SKYRIM NECROMANCY ONLY CHALLENGE IS BROKEN - Skyrim is a Perfectly Balanced game with no exploits

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oh we've done it we've just cleared out the giant camp using only a bunch of crappy level-10 bandits or something oh and in return we've picked up two Giants and free mammoths to fight for us oh this is just perfect hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Brit and today we're playing Skyrim special edition I know that's right this is the re-release of the game with new enhanced graphics running on new modern systems her best of all it isn't even the latest Skyrim release no no you guys can all get yourselves excited for scarm coming to the brand-new PlayStation just how dated can this cave kit now scar is incredible and having many many many years of development on it you'd naturally imagine that because of that it's got that classic polish which most of the games have but no this is a professor Game Studios game and I'm sure all of you know what that means that means that there's a loving charm and that that famous book labelled balance which most studios have in that dusty old corner was long since thrown out the window this game is broken it's a game of cheese it's a game where the cheese itself has additional layers of cheese for players to compete to achieve the title of absolutely most broken overpowered fing that this game actually allows you to do and then when you get bored of that you can strap 400,000 mods to it and then just ride it out into the sunset of oblivion this game is incredible I love it it's a timeless classic but most importantly it probably holds the mantle for most exploitable game of all time and today it's going to be absolutely no difference as we dive into a brand new adventure with a new character to show off the most overpowered level 1 build your character can be we are talking about taking over the entirety of Skyrim having the ability to kill just about everything and doing it all from the comfort of level 1 no complicated setup no fortify restoration loops just a simple few clicks of a button and you've already finished the game so sit back relax grab yourself a cup of tea and if you're feeling truly nostalgic you might even give this video a like of overdue let's jump into a brand-new game of the elderscrolls v Skyrim here it begins the iconic intro I'm so excited Todd Howard is like a whole brand-new world that I've never experienced before excluding the last 700 or so times have experienced this very world trust me it never gets old oh yes the man who dies the man who doesn't die well yet at least and then mr. shout man and we I'm just going to afk for this entire intro scene until we get to that lovely lovely character creator because we have to create the most powerful wizard we've ever seen in Skyrim someone who is the power to raise more dead than ever previously calculated well here we have it ladies and gentlemen the legendary Skyrim character creator as naturally we need to create a powerful and amazing necromancer naturally when it comes to creating a powerful necromancer you need a necromancer whose nose is very powerful and definitely some with a very powerful bone structure you see when your job primarily revolves around resurrecting skeletons all day you naturally need to be powerful when it comes to bone oh my goodness look at this sweet specimen we've made so we've created our character I mean just look at him he's he's beautiful to say the least and as you can see he has true control over all of his facial bones meaning he must be a good necromancer and for that reason we need to name or character we're going to be naming a legendary character today bury the bone racer he's so good at raising bones ladies and gentleman I mean just look at his incredible eyes are they so mr. fahringer beautiful so bury the bone raiser is about to be born into the fantastical world of Todd Howard Skyrim and let's go see how long it takes for him to destroy the game rad we've now actually got our first big decision do we go with the Imperials or the the Northmen now naturally I'm going to size of the Empire because it makes perfect sense let's go I have to do it to make Queenie proud right now we're going to speed our way through we've got some Stormcloaks here but don't worry we can just kind of kill them rather easily in true todd howard fashion they're not even moving or fighting back okay No now they're moving and fighting back oh this is sky rivet it's truly beautiful oh my god hatva for I want to resurrect you my friend you can raise my bone any day of the week now this is where you kind of get your first access to magic in the game is a dead wizard he person sat in this cage here and you'll learn your first spell of sparks which is fantastic and if you search the mage you can even grab some novice hoods and robes all nice oh here we go the next massive group of Stormcloaks here we go which we can now just do zappy zappy magic on and then let the torch resistant finish off and I'm just going to run past the bear because there's actually no need to fight the bear in the tutorial and that is basically the entire first act done and now we can take old