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you're welcome back to thug Island yo what up welcome back to thug Island the place well the dogs try to meet each other run the fade and eventually develop you know close bonds after getting out all that aggression and deep [ __ ] looted in the back of their mind you're lasting relationships yeah real quick I want to give a big thanks to see geek for sponsoring this video I don't know what C key gives it's a great app to buy a tickets for concerts or events when you go to buy a ticket you can actually see the view from the seat that you pick and there's a score on every ticket to let you know if you're getting a good deal or not if you want $10 off on your first set of tickets head on over to see slash noel or you can click the link in my bio and that'll get you that discount as well so shout the seek thank you for sponsoring this video because the creators of love island wouldn't anyways yeah we're back with episode 3 of this amazing series so far I don't even remember where we're at to be honest episode 3 part 3 of day 1 oh my god still in the first day maybe we just need to replace the podcast with this yeah for like two months and then we'll beat this [ __ ] game never have I ever welcome Paul's buddy got wrong oh damn we got three tickets left [ __ ] and then we got to start watching them all but up Casper that'd previously on love island our new Islanders met one another for the first time now the moment has come to find out what they really like is together at the fire pit for a little game of never have I ever oh this should get saucy spicy mate like top level now no spicy yeah yeah Jake chill out brother what like you've been there Jake yeah Jesus you [ __ ] nerd nerd [ __ ] [ __ ] wait how does this game work I'll be played it since I was a teenager did he just hit puberty right there yeah just right there yeah Oh our boy come on my it's not complicated mr. chat he's gotta be from Manchester Manchester come on mate we all take turns to say a thing we've never done if you've done that thing have to stand up and take a drink oh yeah like you need any more you have to stand up what is this a [ __ ] workout class no thanks Tim and take a drink them's the rules them's the rules all right Jen thirsty yeah straight down to it it's like normally it starts like never ever ever like you know giving ahead on a boat oh yeah eatin ass yeah yeah yeah some light some funny let's get straight down she wants the she wants the grease she wants the dirt big member Mason straight to a mouse none of this a novela lobster stuff love it this is like exactly what I just said yeah hit the fun well we've got to know what kind of cars we'll get into big wave well alright the no.1 it's dead it's part three of day one and you're already talking about what type of guys are getting into bed with she's like I'm just gonna make sure you don't cheat on me [ __ ] we're not even close to fighting in a relationship she's insane she cracks up at her own joke yeah this course she does she just sounds nervous always like getting liquor yeah she's blacked out right now laughing at her own jokes like an insane person yeah I don't quite know what's going on with Jen so Jake at this point you have to stand up if you've ever cheated our partner Rob oh I did it thanks thanks okay fine now I'm just telling you them is the ruse you look around at the other Islanders Jake sighs and gets to his feet this dude hate standing up oh that's why he was acting nervous yeah I've never played this game did we want to play this game he's rocking a bone dog yeah sporting a fully he's like we would've what do you mean to stand up I thought I thought was just fingers down yeah why don't you sell dousset we can do sit down like we don't forget off no find necessary Barham eyes never war there's the roof stems the roof stand up why you Wow relaxing is over drinking now my stay seated now my then fine you gots not follow basis cross have I ever cheated this is tough this is tough I say we lie and stand up stay seated yeah nobody else moves for a moment but then leave aren't erika also stein leo of course chrome [ __ ] is cheated before so now we know these Daltry crew actually hit this with the canadian so now we know weight of Talia okay I've got a question I have never slept with someone without knowing their name who a few people shift around in their seats with a grunt Jasper stands Oh Russ Russ stand up yeah yeah yeah it's like it's like we want to play it like y'all I've never cheated but like I'll [ __ ] a nameless person oh [ __ ] dammit oh you idiot [ __ ] now we're gonna be like no this has never done any what everyone you [ __ ] you know their names that's all Wow look at you oh you know what to call them Oh getting to know people war man come on there must be more I like Rush stands up so to her [ __ ] face Chucky's breath Chucky's bride stands up to okay sit down everyone I've got one never have I ever had a threesome Talia jumps to her feet Santa oh it's definitely out of free sub but you knew both their names all right yeah yeah [ __ ] losers so do a leg around Jasper it's like damn there's four of us the seated Islanders yelling clip the four of you avoid eye-contact a full song sorry we got a deal Allegra's sits down Talia and Jasper are still it just keeps going they caught you so there's always a laugh or a foursome yep six seven eight I don't really know how many people were there to be honest oh I was at uni practically everyone in our code or go involved what the [ __ ] you need is you go did I just imagine that just a row of dorms in a central area you're a knocking at door the answer like you'll yell we're having an orgy like right down the [ __ ] hall you're like um is there a game it sounds like everyone's out people are stacked it's a crazy 14-story orgy twinkling in surnames like a Jenga tower what's egg come on I don't think it's true yeah bang I don't think it's true are you accusing me of lying whoops we've angered us it's true all right Oh actor pretty fast man oh damn [ __ ] [ __ ] so what's your story Cadell i love how everything is just fine that's for me to know and you to not know oh alright chess piece what do you gotta say get out of here dude no one likes you yeah so I don't know slop it was like a lot of