I Turned Valheim Into a Physics-Defying Nightmare

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Been waiting for this

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Emu 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

If you want fun valheim content go watch his twitch stream! He dug a lake around his friends house and accidently killed a boar another friend had taken over an hour to corral and tame. Perfect stream if you need a laugh

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cephandr1us 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

This guy is an artist! And entertainer! When i started with Valheim i hoped he will "play" the game eventually.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/StyxVanGhul 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I knew, I just knew he would have a deforestation montage.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/leclair63 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I was absolutely waiting for him to post a Valheim video. Getting done with work stuff and watching this tonight, fully ready to cry of laughter

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MattRazor 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

madman! he's done it! the elusive comfort 2

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CrossXFire45 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out valheim today a fun romp in viking times where nothing can possibly go wrong oh and before we jump into this did you know that i started streaming if you didn't here's what you're missing out on all right let's get out i wonder if i wonder if the flip feature is ready to be used now wow how about that huh so if you want to check that out link to my twitch is in the description but for now it's viking o'clock first things first we gotta make a character there are various different types of hairstyles we can choose from not to mention a bunch of very exciting beards my favorite being long one which once added just flies into existence but we're actually gonna go no beard and for hair we're gonna go with this one you know who this kind of looks like like if we make the hair a little darker and a little less blonde oh i know who that is johnny hot body oh what the game puts him in a shirt we'll have to remedy that but at least they didn't put you in any pants like a true viking and let's see what are we going to name our new world well that one's obvious we can also change the seed which is what determines the way the world auto-generates so we're going to delete that seed and replace it with absville and see what kind of world that brings us ah this is how i like my viking stories to begin on a pleasure cruise in the skies holding a pose like i just got struck by lightning flying through the air by a giant bird hitting every branch we can on the way down and then unceremoniously dropping me off wow the weather sure changes quickly around here except for me of course my body still appears to be crying what if i take this off rag tunic better than nothing i beg to differ ah there we go much better ah hey valheim you've betrayed me already come here grayling nobody hits johnny hot body well i guess we don't need to talk about combat very much you just saw what it looks like thank god that thing exploded into resin anyway so here's the wild world of valheim you might be wondering what all this stuff is and we'll get to it but first let's explore the world so we've got land we've got ocean we got coastlines we got bad guys and ah and also respawning thank god something tells me we're gonna need it my god is there anything in this world that doesn't want to kill you so first things first is we need to set up a base ah this grassy field will do look at this plenty of room to spread out and like any good survival crafting game i bet you know how this starts and it's with punching trees for wood so we'll just start with all the little ones here we're also gonna need some stones like these ones here on the ground and surely i can punch this with my bare hands right nope looks like i'm not doing any damage to it but luckily since i've gathered some wood and stone over here we can do ourselves a little basic crafting we're gonna start by crafting a stone axe a crude axe for tree filling and fell some trees we will this dead tree is no match for me now yeah take that nature johnny hop body one natured ah well now we know well that'll learn me thank god my stuff is all still here just sitting atop the murder log come here you give me my stuff back okay i think we've got enough wood for now because now we're gonna make a hammer with this to your hand you can raise high halls and mighty fortifications well then let's get to the crafting what the game means of course is that with a hammer you can build all kinds of stuff but first things first we got to make a workbench which i don't know i guess we'll just build right here look at this we unlocked all these things so we can build homes and stuff now let's get started and use that craft bit crafting station needs a roof well thankfully we've got all these beautiful building options now you know like roof tiles and ladder tiles and wall tiles so the game said it wanted a roof right i'm gonna assume that this is what they meant look you say you want a roof i'll give you a roof now it's time to craft station is too exposed too exposed