I Turned a Fun Road Trip Into a Nightmare Voyage - The Long Drive

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're playing the long drive today a game very near and dear to my heart i love the cars i love the guy's attire if you've seen any of my streams you've probably seen me play this game but why stop there there's a long road and lots of fun to be had oh and also this video is sponsored by the battle cats but more on that imminently first things first we got to deal with this guy who i lovingly call the protagonist but let's customize his clothes a little bit no eyebrows no mustache no problem hello serial killer mannequin look at you and you're all pastels and now that we've got our normal dude well in hand new game oh hello didn't see you there i was busy sitting stock still hands on my knees staring at the wall in front of me oh this old thing i just use it to look at cat pictures hey speaking of cats let's talk about today's sponsor the battle cats which you can download and play for free on android and ios the battle cats is a tower defense game where you direct a group of very normal looking cat creatures as you take over the universe very normal looking like we've got this one and this one and whatever they're doing and this monstrosity and i'm not even sure how this is cat related oh okay well there you go and this one's my favorite it's a giraffe cat i love them even as they die for me the game is super easy to play where you choose your team deploy your cats and watch as the chaos unfolds and there's just piles of bizarre cats to choose from and it really is just a thing of beauty to watch and right now through july 15th the battle cats is celebrating summer sunfest where for a limited time you can collect free cat food every day do a bunch of special events and pick up a rare ticket on july 4th to recruit a mighty cat hero for free from a rare capsule i mean just think you might get this fever dream or this nightmare or this uber mega thingamajig so if you're ready to create some cat carnage of your own download the game right now using my link in the description or just scan that qr code to get started and thanks again to the battle cats for sponsoring anyway let me give you the grand tour here's the bedroom here's the office over here is the kitchen and we'll check out this room in just a moment but for now let's check out the outdoors and also yes this is how the first person works we can see right through our bodies don't worry you'll get used to it ah and what a beautiful day it is out here and also beautiful us anyway let's take a gander outside this is our beautiful property say what you will about how crappy it looks it feels good to have your own place on your own land oh and look at that the local wildlife is here it's a cute little bunny hey there little fella what you up to so yeah there's bunnies around and if they see something they don't like they're gonna do something about it but don't worry about that we have basic defense against that it's called hiding indoors and watching from the outside oh i take it back okay you leave me no choice but to hide between two doors oh wait hello hello you uh are you okay there buddy actually never mind that are we okay i'm gonna go ahead and say that the answer is a profound no let me ask you this how many games do you know of where you can walk around like this as if this is totally normal it actually gets worse too you can scrunch down even lower so you can see this in your nightmares anyway let's check out the one thing that matters our sweet ride hello sweet pair of wheels now the car they give us is completely random which is okay because we don't need something beautiful we just need it to work at all and work it does watch out world here we come ah what a beaut right but this is pretty much what the whole game is based around we take this car and we take to the open road so why are we doing this exactly well i'll show you yes this game theoretically has a story first let's get this letter out of the mailbox give me it okay where was i please visit me love mom that's it that's the story and we have no means to do that besides driving ourselves i mean she can't be that far away can she okay so one of the greatest things about this game is how customizable everything is i can just go over here and just wholesale take doors off who needs them well i mean in theory we do until we find some cooler ones but we can also customize stuff too like we can spray paint stuff and other parts of the car and we can also shiny things up with this handy dandy spray here ah isn't that a clean door let's get a closer look no that's not what i meant no put put the door back put the door back on oh my god it's always something we're also gonna have to worry about stuff like engine maintenance most importantly our fuel consumption and also we have oil needs although i can't seem to figure out where that goes oh oh this is getting worse before it gets better oh i see are you impressed by your shoulders yeah me too well i'm still impressed and what a flexible spine so let's take this drum of oil in case we need it besides everything else can just ride in the front seat like this canister of gas oh and of course we're gonna need this ah just delightful oh and we almost forgot we can't leave without our giraffe friend or as i like to call it our road companion all right all set let's get a move on huh couldn't help but notice that we're not moving i can't imagine why not it's not one thing it's another maybe i can just give it a push yep this feels good this feels good and productive and we're out low car wait up no adventures without us okay say goodbye our home it's time for what i'm sure will be a very uneventful trip so a couple of things about long drive we want to keep these poles on our right at all times that's kind of our only indicator that we're going the right way and two i don't know what any of this stuff means especially not why that's in the red and step three always keep your eyes on the road wherever it may be oh and always make sure to adjust all your mirrors to be looking at you you beautiful creature you you're doing so good oh oh well that doesn't seem good yeah i guess something definitely seems different but at least we have our health or something okay realistically this is the real part of the game trying to keep our vehicle afloat after we do silly things like telephone poles getting in the way of our driving yeah that's how that works look as long as our vehicle can come back together that's kind of all that matters oh crap what does that light mean okay let's take a look almost out of fuel well luckily we've got something for that easy easy easy not good enough and the journeys can continue and at what breakneck speeds too wow careful their speed demon you don't want to break too many laws at once there we