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we can just um effectively kill all of these anglo-saxon guards now the pathfinding is going to kind of break you know let's just use our great big melee attack here oh my goodness what a wombo combo hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit the most british of all those lovely sausages out there and today we are playing the brand new release assassin's creed valhalla now i know lots of you in the comment section are immediately spamming but spiff you recently did an assassin's creed valhalla video why enough are you making another one well it's actually very simple in the last assassin's creed valhalla game i showed you how to break the game by making infinite money then using that money to buy the resources necessary to power level your character into oblivion so that the game becomes a lot easier however the game still wasn't completely easy your character could still die and more importantly avor your hero was not an immortal god now naturally it is in this video where we'll be rectifying my ignorance and inability to turn avor into a god by making him completely and utterly immortal now if you're a ubisoft developer watching this video don't worry i'll be explaining all of my steps and all of the places where you went wrong in development and accidentally created this absolutely wonderful gameplay feature please do not remove it please please it's really good fun everyone's going to enjoy it just do a skyrim okay and just release one update and say fine you can keep the rest of the exploits because todd howard gets me ubisoft i want you to get me as well so my fellow exploiters how on earth do you gain immortality well it turns out in the last video where i said the greatest mini-game in the game is of course the drinking challenge i was completely and utterly wrong because the best mini game is not the drinking challenge in fact the best minigame was the challenge that i hate the most ladies and gentlemen it's the one and only orlon what is it it's like coin flipping dicey game do you get money from it no you get favors from the gods that sounds fun well it turns out you don't just get favors from the gods for this mini-game you also get a whole bunch more because if you play your cards right and exploit this game's mechanics hard enough you'll be gaining a perfectly full and balanced immortality suit now those of you out there might be thinking well spiff i don't have access to grant bridgeshire how on earth can i pull off this exploit and for you i say congratulations because you can actually pull off this exploit in the tutorial zone of the game literally after the opening segment you can immediately pull off this exploit and become an immortal for the remainder of your play time now doesn't that sound perfectly balanced so how on earth is it going to work well ladies and gentlemen well get yourselves ready because this is going to be absolutely fantastic we're going to be traveling to the nearest orlon friend and then of course exploiting him for immortality now it is of course very important whenever you're watching an exploit and learning about it that you are fully prepared for it and by that i mean you have to be sat back relaxed you have to have a nice warm cup of tea in hand and heck you probably could also like the video now i've actually rolled my character back a whole bunch from the end of the last video my character is at a power level of 46 i'm pretty sure which makes him lovely and weak and equally his items aren't very high level meaning he can quite easily die so what we're going to be doing by the end of this video is taking our scrubbing up character of literal redundancy from the power level 20 region of grand bridshire not just into oxfordshire where the power level is 90 or down into sussex where it's at 160 or over to winchester where it's 250 no we will be taking our character right the way over to hamptonshire which is the highest power level in the game or in the very least the highest power level in the game that i have found so far that's right not even yorkshire the home for to yorkshire tea came close enough when it came to physical power level so in video games developers have to include effectively mode which i like to loosely call ghost mode now a ghost mode in the video game is when your character is technically invisible they are a ghost they're able to interact with the world but the world isn't able to interact with them one enough is this a feature in most games well it's a featuring games for many reasons let's say your character's in a cutscene well the game probably has to activate a ghost mode for your character in that cutscene just in case a random passing ai enemy or let's say a bear in the wilderness notices your character comes charging in through the side of the cutscene and then murders your character whilst you're trying to learn about the story so what the game does is it detects when you go into a cutscene or an event where it needs you to not be perceived by enemies activates the ghost mode and then as soon as you leave this environment it then immediately deactivates the ghost mode meaning enemies can then aggro again so in order to exploit this ghost mode all you need to do in a video game is find a situation where you can trigger the ghost mode but then bypass the failure of turning the ghost mode off now games effectively railroad