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i beg your pardon good sir just got to get round here and there we go two people dead and yes another building has just become available for purchase hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing grit and today you join us back in the world of fable anniversary where i'm going to be exploiting some of my favorite mechanics and becoming an evil demon greater than mr monopoly himself we're going to be subjugating the people of the fable universe and albion into eternal rental servitude using a handy dandy list of complicated exploits to make it all very possible now of course fable is one of the greatest rpg games ever released made by lionhead studios and it has some very questionable gameplay features like say the ability to buy just about everything including morality and human beings i don't know peter molyneux was high on tea bags when he made this game one thing's for certain this game is very unique so we're going to dive back into the world of fable and put some of our infinite money from last episode to use by destroying many of the game's other mechanics for your entertainment so sit back relax grab yourself a nice warm cup of tea as we've got a very strange fable video coming now of course make sure to salute the picture of the queen that i'm sure you have hanging above your computer and if you're feeling particularly majestic you can even like the video now let's dive into the world of fable oh it's going to be beautiful ah yes fable anniversary it's like the first fable but just a little bit more graphically pleasing now we're going to be hopping back into the same character as the last time we played the terrifying liberator who managed to destroy the in-game economy via trading in the humble apple you see in the fable universe apple is a way to infinite wealth and money just like our real timeline because in fable you can buy an oversupplied good at a cheaper price and then sell it at an inflated price to the very same person you bought it from by repeating this process you will end up with unlimited money but today we're going to take that money and do some absolutely crazy things with it so let's jump into the game now you might be wondering why on earth am i in the world of fable trying to become a landlord well it's because that's someone who's experienced the enlightening creation that is the uk rental market i've come to realize that my life is missing the ultimate landlord simulator but thankfully that's where peter molina steps into the picture because with the release of this game in 2004 even you can now live the true landlord's dream now you might be wondering why isn't everyone a landlord if this game makes it so easy now you see there are three limiting factors holding people back from owning every single house in the world these three things needed to become a true landlord are one the money to buy a house two the method to remove the house's current owners and free you must not have a soul luckily i have all of these things and more and that allows me to guide even you in your journey to become the most powerful landowner in the universe and of course i do have to show off how to actually completely dominate the market and so for that i'm going to show off how to generate infinite money now you see there are two ways to generate infinite money there is the way of selling a massive amount of goods to massively increase its local supply allowing you to then buy it back at a lower price than you sold it to them for which can lead to infinite wealth have my favorite thing to do is just open up this cell window here which as you can see it says we can sell 194 apples but then press this button and move the selection process over to this health potion now apples sell for about all gold health potions however sell for about 60 but you'll notice we only have 12 health potions but what we're going to do is sell 194 apples while selecting the health potions and what you're going to notice is in the bottom left-hand side of our screen we're going to be making a little bit more money than the 400 gold we really should be making yep there we go we've sold all of our health potions and gained several thousand gold and you'll notice all of our apples are still there if we go to the shop you'll notice this very curious incident whereby the shop now has 108 health potions that's right if you have a running low on health potions then you can just duplicate them yourself using this buy and sell exploit it's absolutely handy and so there you go we now have all of the infinite money necessary to buy these houses now we need to do step two uh evict the current owners forcefully if necessary so let's go find some lovely houses now you see i'm in the market for houses and there's a whole bunch of lovely houses around here what i'm going to do is i'm just going to make myself right at home in here knock down this doorway and then step upstairs who's this up here oh now what i'm going to do is i'm going to come inside of here and murder these current owners um there's only two of them now luckily they've just both died and you'll notice peter molyneux added this thankful pup to tell us that a new property has just entered the market i wonder whose building it could be could it potentially be this building where the owners just tragically died oh my goodness what a tragedy i hear they um they both fell on the stairs oh what a shame the humanity would someone think of the property well it's a good thing someone does and that someone is me now what i'm going to do is i'm going to buy this lovely house there we go buy this for 11 000 gold don't mind if i do rent out this building a sure thing there we go it's as easy as that ladies and gentlemen we're now renting out this building and i'll be bringing in a nice little bit of income each week now all i need to do is open up this property across the street for rental opportunities sorry please don't mind me oh sorry yep i beg your pardon good sir just got to get round here and there we go two people dead and yes another building has just become available for purchase lovely now as long as the new owners actually forgive the dead bodies on the floor i'm sure everything will be perfectly