Bro Travels Back in Time, Goes Punch Crazy - The Warhorn (Early Access Gameplay) - Let's Game It Out

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hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I am Josh today we're doing a first look at a game called the war-horn early access zero point eight point two point five welcome let's game it out good to be here welcome but war-horn that's so we're awake now what do we got here whoa whoa easy there dude let's let's calm those fists see we got bread off the plate we have ale must have been a wild night I just punch anything this is the kind of person we are sun's out guns out all right so let's pick up the bread got a note here welcome I left a few items for you in a chest I think that they will be very helpful since you are here for the first time you can find me downstairs this supports my wild night theory oh wow I got really cute toes okay what do we go up look at my a my a time-traveler why do I have a v-neck in like cargo shorts where my shoes in the meantime let's go ahead and take these sticks and roast beef and all mine now I just hit spacebar and took them all another chest day I don't have a key fine fine I'm not gonna ask too many questions I'm gonna take this gold though as well as this loose tallow these nice silver dollars here pretty much anything that's not nailed down is gonna become my property as far as I'm concerned let this can't get in here I stand up can I just up welcome to your nightmare am i late for frisbee golf did the boys leave without me I had enough screwing around but it is nice to know there's a third person mode here so we can see our beefy lumberjack are you my Savior talk to Adam you're the quartermaster here am i right you're right my friend welcome to our city if you need any help you can always visit me and ask I know many people on the island so I might be able to help you what's the price for an i for newcomers it's always free I'm glad that new people are visiting the island there's some bad people out there so it's always nice to see fresh kind faces do you know anything about the warhorn why are just really cutting to the chase not much I just know that it is hard to find and I got a new quest I don't understand how it all works but wizard Jacob should know more about it he's walking around the city so just just go and find him you can also go and talk to my brother's snaff or as I'm gonna call him oh snap at the end he might know more where my clothes how wild did I get last night you put it beside your bed so I hit it in the chest in case someone wanted to steal it we got top buddy you should be very careful with your items my friend anyway there you have it I watched you sleep in the nude I know that it may be hard to get used to but you should have your eyes open at all times on this island you just told me how you're happy to see a kind face and now you're like harden up and kill someone I would recommend buying a map from Gregory our cartographer also if you encounter wooden house in the middle of nowhere you can be sure that you can find one in there what you have questionable ethics sir alright let's let's take a look at all your things though oh you just left these coins lying around huh it's just too bad what's this what it was but let's see any any gloves anything I can take this all looks like adding you keep the good stuff down here don't you I'll take that speed potion a healing heal night vision and a key well that's early access for you they have an implement at the part where they care that I've stolen all their stuff but that's my gain isn't it yeah what do we got in here eight gold nuggets already turning green to show they're counterfeit oh hey there's my clothes too so I think we can admit that I am a time traveler right because before I'm just some dude bro working at a start-up and now I'm some dude bro who somehow got convinced to go to a Ren Faire he still put on the outfit cuz he thought it'd get him laid look at this vibrant world out here where do we start let's see only I could decipher these clues so this game advertises base building that's what really led me to this i mean i i'm all for rpgs in general especially once it just let me steal things right out from under people but outside of the RPG elements what really got me going on an axe it's the promise of base building and village building that excited me mostly ways that i can torment my own villagers so i have no idea if that's possible but we can always hold on to that hope see if we can make it a reality for now i couldn't help but notice that my guy is incredibly thirsty hey check it out well there's this hey buddy don't watch what i'm gonna do okay oh yeah there we go just drink up yeah there you go it's not gonna be poisonous at all what can you tell me sir oh he's the armorer that's why he has all these things because I'm not gonna need all this crap cuz you go wait hold on spoke too soon look at that cap I think we have something to look forward to now in the meantime let's continue our journey of seeing if there's anything not nailed down because if there's one thing we learned these people don't really care if you take things have a great day sir oh hello I'm not interrupting anything am I hello sir oh my goodness look at all these axes I can take and these torches oh you're my favorite house I like how if you take one step over he looks over like nut what'd you do over there we got to find one of these guys that's got work for us although I'm starting to think the best work is drinking out of these barrels here and then just taking what we want for example so this point I'm carrying four axes and I already have a full inventory I think we're doing everything right here we can see on the right side here there are things that we can craft my understanding is if there's a little green indicator there that means that I have the materials needed to make it pretty