I Won the Apocalypse by Starting My Own - Project Zomboid

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out project zomboid today which kind of looks like if you're playing the sims 1 if there was a zombie outbreak and they fled the suburb only to get devoured by zombies oh and also this video is sponsored by gentian impact but more on that in a little bit for now new game we have our choice of four different places to start all of them in kentucky so nothing matters so we'll just go with the top option ah now for my favorite part making a character name tasty mcorgan's let's see hair type let's go with oh yes the picard excellently dignified and for beard type obviously the mustache hello everybody's math teacher t-shirt nun tank top none chest hair yes pants obviously denim shorts i feel like he's basically complete actually wait no no shoes only socks okay tasty mcgorgans are you ready to survive the apocalypse ah here we are in our our amazing trailer what is this who goes there one tarnation is happening over here oh it's the tv looks like shows are still running you bet they are weird and i bet you want to watch but first it's time to talk about our sponsor for this video gen shin impact the engine impact is a vast open world rpg that's available on four different platforms that includes ios android pc as well as playstation including ps4 and ps5 your magical adventures take place on the continent of tivat where you venture into seven different regions all with different unique cultures and seven kinds of elemental powers just waiting for you to discover and when we say venture we're talking climbing swimming and gliding all over the world taking in jaw-dropping landscapes just look how picturesque this looks the game also features an engaging storyline intriguing puzzles and cross-platform cooperative play so gentian impact recently released its latest update version 2.5 let me tell you all the fun stuff that's been added that will appeal to both new fans and returning travelers first off new characters this includes yay miko and the return of classic characters ryden shogun and san gonomia kokomi alongside these characters comes new story quests for both ryden shogun and yayamiko and we've also got a new boss available an anonymous ryden shogun lookalike and you as the player get to unravel their mysterious identity version 2.5 will also introduce a whole new series of shadowy husk enemies of which we have three varieties we've also got new events including the three realms gateway offering that's all about exploring the map around encounter mia as well as something else called divine ingenuity where you get to design your very own domain using resources from the event that you can then publish and let other players test it out and lastly we've got something called drink a dreaming where players will take on the role of a bartender at deluxe tavern and we all know how much i love tavern stuff so whether you're new to genchin impact or thinking about returning there's tons waiting for you on top of that enter this super easy to read super easy to type redemption code and get 60 primo gems and 5x adventurer's experience you can also find the code in the description as well as a linky to learn more and thanks again to gentian impact for sponsoring i'm glad the tv is here to distract us from the fact that this guy sleeps on a bear mattress let's take a look at our surroundings wow look at all the books we have it's filled with all the greats like generic book generic magazine ooh and farming magazine i want to check that out right now that's the spirit no better time than literally right now and of course we want to make sure to check every drawer you never know what we're gonna find like a gun case excellent i'll take that oh good he's carrying it around i like how in theory he could use that other hand to steady the pistol but why do that when it's gonna protect your kneecap anyway let's see what else we have here stop right there toilet excuse me can't you see that i'm busy here hey beauty bubble stand back please or taste lead hey ow you know i can't help but think that this could have gone better and who would have thought firing a gun was going to attract more friends well that was fast and then because he got bit he rises from the dead and he's getting plenty of exercise and i really like what's happened to his jeans anyway let's try that again name tastier look organs and just to differentiate the two we'll give them different colored socks oh thank god this guy lives in a much nicer place we got like a nice kitchen and we have not one bedroom but two and what might this be a jacket nope not feeling it no chest hair no deal and to make sure we don't change our minds we're just gonna rip this clothing there you go buddy excellent but contained in this cabinet were some fancy gloves we're ready for the opera and that's great and all but hey does this stove still work let's see let's set this to 500 degrees and turn on yep looks like it's on what is all this racket over here oh it's one of the local youth i see here let me give you a hand hey you can't just climb in here it's time for you to feel the wrath of my sock more solicitors no you stay outside what did i just say and what is this new fancy icon we have well that's weird pain in my foot anyway let's see what this twerp has on him we're gonna take this backpack because obviously we need something like this ah yes perfect attire excuse me hey dork i'm busy fine come on in i was in pain once i can be in pain again okay where was i well looks like i got scratched on my left foot and i'm bleeding okay you know what hey kid i'm gonna have to take those shoes okay i'm glad we're a perfect fit and just to blend in i