fine now we're not technically killing the local population because these are just npcs and if there's one thing i know about npc's and fable it's that more will come with time so let's make our way into this house and open up another property sorry mill the shopkeeper there we go lovely stuff a brand new building now we have our little corner plot in the village oh the shop just became available for buying i see because we've murdered a couple of shopkeepers we're now almost able to buy everything in this little village right let's rent out this building lovely and all we have to do is go down the hill and buy the local shop fantastic now what actually brought us back to fable today well only a few weeks ago ladies and gentlemen fable4 was announced i know it's absolutely brilliant news who knows when it's actually coming out but all that matters is that when it does hopefully it will capture some of the same quirky charm that the fable series has like say the uh the fratricide the mass sacrifices to evil gods and of course my personal favorite hidden doorways that only let the morbidly obese pass what an incredible enlightening feature now we're going to buy the local shop for 31 000 and of course you guessed it rent out this building oh look at our lovely brand new shop and then we're going to go down this little corner here and buy ourselves up yet another little house now we've done all of this without the local authorities really getting upset with us i mean we are technically slightly evil but when you're this evil ladies and gentlemen it turns out you can just buy your way back into the good graces let's buy this building for six thousand gold and rent it out lovely stuff oh this is just a brilliant start to my empire look at that mini map in the top right this morning we had nothing but now six houses to start our property empire it truly is majestic and all that i need to do now is show off another infinite money exploit and then pipe the rest of the houses in this little village before you move on to a slightly larger location now here in oakville there is of course one house which is slightly better than all others this is your old family home it's better for one very important reason you can hang trophies up on the wall now why is a trophy important well it seems trophies are a little bit broken in this game now you see this house is actually very cheap you can buy for 16 000 gold and then you can immediately sell it for 16 000 gold this is of course not a way to get infinite money but the way to get infinite money is quite simple buy the property walk inside the property that you just spent 16 000 on and then on the property's walls place literally any trophy that you've picked up this is the wasp queen's head the earliest and easiest trophy to get in the game we're simply going to use it and hang it on the walls now we can take it off the walls whenever we like but because it is on the walls this property is now actually 100 gold cheaper because the property's value is also including the trophies inside now the way we can absolutely abuse this mechanic is by breaking the front door of our own house 100 gold walking back inside of our very own house yanking the trophy back off of the wall and then buying the house again for a hundred gold less and it's as simple as that ladies and gentlemen you can generate infinite gold and of course don't use a wasp heads trophy it's only 100 gold each time but you can use whatever trophy you like we're effectively buying ourselves a house redecorating it with some fantastical furniture items and people who really like the look of those furniture items will pay extra for the property but then by the time they get to actually moving into the property you've already stripped all of the furniture off of the walls because that makes perfect sense and by stripping the furniture off of the wolves you can then buy that house from underneath the original owners for a very very cheap price anyway let's go occupy some more homes trust me my character's not evil he's just you know financially creative and dubious also i would like to say that my character was he does look exceedingly evil this is what happens to you after two cups of coffee this is what coffee does to you ladies and gentlemen it's a very dangerous substance that's why i only drink the finest yorkshire tea gold that's right it's at break sponsor time this week's episode was not brought to you by yorkshire tea gold because once again they do not sponsor these videos but oh i do wish they could now i did speak to the people at yorkshire tea head office and they said for the first 8 000 people who like this video they will be sending out a single unpackaged tea bag to their address that's right one single tea bag for you disclaimer the tea pack may or may not have already been used by spiff but i'm sure that's something that you're just going to have to find out you have been warned side effects of yorkshire tea also include the ability to fly become immortal no clip through reality and generate infinite wealth be careful i've got some great news the sun is going down and you can probably guess that what that means that's right people are going to sleep look at this got a lovely husband and wife combo here going into this lovely one bed detached property um which is great because now it's night time and we can just equip our sword and wander in here hopefully no one's going to notice anyway sorry one sec as i just murdered both of you and uh nothing happened oh buildings available for buying oh two buildings became available for buying i guess you owned a local little shed somewhere anyway let me go and wander into this next house here oh hello are you returning home go on go home but i won't judge but i will follow you right into the house i go don't mind me hello you want to double check this is just you in here okay right well i suppose that does make things a little bit easier caboose fantastic oh wait i realize um this is probably his wife oh my goodness it is something tells me she might not be happy with the uh murder scene she's going to walk in on it's a good finger she wouldn't have the chance to remember it for too long or are you okay with it is everything fine in here everything's