simple recipes pretty obvious I'm feeling that we also have a building tab which shows us all of the fun things that we can make this very it's real interesting you've got your beds your chairs your candles all paintings trophies flowers rugs can I open this I don't know how to use lockpicks it's not that hard dude you've seen what they do in the movie you just look around a couple of times and you just Jimmy the thing in there well hey there rain boots what are you doing are you here for the Ren Faire - hello I'm Gregory I am a cartographer you want I can sell you a map of the island 250 gold what hey Gregory I got an idea how about you take your map and here's my payment what do you think of that huh you like that payment huh open window hey shouldn't a left your window open like that Gregory let's see if I were Gregory's key where would I be all right Gregory you won this round but I'll be back that really lays the groundwork for something exciting though which is that we can just crawl right in through windows I really shouldn't leave all this stuff lying around like as a town do you think they're gonna notice this epidemic of all their stuff missing I also like that you can be a maniac and just run around town shadowboxing oh my god what is this up here hi ROG ghosts what do you do in the city another young face I am Raj ghosts and I'm the architect here I make sure that newcomers are able to build almost anything out of wood I don't want you to take this the wrong way but there isn't enough space for newcomers here so I encourage you to build your own village if you want to stay alive longer I have her plans for log buildings and planked buildings what that's your pitch your pitch is that there's not enough space in town you should make your own town and of course like any discerning customer my only question is just wooden buildings I see them have a more ambitious builder it's good to hear that you want to be more safe when you're ready to build stone buildings go and visit the small stone city I really recommend you by a map of the island from Gregory look I'm on to your guys little pyramid scheme okay just show me what you've got to offer here oh my god why is this stuff all so expensive I can't believe all these people I realize they built a really pretty town here but geez Locke day well never stopped me before there we go there we go what's this a map for free you shouldn't have and out we go take a look at this map now what you mean I don't have a map I'm holding it right here look look okay so I had to absorb the map into my skin which is what I just did there we go look at wow it's a really detailed map considering all the money I just saved this is a crazy piece of paper look at that it's got the tear mark still but I can move it around magic castle stone city there's a lot going on here warrior Camp thief camp fisherman camp I am overwhelmed here's what I'm getting from the plot I want something called the war horn I'm not willing to work for it I just need people to tell me what to do if they lock their doors it's no big deal to me because all I need to do is run around go on the window no one seems to care I haven't seen any guards yet I don't know how to pick locks but we'll figure that out a lot of little decoration around a lot of barrels to drink out of a lot of windows to climb into look at this box of heavy leather pants I got spruced up you look look at this ideal little piece of wow that moon moves fast all questions and concerns can be directed to the quartermaster Adam or his brother oh snap from the inn it's recommended that everyone buys a map from Gregory as well as building plans from the architect ROG coasts dude do you see the scheme that this city is running Gary Gary doesn't want to talk to me maybe Gary will talk to my fists let's get out of here uh here we are in the grand expanses of where they told me I should build my own city this guy's all business look at this I tried to talk to him he's like here's the map tell me where you want to go here's how much it costs no eye contact oh it's like I'm running around a painting so if we look at our map we're leaving Old Town look at these sunflowers did I just like take them and turn them into XP is that what's happening here let's go into the forest here oh yeah yeah take out that tree show what's up getting wood from this as you can tell by the little symbol that appears every time I hit it and also I get some sweet Oh what happened here I think this is the indicator that the tree is now out of stuff and now the tree needs to heal before I can start beating on it again I neglected to show this but we also have character screen here we have our notes because we've been stealing these whenever we find them and we have our quests which I don't know if you know this but our adventurers name is literally let's game it out but we also have this hilarious skill tree of which we got fun stuff like unlocking fighting unlocking building unlocking mobility and survival but you know it's what you can expect the fighting thing you've got stuff that allows you to do more damage survival stuff your tools are better your hit points are better your hunger is slower for mobility you can move faster you can swim better and building of course you're better repairing your buildings are better and you can eventually build war machines I need to understand how to unlock lock-picking and I guess building apparently I gained a new level let's unlock survival that uh I did it don't look now I see dinner he's he easy easy no no come here come here yeah aces oh god it's like I'm chasing like a sausage with legs oh yeah Ludum yeah take it all oh you look so majestic you're gonna look so much jessica's I'm stabbing you that's what I'm talking about yeah it turns out I've got superhuman running oh yeah you don't have a family do you no that's not okay dude did your bones I'll just go away when you died