people which is our low sex what Mouse what what do you want it's all about looks [ __ ] off Oh miles as god I can't wait to see what's gonna fish it is this brother never have I ever had really amazing sex that lasted on what why I came do what kind of corny ass [ __ ] is this on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond with nobody else for miles around okay dude and the last was practically singing my name by the time we were done all right man what the [ __ ] is this never have I ever absolutely body someone's [ __ ] so hard that she was screaming my name for long 16 kilometers around so again no shade you haven't nobody thought that you have yeah well that's over not your story mouth I'm a Mason right oh you keep you oh my god I hate this dude you're just saying that and I just jump into your feet cuz I have it's all about looks but strangely specific yeah exactly Mason I know I just feel like everyone else was getting to boast about their world sexual exploits I wanted to go all right you [ __ ] jealous baby yeah hasn't even been three hours in this place oh boy miles this at night that was me did something happen me to tell you that night it was me what is this dude we're just stupid that's the problem it was me I was a us pretending to be a lady it was the best night of my life classic ever can joke right there classic yeah it was a Reuben they both sit down why celebrity she's been standing the whole time adjusting Bride of Chucky he's just like slowly raises out of the top of the screen she wants the yeah yeah that does give me a not day a fair question though God Oh Bob never have I ever spend the night with someone of the same sex Oh some gay [ __ ] yes yes if we said no to that it would've been five dudes in us that's just porn that's what that you stand up sodas Thalia as you rise you catch her eye she sticks her tongue out and wait isn't that who was hitting on us before yes I knew it I [ __ ] knew it Chucky still stands motionless and watches Chucky wants to kill him both a few moments later Jake also stuns he looks around at Oh Jake come on no other boys he shrugs oh well maybe no one's trying to get their dick sucked by me yeah I can't believe none of these questions have made me stand up yet Wow embarrassing yeah what the [ __ ] big dick virgin where's all the spontaneity yeah he it doesn't fit in anything that's why it isn't every time you pull it out girls go no oh no no no I had a yeah my insurance doesn't cover there I'm the same oh here we go Jen like a British grandmother whoa maybe you could set that Rory some ah all right Formula One dick Corvette [ __ ] over here whoa maybe you could suck my dick I don't want to have a massive orgy in the villa alive even [ __ ] here right party pooper don't worry Jen I'll take you to Lomond if you want oh oh not cool man not cool it was a woman so I go now bye it was made he playfully punches Tim on the arm and Tim laughs and runs off miles chases him they're gonna [ __ ] me yeah yeah he playfully jerks off Tim they've had too much just like this time he playfully punches Tim on the arm and then beats his dick right off Tim laughs and [ __ ] him in the ass Tim giggles while Ian [ __ ] him in the ass I said Toby what does that mean that mean all right Erica Jesus you're all Toby's what is this it means like when someone's being a Mook boy does it mean if someone's being a mum what I know among is oh you've all you from central London alright boys go somewhere else I want to talk to my girls ooh [ __ ] girl talk after that very rude you won't hit this after that very revealing game of never have I ever the Islanders have moved away from the fire pit the girls are having a gossip while the boys are getting rowdy this is what the CBS version is gonna be like yeah yeah we should do it that way yeah so girls how you finding it any boys seem interested how doubt you've been getting a lot of attention you go first or any boys interested in me well yes okay go for it that [ __ ] it's a niche just the biggest dicks and you just chose the biggest big fella whoa both of them amazing together that's like 30 inches I really lovely Vaughn he's mine for sure all right there's the [ __ ] what you decided that already what the [ __ ] let's choose me a non thirsty with the champagne and [ __ ] he wasn't feeling her yeah what the [ __ ] she's insane clearly yeah he seemed super and he seems way way more intimating anyone else mmm that's not saying much no I don't want to sound cookie but we've had a couple of moments already Oh smooth operator I like Mason if I can get him what about you Talia oh I've picked someone out I'm gonna keep it to myself annatto oh well she licking her lips too - looking right out I'll keep it to myself let's just say same oh my god if any of you have your eyes on me saying I swear to God oh shoot she looks at you who Jesus [ __ ] Chucky just chill out okay [ __ ] Oh what what our face just chill out okay yes Charlotte okay all right all right all right all right all right seventeen voices yeah [ __ ] bats why I'm gonna just like and she licks her teeth after just threatening to kill you oh is it just me or as a leg right a little bit scary I feel like this games got some weird AI [ __ ] going on they know what we're thinking then I think they've just written it well and we're stupid and we have low IQ maybe that's what it is nah man it's totally an algorithm dude it's listening do tell me up later drama as the girls pick their partners and one Islander is sent packing story completed dude that was a fast one that's perfect we did it we did it never have I ever finished day three of love island can't say that anymore maile sitting down for that no oh also cuz I have a boner alright guys thanks so much for watching we'll see you on the next one oh no oh no that [ __ ] out no that's Danny we're gonna cut in here [Music] she got a cans out begging like she homeless you need to pay dues this a notice Mike filling like ice POTUS you just a bunch of [ __ ] worms on my wood trying to replicate much
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 4,324,820
Rating: 4.988133 out of 5
Keywords: noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, comedy, satire, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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