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What I got from this episode:

  • They think Bobby is an unfiltered teen with a foot fetish
  • Their British accent is atrocious 😂
  • They both wanna eat Marisol's box
  • They think Gary is 6'8 but he's a short king and literally the shortest out of all the guys
  • At 6:01 they kinda predicted Hannah's future 🤔
  • They clocked that Noah is insecure and desperately seeks approval from one line
  • Lottie is apparently a BDSM queen - not far off, tbh
  • They're obviously obsessed with Priya's boobs 👌🏽
👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/jenaybon 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’m so glad they’re making more Love Island videos. Because they’re the reason I started playing this game and have now become invested in pixels and spent an embarrassing amount of money to be a clown.🤡

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/JacobyWade1 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I watched this 😂 When they started talking about Marisol’s boobs, I was like “Just wait until you see Priya’s luminous globes..”

They didn’t let me down 😂😂😂

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/_fortheloveof_ 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

i wanna help them so bad with their marisol routes like i know that they’re gonna fuck it up but i can’t bc they won’t listen i hope they check this sub bc holy shit 😩 i also feel bad that they like priya so much and i’m like sorry boys but what can we do!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/xoxomisha 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
what up horny toads of the Internet thank you for checking in to another episode of two guys who are too old and too horny to be playing this game it's gonna be a good one before we get into it I just want to check in with you guys let you guys know that we're back from tour just in time to rest for another big tour look Cody and I are doing a big international tour next year so if you want if you haven't seen us yet and you want to come see all our new [ __ ] we're writing new music for it and all that head on over to tiny meat tour calm now before we get into this love island episode I want to let y'all know I don't want this series to kind of drag out like the last one so what I'm doing is I'm speeding up the timeline a little bit okay I'm getting us to the sex faster in between each episode I'm playing the game a little bit so every time the new one comes out we'll catch you up and we'll drop you right back into the action okay imagine if you could have someone flirt for you in your sleep that's what we're doing alright one last thing I want to mention is you guys know we've had a little bit of trouble with music you know licensing it being able to use some of it the list goes on but I want to mention someone who doesn't have a problem with music and that is recording artist ray Jay in fact ray Jay loves music and premium audio so much he went started his own company it's called ray Con and they're sponsoring this video now look as one of Ray J's very good friends I can tell you something he does not like expensive premium audio in fact that's why he started ray con he wanted premium audio available to everyone at a decent price he wanted to make a premium headset that sounded good look good but you know didn't cost a fortune look at these bad boys right here they come in this nice little case here's what I love most besides the sound about these recon headphones is that they fit in my weirdly shaped ears perfectly and they're noise cancel this [ __ ] when I pop these bad boys in my truly can't hear [ __ ] something could be on fire behind me right now and I'd only know it because of the smell because I'm locked the [ __ ] in when I strap into these bad boys if you're interested in a pair of these bad boys Ray Khan is doing a sale on Black Friday and Cyber Monday but you don't have to wait till then you can head on over to buy Raycom / Noelle Miller get you a pair if you want some good sound at an affordable price and you got some weird ears like me this might be the headset for you so go on and check it out all right that's enough about Ray J let's get into this next episode [ __ ] is up everybody welcome back to grown men acting 12 it's love my own my life a lot of stuff happened yeah let's get you caught up so we probably little bit a trooper there and we got caught for a couple of things Bobby loves toes yeah there was an interest it was a nice little quote from him during the game where he said yeah get those little piggies out I want to suck on him or something like that and predictably Hannah a redheaded [ __ ] trying to steal our swag she's like the evil code oh yeah she's like the goody two-shoe she's like you know feet gross and everybody clown her a little bit but the most important thing that happened and just a seat belt on her this seat belt on are you ready in between all the games we found out Marisol is bisexual [Applause] as it turns out so are we really so well we shot her a little a little flirt you know saying we we kind of laid the groundwork yeah we definitely put in some work so without further ado let us finish day one this is me getting into Marisol [Music] tonight we introduced and he's 11 inches long he's actually the eighth Islander his nickname is the 11 he's like he's like 11 from stranger things except his nose bleeds every time he gets an erection oh my god Elevens heart again previously on love Ireland hoping Noah Hannah Hannah Bobby Lottie and Rocco Cadell and every the gals are getting ready for the first night party the whole room is filled with glass spraying a smell of Sun cream his Sun cream like son come Oh what is this new outfit again you outfit let's say that in having last season no it did our informing us of every new fit that's crazy new fit alert she's a supreme bag new outfit Lottie looking like a Morgan more thottie than ever looking like a goddamn