coming in from this angle meanwhile we have zombies fighting up here and a bunch of stuff on fire down here this is honestly better than i could have ever hoped the world on fire and everybody in a panic try as they might i think it's time to admit that all is lost even the center has fallen to the zombies well looks like the zombies won it wasn't really part of the plan for them to get to the middle but i guess we were playing with nature so what did i think was gonna happen i bet you're glad you're out there now aren't you so i hope you had fun i know i did i'm gonna use some meteors to hide the truth about what happened here and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,459,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, worldbox, worldbox god simulator, world box, world box game, worldbox game, worldbox gameplay, worldbox let's game it out
Id: 3dNZA5YivtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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