still level 1 character and turn them into the most powerful being in the universe all right head what a fantastical journey we've just been on together now we're going to split up with each other and I'm going to have to say goodbye to them and make my way over to not River wood which is where you'd normally end up but instead make it almost all the way off to Whiterun although actually I'm going even further than Whiterun I'm going beyond Whiterun now in order to make this journey easier strongly recommend you simply throw yourself into the river and you get carried by its currents all the way down towards white run and somebody once you've made your way over climb up the embankment and oh look there's even a wolf dressed to fight sorry Wolfie boy I could bury bone race ago my goodness now you're going to want to continue on a round past white run was Dwight run and Riverwood are generally the two places level 1 players will find themselves ending up this is the much much better location what enough is this just a random dead bandit ok and and a horse is this a legitimate free horse it is isn't it ok right well we've got a free horse now now just pass white running up to our left here is a stone of power these stones of power are very useful I'm sure if you've played Skyrim you've probably run into several of them but they'll do basic things like say increase your resistance to magic maybe increase your experience gained in say one-handed or two-handed weapons but this stone is very different now up at the top of this stone we should run into hopefully a necromancer doing necromancy fingers yeah come on you raise up those girlies and now what we're going to do is we're going to simply fight the necromancer which is surprisingly easy and then here's one scary friend who's and me to be gone and died now you see we've killed this skiver which has chased us and this skeleton and this necromancer here why on earth have we done it was it to simply steal from this necromancer was it to simply observe this random looking stone was it perchance to destroy this game's very balance well it's to do the latter because this is the ritual stone ladies and gentlemen which is a random stone in the middle of nowhere which anyone can access any stage in the game I'd like to point out and it grants quite possibly the most powerful spell this grants you the ritual ability which can be used once per day to reanimate nearby corpses to fight for you now naturally it's a stone so you can only have one of these bad boys at a time so you're gonna have to sadly give up your increase in experience but it matters little when you've just gained control of quite possibly the most powerful stone in the game now unlike most of a raise dead spells where you can say bring a corpse of a fallen enemy back to life to serve you this isn't limited by stupid game balance and design constraints you see normally resurrecting dead bodies only works up to a certain level I think it's around about level 40 but beyond that enemies cannot be raised this spell however is a bit of an exception because it raises undead up to the level 75 it raises literally anything up to level 75 excluding horses so that means you can resurrect Giants and mammoths to fight for you from level 1 provided you can actually find the dead one of them or kill it yourself I don't know it's up to you equally unlike most undead spells this boat does not actually add to your party limit so you can have as many Undead as you'd like and it also raises all undead within a radius of 75 feet meaning I don't just have to manually pick the necromancer to raise Mazzone dead I just simply stand in the middle of all three of these guys hit the z key and suddenly our skeleton friend is going to come back to life so is our necromancer here and so is a tiny Skeever companion now these are our free brand-new companions who as you can guess are going to follow us around the world come on my friends now they are going to be a little bit undead and consequently slightly groggy but they're our friends and they'll join us on all of our merry adventures now of course this spell has a couple of limitations for example it only lasts technically about two Drude seconds are there's some very unique things you can do to get around this limitation did you know you can also only use this spell once per day wow that's a great balancing factor there Todd Howard I'm sure there's absolutely no way it can be cheesed oh and what's this the dead bandit we found on the road early and lovely he's just sat here he'd be perfect to be resurrected okay right let's resurrect this bandit so I hit the Zed key oh no this power can only be used once per day are you telling me we can't resurrect the Bandit oh we're gonna have to come back tomorrow to resurrect the Bandit but by then all of my followers will be dead well it turns out there's an easy way to circumnavigate this ladies and gentlemen by just hitting the Tiki and fast-forwarding time 24 hours by doing this we bypass Todd Howard's limitation of only allowing us to do this spell once every day because as soon as we come back an entire day is passed and we can now do the spell again of course when we come back all