I Made a Millionaire Stream in Only Dangerous Places - Streamer Daily

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out streamer daily today where you get to take on the wild life of being a streamer which apparently means shoving your desk right up against your bookcases so you can basket your own boxes of things you but also developers thank you for a key ok let's see how do i how do I start the game so these somewhat obvious somewhat hidden icons light up our streamer deck to tell us what they do the fake steam icon is new game what is this fan for ah said a and this one is old credit tees alright enough screwing around let's hit the gas first we need to create a streamer name and a channel name all right here we go caps lock on shed played a win broski channel name here to play for keeps and also I use cheats okay let's see which one of these describes old chat broski we've got bootleg Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil 4 you know I don't even need to look at the rest that's what we're going with uh here we are looks like I've woken up from my fugue state in my storage unit let's see what we got here oh my god it's like they're in my house how did you know what my basement looks like I'm also very impressed with these two light bulbs lighting this place so well nice look by the way dude your 70s couch looks a lot more modern when you put mouse pads on it wait move object take an inventory I would love to take in my inventory Oh oh I can really straight-up just take it there's stuff in the inventory you can take off items and order by pressing space space well there it is there anything stopping me from building it into the wall absolutely not game I think we're gonna get along great and I climb on stuff yes yes god yes out of the way poster okay let's see if I place the poster like that can I walk on the poster he has compliments to the chef this game is perfection okay time to mount and escape let's just get this thing right over here can I build stairs with all these little boxes all signs point to yes just climb up the sofa on top of all of our sick peripheral boxes climb on top of the bookcase on top of her beautiful load-bearing poster into my total surprise the ceiling actually isn't letting us go any higher do you have these DVD cases though I wonder if like what if I put them like right underneath me okay here we go ah the sunlight we've done it okay we're totally stuck it's okay we could probably stream from up here or I could just keep putting down these DVD cases and see if oh oh Jesus hey I've got some bad news I don't think it's a basement I think it turns out we're in space Oh nope never mind that's all gone - well this is all gone horribly wrong okay let's start over here near the door this time oh wow it's much easier on this side we're already blissfully above the level it's gonna be ok game oh here we go finally climbed right above the level I actually have no way to get down from here so let's actually play as intended one downside though I used a bunch of my computer parts to get up there and I think they're stuck above the level so let's go ahead and recreate old chat broski we're gonna make everything exactly the same here we are in our home again with all wait what um I appear to have two couches now as well as some other miscellaneous goods wait a minute are you telling me I can clone stuff well this is gonna require further testing isn't it let's just take all this crap leather couch goes right over here boxes and bookcases down all over the place okay I put round two of things down again let's back out and recreate chat again yep here's the starting furniture and what's to our left oh my god well I mean we really can't stop here can we I feel like we have to see how far we can take this okay here we are things might seem a little different and you would be right I'm basically like a one-person swap mate now what with all the computer parts monitors cases not to mention posters and paintings oh and did I mention all the couches but I think what I'm most proud of is this sweet bookcase impractical sure but sure is cool-looking and don't worry we can still kind of access the door all we gotta do is kind of just yet there we go it's that easy so let's grab one of these tables place the monitor down excuse me monitors you know we're gonna need more space for this hey stay alive apocalypse gonna borrow one of you Thanks oh yeah that's the magic yeah we got plenty of space for all these monitors serious gamers only okay the ultimate setup how do I get this thing going we've got to build it ourselves all right easy we just gotta fill in the things on the left with the things on the right any single one of the same thing what we could only have three monitors I guess we're just gonna pick three at random all right let's fire it up well that was a promising noise but what happened how come none of these monitors are working wait is it this monitor back here oh god it is yeah just shove yourself back there so like any good citizen let's check our email first about your streams if you remember I said that you can consult me about anything delete my cousin aunty mentioned that delete dear Chad play to win Borowski we examined your apply to our platform and there is no obstacle to broadcast delete all and never look at email again you know if we're gonna be a big-time streamer we should start with a big-time computer cuz it turns out we can actually pick up all these things and they go into our inventory right here and then we can sell those things for not an insignificant amount of money do you know what that means sell it all okay here we are nine thousand dollars later not bad for doing literally nothing so far so let's see if we can't climb over it all this furniture and get to the front door okay here we are Cory's PC universe time to buy all the important things we're gonna need to be legit streamers like these top-of-the-line video cards we're gonna get one from Vidya and then one from AMD because if there's one thing I know competing brands love to work in the same computer together we'll just go section by section go over to the most expensive looking parts which appears to be level 11 there they are all our beautiful parts how nice of you to lay them all out for me okay can I take my items and by that I mean can I pay for what I buy okay done and done I've successfully paid for what I bought oh boy I can't wait to put this box down and just start pulling out product so I don't think anything ever comes out of the box so we just need to like put it near the computer in a super orderly file okay we did it I think we're about ready to start gaming let's see what's SD browser what the hell am I looking at whoo dream jobs tell me more wait what look it's the sixth quintessential dream jobs and what exactly is a worker isn't that literally what a job is let's put the