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[Music] it what's up everybody before we get into this episode of love island I want to say thank you to our sponsor for this video and that is none other than SeatGeek there are a lot of old ticketing websites out there that really don't care about your experience as a customer but there is one that does and that is see geek see geek aggregates tickets from all over the web for concerts events they put a score on every seat so you know if you're getting a good deal or not you even get to choose your seat and you get to know where exactly you're gonna sit in the venue for whatever event that you're buying a ticket for and right now they're offering $20 off to anyone who uses my promo code that's right 20 bucks that's on me it's a little corndog for me to you well corndog in a soda what you like you like chips you like ice cream BAM got you $20 right back in your pocket you can download the CTE gap by clicking the link in the description below so smash that link okay let's save 20 bucks get to it all right thanks Iggy now let's say let's get into the video shall we let's get the [ __ ] to this [ __ ] tie to final chapter about astrology the evening as to our lenders gift the fortunes red tensions come to a head come to a head come to a head pun intended previously on Love Ireland boss got a bit feisty when he was asked about his past during the couple's quiz - not everyone's futures on the show is that right I said that right as the our lenders have the new relationships right here by an actual astrologer from Twitter to come in every astrologer is an actual astrologer yeah scientific astrologers there's no like certified a strong it's just a Sagittarius thing for me to say spicy sad spicy spicy sedge and koto faces a decision that could affect the rest of her tom in the but first it's time to get ready I really want to look my best tonight god damn dude what the [ __ ] should I wear dude a glittery mini I'm thinking or I could just not change it all and stay in this [ __ ] balloon outfit you know what I'm saying I think we go let's see what the glittery mini looks okay well ready how you're a teen man hey I'm just saying we gotta go through the app all right looks like a Christmas present it's a good gift for Talia it's pretty good let's see if the red looks like what did I tell you that's pretty what did I tell you that's pretty yeah I like how they just got like the theater curtains right up to her vagina yeah ladies and gentlemen the show perfect do it I better go see if the others are still hanging out in the kitchen I like how we're just making herself all walk all right all right P by the way yeah I don't have all the cash but I do have the pink slip to my car card Oh what the [ __ ] you on about what you want about what y'all about huh Erica how do you think Jenny leave our state is going Jen looks so gone when she was getting ready when her makeup is on point I feel like I shouldn't even bother trying to keep up all right let's not give her any bit of ego boost yeah seriously don't worry boys she hasn't got your smile shut the [ __ ] up tan just a little Timmy this little little PA this guy's little hands out yeah little coochie please but she hasn't got your smile oh my god that's so sweet Erika brushes and looks away charlie Jake notices and tries to change the subject he pulls the vampire look for every occasion fully yeah look like Wolverine do it Wolverine I hope it's go well for them I think we all need that kind of thing what do you mean an actual romantic type just the two of you good food good conversation that proper proper bar I don't know about that I hope when I get a day outside of like getting pissed to get one a beach somewhere and that's why you're both single well that and the poetry damned weak-ass rhymes dude bars we spit now [ __ ] Jake totally gave me a poem earlier you guys oh that's the thing we skipped this [ __ ] he gave you a poem y'all [ __ ] out [ __ ] Doug get some heard Green eclipse how can you imagine cringe debt exactly why not him because I believe we already know that she's not that type of girl man Jake she want your [ __ ] little Hawaiian roll ass body [ __ ] is that good P and we got it she gave bro well I think you're sweet you did that I think Jake might have one up on you in the romance takes a Tim but can Jake right but can Jake right I love rock wit is cook I thought that's how big t gets older ladies go oh no wow is that a challenge is big t better write some [ __ ] nice he's doing the Chad right now he's egging him on yeah I think Tim's got more than one hidden talent and that keeps the ladies interesting oh yeah exactly yeah Ron teams working well by you Koda what's your ideal date I'll start adrenal dinner under the stars sunny day to park traditional pottery class going to see local music I just love going to check out the local music yeah I love local music I love the Venice drum circle yeah that's my [ __ ] yeah we go pottery class man it's weird as [ __ ] but it shows we like to use our hands dude no we can't be that lame dude local music yeah let's do that yeah yes locals only yeah yes that's what I'm talking about little cerveza a little bit of music a little bit of music I love music I love you Lulu musica got Spanish for the music that's parties for let me put my coffee on your throat Mogar serenade you would a drum solo yeah Mason's in the drum circle in Venice yeah so you're taking a piss on my rapping oh so you're taking the piss out of my rapping ha why don't you get back then you're taking the piss out of my wrapping let's start decipher before I get it clapping but your move is to impress the girls to