better take this baseball cap visor backward of course yes there we go hello fellow children next we're gonna use these ripped sheets we got from hulking out of that jacket earlier and fixie are scratchy okay so far so good we're gonna need lots of food like these chips which why wait let's eat them now oh and look at all these canned goods let's dig in starting with this dog food well-fed tummy is full you hear that buddy you have yummy in your tummy except you know i think i'm in the mood for a warm meal so let's warm them up in our nice hot oven see they're heating up already while we wait let's go ahead and watch some nice tv i mean some of the channels still work check this one out do we have to sorry jackass this is the only channel still broadcasting [Music] and wealth i hear some zombies breaking down the door hey fellas is there a limit to how many bye youtube guy you know something seems different we'll call it a hunch but i think my food is overcooked that certainly doesn't seem ideal can't help but think i'm partially responsible for this oh the fire put itself out i think because of the rain outside well that's just crap let's escape in our automobile where there appears to be no key and also no gas okay fine we'll just use our luscious haunches so let's head on down across the street here oh no i lost my hat and oh no my jorts have gotten even sexier gotta go back don't you try to leave me hat otherwise people won't know that i'm cool how does this happen how am i so injured okay let's get you indoors okay now that my thigh is nice and accessorized if we turn this oven on wait for it to get nice and hot wait for this stupid rain to die down can we actually just burn this place down there's only one way to find out but first we need to kill some time waiting for the rain to stop and nothing makes me happier than eating a fresh eggplant maybe some of this corn yummy nummy num and then after a little bit of time well that was easy boy howdy was that easy wow things sure are progressing quickly when there's no rain maybe i'll just uh oh hello we have a guest hey nice hat you know maybe i'll take a step outside oh good it's a hazy nightmare out here i love not seeing a thing uh-oh we've got some looky-loos quickly speed walk away show them who's boss walking walking walking you saw nothing this is almost worse than rain i just wanted to see a house on fire is that so much to ask and why am i bleeding again oh excellent my right chin has entered the picture don't worry buddy everything will be fine as long as you don't think about the shin pain don't worry about them everything's fine so he's doing his best to vaguely power walk out of this situation as you can see it's working wonders no not my hat no not my jorts ah well that's two down really tasty mcorgan's socks toilet glove yellow oh good this guy starts in one of these little trailers in a life of true luxury a hoodie huh okay yeah i'll allow it aw see this guy knows how to live hanna votes time to eat entire jar of peanut butter down the hatch this tea bag you know what we're doing with that oh good more friends i see a lot more friends always something isn't it hold on don't break the door don't you understand i just wanna light my house on fire okay where was i oh right the oven third time's the charm right step one on step two take everything in the fridge shove it into the ah whoops didn't realize there was broken glass on the ground deep wounds bleeding and large glass shards you're having a rough go of this aren't you okay quickly take those meat patties put them in the oven while these cook let's see if we can deal with this situation no big deal just remove some glass and bandage okay much better i'm definitely ready to survive the apocalypse now ah good yep seems like a nice healthy fire maybe i'll just take a step outside well we finally did it we set a place on fire yep looks pretty burnt up in here thank god all my blood survived oh sir you have looked better oh well time for an adventure let's go oh boy a car let's see what we got okay the door is unlocked and there's gas in the car and there's a key in the ignition yes yes yes yeah let's get out of here who needs shoes when you've got wheels and who needs windshields oh slow down slow down oh well car's dead that was short-lived back to hobbling hey would you look at that we're back at that one house we set on fire uh what a sense of closure most stuff is burned up except this magical coffee mug yes we have no choice but to keep going oh wow do you see this looks like the fire's still going i guess that explains why there's less zombies around here just bloody piles of ash oh my god look what i discovered besides immeasurable pain from all this stomping no look we found a medical facility something tells me my tootsies are going to need it yeah [Music] yeah let me in uh please surely one of these windows is unlocked yay thank god yeah the doctor will see me now thank you and i'll just take all of these and raid the supply cabinets ooh and a hospital gown now i realize this is quite the look especially from the back but i can't abandon our jorts so off you go oh oh good now you're not wearing any pants there you go now i recognize you and now to stumble up these stairs to this nice apartment that's just waiting for someone and we've got some kitchen knives here i didn't realize i could attach them to my belt oh yeah looking pretty cool surely it's not a problem to hobble around with two exposed kitchen knives on your belt right especially this one that looks like it's already embedded in my thigh you know before we patch ourselves up this is probably kind of awful but how much bleeding out can i do like if i just leave my guy this way can i uh well let's just