BDSM Queen [ __ ] bondage master goddamn her mouth is hot yeah she's high yeah look sighs John you know if a girl comes in now she'll be the hottest person any of us have ever seen and she'll be out to get what she wants we're like that I like the sound of that we just like resting lip bite that's what that is hate this [ __ ] hearing you say that makes me know you sit alert cool looking like Goldilocks she looks like a [ __ ] B character from West world oh you look like a rejected Disney Princess just going in on this [ __ ] you look like a vegan Rapunzel and if anybody pulls on your hair it's all gonna fall out I just want everyone to meet their perfect match what if a perfect match is the same as mine boo little [ __ ] get some titties should we be worried about another girl coming in uh I'd like another girl thank you I don't think we should be worried the more the merrier she's probably really nice really nice what else do you like horses she's gonna break bad by like the fifth day I like horse [ __ ] yeah Oh baby Oh Maddie saw oh she looks like she looks like like I was like um you know like like like a lawyer and Laura Croft his tongue is tied you could even get that one out my ex back in Australia was always shirtless he was ripped so I didn't complain too much but it was a little weird alright flex jihadi I was kind of weird having a really hot boyfriend all the time he was super jacked huge dick what did you say when you saw him nothing I just lived in his abs and took him inside dig them inside my ass we never made our reservation oh nice a point yeah I see what you're saying you smushed okay Wow subtle cool oh my god Hannah what are you [ __ ] 14 if he was so hot why did you break up then prove it anyway one time we talked I can't I can't help you right now and he asked me what country is France and my that's when I knew things were going sorry sorry sorry lottie's accents really stupid I would have done the same what country is France yo real talk though that's how we look yeah where the [ __ ] is France that's a special level of stupid we had to break up twice in the yen alright this conversation is boring I know [ __ ] boo you had a shitty boyfriend who cares don't care don't care don't parent oh now now everybody calm down I'm down what does what does she have listen it sounded like it ended for a good reason to be honest I agree yeah sorry I'm not great I got lost in her words I don't want to happen to me there Mary saw it totally agree yeah yeah I could never take someone back could you no no no no you couldn't no we definitely couldn't I only give people one chance look at you with that had it shut the [ __ ] up Lottie Shh I'm worried about shut the [ __ ] up Hannah we don't care just whiniest bug I'm worried about shut up in here I can't imagine how hard breaking up will be shut up you and Bobbie need to [ __ ] go skateboard and for each other yeah go share a milkshake okay let's relax first oh no its relax for a second what does she have to say marisol go ahead you'll still have to see them every day that's a lot of difficult emotions to process yes thank you thank you said what we were all thinking I mean that's what she's the best nailed it yeah what about you Coto where's your head at I'm really into Gary I want to get to know someone else I haven't clicked with anyone yet oh those are all like pretty tricky options this is all pretty extreme I'd say the second one yeah I want to get to know someone else you don't think Gary is a good match I've been trying to keep an eye on all the boys and see if I can feel out what they're like dude she is just [ __ ] don't say no mouth Jesus Christ who's done the text bubble disappears I'm like hi I'm Melina they have breasts in this game I want you to know is it cool okay so it's good to know though I'm still not sure what I want Rocco seems like a cool guy but I'm gonna sit on him we've both given each other that look if you know I mean I'm not sure about you Brahimi either there we go baby's gorgeous but what if that means he's never had to work for it there's a great point cuz we the thing about us is we put in work we work we work where would that work what a social-media influencer yeah yeah we work very hard it's tough that can be very hard yeah I don't want to find out later he's totally self-centered I get the feeling there's hidden depths behind those beautiful eyes it worries me we might never get to find out more about these boys everything worries you you're stressing me out Hannah like we're just trying to [ __ ] relax have a conversation here and there to sear this what if ah we should be focusing on looking our best instead let's go out looking amazing and that all the boys will want us hope is right I've got to get my look right if I'm gonna stay in the competition new fit alert oh look I got like a like a hot poison ivy yeah little black dress is a good look yeah that's a good luck this is mmm no that's boring I say let's go for the wrong yeah I think we're on I think that's the choice swap up you look amazing code Oh [ __ ] I know if it's a new girl she's not gonna have a chance speak of the devil all the ghosts walk out onto the lawn together with a boys away in oh yeah here they are Gary Gary's new outfit what the [ __ ] is that fit bro that [ __ ] this dude is ripping out of his jeans besides 2016 he's like six foot eight bro one squad that [ __ ] is dunzo they just explode they just vaporize Bobby yes especially mr. wall and over here that guy Sebastian who sings and plays at piano in that movie you remind you of him he's just going around roasting the ribs dude your clothes are [ __ ] Dom what the [ __ ] are those sandals what is that fit bro you couldn't even pop a kickflip one of those things you take your foot up this singing crowd would lives under this see now that's different nevermind the point is Rocco wants us to think he's laid-back but it turns out he doesn't like getting stood up he's an [ __ ] that's me I'm obvious when I'm lying