Meet the Worst Trained Police, Firefighters, and Medics Ever - Flashing Lights

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to let's game it out we're playing flashing lights today after that other silly cop game I just couldn't get enough developers thank you for a key despite knowing what's probably gonna happen oh what a sparse menu they want us to get right into it max vehicle traffic 99 it is or 20 whatever you want game max pedestrian same deal 12 FARC vehicle debt just all the highest friendly [ __ ] it's probably only for multiplayer I hope it's only for multiplayer ok choose your fighter police firefighter medic obviously we're gonna start with police why did they give us a pedo cop right off the bat oh yeah nothing says reputable police like that hat there's no credibility for this poor person honorary deputy okay here we are an whoa oh my god hello I would like to take a police vehicle out or I'd like to shadowbox in front of you I guess are you impressed she seems unperturbed by this yep this is how we do it let's go fight some crime excuse me ma'am are you grace nighty-night okay let's take us on a ride with our uh can we choose any of these vehicles we're gonna take the standard cop car fight in progress yes I accept I'm here the police are here to help stop this fight okay stop the fight how come I lost reputation for that Wow that is quite the entrance do you see the squats this guy does to get out of his vehicle you're under arrest requesting transport good let's search the body real fast make sure there's nothing exciting whoo my reputations going up because I searched this dead body okay the ambulance is here I'm not doing anything shifty guys hey let me taste you all right I'll see you next time oh my god you can handcuff people and then just force them to run with you feel like a lake around here somewhere why does he run this way is there a way for me to get to the ocean we'll find a way don't you worry perhaps to that Island out there okay lady get in the car you drive we're just gonna head on over to the bridge over here see what we can do yeah turn your hazards on that's the real part you needed to do hi lady we're here well none of this makes sense let me give her a little help here nope she's still with it gotta hide all the evidence including my own vehicle yep that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about so I just restarted the game and I have a negative 145 reputation points whatever you don't need to be liked to be a cop we're gonna choose the big vehicle for essentially no reason I think the real problem is that we didn't do any real police work we just kind of messed around so let's go ahead and just oh geez I'm sorry dude oh yeah this is definitely the right vehicle to choose well as much as I want to be issuing tickets and stuff now I need to experiment with these awesome physics wait what are these cones I have in the bag oh my god I really can't get this stuff out well gonna need the traffic fest obviously just when I thought we couldn't get any cooler looking don't even tuck the tie in where was I spike trap dum dee-dum normal day this'll teach you people to not pay attention to yield signs so now let's just stand here and not look suspicious at all god I'm so excited what's the problem you need a little convincing is that what the problem is don't worry I've got just the vehicle for that move okay get out of the way I need to be able to push this dude oh yeah oh yeah there we go oh she got out became one with the floor and I guess she's a band in that vehicle what can i commandeer the car now request a tow done and done also we got to arrest that woman cool yeah some I meant get in the passenger seat and just wait for an adult how do I get in my car if I can't reach the driver's seat one get in there yeah okay somehow even more childlike oh thank god officer I'm not sure what I was gonna do if you hadn't shown up - what are you a god okay well let's not think too hard about that the important part is that justice was served so let's whoops sorry grace I've got to go fight the law elsewhere now I mean crime Police Department dispatch armed robbery in progress yes I accept the armed robbery is all the way over there you know we're gonna need to make this official oh yes look at that true vigilante isn't this how you drive couple sets a thumbs up there as you drive with just one index finger we can be inside the car hey buddy you might want to get your glasses checked just a thought oh boy here we go everyone be cool we got this I think this must be the guy what do you think oh there's two of them in there are you robbing like a blockbuster all right I'm gonna get out and I'm gonna have to arrest you guys okay we're gonna go non-lethal just this one time okay here we go hello good night no no stay down well first we're gonna have to handcuff you obviously hey hang tight while I frisk ya oh yeah I gotta just I palmed your armpit and found a weapon I've got someone coming to pick you up while we wait I'm gonna take off the vest and get a little of my own oh they're almost here can I get my punches in before they arrive he's like yeah Queen oh you need to do this every time there you go Carl I see it saves you the trouble oh yeah I don't care about traffic laws either nice job what is this green dot is this the other criminal is he like on foot well let's go find out out hello I hear what I think is the rhythmic firing of a gun oh yeah there he is okay why did I lose reputation for that he was a criminal oh wow I hit him really hard he's got two right hands now better calm people it's anyway let's get a suprise out for the ambulance right I say this of course assuming that they're smart enough to even drive an ambulance what where the hell did you come from uh Wow the paramedic just ran off into those trees I guess that'd have to teach me to think that I can fool an ambulance I love to every time I get in my vehicle the game tries to get away without me watch this second there the game's like okay bye well now I've done it I think I figured out where the guy is that wants to kill me are you done firing in there okay cool my knee oh you need another one both knees I'll check to say you can turn on the computer in here too bad I can't freaking see it where are my glasses get turned off depth