I Turned an Entire City Into 100% Pure Chaos - Police Simulator Patrol Officers

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're playing police simulator patrol officers today oh hello nice of you to join us guess no one told you you were going to be in the title screen which would help explain your excitement actually before we get into it did you know that i stream now yeah it's true how would you like to see a clip all right here you go look how dainty his little arms are like when like i reached and grabbed and then it's like mine mine no touchy only lookie boy howdy your heart must be racing so let's press any key to become a police officer we have some basic character options you know like male or female and sadly we don't get to choose our own character name it just kind of comes with the pre-built person you know i was gonna choose the person that looks the most unhappy but it turns out they all look unhappy so instead we're gonna go by marital status so emma davis married no ashley chang married no ah the original mia torres family status brutally single we have a winner we want to play the character with nothing to go home to so this is the opening shot of the game i'm not sure exactly what the focus is supposed to be here the not at all centered to protect and serve banner your blurry character's dead eyes in the foreground or maybe it's those gold bars back there well let's see what are you up to ah very busy i see i also like to spider my hand across random keys while i squint and stare at the unmoving desktop alright up and at them it's time to protect and serve first things first we gotta walk over to the american flag and stare at that for three hours which i can now confidently say we've done okay time to get a move on criminals aren't gonna catch themselves we have a city out here that needs our help and by help it looks like our job is to issue some hot parking tickets so let's get started shall we and you know what i think i see some cars over there up to no good surely this won't pose a problem right ah shift over you were critically injured yes that's my first concern too don't give away my shift replay day huh ah here we are again i guess it was all a dream come mia let us pick up where we left off so i'm taking a look at our equipment here and it looks like they've only supplied us with a couple of toys we have a stun gun a real gun and a police computer a police computer huh do you mean your cell phone but it looks like all the other things we haven't unlocked yet so i guess we have to unlock them by stopping jaywalkers like this guy really how did you survive that i know how to deal with your kind you stop right there you've jay your last walked and now that i've tased you let's see what you have to say for yourself hmm subject appears to be mannequin in origin there's only one course of action issue of violation for jaywalking oh he looks really sad here have a second ticket that's so much money still mouthing off eh i can write these all day sir and add insult to injury how about some handcuffs and a job well done now don't go anywhere i'll be watching i won't really but he doesn't need to know that anyway what was i doing again oh that's right we got a sign to the real action issuing parking tickets first you walk by the local cafe find the person who looks like she's waiting for her tinder date and give her life a jolt of excitement that's what i'm talking about now that i've got the bloodlust flowing let's see if we can find any reason to give a car a ticket well this looks easy right here doesn't it after all you can't just park your car on the curb like that issue a parking ticket oh wait a minute well hell with the parking ticket let's do that oh i guess we have something called conduct points and if we lose too many it's game over fine all a dream again let's go okay we have to see what it looks like when we tow these cars but i can't do it while mr fancy is over here hey think fast okay where was i oh right dealing with this car really you're still here and now you're defying me and the laws of physics i've had just about enough of you oh god i'm sorry you know let's just let this one go see why can't you be more like this guy see how terrified he is that's what i want for you and here's the tow truck now feast your eyes on this red pants and don't tell anyone if you know what's good for you wow they make it look so easy well good god that sure was fancy let's do it some more first let's wipe the slate clean by shattering my legs and restarting the day there we go now we've got all the conduct points okay you two cars your fate is sealed and one and two so wait what does the tow truck do when you have two cars that need towing well that was a stupid question it turns out there's two tow trucks what a great business day this must be for that company wait is there like a limit to how many tow trucks there are in the city i guess there's only one way to find out uh the answer is no no there is not a limit to how many tow trucks you can hail ah the city at work everywhere you look there's a car being taken what a job well done just look at us making the city a safer place in my grand future where everybody's car gets towed turns out not all heroes work ah games stop trying to give away my shift stupid game breaking my stupid legs trying to get me to stop running in traffic well it's not gonna work after all the city needs me did you just litter right in front of me the audacity you know we have rules against that but you know what as much as i want to write you a ticket i'm thinking about letting you off with a verbal warning excuse me we're in the middle of something here could you not thank you hey no you get back here see look at that now i've lost