down nice nice Rocco he winks it out it goes the boys are waiting for us yeah now let's get this party started up it's our first night in the villa I want to party you're not gonna shut up yeah bro we we gang banging why are you guys still chatting you know to champagne over here Jesus hope hey we're doing there's [ __ ] alcohol right here oh you're not drinking this right now do it just to look around a roof terrace yeah that's gonna be such a beautiful spa look at the Stars that's a beautiful spot to [ __ ] you in the ass I hope I'll get a chance to do an evening with someone else Lottie clears her throat Oh chill out [ __ ] damn I mean with Laurie of course that sounds like an invitation I like that that's bold in front of everyone call him out still little drama valign of course it was a line I bet he asked women to go and look at the stars with him all the time but it's almost like he's unfiltered because he doesn't like you know like social skills yeah yeah you just still like just that's whatever song is mine doesn't realize he's like offending everyone did you do that all the time you like get on all the girls it's crazy you're beasts in a shipyard at night is just as nice as the Stars but no one ever wants to go look at a shipyard with me a shipyard the shipyard is shut up shut up Gary thinks the shipyard at night is romantic sounds boring no let's let's keep this going well Gary I hope rolls her eyes like she's bored god damned if she wants to [ __ ] go guys can we get drunk please let's take some shots I laid out all the coke what are we doing to do none of you rail lines really so this whole island of coke is for nothing [ __ ] I'm going skiing then by myself sorry to interrupt because this is riveting I'm starting to see why some of you are single oh so can one of you do a single line with me hey girl do you know how to give the kiss of life um cuz she just took my breath away Wow you try one this one has always been my favorite hey girl are you an overdue library book or just gonna go cuz I want to return you to where you came from i'ma head out cuz you've got fine written all over you hey hope feel my shirt feel that dust boyfriend material [Laughter] like insecure about boyfriend material yeah that's my cereal what boyfriend material I'm sorry I didn't good night I go oh are you at them because you've got me saying beaver oh wait I mean eh okay keep quiet just like yeah let him Bom yeah yeah don't let him Bom yeah I let him borrow a timebomb throw silence intensifies Rocco clears his front does everyone goes quiet after that I card I want you try one um okay who sure you use my chat up line on uh let's see hey Marisol you must know exactly what I'm searching for I like the first one is like forward it's like okay I want this I want this box because you autocomplete oh that's bad that was [ __ ] bad Marisol blushes usually I hate you when a guy tries it on like that but that was pretty funny and sexier than I thought it would be yeah go after my hot car del I might have to work on my game trust me there are worse things are not being a smooth talker people who talk to your chest instead of your face oh I wasn't look what Burt when a girl goes out with me she can expect quality Bayona absolute Jim in a hundred bad dad jokes Oh dad jokes this is quality humor Rock a bishop walks into the nunnery okay what could be better than watching Gary do five minutes of stand-up this game was made for us man I've got a text islanders please go to the 5-pin get ready for the arrival oh [ __ ] who is it let's do this Gary pulls you aside on the way to the fire pit so nice be such a good laugh but I thought we should have a quick chat before someone else arrives and kicks it all off was it okay that I kissed you when I did that dad I chose you this morning and you kissed me this afternoon what's not to like he poses for a second can I ask you now that we in private where's your head up so loud dude what are you thinking about you it's the first day relax first day to get to know other people if you have to choose do we string him along I don't know cuz this might I don't know how this games like works if we say this then it might just [ __ ] our chances with Matty solos but it's also like we don't want to knock this off no we told her that we weren't sure about it okay so it's it's it's it's wack if we aren't if we if we like string him okay try and be friends for now yeah uncle are you set up I think we fall good connection okay good yeah yeah whenever you two lovebirds array hear the clicking of stilettos on the stone as you reach the fire pit Priya Priya wait is that the new girl yeah she's cute this was me with Marisol as my Gary whistles under his breath my I'm not late I know I guess welcoming committee what's up I want to be the first say what's up Sevilla holy [ __ ] your dress is Louis [ __ ] dude dude there's a lot of great sets in here if you want to hit a heel flip over one of them or whatever boys I'll swimming around it you'd think that and just met five gorgeous women already today you sound jealous are you worried about Rocco no I'm not worried you should be worried yeah you should definitely you should be worried absolutely all right you glance over at Gary's laughing along with Priya something am i worried about Gary um I don't think pretty sight yeah keep it ambiguous meeting the new girl oh yeah hi nice to meet you love what you've done with your boobs oh also your legs Priya turns to you compliment oh yeah I'm koto you stun him by the way we were just saying you're so sweet there are nipples just crazy [ __ ] crazy I was really worried I'd be fighting into the background to be honest oh you girls are so beautiful and I know I'm slightly older than some of you I wouldn't have noticed stop I was too busy looking at your tits all right so Marysol doesn't like it when dudes are openly forward does he doesn't mind when we're forward which is a good sign I would say we in there but now we got some competition with