dream jobs on hold but let's check out Simon's premium cars obviously we need to shoot big for the Delta Model D which obviously we can't afford yet but I think I see my favorite thing of all time right over here gambling oh yeah it's a bunch of mystery boxes so I'm not sure how knife economics work but I can tell you that some knives sell for kind of cheap some go for a little more sometimes they give you a lot of money I mean if I just keep doing this can I eventually make like a lot a lot of money the answer is yes you can make a ton of money and now we're technically a millionaire thanks gambling knife game now to get that car I wanted what the hell is this oh yes we're gonna need to dress the part now to become a streamer I can't possibly get in front of the camera or that my bottom clothing so let's go with this nice suit jacket on top and for bottom I feel like the boxers only look is what we want already and of course we're gonna go with these amazing Jesus sandals I think it's time to finally learn how to stream okay here we are in the setup process wait a minute what the hell is this here is this my webcam the quality is just out of this world wait what is this is that you Chad where are you what are you okay I think I know how to solve this we need a better webcam so I guess we'll just get this one because it's the most expensive oh yeah look how much clearer that is and really see some amazing detail like this is how you stream huh it's kind of hard to tell from all the way back here but I feel like you're not wearing your Sikh jacket let's see if we can't get this a little closer yeah okay you know I think I may have misgauged which couch he's sitting on I certainly didn't mean to go crotch cam but you know if nothing else it's really artsy oh my god this is the actual streaming part of the game where I force viewers to watch what looks like a first generation phone game well at least I've still got that crotch cam to ignite the imagination we're gonna go ahead and reset the webcam for today's stream really want to give people the artsy experience they deserve oh yeah see that's the good stuff stream title bicep topia hey would you look at that over 30 viewers presumably all here to see the gun show I love some of these comments I can show you how to beat this don't worry dude I got it there's another good one my ex looks like you you tuck into the bicep bro are you talking to my extremely complicated bookcase in the background oh look we have a new objective move your own house okay well hopefully there's a button on the computer for this and just like that there is okay so clearly we've got a lot of options everything from a one-room house to various kinds of apartments to luxury buildings and finally ending on the manor let's see what a one-room house looks like well indeed that does seem like a one room house what about simple house I'm sorry simple house don't you mean serial killer dungeon well this is gonna be hard to top wait a minute I'm seeing something I like and it's the house with the pool mostly because big open window and I think you know what that means so we're buying it we're moving in tada welcome to our new home pretty killer view of my own pool okay let's check out the rest of the house and we've seen the rest of the house this door doesn't lead anywhere it just takes us shopping thankfully it looks like the game has moved all my stuff for me Oh God except the part where I need to unpack myself and buy unpack I mean put these boxes too close to me yep there we go okay this is where we're streaming now outside but first let's go for a quick swim wow he just felt like a rock okay can I get out now of course I can't what was I thinking that's okay I'll just use these boxes to force me back out well I think we all saw that coming goodbye fresh house okay let's try that again obviously we're gonna force ourselves outside again okay couch you're going to the very bottom let's see can I use these boxes and go ahead and make a stairway out of here I guess only one way to find out yeah that seems good right and I had a couple extra boxes so we just kept on going okay delicate picture frame hold me okay there we go uh-huh oh yeah this works great so here's the top of the house here's the pool with just enough distance where if I try to jump I'm gonna die and say hello to my neighbor also known as oblivion why was this so expensive and where's my fancy car do I just keep everything in storage well no matter let's get started so my computer and all my worldly possessions are in this thing but I'm gonna leave everything there and just buy a new computer so let's just jump over the wall and use the door from the other side hey Cory me again yeah you know how it is just buying a new computer again we're also gonna stop by the furniture shop for reasons oh wow look at this lamb finally I can buy friends hey fellas you ready to come home with me eh no judging back there and let's also buy a bunch of these rugs welcome to my pool party art installation don't forget to say hello to our guests or as I like to call them waking nightmares in and around the pool also despite our couch being down here we're gonna go ahead and build our PC all the way up here elegantly placed on this rug that looks like a coaster you know actually why stop with this one now it's like a proper lounge area okay new computer is built and what a beauty it is one thing we didn't put up there though is our webcam we want to have that facing our gaming couch there's my beautiful house and my beautiful setup and if we just click this down button yep there I am happy as can be stream title shad fully drowning and this is what we're playing today h2o2 battle royale yes it's the battle royale we all remember I do feel like people would show up for this though for one simple reason that web cam I can't say I'm surprised we've maxed out our 40 viewers I mean really what we should be doing is reversing these two screens right grab the gameplay window shove it in the corner take that sweet webcam blow it all the way up give the people what they want like this crappy shooting game that's supposed to represent first-person shooters as I stare down at my webcam and feel my soul leaving my body and just like that we have 500,000 followers what a time to be alive but you know if we're gonna go for the big 1 million followers I think we're gonna need to upgrade our amazing stream set up and I think we know what that means I do believe it's villa time here's our new even more expensive studio space ooh but this time it looks like we have access to the outside or not why put a door there if I can't use it I mean it doesn't matter to me I'm just gonna teleport through it anyway see so much better it's just lovely out here why is there a second floor in this building that we can't even access also do you see this door that's supposed to take you