what do you mean like from the elements what are you shy okay so be it i'll build you a little shelter but we're not gonna make it look nice we will use every random piece of wall we can though how about this beauty is this good enough for you ah looks like it worked and you can tell we're crafting from the workbench because it says workbench look at this we can make arrows we can make hoes clothes i'm never gonna wear weapons i'm never gonna use now that we got that squared away we got something else we have to build and that's a bed let's see where should we put this can i put it up here of course i can can't wait to sleep outdoors in this absolutely improbable bed oh but first i have to claim it bed needs a roof oh god you too what is it with everything needing rooves and stuff all right here you go it's kind of like a lean tube that is to expose what do you think about this for being too exposed oh god you didn't like that at all did it okay i got a different idea then surely nothing could go wrong here right so first we'll build a little step ladder all the way up to the top of the tree here surely there's a place we can put this bed right done a lovely tree bed now of course the bed still needs a roof and i can't really see what i'm doing but i think i'll somehow be able to make this work that is too exposed okay cool we're halfway there so all we need to do is encompass the thing and i have an idea for that too but first we gotta chop more wood like a lot more wood like a lot a lot more wood like a lot a lot of oh hey didn't see you there me i was just doing some light chopping no big deal and these trees over here can thank their lucky stars because they're too strong for my axe anyway all i need to do now is chop these smaller pieces and voila lovely piles of wood yep it's a start it's not all the wood but i don't want to waste time doing that i need to waste that time somewhere else so before we do some hot building let's explain how building works basically integrity is represented with four colors blue means it's very stable and connected to the ground green means it's stable and not connected to the ground and if we keep building stuff out from here yellow means we're getting unstable and red means we're about to fall over observe no likey so if you want to make sure these structures are sound you got to give it adequate support so something tells me we can apply that to here too because here's something i realized if you take these roof tiles and just connect them to the tree like this they're technically blue i guess it considers the tree stable so give me a second here because i've got an idea yeah something a little more like that so i tried to make it look a little like a tornado and this is about as good as it's gonna get before the structural integrity kind of eats itself but let's take a gander shall we here's the only way in or out you'll notice this step ladder is not actually connected that's because everything here is supported only by the tree starts out looking nice and stable and slowly gets worse as you look higher and higher but hey it's hard to argue with results it is standing after all so here we have the upper level where you can look out and survey all that is yours and we do have a lower deck so watch your eyes and watch your step i like to call this cramped space the bungalow we're also going to put our bed down here opposed to where we had it before bed needs a roof really are all these roof tiles just not doing it for you what if i just put another bed on top of that bed still no good huh i'm gonna assume this is happening because these tiles up here are actually floor tiles and not roof tiles i'm kind of curious though if i can place myself right above where the bed is i think this is probably about it and i just put a roof tile like this up here okay let's give it a shot ah now that bed belongs to johnny hot body you know while we're here let's gussy up the place who's up for some indoor torches i know i am i don't know why you can put these actually on the bed but i'm not gonna complain about it can't wait to sleep the sleep at king's later but now the more important part is when i go and do one of these when i respawn back in it'll be in my bed this time like it was all a dream a very bright warm dream now that that's squared away the next thing we're gonna do is focus on the next amazing tool in our arsenal and that would be this the ho farmers tool for working the earth oh but believe you me it can do so much more than that for example you can level the ground which looks a little something like this there's only one thing that would stop me from doing this everywhere and it's that it takes stamina and your stamina runs out kind of quickly oh you know what else it can do raise the ground you know kind of like this with the helping of this and a little more of this it comes at a hefty cost though it takes four stones every time you want to use this what i'm trying to say is just to raise this as high as i have right now i just use up an entire pile of stone and believe it or not stone is hard to just find on the ground because we can't pick up these big ones just yet so until we can get more stone whoops curse these fragile bones anyway we'll get some stone eventually until then we're going to do some ground leveling experiments you might see here that while it levels the ground it's also kind of terraforming