go now we're cruising we're going to be at mom's house in no time oh god oh god we're fine everything's fine so here i was just driving and i just looked to my right and what did i spot i don't know but only one way to find out who left you out here sir well isn't that a beauty and it's filled with diesel i can't use that but who am i to deny something so shiny and it does have a hitch thingy and so does my vehicle well okay then easy decision all right we'll just grab that and attach it like that there we go yes i'm sure this will work out just great all right car come on come on you can do it you can do it oh yeah that's the magic i'm sure mom's gonna be really proud of all this free diesel i've got come on you untameable beast work with me you know i can't help but wonder if this will be easier to navigate if it has bigger wheels on the front i mean why not use these ones capital idea we'll just pop these off and just do a nice quick exchange okay perfect that was easy and here you can have this little sadness wheel and as tempting as it is to just leave the car like this let's just swap all the wheels okay okay okay yeah this is gonna go great and you know it's got to be good because we can see the wheels right through the dash well this isn't working we're even sliding backwards what if we get out and push well shockingly this is kind of working because boy howdy are we able to oh oh oh okay well good really good the draft is safe and that's all that matters size i'm pretty sure it'll be easy to flip this over ah easy as halo wonder if we can get like a running start and then hop in start the vehicle and go come on come on come on hey that kind of worked i mean we're back to the wild world of breakneck speeds uh oh more problems god it's always something isn't it empty well i don't know if this is gonna work out but we do have this empty can here and we do have all this diesel here so i'm pretty sure this isn't a diesel vehicle but let's go ahead and give it a shot i guess that's how engines work right you just dump in whatever you've got and it's gonna be fine all right screw it come with me giraffe we're just gonna walk or whatever we call this don't worry we'll find something eventually until then we can use our other hand to pet the giraffe looking like a complete and total psychopath well what in tarnation what might this be i always had faith i knew we'd come across something soon ooh what do we have here on the ground oh it's a foot of course it is but more importantly what is that i do believe it could be the answer to our problems and by that i mean it's a bike no wheels but we'll see what we can do but enough of that let's see what's inside the building ooh you know everything's gonna be okay when you see not one not two but three toilets right when you open the door and not just that a floor croissant yep sometimes you just need to sit on the toilet and enjoy a delicious croissant i also absolutely love that his feet aren't even touching the ground and push we have fun here don't we anyway random stuff like this exists all over the side of the road you just kind of have to keep traveling and you'll come across it and it's up to us to sift through it all and see if there's anything worth taking okay we'll just take inventory of everything we got okay the whole thing's empty that took a startlingly long time but boy do we have a lot of stuff now we got all kinds of drums and gas cans and stuff we have piles of pallets we have oh so many car engines and radiators for days and we still got those four toilets also so many car doors two beds a couch two severed limbs and a fridge yeah i don't know either oh and also rusty buckets full of water good thing i'm thirsty now oh and we also have a whole bunch of tires now the question is what are we gonna do with all this stuff well the unfortunate thing is a lot of this we probably can't use like all these motors and stuff we don't have a car so we can't really do anything with it but either way let's just focus on the bike first starting with some wheels now smart money is on using the actual wheels you're supposed to because when you put these ones on the bike in theory they're probably normal see like so working wonderfully now let's see what happens if we go ahead and try some larger tires okay let's take it for a spin okay so far so good okay here we go life in the fast lane with my slightly misaligned wheel now this is how you get stuff done really in love with this pedaling that's going right through the tire okay so as much as i love this i have some reservations don't get me wrong though the giant wheels sure are fun you know wait a minute why is there a fuel tank no idea if this is what this thing wants but i guess we're about to find out and you go get in there have some gasoline well enough got in there for us to test and that's really all that matters i don't know if it has a an engine well luckily we do let's see which engine should i give it i guess we'll start with a small engine and see if we can just put that right on the bike that should work right there goes nothing oh look at it go oh my god well this is just sensational i think we found our new ride well now that we have our basic new set of wheels topped off and ready to go let's see how we can add further decorations for example we've got these baskets here that have magical properties allow me to provide an example right now it's just an ordinary basket and you can take other items and you can just drop them right in but the moment they make a connection with that basket they're stuck forever oh it's in there all right and not just that we can take these baskets and we can attach them like sticking to the side and it'll stay there basically forever so i think the most logical positioning of these baskets is actually gonna be for stabilization let's see we're gonna attach it just like yeah like that and the other side look how perfect that is and you know what else i noticed it's actually attached to the kickstand so when the kickstand moves up it does this i'm like a jet this is the best thing ever you know would make me feel more secure if we can get these car doors to somehow fit in there i bet that would look really cool uh yes excellent so this is actually with the kickstand down and here's with the kickstand up oh this is amazing time for the other side okay just hold still wow what a vehicle okay i think we're ready to go we'll just leave all this other stuff for uh i'm sure someone else can clean it up we have places to go retract landing gear oh yeah oh yeah we're ready to go totally working according to plan absolutely according to plan you know i couldn't help but notice that the tires making the weirdest noise it's like this wheel has a problem with a door in it okay so it turns out we actually have multiple problems even without the doors we're facing