of field and now I can see the computer oh man we can scan the front of people's cars right from our computer well I do believe we're gonna have to then let's go scan some people wow it's straight up first car I saw stolen excuse me I'm gonna need you to pull over I actually can't tell is this them trying to pull over are they trying to get away please pull over okay I think I hit the vehicle hard enough so finally we can have a conversation and now we're gonna lead you and oncoming traffic and that's gonna be your punishment for stealing a car actually never mind it seems like too much work to get over there so instead we're just gonna have you beep right here and I'm gonna request a tow oh and he's gonna drop from the sky extremely curious to see how he's planning on handling this oh no you impatient monster look what you did you killed for me now we know at least pedestrians can kill other pedestrians right oh oh oh well I think we've seen all we need to see with the police let's try medic cool nothing says medic like dr. strange facial hair out of the way everyone I'm here to save some lives ok we got our first case vehicle incident let's go let's flip on the lights for our emergency medical services which do you really have to after this vehicle oh whoa whoa whoa it's probably for the better I was going the wrong way anyway oh why did someone have to get hurt all the way over there coming up on the accident what do we got it looks bad everybody inspect the person to check in I'm here everybody inspect the person to see if they can be transported to the hospital which one this one sir what happened sir sir I need to get past you to that past that woman our buddy I'm not gonna let you get between me and saving a life good enough ah either what seems to be the problem lady y'all good in there Oh fiddlesticks I forgot my medical bag okay where was I grab the stretcher from the back of the ambulance and load of craps I supposed to bring an ambulance sir everyone I forgot to bring an ambulance okay I'm back I brought an ambulance this time cones get out of the Oh Oh mostly here guys just give me a second okay where were we Oh fire extinguisher we don't want any accidents while we're pulling this person out every girl thanks for keeping her safe stretcher time let's do this easy uh-huh uh-huh go ahead and hop on are we in position okay cool okay where were we yeah I know what I want to do I want to make like a ramp yeah that looks perfect we need to do is position you for some true Evel Knievel stuff it's stunt man time all right let's just get some sweet air in oh my god it actually worked yep this is what you expect from your emergency medical personnel right or you balance the ambulance on top of someone's face easy try not to scrape her face entirely off okay there we go you okay there lady or have you been dead for like hours now hey guys thanks for all the help I let's head back to the hospital we got a code blue code blue Jesus do I have to do everything myself hey lady don't worry I'm just gonna push you through all these plants here and then just force this woman to not go visit her loved ones in the hospital and it will get you the help you need this is definitely a not even trying mafia front and your organs are getting sold out of the way good sir I have to go rescue some people huh well that worked itself out for me anyway so long sucker okay let's see what we got here good thing it took me 20 minutes to get out here she's clearly already dead that's not how you do a defib this is like a Krav Maga maneuver okay I'm trying to attach these things but it's hard when my guy is actively in the way and now let's shock the crap out of her I guess she has a heart rate and I'm still just shocking away I'm here alright lady get on the stretcher I can't I pick her up is it cuz she does all that crap attached or what help me anyone want to help me I gonna help yourself lady now that you've gone into like quintuple cardiac arrest I think I've bugged the game out I'm pretty sure we can't put her in the ambulance cuz we can't pick her up so we'll just place this right here and we'll consider this case closed let's see what it's like to be a firefighter respectable looking respectable looking here we go tinder profile ready here we are in the good ole fire department yes we're still waiting to install that front desk and it looks like I'm the only one on duty okay there's no way we're going out in this piece of crap no no maybe there we go building fire I'll take that case and here we go we're live in the dream oops where's the fire oh there it is oh no the bookstore okay probably gonna need this chain saw first thing there's no way right I am frankly surprised that the game lets you do this good thing you prepared for your colonoscopy sirs get out the big guns take this thing gonna attach this hose to the fire truck wow this thing's got some reach does this thing ever end it's like toothpaste seriously never end just like running around town now look I know there's a fire to put out and all but like how come no one is amazed by this I've been running around so long I forgot where the fire is I mean maybe it's burned itself out by now about there it is good thing they called me to spray down these literal dumpster fires done and done oh crap I've been called that to this accident again except this fire this time you again huh we're gonna need the spreaders oh yeah it's time just hang tight lady how convenient and now it's your turn okay I think that's all for now I hope you had fun I know I did I hope you enjoyed witnessing the worst police fire and emergency force and known to humanity and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,524,151
Rating: 4.9333835 out of 5
Keywords: flashing lights, flashing lights game, flashing lights gameplay, flashing lights game police, police sim, police simulator, police simulator game, emergency services simulator, flashing lights computer update, flashing lights police chase, flashing lights new update, flashing lights police computer, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, let's game it out simulator, let's game it out police simulator, funny moments, let's game it out funny
Id: 0AEs2qejVK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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