a little bit you know because some ground is higher than other ground so i kind of wonder if this works the other way around if i level up here can i raise the average ground height it seems so cause i'm slowly burying this log well if that works here like this will that work over there in the ocean well let's find out shall we so we can't level this because this isn't technically ground but we can level this and at least so far it is definitely extending okay so it kind of works but it gets really finicky even with all the time and patience in the world i'm not sure it's going to allow us to get all the way across there's also a third option for creating paths but that doesn't really seem like it's gonna do the trick either so that just leaves one option raising the ground it has two requirements we need to fulfill which is the four stone as well as having a workbench nearby the workbench is easy enough we can put that just about anywhere stone on the other hand is a little bit harder to come by the reason is because the only ones we can pick up are the loose ones like this these we can pick up by hand but the real magic are all these boulders and stuff but this is a foe for which we don't have the tools yet don't worry though we can get them and the key to that are these guys right here that's right little guy you don't know it yet but johnny hot body's coming for you here let me show you why by the way remember this old thing well now it plays a crucial role see each one of these little rocks with the hooks on it represents a boss we need to kill so it starts with the old dear god person here and then it moves on to slenderman before you then have to fight blabula and then this dragon in a state of perpetual ecstasy and then finally whatever this is we'll just call it skeletor but we're getting ahead of ourselves the only thing we need to worry about is this one so if we come over here and activate this little stone excuse me register the location like we're at the dmv it not only pulls up our map but it gives us the location of the bus erythritol or whatever it says unfortunately it's not as easy as just going over here and fighting the boss we have to summon it on this altar and in order to do that we need to offer it an item what item you might wonder well i'm glad you asked cause that's what this viking tool tip is for hunt his kin i think we know what this means right it's time to die come here you here comes johnny hot body what are you running for come here i'm uh yo you'll be back okay easy there now is our time to shine you're mine you'll be back okay you know what i got another idea one of the things we can make anywhere is a campfire i wonder if we can sneak up on one of these and set them on fire okay this is gonna work this is totally gonna work yes run for me yes well i guess that answers that question you sure can this is the best way to fight it's just put down a campfire in its way run that way now yeah in fact why don't i attack everything this way this is working great okay so i just killed a deer here and it has the item we're looking for which is this deer trophy it's actually the second one i collected which is good because we're gonna need two of them quickly back to the circle of stones so with these in hand we can go ahead and put them on the altar and then something wild's gonna happen so let's take our deer masks and feed it to the altar you make a sacrifice huh what do you suppose is happening over there pretty sure the sky turning red is only for good things yup only good things like chasing me around trying to hit me with lightning hashtag just erythritol things the only question i have now is how do you feel about campfire now that said as i'm dying i couldn't help but notice i did set him on fire quickly johnny hot body back to the fight we must see if we can lure him into a trap this time the trap is called keeping him on fire until his health depletes oh so slowly how is this working how am i running around just keeping him on fire oh we're getting there oh we're getting there oh we're almost there so close bye buddy well how about that huh there we go a trophy of their head what we actually want though is this a hard antler oh but we do take the trophy and put it on this thing here like so ta-da and besides looking majestic that does also get us something else jump and run more oh boy quickly back to the homestead wow the weather sure cleared up fast so we got these things right which means we can make this antler pickaxe this tool is hard enough to crack even the most stubborn rocks so i bet you know where this is going if not well i'm about to show you see all these fierce rocks i couldn't do anything about before well now i can do plenty about them and he gives me all kinds of glorious stone not just that by the way you want to know what else you can do that's right you can modify the terrain so you're probably wondering how far down we can go about this far unfortunately we're not allowed to dig down as far as we want that's okay there's still plenty of pick accent to do and look at all the amazing stone it gives us not to mention the horrible things you can do to the landscape but before we go through all this trouble digging up all of this stone let's see if this does what we hope it'll do we got a whole bunch of stone on us and we got our hoe and we're clearly ready to use it it's time to raise some