play the drums for them as the drum serenade ever worked my same won't be gone a day anytime soon the way my couple is going imagine a drum serenade like an actual drum kit okay this is for you babe she's like don't give up yet what do you think miles our deal day ease if I've learned anything from the quiz this afternoon is that we've got no idea what's going on in Javas hands heads well funny you should mention that Codell since the fates by which I mean the producers of course are thinking along the same lines Oh God sex mate guys tax-rate it out then Arlen does it's time to find out what kind of future relationships are a professional astrologer studied your horoscopes and allies are compatible you all with your partner hi I'm goth [ __ ] 99 from Twitter I'm here to [ __ ] talk about your astrology please head to the fire pit in couples to collect your results Allegra Mason will go first hashtag written in the stars hashtag love planets per line while rust dear friend I'm kind of excited I've never had my function told before it's not a fortune is it it's all right it's all right our girls allowed to be a little done that's fine no yeah that's all right Oh baby no no it's not like that's not like that listen let me tell you what it's like tell you what it's like people gave you flat cuz they said that I went for the suck and you went for the kiss and they were like we we know who's really had sex we know who's really the man baby here Yeah right for the milk it's not working dude guess we better go find out what our futures Mason runs over by Legros wearing heels and yes to wait impatiently for to talk her over before we can open one what is it totter what is that I read that never heard that word before ever whole totter over this whole paragraph [ __ ] me out you can see from the kitchen that the envelopes are on a small my flower [ __ ] she looks well pleased with whatever that says anyone mind if we go next you watch Talia and Jake head down to the fire pit just [ __ ] longingly jizz damn I'm Gaius [ __ ] she doesn't know eventually all the couples I've opened that envelopes accept you in Mars Oh miles is still in no mayo has anyone been evicted yet uh just the first Russ guy oh we have right well stalls on did you say you were my star sign is fire Aries Leo said it's clearer than fire yeah yep interesting we're also redheads interesting that we both be foil which one am i Aries Leo sag I think we got a spicy sach you think spicy said yes just like me huh oh and if you a fire son look at our [ __ ] hair dude look at your hair dude [ __ ] what about you Gemini's is an ass on ya for airhead you [ __ ] dummy Oh Oh go [ __ ] cut your balls off Oh [ __ ] emasculated homie maybe that's why we keep blowing up at each other no no these are signs oh sorry yeah that's it yeah that's why is this a star sign oh maybe that's why you don't get along our signs are [ __ ] up I knew it I knew there was some weird energy between us that was like bigger than just us dude totally man I [ __ ] I was [ __ ] this one chick one time she was a water sign let me tell you about that okay if that was [ __ ] wet okay should we open the envelope yeah maybe before we do how important is all this to you it's really important it's just a bit of fun I don't really do let's go it's just been fun yeah it's like a nice medium yeah I guess I was so much harder to predict our future as a couple doesn't really seem fun to me these do these people know what astrology is I don't know is it something different and maybe it's your future it's like yeah psychic [ __ ] we brought a physicist into the house what do you got a psychic yeah I guess we're pretty different why was that not already established maybe it's not so stupid after all oh wow so I read it out to you go on then it says Corral as a fire sign your spontaneous courageous in brain bars is an air sign you are curious thoughtful but you're also quite a bit of a deep [ __ ] your focus on ideas can leave you cold in a live Wow that's literally just your dumb Wow I'm like nice speak yeah cold and aloof you're very curious but you focus on things that are just [ __ ] fruitless how do I feel about that sounds about right yeah hit him in the balls yes right Oh Sherlock continue I say we stand like that or now just pushing the [ __ ] mr. Olympia pose relationships are far and our painter is Farnese air to burn bro but in a closed space to mixture can lead to explosions just couple should look elsewhere for a more stable partnership we've been known I know there's a moment of silence as you both are just a resource sucks it's not great oh oh are you two done yet you gonna let me darvon them off you're gonna be broken me a little bugger want to come and see what you've got well you tell me first what do you say what does mine say it said cancer what does yours say mine says I'm attracted to you yeah what is your Z we're not so hard but we're not bad like the Rays that need nourishment from the stream to grow yep that's us Walter Reed's I quite liked it [ __ ] Orlov beep anyways tell us what did y'all say what I said not really seeing for each other not totally comparable no we're totally compatible why the [ __ ] would we lie dyslexic but why would we lie about that why is that even an option I know that's crazy why would I know that's an understatement oh I love that these people are just trusting some weird animal oh I know professional they're like yeah well we can't do it anymore so because somewhere somewhere said that our signs don't match oh [ __ ] we can't date anymore damn bummer actually guys I think we might need to talk about this one alone for a second yeah come on Scooby's 2-minute it's just you