are you still breathing oh my god I think he's still alive oh no oh my god he actually just stopped breathing as I stared at his upside-down mangled body this is the most traumatic thing I think I've seen in a video game well I'm over it let's eat some raw venison oh I don't even need my knife for this I can just do this the old-fashioned way right just punch something in the butt forever oh I got it so weird because the tail keeps flying up in my face and I just keep going straight for the dead center of the bullseye oh my god it died with his eyes just open staring at me I'm like the deer rigor mortis set in instantaneously check it out this field actually might be a good place to start my town so if I go to building mode over here there's a bunch of different things I can do in order to build your house you need to have building plans and a totem placed totem I can start with so I don't know this seems as good as any here we go right here oh boy here we go again enter the village name punch Ville good old punch Ville now we're heading back to the main city to get us some building plans but I found oh yeah I just knock them all off don't have any finesse whatsoever just stroy mother nature's fast as you can my god is this the town's only outhouse does everybody have to use this I which one of you people s building plans I'm sure it's not you but let's ask anyway hello there leave me alone I don't have any money I can't help you my friend I'm just looking for a job go attacked my brother I'm currently busy as hell yeah dude you look at sure am thirsty where's one of those things I cannot here we go that's the good stuff I rush goes I'm here to pay your exorbitant prices give me the wooden building plans thank you what do I do with these I think this means I absorbed them into my into my essence yep you have a new skill check out if we look over at our character here building uno is now lit up Thanks now that I know how to build if I push B I believe this laser field is the boundaries of my town we need a Town Hall this is easy I put it no I just put it right there let's have it sure whatever that seems good really that's my Town Hall you just show me the dream and it's like here you go [ __ ] build it I've never felt so honeydicked in all my life did you see that giant building it was like yeah this isn't this impressive yes what it could be get to work what do you mean modified this is a pile of sticks okay now I get it I was like wow this is too good to be true fifteen wood hey I'll put the wood on there there we go you take that here I have now build it oh now we're talking now it's like a montage in front of me this is emotions running high over here first I feel tricked now I feel like I'm watching a specter build my house for me Wow in the Town Hall you will find books that will enable you to manage and upgrade your village that's cool are they gonna call me mayor what's this key for how come I can't pick up my own key ah look at that that's not a merchant braking at all is it my god I can create NPCs tell me more about this all right punch Ville what can we do here resources required to level up 50 easy here we go level up what did that what did that even mean okay so now wants planks and wood needy mother this is great and all but mayor let's game it out it needs his own house first let's build us we're gonna put the foundation there and there and there in there I can't help but think I built a little high but it's too late now I guess now let's do some stairs looking real spruced up here I just realized now I'm gonna have to do some weird single doors leading into the same house why can't a place these huh what's the deal you're too good for these walls oh do I need do I need to put these down does that allow me to build walls ah got to really structure this out and then comes the walls here that that that and that well could look worse of course we're gonna have a second story of some design that I have not decided yet so for now we'll just have this weird-looking structure going to the sky like that looks like a little mini castle doesn't it one important thing we're really gonna need is that water barrel so let's make sure to put that somewhere where I can access it all of us yeah okay cool that's exactly what I meant that is precisely where I wanted that water barrel just to suspend it in the air so that when I want to drink water I'll just jump into it and just dunk my head real quick well now that you're there I've committed you're staying right there floating in the air for all to see so I think I'm gonna cap it here for our first look at war-horn but you know we've got so much left to do we have NPCs we need to bring into our town we have so many other plate look look at the map here look at the map we've explored basically this little section right here there is so much more game out there just asking for us to discover it probably people to beat up got a magic castle to go to so I think there's a decent chance that you're gonna see the war horn again if nothing else I need to see what it looks like when we make our own village and one day my graceful mansion with the possessed water trough will be complete so that's gonna do it for this episode of let's game it out as always I am Josh thank you so much for joining me let me know in the comments what you thought of this game and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,481,181
Rating: 4.9528375 out of 5
Keywords: the warhorn, the warhorn game, the warhorn gameplay, warhorn, warhorn game, warhorn gameplay, warhorn early access, the warhorn early access, warhorn pc, the warhorn pc, the warhorn survival game, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, lgio josh, josh lgio, survival rpg, rpg survival, time traveler discovers animals with no bones, animals with no bones
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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