some uh structural difficulties okay so the baskets were kinda in the way that's okay that's a solvable problem i can deal with putting these elsewhere and also i learned you can attach beds to these things you know i already know this isn't gonna work but i don't know if i care attach and do the other one too attach and time to pedal oh boy oh okay well this is working great just how we all thought it would that was just pedaling let's try with the engine yep we're gonna be to mom's house in no time okay new design very stable please work this time oh my god it actually works finally we can experience the open road like it was meant to be experienced with beds for wings and the big plus to this is i don't actually think i can flip over and then when you're feeling a little tired just go ahead and sit on the bed with your head backwards as you do oh boy look change now we're hearing the tall grass i feel like i'm in gladiator reaching my hand out to touch the wheat fields i cannot describe how baffled i am that this is actually working i've been cruising in these wheat fields for what feels like a millennia but that's okay because i see hope on the horizon in the form of a beached ship i hope to ride all night and arrive in the early dawn we've arrived and a stellar landing as always so usually what's containing these big ships is a whole lot of barrels hopefully something good like 45 liters of oil but hopefully some other stuff too let's see what do we got empty and empty and a mix of too many things okay well that was fruitful that's okay there's more tankers where that came from oh boy what do we have here coming in for a landing picture perfect as always okay let's see what we got here well i'm definitely drawn to this first who doesn't love a traffic cone but not just that we can take this thing and we can wear it oh i'm so mysterious now and onward to a new adventure i think it was worth it since now we look super cool oh boy what do we have here a haunted house just for us okay let's see what we got hello well we've got a trailer but we've also got another bed and another bed and a couch say no more yep we've done it again what a beaut soaring through the sky with the greatest of ease and watch out iceberg right ahead oh boy a diner and oh boy more vehicles maybe we can finally convert off of this thing okay first let's check inside ah lovely anything going on in the back not much just a bunch of normal stuff like yet another severed leg and oh a toilet in the kitchen i mean that's just good thinking really and out front it looks like we got a car terrible upholstery ample trunk space i think we can probably work with this i can't tell if this is a hood or a trunk part only one way to find out first we'll pull this part off and now we'll try to attach this we are definitely keeping it like this why have a proper trunk when you can have a cape and wait maybe i can pull this off can i put this piece on the front oh you sure can everything's looking great on this car and we're gonna use the spray paint here and kind of get rid of this terrible color with a different terrible color ah frosted puke and last step i guess we should see what's on the roof so there's nothing really valuable up here except for this these are coming with me i'm sure these will be useful for something yep here we go all is well just me and my hat that's sticking through the ceiling in my amazing multi-colored car and my lovely racing fins i'm not sure how this is actually possible but i'm not really gonna question it and hang on let me show you my favorite part where and i can grab the trunk and all of this moves with it oh physics you're so up to interpretation but there is an actual reason i wanted to be able to do this and it involves being able to get some height because you wouldn't think it but there are ufos in this game and i'd love to try and catch one so any chance we can we're collecting wood-like things and our arsenal grows and grows and grows damn you ufo one day you'll be ours you know i didn't even bother to ask this time but i'm pretty sure there's no limit to how much crap you can add or if there is i certainly haven't found it yet okay so i think i've collected enough wood pieces so let's make a little something to greet the ufo [Music] oh hey didn't see you there i've been busy with old beautiful here building something beautiful i love you car anyway let me give you the tour first we start with our vehicle and then we have a basket which connects to a board which are connected to another basket which are connected to another board all the way up to this thing which makes like a scoop thing and you might be thinking exactly how does this work very well in fact allow me to demonstrate [Music] oh yeah that's the magic and because it's all attached to the trunk part you can just do this as fast as you want so we can set our trap for the ufo and then when it's ready to go haha gotcha i mean that's the theory anyway let's get this thing in position and see how it works out oh god oh god that's okay that's okay we can fix this we can actually fix this really easily just grab this look over at our trunk and mount yeah see it couldn't be more simple perfect landing for my scorpion car and now let's just go cruising and get this in position okay i think this should be about good now all we gotta do is wait for a ufo oh here comes one everyone get ready get him [Music] thanks you jerk well at least my vehicle just writes itself well what's it gonna take huh wait hold that thought this tanker's in the middle of the road and something tells me it's a little heavier than my car so you know the drill just gotta wait for a ufo oh here we go it's go time let's see how this goes oh not so powerful anymore are we oh boy and we can actually climb up the ship oh you belong to us now easy easy oh my god and we can actually sit huh you know not sure what i was expecting well i guess this is about what i expected it's a whole lot of whatever is happening now for what it's worth i can't tell what these buttons do oh that one that one just launches you straight up into the air well sorry mom it looks like we're gonna be late to the house apparently destiny has something else in store for us i want to thank battlecats again for sponsoring this video download the game right now for free using my link in the description or use this qr code while we fly through space so i hope you had fun i know i did and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 7,332,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, the long drive, let's game it out the long drive, let's game it out driving, lets game it out long drive, long drive game, long drive gameplay, the long drive game, the long drive gameplay
Id: 88RAHxrQ33M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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