of our companions are going to also be dead but don't worry in previous necromancy spells the undead are very limited because once you've used them once they'll turn into a pile of ash and they can't be resurrected again this of course is entirely different because this spell is completely and utterly broken and I can hit the Zed key and now we have our skiver a bandit a skeleton and a novice necromancer all to assist in our fantastical journey right my friends come with me oh my goodness what's this a wolf that we murdered earlier oh well you know what this means all right let's get all of our friends together come on everyone stand over here good stuff and once again we'll pass 24 hours and there we go 24 hours is past all of our and dead friends have died and what we can then do is simply resurrect them all back up again including this brand-new wolf friend of ours and now our party is six people strong right come on all of you follow me as much as I'd love to continue to Whiterun instead we're going to go to River wood first because they've got a bunch of NPCs simply standing out in the open the ladies and gentlemen we haven't even gotten fully started yet we are going to take this very small party and effectively a militia force and take it to silly levels now our little party is looking great but we could really do with finding some isolated members of Riverwood and ganking them against a wall and turning them into the undead so I'm hoping that oh yeah here's a great opportunity the fantastic Fane del over here as well as a good so what are we gonna do well we're gonna wait for Godot to go away and once she walks away we can then kill famed out right now it's time for operation gank famed around the back of the log cutter and then turn him into being a necromancer Archer I reckon she's far enough away now perfect all right kill find out go go my friends go no one's noticed over perfect there we go so no one's noticed us murder this person oh wait no they have okay right kill Gaddafi our skeleton has armed himself with an axe okay it's looking good I've got to be honest I think we probably have this fight but it doesn't hurt for me to join in with an axe oh my goodness that's the blow we were looking for now that's the loss witness killed meaning of bounties been removed and all that's left is for us to simply resurrect all of our fallen comrades and the brand-new Godot and Archer to join our midst so let's allow some time to pass and there we go all evolved resurrected friends have flopped on the floor so let's quickly revive them fantastic now girder is back we've got our wolves Steven skeevers back even our bandit over here and you can just see how stupidly far the radius is because we were standing here and we've managed to resurrect famed al who's standing right the way over here hello famed ow now feigned out does come with his fantastical bow which is lovely but look at our fantastical party now oh it's brilliant alright let's move these guys into the main town come on gang we've got more people to recruit well I actually hardly see any guards out and about the only persons outside at the moment is god damn Hilda here okay fired right we're gonna murder Hilda let's drop down to quick save sorry Hilda right go on wolves go this will be nice and easy and there we go she's dealt with now we're going to simply allow some time to pass and then we're going to add a very very elderly lady to our army some would say aggressively recruiting the elderly for an armed forces operation is a little bit immoral but don't worry ladies and gentlemen because I am not limited by such difficult constraints such as actual morality you've just come outside Sven and I'm afraid Hilde here is dead on the floor such a shame indeed Sven look at all these dead bodies who's going to clean them all up anyway we're going to simply resurrect everyone bring him back to life look Sven look she's come back isn't it wonderful your face I should hear you play oh you've been trained to the scouts fan oh that's so cute Sven anyway dice fan right kills van Gogh okay so all of my companions are coming here to join in Hilda are you are you helping out no Hilda's going to instead stand over here right Hilda I've got to be honest why didn't you help us murder your son there we go Spence dead we're gonna steal his key to his house he's got a nice little ring they're all also robbed off of him and I'll take his gold why not there we go perfect and now what I'm going to do is simply stand in the middle of all of these silly sausages and resurrect them all again now naturally they'll all flop down on the ground again but don't worry it's okay we can just simply hit them with the good old classic revive action and now our army is back up and running now the most interesting thing about the massive army is that whenever you go into a shop they effectively all come with you so we've entered Lucan shop here and I can just hit him with an axe and now all of my army which is sat in a nice confined close up space can now start wailing away on them ah perfect there we go and that's two new wood fine additions added to our collection beautiful now once again I'm going to waive some time to pass