Priya I feel like yeah we might maybe maybe a little love triangle going on maybe all three of us can and then Thalia just [ __ ] for that top rope just shots Priya we should date in history it was usual type how come you still single blast one oh nice way of putting it I love guys who are fun to be around but I tend to get a bit scared when it gets more serious everyone here seems fun to be around in the wrong way yeah we're just a bunch of mushrooms also I'm on mushrooms it just starts Brian I'm a golf club I'm a golf club oh it's gonna be another [ __ ] awful fun guys yikes maybe jokes like your thing lad try something else anyway everyone seems really cool in here even those two they'll come around soon I'm sure hope points in Latvia Hanno's to chat about a firepit what's going on now why do they come over and say oh well sure tell though it's not about you the threatened by you they're coming over now whatever let's get them over here do ya guys oi Lottie Hannah why are you sitting over there or not hang out the rest of the group talking by yourselves what are you guys talking about sorry dude come over straight away there's something important to discuss no air kisses prey on both cheeks what do you say your name was BAE I'm freer and Priya must really offer you to come in when we're all coupled up already you're Chas Priya turns face slowly in air kids suspect oh my gosh I love your Aussie accent it's so rural rave roll maybe Priya can hold their own guys it's a bit early we're getting into a lot is it's our first day in a villa no it's right there's going to be plenty of time for falling out later sorry if I'm not loving the idea though we're already in danger speaking of which everyone shut the [ __ ] up what do you have to say it's out of it I guess this time tries to be questioned she turns to Priya I mean these boys cut you already I'd say a broom is my type stray away but garius gorgeous ours as well well I'm not trying to tread anyone's toes wrong [Music] honey I don't think anyone with a figure like that it needs to graft whoa oh you're right but still let's you know we know who's got the best view yeah go sit on that bed over there watch the boys form a line what spread-eagle Roco think we need to have a word yep I think it's that time for all of us watch the couple's drift off you can already hear raised voices coming with Lottie sup yeah dude what the [ __ ] what's up to page off the water portly wines down in the Arlen just get ready for bed everyone gets into the PJ oh we're gonna do some new fit alerts oh yeah you fetal are you PJ alert [Laughter] definitely gotta be that one Kyle's just butt ass naked that looks great oh is this not over this is the longest [ __ ] segment we've ever had sitting on a daybed looking at the view I'll go sits down beside you he pops up whenever I'm just by myself hey gorgeous yeah just waiting to ask you the important question it looks like everyone's getting ready for bed and it's our first night as a couple do you wanna fine how do you feel about sharing a bed tonight oh he breathes deeply so pumped seriously really [ __ ] pumped a cool breeze drifts over the lawn you both shiver slightly okay I guess she's [ __ ] naked a really clever coupled up I'm really getting those first night bars and we haven't gotten to a bedroom yet they won't have any privacy there anyway this might be the best opportunity for a cheating case no man no no it's too early for that yeah it's last episode I was like we're [ __ ] let's go all out yeah let's talk some dick very first day no it's like now it's like we are play smart we have to play the game we are in it now and we do have our targets on someone we I'll tell you this we're gonna bone one of these girls yeah from across the lawn you hear the faint sound of a beeping phone guys come over here I've gotta take our tax damn this [ __ ] is deep as [ __ ] Priya tomorrow you'll get to choose one of the boys took up a lot with leave me wanting to go single and vulnerable damn I'm regretting should we have kissed him as I'm saying now we're in danger cuz now she could pick Gary and then we're fudged [ __ ] I didn't think about that damn it I don't know it's time we left those are lenders to get their beauty sleep not that they need it have you seen Priya or a brain Wow offering these guys are artists punch we've had yeah I feel like I'm getting a heat stroke just looking at them coming up next on love Ireland you know kicks off as prenup cracks own well I was already complete all right so not a lot happened not a lot happened but the most important part is that we found out that she likes women mm-hmm and we struck through day one so it's on for day two baby I mean here's the goal guys we're not gonna let this one sleep we want to get through this game yeah so we might might blast through a couple segments just to get things going mm-hmm but we know this damn it we should have we should have [ __ ] nailed Gary we didn't stick to the code next time we have to stick to the code we have to we gotta go for it yeah you can't [ __ ] up yeah it's just like one of those things where I don't want to sweet-talk too many people you know what I mean yeah because then it turns people off yeah see this feels like we're just playing this game real life you know I know like these are all things you you have to face if you were really in the villa we can't think about it like that yeah look at like a game yeah we [ __ ] everybody yeah tonsil hockey when I play it I'll see you guys in the next episode checking our podcasts check out the podcast slash tiny me gang and yeah we'll see you peace out he's getting a little [Music]
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 2,940,343
Rating: 4.9844422 out of 5
Keywords: noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, comedy, satire, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Id: z9BuAnZwnGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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