characters when they're in a ghost mode via scripted events or railroaded sections so that your character can't escape and effectively wreak havoc on the world and 99 of the time in development a developer will go okay this is a segment where we make the character temporarily immortal and this is the segment where we turn it off and that's fantastic the only issue is it goes awry when we get this situation where you can exit the segment of immortality whilst keeping your immortality and consequently stepping around the bit of code which turns us back into a mortal so how does it work simply find a random local or log now this is a game of skill or luck it literally matters neither way and the best thing is you don't even need to play this mini game in fact we're not going to be playing this minigame which is going to be saying that hey we're going to be beginning the game now in this game you get to start out by simply flipping a coin ladies and gentlemen it is as easy as that that's right here's the game rules you don't need any of those ignore that now what you have to do is flip a coin to determine who plays first you go heads or tails naturally you always go heads because the heads is the one where the queen is and god bless the queen what a lovely majestic sausage so it's time for us to begin the game and simply we're just going to select heads throw the coin but before the coin actually flips just press the m key on your keyboard or the comparative thing to open up a map on your console that's right this exploit works on literally every console now that we're in the map mode whilst we're technically playing a mini game you'll notice it's pretty interesting because we can select fast travel points now what's effectively happened fundamentally is that our character started a mini game which has made our character an immortal people can't interrupt us playing the minigame because that would break the game but equally you can't leave the minigame without finishing the mini game you can't actually press escape if you were to completely say close and restart the game it wouldn't work you wouldn't get your immortality because everything would be reset however for some reason you can just quick travel out of a mini game and by doing so your character maintains all of the effects and modifiers that they had in that mini game so we've left the mini game and our character has inherited their permanent stealth mode but how on earth do we know they have their permanent stealth mode spiff surely we have to go and test this and well of course we will we've fast traveled right next to a lovely monastery and as everyone knows the greatest historical inaccuracy in this game is that the monasteries for some reason are guarded by armed forces which would outnumber the modern day icelandic military when really they should probably be armed by noodle boys fighting with little pointy sticks now here we are walking through this area and you might notice at the top of our screen we haven't actually got a thing saying that we're in a restricted area despite the fact that we most definitely are in fact we can uh take off our cloak here and just walk around and you'll notice these are enemies these are anglo-saxon soldiers these should immediately aggro on us and kill us on site now of course you'll notice in this lovely area they've been keeping prisoners of war in not safe conditions my goodness this is an absolute war crime now naturally the anglo-saxons are war criminals they haven't read the geneva convention so we're going to liberate these peoples by just opening the cage by doing so we've definitely committed a crime however these men haven't even reacted they just don't care so you know we're going to have to try and find a way of gaining their attention like say assassinating a man right in broad daylight now the best thing is they notice that there's a dead body right here they just don't really care look your friend's dead on the floor you even saw me kill him but okay look at that there's another dead body on the floor how did that one get there where where are these bodies coming from who's killing them is it the man standing on the bodies with a two meter long bow and a long knife he's also a viking there's wanted posters for him literally everywhere is he the one killing them no it can't be him no let me just crouch on the bodies yes these were killed by an assassin yes an assassin who looks exactly like the person who is standing on top of them who could it be who could it be my friend right you know let's just use our grapple hook what the heck up from there i love the grapple hook it's completely broken there we go we've just um killed a metric ton of guards they don't mind they really don't mind nothing in this game actually perceives us anymore which is fantastic we can kind of run into guards we can do a bit of melee attack on them they're not really going to care i mean they'll stand up because they've seen a dead body and they're coded to react to dead bodies but they don't know who killed them so they don't really do anything there we go we can just punch him and all he's going to do is stand up and walk away and look i hit dave here in the face with an axe twice but dave here is a staunch pacifist he simply refuses to fight back at evil because aval is such a lovely and misunderstood character consequently dave the anglo-saxon doesn't want to hurt us however i'm