and resurrect all of our fun companions and then we're BAM we're gonna raise them all up and apparently apparently Luke and here doesn't remember us killing all of his friends and family but okay this is fine Luke are you okay you'll be happy to help okay Camilla's dead Lucan I've got to be honest Lucan what a mess it's a full of dead bodies of people who I keep resurrecting and then murdering I mean they're technically brilliant books I can harvest them for resources like Hilda who keeps respawning keys and cheese it is actually silly the amount of items you could duplicate alright now that I've let some time pass again I'm going to hit the resurrect and bring everyone back fantastic look at this incredible formation we have going anyways sadly as Lucan is an essential NPC we can't completely murder him but for some reason we can kill his sister and then exit and he's not going to ask any questions I did I accidentally leave all of my wolves outside oh dear I did didn't I they're not looking too great I suppose wolves and skeevers can't actually follow us indoors but skeletons can and there we go we've once again part sometimes they can resurrect all of these wolves and all of these people and now our army is back up to full force lovely stuff all right come on friends let's go get some guards I've spoken to bear in apparently he's got a very fantastic limited time offer for all of you the lovely ladies and gentlemen watching apparently the first 6,000 people who like this video will be visited by the legendary berry Bone racer and have their very bones raised I know I mean he is surprisingly handsome now you might also be wondering why now if we go in towards Whiterun we've got a bunch of guards we can pick up but most importantly to all of you who've plates going before will remember that the Companions are currently fighting a giant out in the farm just outside of Whiterun now all that we need to do is walk over to said joint watch the companions defeated and then resurrect its corpse upon doing so we've just gained a massive high-level giant to join our army now if you're watching this you're probably thinking that come on spife this is a very slow way of progressing through the game it would be much much easier if you could instead resurrect all of these people over and over again instantaneously without having to wait 24 hours because you're not actually able to wait 24 hours when you're in a fight no you see when you're actually in combat you can't skip time meaning we need to find a new way of circumnavigating that should we ever need to resurrect people in the middle of a battle anyway it doesn't matter much because we've just added some more companions there we go and our party has gained free people right come on my minions we've got a giant to summon now the only thing we need to look out for in this entire engagement is a white rain guard provided we don't get spotted by one of those bad boys we are in the money or drop down a safe here and we're just going to run our way over to the Giant make sure as many of our companions here as possible and let's fast forward 24 hours no a white ring guard is probably on his way and we wouldn't be able to do this fast travel if he was trying to actually attack us so we've got to get this done before the white ring guard arrives and I'm hoping that by standing in this spot I can resurrect the Giant as well as the vast majority of my loyal followers so there we go I'll hit them with the Whiterun gods on his way so I'm gonna hit the Zed key and now my massive giant friend coming up my friend white ring guard is now here he'd like to try and fight us but luckily we now have a giant to assist us and as you can guess giant quite useful in terms of combat so we're just going to surround this white ring guard and gank him ah it's as easy as that right now luckily our party's looking quite good I have noticed that effectively all of our animal companions died in that engagement so I'm going to allow some time to pass some resurrect all of them as well as a brand new white run guard now if you're wondering why on earth this is so powerful well just take a look at the conjuration tree in skyrim it's got a couple of bonuses like for example you can summon our dead twice as far away which is great I guess you can have your undead last for a little bit longer you can give them all an extra hundred hit points of health which is very useful but most importantly if you want to have two reanimated zombies well that's actually going to be a seeding Li high-level spell for you requiring a hundred points in conjuration this is an ability we not only have but have more of at level one anyway let's pass some time and there we go I've passed some time and all of my friends have died I'm going to quickly hit the resurrect once more summon our brand new white run guards and all of our existing previous companions and I'm going to take them on a little bit of a walk to get one of the greatest unique items this game has come with me my friends including the massive bloody giant so if you want to learn how to cast the completely broken raised undead spell as many times as you want then all you need to pull it off is a very simple