miles unknown again okay let's cut to the chase why is this is dramatic anymore do we need to talk I suppose so what are you thinking there's nothing to talk about what are you thinking just we got it like officially breakup yeah just that we've got a lot to talk about after everything that's happened today I'm just wondering you know about us Copely not last night wait wait what that's how long we been playing this game we're just on the second day okay so we coupled up with him last night Jesus grace I know it's been like four months crazy I cuddled up with miles last night I don't regret it I might have made a mistake I've changed my mind I've changed my mind yeah we have we got to play it honest at least you had a choice in the first place oh wow now he's getting offended thanks for not sending me home you know you're welcome but what about what happens straight after what we still took his [ __ ] he was running off at the mouth in order look a lawnmower your mouth was just moving from what's on the way you were looking at the other boys in here and Talia don't think Ivan knows that too oh he's on to us oh yes what's up miles we're gay [ __ ] yeah mouth stinks I've been flirting just that doesn't mean anything what's wrong with that that's not what happened what's the problem with that yes I'm allowed to chat to other people if it wants anyway why do you care if I've been looking at other boys are you looking at those boys why are we even doing this man this is a waste of [ __ ] time I know shut the [ __ ] up just kill yourself move on come on give me a second gun move on Bravo come on find a girl attack look at me no come on don't walk away like I it turns out after today you don't really get me at all even the stars don't think we should be together like a little cry-baby how'd you feel now I guess this is it we're gay it said bloody yow he stops off for a minute but immediately circles back around again it sits down it it just it's us come on bro listen so the poster might get out of here I could do a proper gay bro 5-inch Italy like free Tom's trust me he's jiggling his leg like he's got too much nervous energy he turns and walks away [ __ ] [ __ ] and one more thing Oh code Oh c'est la vie which is French for your dump no no no I'm sorry hold up pretty sure we did the damn thing now we let him we let him know what's up yeah generally if I walk through the door they're both grinning and Levi's are on gin spice they look so happy tipsy upset only so and horny oh my god sucks just filled with the people yay hey what do we miss dude hey cars house to die I reckon noses you're sitting alone okay what's going on whereas miles gone I don't care right now oh my god did you guys break up pretty much yeah Oh babes come here so wait he's like single Jana tries to openly hug you but she was and almost pulls you over yes so rest code oh and get ready to smash it tomorrow thanks cars that's pretty sweet but I don't even know I'm gonna sleep oh damn we best leave the unhappy couple to sort this out guys sounds like we are the same fun go away go the [ __ ] away we don't want to talk to your goofy ass dude go away he cracks a wry smile I guess we won't be spooning tonight will we does he lip lock it maybe this isn't as bad as it seems if I tell miles you can have the bed tonight I can sleep outside on the daybed I'll look good for taking the high ground but I'll also get a chance to spend some alone time with Levi tomorrow morning when he goes for a swim why are we in to leave what is this alright Marik game narrative let's hit relax yeah this is our game what you guys do a second do I want to give him the bed so I can roughly leave on the moaning no you're sleeping on the sofa dude right yeah yeah [ __ ] you want to graph one grandpa's want something that [ __ ] happen besides Myles Tully is kind of taken yeah but which one oh yeah yeah you're right you're right we got to stay focus on our goals yeah but I'll slept there last night yo you act like a no Payless thank you sorry babe you know what's getting cracking when an English person calls you a knob head oh yeah walking by your no bed oh there it's going down dude yes Mars walks off towards the pool I really VIN you to head into the bedroom by yourself what should I put on lingerie with a robe sexy two-piece basic top and jammies tartan jammies what it's hardened James what in the goddamn I think we go longer a yeah oh oh oh [ __ ] that's not a kind of cliffhanger that's a super cliffhanger right there what are they gonna say she's gonna walk in there all sexy yeah Talia's nuts are all just gonna hit the floor [ __ ] man it should tell you come get this box Tyler you work for UPS come get this box special delivery ding-ding next time we'll find out what or who koto is going to do next Erica faces a big decision and we'll all lose some saucy new words well [ __ ] okay so we're going to bed in the sexy lingerie and hopefully you'll be looking like some licorice in the morning mm-hmm next time we're back is day three and I think the next episode should just be like a mega five hour long episode no no I just like a 20 minute bachelor finale yeah we're gonna blasts OH - just hold day three two hours with ya thank you guys so much for watching see you next time keep on grafting in the free world nice dude did allude do I'm horny [Music] [Music]
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 3,635,351
Rating: 4.9872518 out of 5
Keywords: noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, comedy, satire, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Id: fSWvQ6pCUH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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