ground looks like it does the trick yep seems like this is gonna work but as you can see we run out of stone real quick ah well i think you know what time it is it's pickaxe time don't wait up i'll be just a second [Music] okay and great feeling pretty good about the work i've done here feeling really good about it feeling really really good about it i like this monster right here just like yep another incredibly confusing day at the office i wish i could tell you how long i'd been doing this but honestly i lost track a lifetime ago the important part is that we did some really good work here today and by that i mean we have a whole lot of stones now with each one of these piles representing 50 stones each is it gonna be enough i don't know but i think i know how we can find out come here delicious stone let's get started oh you know what this might not be as hard as i thought it would be i thought i was gonna have to pull it up from the ground right there but i can actually just place it along the edge there for just four stone this is gonna be easy ta-da job's done admittedly i also got a little carried away but you'll be happy to know you can build a bridge all the way from one side to another and if you have extra stones as i did you can even build alternate pathways and as an added bonus nature has no idea what to do about this oh how i love to confuse wildlife now let's see what rat do we want to take do we want to go the low route or the up high route oh let's go low route after all it seems so risky with our feet touching the water a little bit i should point out there's actually boats in this game but why sail when you can swagger oh boy i'm just so excited i bet there's an adventure around every corner or in this case as it turns out behind me do you have business with the hot body speaking of hot bodies how do you do with fire not good it looks like well here help yourself seems like it's working out pretty well stand fast johnny hot body there appears to be a foe in the distance we must tread carefully and by that i mean let's run right up to him see if he's flammable answer yes so very flammable come on buddy it's okay there's only a couple of campfires between the two of us yep that'll teach ya well that worked out great and the smoke is ruining my frame rate everybody wins huh wait what's this over here this looks a little unnatural and it turns out it is this must be what the big blue guy was guarding well we should probably go inside but first let us prepare the area you never know where there's hidden treasure hey funny story as it turns out did you know you can dig underneath these things like all the way underneath it's true these caves are basically spaceships i like how these deer over here are like what the hell are we looking at well let's hope we can still get in here oh thank goodness eat enter in we go oh it was a troll cave well that's okay johnny hot body is always ready to fight oh maybe that one outside was the only one well so be it i'll just take your precious rubies and then leave you a nice surprise for if you ever come back that's some fine work jhb surely there's adequate ventilation for all this smoke well i think my work here is done now that i've covered every inch in campfires hopefully there's another troll out there waiting to come home to a big nice surprise come johnny hot body let us ah what is this karma well i assure you it's gonna take more than that to stop us now that we've desecrated this onward to another adventure oh and what might this be looks to be another cave entrance well we know the drill no free entry not to any cave not for me not for anyone okay much better mysterious ufo verified now let's position ourselves right underneath it and then raise the ground until it forces us into the loading screen ah burial chambers very exciting quickly johnny ready the only weapon you're gonna need the campfire let's see what dastardly things await us in here spoiler it's all flammable stuff thus everything is no match until eventually we find a room like this one hello am i interrupting something important here have a campfire i think we finally found something i can't destroy with campfires well for everything else there's punching a lot i didn't realize dungeon crawling could be so easy and then we come across rooms like this one with treasures like coins and these core thingies and here's the greatest treasure of them all registering veggie might the elder at the dmv yep there they are there's us well that was fun now that we've got what we came for it's time to get out of here and immediately fall to our death as is our custom and then onward the veggie tails the elder [Music] welp and here we are somehow i thought this would be harder to get to but i really did just run here well before we get any closer gotta do that thing we do that thing i lovingly call the reason we can't have nice things yep that'll do it just like the other one it floats in the air although this one's got this little thing huh maybe the fire's gas powered or something anyway let's get to summoning this boss oh right just like last time we gotta offer something up well let's see what the old tool tip has to say burn their young what just any young i can do that actually i think what the game means is this right over here not sure what it is but if we can punch it or set it on fire we're gonna be fine that and i kind of recognized