easy quest which was added into the game via DLC and created by the magical underground dwarves or before they all died now I don't have the exact spot of actually where we've roughly needs to go but there's a place around here called the Ark ngah fams look I've nailed the pronunciation of it don't worry now this location is a very unique and special dwarven ruin which provides a stupidly overpowered unique item now we are going to have to effectively cross the entire world getting to this place but don't worry it's all going to be worth it now we do technically our joins in our party but it is going to definitely slow us down I'm going to have to definitely revive all these individuals multiple times on our journey so sadly the giant just is gonna have to be left but don't worry his cups will probably remain to pick up later on oh but speaking of people that we can use look at this this is a prisoner convoy also known as a perfect opportunity for me to test my magic and free and individual said good luck Imperial soldiers this is an extra for individuals to add to the mix oh and you're handcuffed but honestly that doesn't matter there we go look at that all of those people lovingly added to the fray and there we go after waiting another 24 hours I can bring back all of these lovely individuals sets free Imperial soldiers added to my army as well as a Stormcloak soldier which as you can guess a decently high leveled enough or basically be able to hold their own in combat neither they even really have to do that because there's a huge amount of people to stand behind them and assist them oh god it's a mud crab I don't think combined we can defeat that moat crab I'll just look at the massive group following us wherever we go they are just amazing look at that how many people do we even have let's do a head count right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 we have 17 resurrected individuals all of whom will fight for us and die for us and then resurrected for us to then fight and die again and then resurrected and then they can fight and die again and you get the gist there is no end to them you physically can't even kill them because unlike other undead these guys just come back to life now where do we need to go next we're in a lovely part of the map of course there's a beautiful temple system over there but instead we're trying to find some dwarven ruins I'm pretty sure that's going to require us crossing this river and climbing up the entirety of that hill oh but actually what's that do I see a human being down there a walking Imperial soldier Oh perfect alright come on bring all of the men down others free Imperial soldiers over here oh it's at free Imperial soldiers to the mix core men come on bring yourself over here oh my goodness you can't you can't escape you can't escape right time to fast-forward some time and bring all of my dudes back now the biggest annoying factor and limiting part of this exploit is the fact that you can only do it once a day the washer we're able to bypass the entire day using the weight ability we do have to group all of our people up again if we want to start summoning them again hence why sadly we have to lose some people like say a novice necromancer because we're not able to continuously cast the revived spell because every time because the revives but we first have to kill all of our existing revived creations and when I'm going to now try and cross this river and hopefully all of my minions will follow me come on minions get into the water now just up there I'm pretty short is where we need to go I can see that lovely little icon on the map meaning that there is some kind of magical Tower and I'm gonna guess that that's the one we're looking for now here's a handy dandy trick if you want to get all of your companions over to you in one easy move simply hop inside any building and hopefully all humanoids should follow you yes here's all of our available companions there we go by hopping in and out we've respawned all of our current living companions and brought them to our location with these four people we should be able to actually easily clear through the dungeon there we go I can see the map icon the pilate's roaming for is just straight ahead and then once inside I just need to complete a very easy quest of just walking through and clearing out a dungeon and a couple of classic Todd Howard specials also known as very basic easy puzzles and then I'll be able to show you the final most definitive feature of Skyrim necromancy oh and we've just ran into some bandits a bandit chief all right well if these guys know magic that'll be fun I could do with a bandit that knows magic oh and a vampire fletchling my goodness it's going on here toad toad let's go go boys the dead Oh Cody wagging its tail what is this little guy doing what have you done - he's so happy but he's dead oh my goodness you can move the body and it just keeps on going what is up with this tail mister Argonian okay I mean it's it's beautiful it really is Wow he's such a good boy we finally made it all the way to a fantastical dwarven objective you'll find it just south of Markov here inside awaits us a fantastical dungeon with lots