my train of thought but i am glad that we're locked here in the middle of the street which hey that sounds an awful lot like jaywalking and we don't tolerate that in this city anyway be gone with thee another crime is being committed right here i have to twist my body to the left and catch another jaywalker wow this is so easy there you go citizen and never do anything wrong again really you just watched me ready ticket and we put an apb out on this dude jaywalking please actually cancel that i'll just leave him in the street for the cars to take care of and then we run off like a gremlin [Music] are you serious everybody stop littering oh really i'm the one that's trying to handle this epidemic yet i'm the one that gets fired okay fine i'll take this a little more seriously i mean after this one person i mean come on red pants and he's wearing air pods this isn't even for me this is for society oh very nice yeah oh good we put you on display up there hope you learned your lesson wait what why alright then i guess yep now vogue that way see i did him a favor let's see if i were violating parking rules what would i look like excuse me oh my god what the hell happened to your windshield how is this so cool boy you know i'm gonna overlook this but only because you're giving me a ride seriously is everyone in this town nuts why would you jaywalk through this and why are my bones so brittle and they're invincible all right i'd like to get off now ah see case in point ah finally a car with an actual problem actually two problems expired meter parked on the curb i love writing double tickets okay we're doing great so far i'm still gonna mess around especially when i can leave a windshield looking like this enjoy all your tickets and after a full day of writing bogus tickets my shift is finally over and apparently ending my shift means sitting back down in my chair is this where i live oh my days we unlocked a fun new toy the radar gun and a new neighborhood oh boy more responsibility and look at that we can transfer ourselves to a new precinct and this one looks so different that or we just move the desks around i don't really know as before we don't seem to have any co-workers i mean they're probably not protecting and serving and you know what i don't know who this cooper guy is but more than that i don't know why he needs two computers whatever not my concern okay outside looks a little bit different so over here in inventory land you can see that we now have a radar gun use the radar gun to detect speeding cars while on foot well dios mio oh my god i came out of your holster actually hold that thought excuse me sir what are you doing there that is not a legal way to drive but according to my gun you're not speeding so i guess i can't do anything about it just uh carry on i guess okay so here's how this gun works here's the speed limit here's the cars and here's us in the middle of the road waiting for him oh buddy you're lucky i'm looking for speeding cars right now and that i can't stop all you jaywalkers so all we need to do is see if we can find someone who's speeding around all these creepy creepy sliding people come on come on speed up come on speed up what about you guy that almost hit me oh they're speeding did you see that we got them going 3.8 miles per hour over the speed limit lock them up boys you know what why do i have to run around on foot and do this why don't they trust me with a car yet i mean if that's how they want to be i'm just going to make up my own system taxi can i get on please taxicab you've betrayed me why is it so dangerous to play in the street all right here we go this is it this is it i can feel it this is the one come here [Music] see that wasn't so hard okay where was i hey other cars i got my eye on you don't be speeding now can you imagine seeing this you're just driving as normal and what do you see a cop on top of a jittering taxicab doing radar gun drive-bys like it's totally normal wait what happened no taxicab come back don't leave me behind how was this system not stable for me you know though at least i'm doing better than this guy i feel like that's not how you're supposed to drive that's okay there's more cars where that came from all right let's go i got my radar gun and i'm ready to misbehave but not that much get back in your car get back in your car right now well i was gonna grab those cars but instead they just got into an accident carry on then oh my god being stuck in traffic is so boring really what happened to the car this time did you do this or was it one of these two people behind you with shattered windshields what is with this city you know i can't help but think that most people in the city are behaving except for that guy hey you stop mining your own business up here where was i welp another day done time to sit down and have a good cry and oh boy they think we're responsible enough to take pictures i like how there's a thing called no partner compensation do they mean because mia is single you don't need to rub it in her face game but more importantly we have yet another new precinct okay you know what i'm starting to think we're just switching desks because everything else looks pretty much the same what am i even supposed to be doing with this camera besides trying to be as annoying as possible in fact what am i supposed to be doing in this game besides being as annoying as possible where's the actual criminal element in the city okay let's see what we got here finally some real action looks like an accident clear the accident and write a report i shall commence the clearing i've decided you were the one at fault i will now take your statement for further consideration ma'am ma'am uh ma'am where are you going huh i'm starting to