this star looking thing back over at the altar thing they were on the columns well here goes nothing go go gadget campfire yep this is working out just fine somehow that'll do it and another one you know the drill oh johnny hot body is there anything your fist can't do and then after beating up on a whole bunch of those for a while we've got a bunch of these ancient seeds okay here we are now seeds in hand ready to summon veggie tails the elder huh i wonder where he's gonna spawn ah there he is well you look like a fun chap what's your special power do you do like hot forest stuff ah you know in hindsight i don't know what i was expecting okay round two i see you back there yeah that's a cute trick but i'm not gonna fall for it by moving i can't believe that actually worked you know i'm kind of wondering something while i cower behind this rock is he stuck right there because he does seem a little bit wedged into the side like that wait can i just go underneath and beat him up from down here there's no way this is gonna work right oh my god it totally is and he's just completely stuck all i need to do is punch him in the leg over and over and over again i like how all these vines just keep appearing near me like ah stop wait what's happening here ah okay let's try to be a little more careful this time oh we're also technically in good hands down here look at this we have a resting buff a fire buff you know because that fire is right above us wait can i just build like a little bed in a home down here okay we'll just put the bed right here oh my god it just said it as a spawn point can i go to bed too okay so you can't go to bed because there's enemies nearby supposedly but at least now we can spawn here look at that it's got a roof and everything this is amazing okay well where was i wait a minute can i build a campfire under him oh my god this is even easier i don't even have to punch him he's just perpetually on fire i guess all i have to do is wait out his health bar as he very slowly but surely burns to death and good night sweet prince ah yes the death pose of a valiant foe and my prize an elder trophy and whatever this is a swamp key wow how could i ever get so lucky now before we head back i had one other thought so when we summoned that guy the first time we had 11 seeds and now we only have eight so my question is can i summon him again that seems to be a big ol yes wait can i do it again too oh boy oh boy huh what was all that up there uh so yes it turns out you can summon more than one well i think we know where this is going guys just stay right there okay i'll be right back i need to go get some more of those seeds hi i'm back how are you doing oh are we a little grouchy i'll just take the long way around yeah don't worry don't get up on account of me that was a close one well now that i've got all these seeds the real question is how am i gonna put him in this altar you know with these guys stomping around let's see can i just like jump up and push it that appears to be a no maybe if i stand directly under this thing and then i try to raise myself straight up into it well this is certainly doing something isn't it raise it a little more oh too close too close i appear to be on fire ah johnny hot body no oh johnny you know maybe i'm overthinking this let's try building just to the side of it this time maybe this will do the trick well i haven't been able to get to the altar yet but i have this weird feeling that the bad guys know i'm here now couldn't explain what it is it's just a feeling but if i just keep jumping will that help oh oh ah screw it let's just do it the old-fashioned way horribly and dangerously one at a time and just try not to get killed as each new one comes in just gotta make sure to hide from everything hello new gods i would like to make a sacrifice okay bye jeez so cranky up there you know it's weird but the more gods that are over there the harder this gets and even though we don't prevail a lot of the time so help me god we're gonna do it welp i did it it took a million deaths in half my lifetime but we did it most of them are like this guy over here which is to say stuck but then we've got some other guys over here that are not only stuck but have become best buds and then we've got these two which appear to be still kind of sorting out their differences overall though it's like strangely wholesome as for us well i haven't been able to leave yet every time i try something kills me it's almost as if there's a legion of madness out here coming to get me waiting to exact revenge the moment we think we can get away well you know maybe they'll settle down while we wait what the hell might as well at least try to make this place look nicer always wanted to build a subterranean base and a viking game so i hope you had fun i know i did surely this isn't the end of johnny hot body don't forget to check out my streams on twitch and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 5,022,856
Rating: 4.929059 out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, lgio, lgio josh, josh let's game it out it out, valheim, valheim game, let's game it out valheim, valheim let's game it out, let's game it out survival, let's game it out tycoon, funny moments, valheim gameplay, valheim tips, valheim guide
Id: HgFzP5m1k_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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