of fighting of Falmer and that's generally about it now naturally I want to try and get my companions in there so I'm going to skip time and re resurrect them not all of them could make it though because I decided it was survival of the fittest and I also wanted to get here as fast as humanly possible because once we have the artifact we've basically completed the entirety of Skyrim and from this point on we no longer need to do any fighting for ourselves right grab your weapons let's go see what our confirms has for us now you might be wondering why I've got a level up saved and I haven't used it or two reasons one it provides me with a huge amount of health and secondly it also makes this expert look even more powerful now whilst we walk through here we're gonna be hit by a bunch of voices telling us to turn back we're going to ignore all of them Oh turn back before it's too late nice try ghostly voice but I know that there's a very powerful item at the end of this ok trio now we're going to ask a Trier for assistance because you know we might as well she's effectively in a mortal unkillable NPC who will wander with us through this fantastical Adventureland with our lovely companions in tow now there's going to be lots of complicated fights going on here but luckily we don't need to do much of them we can rely on our fantastical companions for that yeah look at them go they deal with these dwarf spiders like a knife carving fruit butter it's truly majestic now what is the unique item at the end of here well technically there are free potential items at the end of this dungeon you get to use the a fume Forge or whatever to craft one magical APM item I'm pretty sure there's a staff a sword and a helmet and in our case we're going to go for the helmet slash crown exists by far the most powerful item luckily our companions can actually pass through here because the dungeon was designed so the catcher could join you and way through here we must go and now we've got some Falmer up ahead here which you'll be fine too worried farm are actually surprisingly easy now not for us of course because they do a huge amount of damage but luckily we don't have to actually fight them stop I'm going to clip my lovely shield and the handy little sword and sit back in the corner and let my friends deal with it all ah there we go sizzle away my farmer friends well to my companions got stuck in the last zone and so couldn't follow us but we don't need them anymore because we've just murdered two Falmer and do you know what that means ladies and gentlemen that means bringing those two farmer back to life to murder or the other firmer with us you see this level warrant spell effectively allows you to do any dungeon whatsoever because all dungeons in Skyrim are effectively the same you enter fight a bunch of mini enemies and then build your way up to a big boss which will probably have you fight waves of small enemies and then finally the big boss this structure allows YouTube use the erection abilities because you can just bring all of the many enemies back to life to assist you so we now have two Falmer perfect right now we have to continue along our journey across this very unstable bridge now there's Falmer literally everywhere here but don't worry we'll be fine and by that I mean we need to get away from here and let our minions do it my god luckily they've got all the ranged attack and melee attack that we're going to need to get through this dungeon but still I really wasn't built for combat they found my friends however now they're perfect for combat just look at them go I'm fantastic that's all of them dealt with so once again we're going to let some time pass and bring them all back now we can't get through there so we're going to have to go this way across this very rickety looking bridge all right come on my friends oh we've got the whole gang together here come on guys this is perfect I'm guessing yet more foamer in here lovely alright I've once again added even more people to our army we've gained another Falmer and another chorus here or Charis I don't know what they're called in order to do an upcoming puzzle we're going to need a boat the game is aware of the fact that the play might not have a bow and so they choose to leave one here there we go and it's not just any bow this is severe a stupidly special bow because it fires 30% faster than a standard bow as you can guess makes it very useful now there's a little bit of a challenge here you see you have to solve this puzzle by hitting these things with a bow this puzzle is actually surprisingly easy you go one two and then this one is free and this one's four and then finally we get to number five perfect we did it lovely now we get to claim the treasure oh my goodness now this is it ladies and gentlemen we have the shard here then then all we need to do is make our way up to the actual Forge and most importantly this room is just filled with a bunch of high-level loot which is perfect and we're going to take all of this so that we can mostly sell it later and now finally we're going to take the etherium shot now once you have this first piece it's up to you to basically get the rest you're going to have to