fine is it okay oh is the body just gone the body of your husband is just phased out of reality madame um allow me to assist with this unearthly situation it'll be fantastic this property is now available for purchase i mean after all if you want to really make headway in a very saturated property market the best way to do so is just murder the current occupiers hello there mr armorer i'm guessing you own the local armoring shop fantastic i'd like to own that ah there we go the shops just became available for purchase all right now i'm guessing this lady probably owns a house somewhere in this village so i'm afraid she has to go as well rest in peace and then let's also pop inside of this house here oh there's the owner just coming back from a long hard day's work of not dying such a tragedy what's going to happen here sorry and there we go the building just became available by oh we owned a bar and i see all right i'm going to buy this building here and rent it out and then also this building here and we'll rent this one out as well now we'll go and buy the shop in the center as well i think the only thing we need to do after that is maybe see if we can take control of the tavern i don't know if this game will actually even let me buy a tavern a guy can rent out this armor shop here right now let's see if we can try and seize this tavern for ourselves something tells me relatively unlikely right we're gonna have to do a little bit of mass murdering here right sorry uh game master i need you to die as well you need to die and then so do you and there we go and then we also probably murder this guard here fantastic a building just became available for purchase it is this uh very same pub so let's quickly buy it up and another building just became available for purchase what's this my crimes six times murder one-time vandalism 12 000 gold i'll pay that i paid the fine but i got thrown out geez am i allowed back in they let me back in somebody tells me they might not let me back into oakville i need to go back in i have to collect taxes just because i mastered a little bit of the local population but the pub still available for sale really news the guards basically gave me a slap on the wrist and like okay fork over 12 000 pounds and promise not to murder any more of the residents how is this even okay right now just about every building in the entire village will be mine pub shall be mine for 36 000. we shall rent it out as lodging and then finally this property here shall also be asked for 6 000 lovely stuff i guess there is also this house here which we haven't dealt with apparently there's someone sleeping inside ah thank you i require this house madam brilliant and would you just look at that the entirety of oakville is now ours every single property owned by the glorious spiffco regime we can charge whatever rental prices we like because we own everything my goodness it's perfect now all we need to do is deal with our slight evil problem you see people don't respect us and are terrified of our presence because of just how evil we are so we need to do the only rational thing to try and convince people we're not evil and that is of course donate money to a random church on an island but this church has some very unique features because not only can you donate gold to improve your karma you can also donate gold to increase your character's lifespan by 4 years that's right for 50 000 gold you can increase your character's lifespan it turns out the answer to immortality deep down was just having infinite money and it's a good thing that i know how to make infinite money and now that we have a good income source thanks to all of these rental properties we're going to be absolutely swimming in cash and we can use the cash from our forceful home invasions to not only pay off our rental properties but more importantly the cash is going to let us pay off the karma damages of murdering the occupants of the housing we stole so let's hop ourselves into a bed and have a nice little sleep and we wake up in a few days time there'll be lots of rental money for us to collect oh and here come in our brand new residents look at them here they are they're um a little bit scared of us but these are about to be our brand new home occupies you see we've uh we've just increased the game speed a bit waited a couple of days and now all of the new residents have moved in and these residents are going to enjoy paying my lovely exuberant tax fees oh yes enjoy oh it's perfect oh and lovely here's our armorer who is now our technically hired staff considering we're now renting out this shop oh and of course i'm going to get a special offer because this is my shop isn't it yes all of the special offers of mine oh my goodness look at this piercing augmentation this looks fantastical let's buy this now why enough we buying this well it's because i intend to sell it back piercing augmentation is a valuable thing we could sell it back immediately from the person we just bought it for for a profit of 31 because apparently that's just how it works can we do it and then just buy it again so we're going to sell this to make 31 profit and we're going to go over here and buy it okay so it's 682 gold and then we sell it with and we're at 713 yep of course that's how this game functions right that's fine god there is just no balance in the way you can make money in this game yes the local economy is now looking fantastic now that we've moved in we've removed a stagnant population and replaced it with a um kind of terrified population but a terrified population is still a population that's able to pay rent and so everything is fine right now i get to do the joyous thing i've been waiting for collect all of my lovely money now if i check my inventory i have 932 and 500 gold coins which is quite a nice large amount of money but let's collect all of my rental opportunities there we go and pick up all of this over here as well and there we go we're getting about 2 000 for each house which is nice and good we're also starting to improve the get rich or die trying achievement as well which is lovely we will also be able to pick up the our rent from the pub and from these two local shops we can then pick up from the sheds as well which gives about 