sorry dave but i heard you drink coffee anyway you know whilst we're here we might as well um force this door open and you know let's uh begin a raid by holding jay uh to summon my raid crew oh look here they come they just appear out thin air let's force open the door now of course we are raiding a monastery um we've got all of our lovely companions here to fight with us they'll uh help us open up this lovely gold chest now you will notice because the raids happened the anglo-saxon military count has just massively increased oh and there we go there's some lovely raw materials and the only downside is the anglo-saxons don't really know what to do they won't fight any of our allies and our allies won't fight them because combat has been disabled and yet we can just um effectively kill all of these anglo-saxon guards now the pathfinding is going to kind of break you know let's just use our great big melee attack here oh my goodness what a wombo combo i don't think i've seen this many bodies before now in the world of assassin's creed valhalla there are many world events where you'll have to do complicated battles puzzles you name it to complete a very short but fun and silly little side quest in our case we're going to fight the walloper now you might be wondering who the walloper is well the walloper is this game's copyright free version of one punch man now in this mini game you are effectively a piece of paper no matter what level you are this character will always beat you with one single hit so in order to actually win this minigame what you have to do is dodge every single attack and slowly whittle his health pool down but what if you didn't have to dodge his attacks what if he simply couldn't attack well that's what happens basically exactly here because he can't actually perceive us as an enemy meaning we can just simply walk up to him and murder him and there we go the walloper has been defeated for the sole reason that the walloper can physically not perceive that evil is a frit or an enemy so there we go we've beaten the walloper quest line ah what a lovely event that was i really do enjoy some of the little mysteries they have scattered across this world now what are we going to do next well i want to go and find the most difficult enemy in this game and beat them as effectively a massive scrub knob now something tells me there will be a terrifying bounty hunter wandering somewhere around hampton charles so all we have to do is set some kind of vague map marker over there and then just get trampling now we've crossed over into essex where naturally there's some scary monsters well not necessarily monsters more just characters that are slightly higher level in essex the suggested power level is 160 we are not 160 but it's okay it doesn't matter because we have accidentally kind of become god oh my goodness and what's this up ahead of us it's the city of london ladies and gentlemen just like london it's covered in a fake deadly smog which will probably immediately kill you but it's okay because we're able so we have no physical presence on the world meaning that smog can't damage our lungs because air doesn't react to our own existence in fact nothing reacts to our existence beyond npcs and non-hostile characters this is pretty good because it means you can defeat 900 of quests using this exploit because you can still talk to npcs you can still interact with them they will just never fight back now you might be wondering well spiff this exploit is all well and good but surely it's a bit fatty like for example what if i want to load a save surely i'm gonna have to do the exploit all over again well no you you don't actually in fact let's say you have a save which is at the 40 hour mark of the game it's a pivotal boss fight and you just can't quite beat it well if you load a save from about an og let's say 10 hours earlier go find your local orlog pull off this exploit then load your actual modern save your character will still inherit these abilities right we've almost made our way into hampton chair and there we go we've made it oh yes what a lovely high level area now of course just to make this exploit even more exciting what we're going to do before we go any further is increase the game's difficulty we will now be playing on draenger very hard difficulty which normally would turn this game into quite a fun little challenge where generally you don't want to try and win one-on-one fights because they're so difficult i mean just look at some of these enemies that are standing in front of us this here is ged hood he has a massive skull next to his name there is no way we could beat him at all however if we simply walk up behind him and stealth attack him there we go 250 damage nothing happens in fact we can stealth attack the arb list as well and the obelisk will shout help but do nothing actually at all we can then shoot the obelisk in the head a whole bunch of times shoot him in the leg then hit him with a stun attack that'll somehow kill him oh yeah well i say somehow it took his head off there we go that's um a high-level enemy absolutely heated and shoot him in the little arm and the kneecap there we go and then do a stun attack oh look at that absolute beauty of a stunt attack and this character is now dead this is one of the tankiest characters in the game we are level 40 they are absolutely beyond our power level in fact they have a power level of