find out uh yes yes you can starts to fade away after a while but you can certainly make a mess of any apartment and while i was trying to decorate this place his wounds actually kept closing so i'd have to march outside find another friend get a little exercise and reopen some old wounds what i'm saying is if you stand here long enough in a pool of your own blood you'll become as limber as the day you were born yes that's what we'll call this pathetic gallop well i'm gonna say we're done here so you know what happens next okay bye doctor's office we had a good run i'm off to greener pastures oh found my favorite part of the entire map the part where i get to show my prowess oh i'm okay i'm okay walk it off buddy can you believe this can you believe i'm bleeding again oh well this is a nice looking house we'll just sneak around back and uh you must be the owner of the house that's okay i got a knife with your name on it hi i live here now thanks and up here on the second floor we found something most exciting a car key oh could i be so lucky [Music] oh boy what a beauty let's go exploring actually wait hold on hold still hold still okay now let's go exploring this is probably not the most effective way to deal with zombies but i don't care anyway where were we what might this be store a max sounds promising let's see what we got well no surprise the door is locked that's fine i'm sure if we just hit it enough times it'll open yes put your whole arm into it you're doing great uh excuse me unless you're gonna help me with the door no thank you oh no oh no they got my shirt quickly let's get out of here okay so this could probably be better i feel like i've been in better shape you know before my body got scratched all over and bitten in fact i don't really know how that could have gone worse quickly quickly get inside we gotta heal you up oh well okay at least you're standing with bashful feet well we know how this goes kentucky fried mcorgan socks aqua green ah new us new huh this place seems familiar and oh my god so does he look it's one of previous me the one with the adorable backpack well i can't bear to kill myself here buddy follow me come on no no no biting in you go stay there now you stay there and just ruminate i don't know why it didn't occur to me the other me's are in the world still let's go pay them a visit well this feels like the right neighborhood this feels like the right blood splatters well shiver me timbers there i am and also i didn't realize you grew a full beard while we were human very impressive easy easy just follow me back into the house don't worry i'm not gonna let anything happen to you just follow me up these stairs come on here you go here you go ow hey okay hopefully at least you're calm now especially since you bit me so it looks like i have no choice but to join you well at least we have each other now actually you know what this gives me an idea can i just make a whole bunch of me with different socks of course bring these poor bastards into the world run all the way back to that house all the way up the stairs and join my friends i'm ready to be part of the club there you go so again the question is can i just keep doing this well only one way to find out [Music] okay so i've been doing this for an untold number of hours i've dressed this guy up in a little bit different attire so it can keep track of him let's see if we can't sneak up to the house and see how many people are in there yep there you go on that note if we go around the back here i wonder if we can get all their attention the answer's already a yes oh boy here they come oh god they just keep pouring out okay fellas come on come on look at all those vibrant beautiful socks and don't think i don't see you in there old original guy good to know they're still piling out as i get chased around the house so how many of these guys did i create i have no idea all i know is now i have my own personal army of clones and i don't even think this is everybody you're probably wondering besides the amazing jorts and the multicolored socks what are these things good for well somewhere along the way i picked up one of these you could probably guess what this is but if not here goes nothing yep it was a molotov okay everybody get close to somebody that's on fire aw see now that's much better here go through the house i'll meet you on the other side yep here they come that worked out and just like that that whole house is on fire okay everybody come on let's go torch the neighborhood together that's the spirit set everything on fire in fact let's go through this house come on follow me to the second floor well isn't that just lovely i'm glad zombies can be on fire for so long oh you know what else we're gonna have him do we're gonna have him vault there you go guys yep you're doing great thanks for burning the hell out of the fence too oh yeah this is what i like to see everything is just fantastic and you know what i think everything's gonna be okay despite the fact my guy looks a little worse for wear the most important thing is that his jorts are untouched so i hope you had fun i know i did thanks again to gench and impact for sponsoring download now using my link in the description as well as the code and whelp i hear some zombies breaking down the door hey fellas is there a limit to how many
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 6,616,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, project zomboid, zomboid, zomboid game, project zomboid game, project zomboid gameplay, zombie game, zombie gameplay, let's game it out zomboid, let's game it out project zomboid
Id: MnNisyErEMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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