900 gold it would seem just about every property gives an average of about 900 gold which is lovely and there we go we've got the get rich or die trying achievement lovely that's a brilliant addition to my financial portfolio and so we've collected the rent of everything in bowerstone and that's ended up giving us about ten thousand now that ten thousand gold we collected can actually be put to good use and ten thousand gold actually translates to around about 600 good boy points i know that's right effectively meaning being a landlord and donating to the church makes your character naturally become one of the most divine and otherworldly beings that would sit right up on high with an arch angel it's just absolutely dumb you love to see it this game design is really something now all i need to do is progress through the game enough to actually gain access to this temple of avo and then i can start making my generous donations of lawfully collected money yes no evil necessary in this money ah hello there ladies and gentlemen welcome to the most heavenly place in this game even though there is a massive thunderstorm currently happening and it looks pretty evil this is in fact the church of capitalism itself or the church of avocado whatever you want to call it it is a place which offers uh how do you call it oh yes a place where returning devotees can receive the gifts of the heaven and then you can donate gold to gain rewards all right so now what we can do is go to this lovely fountain here and donate to this temple now thankfully i have a large amount of gold to donate millions in fact and so consequently that noise you hear in the background that's actually the financial success and spiritual generosity of my lovely character so we're going to be donating as much gold as we humanly can and whilst you might remember that before this my character was effectively a demon who was probably close to being satan themselves after this lovely transaction my character should be more divinely in heavenly and just overall more lovely right let's donate to the church ah the gods are pleased by my donation lovely very pleased indeed and i've gained 920 good boy points fantastic now you'll notice after my lovely charitable donation my character looks significantly less evil look at these lovely little horns they're no longer as aggressive and as menacing as they were previously and all it took was a generous donation of around about 400 000 gold now that's just fantastic that's actually brought back all of the morality and more from that awful predicament where i accidentally murdered the entirety of the villagers of oakville in order to buy up their properties and sublet them to new tenants you see morality is exceedingly ambiguous and consequently you can pay your way to divinity if that is what you really see right it's now a brand new day and i'm ready to go and increase my divinity some more but of course in order to increase one's personal divinity it's exceedingly smart to go and find yourself the lovely merchant of bowerstone so in order to increase my lovely morality i'm going to go and find this lovely trader on the corner here it's good old derrick derek is a source of infinite money because derek doesn't really know how valuations work consequently derek has ended up with 617 wedding rings in his inventory anyway i'm going to be nice to derek and i'm going to buy 145 apples that's going to set me back a few thousand but that's okay don't worry it's all part of the plan now what we're going to do for derek here is we're going to sell him something something very valuable we're going to be selling derrick a wedding ring now the best way to sell derek a wedding ring is of course to select the 500 green apples that you have set in your inventory go over to the lovely wedding ring section and then of course have the wedding ring pre-selected with of course a cell 519 button so we're going to sell 519 wedding rings that don't exist to the trader and bam there we go that's a hundred thousand gold then once again we buy back a couple of wedding rings in fact we can probably buy back all of the wedding rings in fact yes we've done that and that technically allows us to sell all of the wedding rings back for a profit of 610 each because we bought the entire supply of a thousand wedding rings there's now such a shortage that the value of wedding rings is increased so we sell more back and went out to 1.5 million then we're going to buy ourselves these 1 000 wedding rings again now we're down to 1.2 million then we're going to sell them back now we're 2 million lovely right and after repeating this process a few more times we've managed to hopefully gain a nice amount of income let's see we're up to yes 5.8 million lovely stuff all right and i actually think we'll probably stop here at 7 million 7 million seems uh like enough money so what we're going to do is then trample over to the temple of avo do a nice little recall to here and then pledge another fantastical donation to the church consequently making ourselves one of the most heavenly and divine individuals on the planet alright let the donating commence as always be generous with your soul and your purse is a lovely motto to have in life and after all who can hate the landlord who gives so generously to the divine there we go that's a million i think and there's two million that's three million and four million and five million okay right it seems fine we're going to donate 6.9 million gold to the church this will be perfect donate oh the gods are pleased very pleased lovely that has given me 690 morality points and increase my lovely attractiveness hopefully and then going to travel all the way back to bowerstone south and repeat this process and there we go look at me i get called your lordliness i look lovely now i'm so attractive i'm actually human but i like to trade i'd love to trade but did i just manage to sell 500 diamonds to someone who can't actually have diamonds i've done that haven't i i've added diamonds into his inventory so that was an accident oh goodness but yes um the issue is with this selling exploit is effectively i can select anything with apples and sell any item to any trader can be something of immense value can be something