almost 300 more than we do just look at the local guards here i can't even one hit stealth the local guards they are just that strong i mean even if i climb up onto this high wall and i'm standing above the guards and i jump down i literally landed on this man's face to do 177 damage and he doesn't care oh what's that is that horn i'm pretty sure that horn means that there's a bounty hunter nearby there is who's this bounty hunter who's that bounty hunter let's go see oh ladies and gentlemen look at them here they are i have no idea who this person is but we've just identified them it's the zealot brechtfun here's a suggested power level of 340. brickton serves as a messenger to the bell apparently he likes to crush tortoises with his bare hands if no tortoises are about simply run that's very interesting um however despite the fact that this man is terrifyingly well powered we're just going to murder him i don't think we can walk up behind him and do a stealth attack so instead i'm just going to equip my predator bone try and hit him in the head a whole bunch of times there we go straight to the head so did that just go through his head i'm sorry but what is that i mean i did damage to him but still come on let's hit him in the shoulder and the leg and the leg again we'll get him to fall over soon okay fine if you want to try and break an enemy simply use the light bow because you can spam hit weak points and then you can do a stun attack that stun attack did 673 damage which was not even this character's full health bar i'm going to have to literally hit them so many times it is just insane you know let's run into them i can't even tackle them right this is going to take a lot of spam hitting over and over again but eventually we will probably be able to kill the strongest enemy that i can find in this world six and a half hours later i don't actually know if it's even possible for us to kill this man i feel like he can probably heal faster than we can kill him and sure i can throw him around with a harpoon but unless i somehow manage to get him to stand next to a hill i don't think he's going to be dying any time soon okay yep this is actually impossible we can't kill him fast enough and bugsy won't aggro on us he technically counts as eventually leaving combat if he basically isn't engaging someone for a set amount of time which is an issue um because it means he is technically as immortal as we are because we are so scrabble up low level we can't actually murder him can i throw a body at him actually that would be good fun right throat okay no that sadly didn't do anything other than move him slightly oh but i can set a trap so you know let me pick up this body throw it at you there we go and then for some reason because i threw the body at you it suddenly appeared again so i'll set it as a trap you check that body yeah 32 damage that'll show you in about 700 hours time now what i will try and do is get this character standing next to a wall and throw him into it there we go we did a decent bit of damage there nope he's still just completely immortal god dammit game trying to stop me from cheesing immortality to defeat the super high level bounty hunters okay fine so maybe if we put the difficulty down to easy we would be able to kill them maybe if your character's power level 100 you can defeat someone who is meant to be about 700 times more powerful than you all of these things are possible right i've now actually arrived right the way over in winchester which is basically the capital of england at this point in time in history and even though we're in such a high level area we can kind of kill someone um i mean it takes a lot but there we go we did just manage to kill a guard emphasis on the just now of course we have just discovered the winchester garrison and so our character says best not to draw attention here so naturally we're just going to murder the guard at the front gate uh so as to you know not draw attention uh luckily we don't draw attention because none of these men care in fact they care so little i can just i don't know equip this flaming arrow here and just shoot it into this man's head there we go bam you're on fire now and skaploosh ah lovely now of course when it comes to accessing a heavily fortified enemy fortress uh the best way to just go about it is to walk through the front door introduce yourself to all of the local guards give them a welcome shiv i mean of course don't kill them oh he says you're mine oh you're proposing to evil i mean look he's he's not necessarily the most beautiful man evil but and he was a raging alcoholic in the last video but i trust you he's a change man no okay right evol has said no i feel sorry for that poor soldier anyway we're going to go and claim this uh skill book which is hidden away up here because why not i don't think there's any way the game could stop us from accessing the skill book ah here it is a lovely skill book which we 100 deserve oh axe blizzard now that sounds fun aiming for a devastating barrage of axes that sounds incredibly enjoyable let me do a stealth attack on this guard just you know gain some assassin points and now i can do my incredible axe throw and here we go bam axe fro let's go axe axe axe axe axe nice okay that only did half that person's health though so not as useful i actually think oh well now you know how i mentioned how you can effectively load saves from earlier