to the outside world it just leads to the back here there's no leaving this compound but back to this whole second floor thing I think we need to see what's up there and I think I know how we're gonna do it so hold on I got an idea and there we go Oh old PC cases is there anything you can't do just take this perfectly level perfectly balanced right up to the second floor no neighbors only an abyss no surprise there's literally no way into this thing it's just a concrete slab and I went ahead and use drugs to make a little thingamabob that takes us over here all the way up to the next floor let's see what we got and it's pretty much what you'd think stellar view of the infinity pool even better view of whatever this is well what a house okay so this time around we're gonna go ahead and wait wait what can I not get in the pool how biblical of Chad broski welp say no more this is where the computer is going okay with our stupendous setup complete thanks with the help of my two friends here this time around we're gonna set up the webcam right about here and you're probably like well where am i where am i streaming from this time oh you know just at the top of the building Hey look Chad is waving to us now pretty certain in this streaming situation that everyone's just staring at the webcam being like what on earth is going on here it's like what it's not stopping those the velocity to a million followers yeah we did it she had is so pleased welp it looks like in the space of a couple of in-game hours we've managed to max out our follower count how do you max out a follower count exactly and how do we make this bigger oh wait I figured it out actually shows you all this crap that determines your popularity and that raises our viewer cap I guess wow there's optimizations all over the place we can make I mean we've got our level 11 car that I've never once seen but all the rest of this crap we're gonna have to do something about including this part I didn't even know about living room kitchen bedroom but you're thinking what I'm thinking right we should probably upgrade houses to do it I was thinking the same thing shockingly I actually don't have enough money for that but I'm sure we can remedy this situation okay much better went a little overboard this time I wanted to get us to a cool 1.7 million because when we buy this next house I just can't bear the thought of not being a millionaire anymore c'mere Manor I can't wait to see and utilize only one room in that entire house hey here we are oh how cozy it's got a fireplace and everything and what's this wait a minute door up there door down here I don't know if my heart can take this but does this actually lead to the second floor damn it this door only takes us outside don't worry though because you know what's in all these boxes my custom stairway kid okay moment of truth carajo there's not one door but two doors this door does nothing in this one also does nothing thankfully we have a solution for troublesome barriers nothing's gonna stop us from going through all you know sometimes I just feel like I'm paying too much for these houses I feel like I should be getting more house for my house money oh god I fell out of the fake door here we are on the water where we can inspect the very safe foundation of this house well here's where they clearly took the glamour shot I'm sure it looks much more pleasant in the daytime when we can at least pretend to have neighbors just look at this carpentry they cut corners on everything I will say this though this place definitely has a lot of different venues where we can stage our live stream huh the game doesn't seem to want me to place things out here it's almost like no one was supposed to come out here like we're on some kind of alien world that's fine I don't really care what the game wants but it does mean some extra planning do you remember that rug we when we lived in a storage units we're just gonna get that right in the corner and kind of angle it like so and then we're just gonna force ourselves outside ah perfect and let's unpack all of our old rugs and let's make a path okay great now we're getting somewhere and if Natalie a new foundation now we're just gonna put these here sure you can see where this is going okay here we are look at that it's like something out of Minecraft except a janky horrible nightmare yeah perfect use of screen real estate but you might be asking yourself but Josh where's the webcam set up this time no big deal just another little cheat broski just hang it out here in the fireplace stream title I can understand this time why people are tuning in quite the unique show we have going on here okay we did it we capped out a 2.4 million followers time to stop this farce of a stream in Chad broski's gonna extend his luxury lifestyle as a reminder we already have the best car now all we need is the best shirt I'm sorry top clothing as well as the coolest bottom clothing sickest shoes esthe watch and you know this because this is very expensive in quality the hippest phone from 2002 and heaven forbid we go with the showy glasses or even the cool glasses we need to only go for the expensive glasses now we just need all this random domestic stuff like this television that looks like it was ripped off the back of an airplane seat okay where's all this magnificent stuff I bought magical door do you deliver it to me oh I bet it just shows up under my list here under well Chet Borowski is not happy about this stream title Chet is sad well we've maxed out on our followers again I'm not sure if there's any way we can make our lifestyle more legit you know it's probably just as well I feel like chasing the rich life isn't what Chad Borowski really has in his heart I think he actually yearns for a simpler life by that I mean this simple dungeon this is definitely about more your speed these days right we'll just set up a chair for you right back here and there we go Chad is always at his happiest when he's boy witching in the corner welp Chad I'm gonna give you some private space I'm just gonna push myself through this wall here hope you had fun I know I did I'm gonna take a quick power nap while I fall to my doom and I'll see you next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,543,188
Rating: 4.9541392 out of 5
Keywords: streamer daily, streamer daily game, streamer daily gameplay, streamer, simulation games, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, streaming, livestreamfails, live stream fails, twitch clips, funny live stream moments, funny twitch moments, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, let's game it out simulator, let's game it out streamer, let's game it out tycoon, let's game it out josh, I Made a Millionaire to Stream in Only Deadly Places
Id: TYbr5oUKxZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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