of basically no value for example i can sell this banded seal i can sell 519 of them for a profit of 958 each so bam there we go that's a million gold and this trader technically should not be able to ever sell banded seals but there we go we have one let's buy all of these wedding rings and then once again sell back all of the wedding rings for a nice profit and then just repeat this process just to get ourselves back up to where we were oh if we do this one more time there we go we've achieved the maximum money you can actually have in this game nine million nine hundred thousand and ninety nine gold there is no way you can make any more money than this the game physically can't calculate it right now let's travel back back to the temple to make another lordly donation ah just look at how lovely and holy and divine i am now technically you're meant to do your donations in chunks of thousand at a time and you shouldn't really be donating a million at a time because it doesn't really make much of a difference however when you have this much money to throw around does it really matter right there we go sixty thousand to the church as a hundred divinity points for me lovely i take a look at my stat my alignment is now positive 22 right let's grind this bad boy up a bit i wish to become more heavenly after this process we will have gone from being the most evil person this game allows you to become to becoming the most heavenly and divine person that this game lets you become all in one easy swing right there we go 80 000 to the church and there we go some nice alignment points now my alignment is plus 41 lovely all right i've actually almost achieved a alignment of positive 100 and all it's cost me is about 300 000 gold it was honestly this easy to become more pious than the pope himself then i think i'd have chucked out 400 000 gold ages ago just run down to a bank take out a loan and become the pope i suppose the alternate way of doing it is buying yourself a reference online wait hangs taken i could do with another one of those wait no no there's no way i shouldn't i've bought too many titles for myself online or maybe i should okay find a silly target but for 10 000 likes on this video i will try and buy myself the title of pope online i don't know if it's possible i don't know if there's a website but i will attempt it i will get a certificate crowning myself the pope this is a very good use of patreon money trust me right there we go million gold to the church let that align me a little bit better very pleased by my donation lovely that's exactly what i'd like to see right now how positively aligned am i an alignment of 87 we're getting close ladies and gentlemen our hair has gone excessively blonde oh and there's even a little bit of a halo forming around me oh yes the divinity is strong with me all right this is it this is the big push we've managed to cross the threshold where we are only six alignment points away from total 100 divinity in the game of fable and so we will gain total divinity with a last donation of just under 5 million gold the gods are very pleased good good let me take a look at my own alignment chart how strong is it 95 aligned with the only move my line went up by one i'm only 18 years old apparently my character is 18 years old i guess his life keeps getting reset because of these uh massive cash donations to the church it truly is an enlightening thing right ladies and gentlemen i've actually achieved it if you take a look at this we've managed plus 100 alignment we have become more divine than avo himself in fact we even got an achievement for it and everything we have become the ultimate hero who knew all it would take was donating around about 10 million gold to the church it's truly a perfectly balanced religious experience now let's go through some of our fantastic stats we've killed 176 bandits on our journey in terms of romance we've um we've had none my goodness it appears they've left in a statistic for a way of measuring the average world of warcraft player my goodness oh this is my favorite statistic this is the money statistic the highest amount of money we ever had was 30 million the total money we've ever acquired was 25 million and the total amount of money spent 23 million i have no idea how this actually adds up but oh well the game's a little bit borked i know i'm afraid that's actually all for today ladies and gentlemen i've had an absolutely fantastic time playing fable today and if you've enjoyed watching then feel free to leave a like on this video it doesn't massively help us out anyway what video do you want to see next ladies and gentlemen there's a few interesting developments coming up i think i might have been able to squeeze in some early access for crusader kings 3. at the same time total war troy just got released and then again there's also exploits for skyrim which need to be discovered so do you want to see a ck-3 b total war troy or c classical skyrim the choice is yours ladies and gentlemen so hop down to the comment section and leave your vote as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much for your continued pledge it really does help us out and as always if you're new here do consider subscribing because we'd absolutely love to have you on board in the long run i mean you might not have even realized that you haven't subscribed yet so if you've been wondering when might be the perfect time for you to do it well now's your time down to the comment section and say hi if you're new anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,072,656
Rating: 4.9652228 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, fable, fable anniversary, fable 4, funny, exploit, fable exploit, fable the lost chapters, becoming god, becoming god fable, fable god, spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, fable is a perfectly balanced game, unlimited gold, gold exploit, fable review, rpg game, rpg exploit, fable gameplay, becoming god in, Becoming God With Gold Is Broken, is broken, fable is broken, FABLE ANNIVERSARY IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, english, video game, rtgame
Id: ZG11A4u5RAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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