and still completely nutsly break the game well that's what we're going to do actually we're going to go back and load a save i'm going to be loading this exclusive quest save which happened around the 12 hour and 35 minute mark of my game which is basically where your lovely clan has all got together to have a feast and celebrate about all of your glorious achievements and then lo and behold a whole bunch of danish people come in and invade so naturally it's up to our character and all of our lovely companions to fight those pesky danes as they raid and slaughter anyway we're just gonna skip through all of the boring cutscene here right now the danes have arrived to attack our village our livelihood is at stake everyone in our village could die not just the women but the children too now remember that this save is technically before the save point of me actually playing or log and yet here are all of the enemy danes just standing here um just gonna walk past them luckily they don't really mind if i just walk past them here they uh they come they're just walking their way up to the long house um let me just assassinate this man are they gonna notice that are you gonna they're gonna mind they aren't going to stand here and watch um as i slowly assassinate them one by one um god bless the danes truly 1 000 iq strategies here by the danes uh to stand and look at dead bodies as more dead bodies miraculously appear now it's just not a good time to just stand around and pretend that the troubles of the world around you don't exist what's even more exciting is that technically in this mode you're kind of immortal to some extent so you can't really take damage uh like say fall damage necessarily and fire equally hardly does damage to you at all i mean normally fire would just eviscerate a character i still don't know why i'm hearing screams in the background there's absolutely no reason to be screaming right now let's just kill this lovely archery person and then that person as well and then that person it really is that easy ladies and gentlemen so there you have it ladies and gentlemen that's how to gain immortality in assassin's creed and just a few of the fun things that you can do with your newfound immortality stand next to guards have access to areas that previously would be an absolute slaughter to try and fight your way through and just kind of enjoy a much more relaxed pacifist england as it goes through the relaxing and peaceful times known as the viking invasion era sorry i mean viking peacetime enjoyment happy fun and cuddle time era see if i say that youtube will think this is a friendly video and it is so make sure to go into the comment section and just say how much lovely peaceful and pacifism you've witnessed in this video i mean i haven't been attacked in this video sure i might have actually murdered a lot of people in this video but trust me they were very bad people anyways always thank you very much for watching if you're new here do consider subscribing because we'd absolutely love to have you on board of our channel and at the same time feel free to share this video to all of your lovely friends who are also playing this game because chances are you will absolutely blow their mind when you tell them that there was a way to become immortal right out of the get-go for the game it's literally in the starting settlement there's just some guy there waiting to play or log with you so of course if you enjoyed the video feel free to give it a like and heck what game would you like to watch me break next we've got a few upcoming releases which are pretty big so hop on down to the comment section and vote vote a for the lovely cyberpunk 2077 to get all of those exploits as soon as that game releases vote b for an exploit on the latest call of duty because chances are there's always a way to accidentally activate god mode in that game as well although they do like to patch it nice and quickly because i mean the last thing activision is going to allow is a dent in their micro transaction market or c would you like to see a brand new lovely exploit for civilization 6. the choice is yours hop on down to the comment section and make your vote known it does massively help me out anyway as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much thanks to you i was able to waste a huge amount of money on a very expensive microphone arm isn't that lovely i'm sure you can tell that my audio quality has increased from its incredible subpar standards to slightly less subpar standards and as always if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you if you enjoyed this video you're gonna love the next one anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely fantastic day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 933,175
Rating: 4.9567738 out of 5
Keywords: video game exploit, spiffing brit, rpg exploit, ac valhalla, assassins creed valhalla, assassins creed valhalla best weapons, exploit, funny moments, perfectly balanced game, ac valhlla, unlimited money, assasins creed, assassin's creed valhalla, valhalla, the spiffing brit, rt game, montage, assassin creed valhalla, ac valhalla gameplay, ac valhalla best weapons, funny, valhalla gameplay, god mode, immorality, god mode exploit, assassins creed valhalla god mode, god, mode
Id: RlyvZ4szKx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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