think she was responsible for the accident and possibly several more right now welp i guess that just leaves you huh first without even speaking to the driver let's just start rifling through their stuff ooh where i found some nice satin gloves can i search the other side i sure can i feel like this is not official police procedure to just rifle through everything in this car wait what she had a handgun i'm gonna have to search you aren't i hold your arms up please okay thanks i'm gonna do the laziest search ever oh i see all the normal things you know like nail clippers and snacks and human teeth i mean i guess that's not strictly a crime i don't even know what to do now i guess a drug test i mean what could possibly go wrong here ah thc and amphetamines everything seems to be in order here be safe with your hand gut amphetamines and human teeth and thanks for running yet another red light good god everybody in the city is nuts all right time to head back to the precinct after another day of you know carry on i saw nothing god are we a cop or like a ghost hunter welp i guess that answers that question maybe that's what this camera is for documenting ghosts and i don't even know why i'm surprised anymore that was like the least craziest thing happening here ah another successful day being a terrible cop oh my god they finally gave us a car and a new precinct oh my god new office co-workers normal citizens why wasn't this in the first part of the game i could have been handcuffing innocent people without even leaving the precinct okay job well done i'm just so confused to see people living breathing reactive people anyway where's my chariot ah there it is all right mia let's do this this is unit 3815 heading southbound and we're off to a stellar start my fault sorry i'll be good this time hey wish me luck will you random person thanks i'll make sure you get medical help okay just kidding i lied okay we're gonna take this more seriously this time whoops i mean after this feather touch impact so even with the squad car we still need to issue tickets and wouldn't you know this van looks rather unsafe to drive if you ask me wow what a mess i'm writing you a ticket so you get this fixed also i think your engine might be on fire and other complications and now back to my noble steed okay so we're on route to what appears to be a minor accident and there it is oh don't worry the police are here now listen sir i don't want to tell you where to stand but i can't help but think that's not the safest spot in fact what the hell were you all doing i think we're gonna make the accident your fault because it's pretty clear the rest of these people are wizards and i don't get paid enough to deal with that carry on sir you have a great day i don't know what to tell you about your car you know it just feels so good to be making a difference i just get my chariot unable to see anything and i know that i'm leaving the world a better place than i found it okay i'm doing some pretty amazing things here it's definitely not colliding with other vehicles to create a huge traffic jam excuse me citizen what are you doing whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy whoa look what you did to my cop car actually i think i like it better this way so i've learned that if you create a huge pile up and people want to turn around they do this further proving that we're in some simulated nightmare what happens if i get in the way of that car oh jesus oh buddy you can't do that to a police officer or whatever we call ourselves i like this dude casually walking by like this is totally normal yeah don't worry about me everything's fine okay we've got a new quest i mean assignment we have to find samantha allen age 25 black suit brown pants she's wanted on suspicion of who cares the only thing that matters is that we can turn on the cherries and berries out of the way everyone i'm looking for a person of ah samantha hey samantha has anybody seen someone wearing brown pants and a black suit brown pants black suit brown pants black suit i think we found samantha waiting for the bus i mean that's definitely samantha right let's find out lydia hall damn it well now i feel stupid and when i feel stupid i get scared don't tell anyone bye huh maybe she's in the park all right well only one way to find out uh pardon me love birds i need to get by yeah sorry to ruin your date nope this looks promising hello are you samantha hello oh that has to be her right oh you we did it we found you she appears anxious well then you wouldn't mind if i frisk you would you why wait until i've searched you why not just run first we know how to deal with this don't we yes yes run run samantha please safely move to the side so you can be arrested what you gave away my shift for that i was mitigating a situation thank you you know what i don't even care what they say as far as i'm concerned we did everything by the book and that's good enough for me so i hope you had fun i know i did and i'll see you in the next cursed reality like this one oh and also don't forget to follow me on twitch over in the thing and then click the thing to do the ringling ding ding or whatever
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 7,037,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, let game it out, letgameitout, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, police sim, police simulator, police simulator patrol duty, police simulator patrol officers, police simulator game, police game, simulator games, josh let's game it out simulator, let's game it out police, let's game it out simulator, let's game it out simulation
Id: 2_P7a-1s56s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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