go across Skyrim following the journal to get all four other pieces naturally this is going to take a little bit of time but don't worry it's entirely possible to very easily do it at level one especially using or Fanta go party of goons a few moments later now we've gone and collected all of the shot I also decided to dive down into the Dwarven Bruins oppa fount over here which is relatively easy once you get to the final forge though you get asked to craft one of free items you I forget to make a staff which can summon a dwarven spider which will fight for you for 60 seconds or you can get a shield which makes things of ferial for a few seconds or most importantly you can get this the affair real crown this bad boy will always give you an armor rating of zero and it's technically not actually worth that much but trust me this is the most powerful item you will probably naturally find in the game for one very important reason whilst you wear it it retains the last standing stone ability you currently held granting you its effect in addition to the current stone that you have now once you have your swanky crown in your inventory you are then going to want to equip it and bind the ritual stones powers to it by simply having it on your head then we need to pick up a second set of stones powers in our case we're gonna go to the Guardian stones just because of how easy to access they are it's a matter what other bonus you go for because the only one that matters is the ritual stone you can have whatever bonus you like ladies and gentlemen and you can even change this bonus around all the mats is that we've gone to the ritual stone first to lock it into this helmet right now to activate another stone we're going to go for the warrior stone so we're going to accept this and this is going to remove the ritual stone from us but you'll notice the ritual stone has just been added back in that's because the ritual stone has now become bound to this crown this is an interesting little situation to say the least because if we bind the affair or crown to our favorites and switch back and forth between this and office hood in the crown you'll notice that the ritual stone is removed and then immediately added back on to us now I can't believe that no one tested this but for some reason when you have daily limited modifiers and take this hat on and off well guess what it breaks the game oh hello there bandit now you might be thinking how on earth can it break the game well when it comes to simply bringing a dead body back to life like say this bandit that we just killed here we can use the ritual stone and for once a day we can resurrect the dead this gets a little bit more complicated because remember the game limited to once a day but if we quick switch out of the ethereal crown to the novice hood and then put it back on and then reselect the ritual stone again we then cast the spell again but remember the power can only be used once a day but that's fine we take off the hood but on the crowd equip the stone and wabam it can go again and it's as simple as that ladies and gentlemen you can cast this spell as many times as you like you can cast it in combat you no longer have to wait 24 hours to get this spell done again that is the true power of this exploit a massive army that can never die can immediately be resummoned as and when you like you can then stack on a bunch of necromancy buffs and make this bad boy last and feel even more powerful now I first traveled to the farm over here because I'm hoping that I can run into a couple of NPCs to murder now the thing is once we kill our first NPC it's effectively game over for everyone else and actually I wonder can we start with the chickens can a chicken be resurrected oh my god the chickens can be brought back to life chicken will you fight for me my friend you're next by the way chicken I'm sorry we're off to a great start we've doubled our quantity of chickens when out - - right come on chickens I've got people for you to aggressively Peck I know this is perfect a little Watchtower for us oh my good shoes this order for you bounty collector a bounty collector and a white ring guard all at the same time jeez guys come on be a little slow about it one at a time please I've got a limited supply of chickens to work with all right now I'm going to summon back the bounty collector which just tried to murder us and hopefully using his support we're going to be able to kill the remainder of the guards here come on I believe in you bounty collector oh no they killed our bounty collector oh well that means we're dead right although it doesn't because it just means we put the hood back on again and bring our bounty collector back to life you can solo this entire thing or just take a while all beings he died again I really should bring more support than just chickens next time right I've choked the remainder of my health potions come on bounty collector you can do it heal a couple of these guards all you've got to do conv ante collector don't fail me now you've done such a great job on the other ones or at you now that we have the other ones going they can hopefully support you yet they can't right that's one more guard so we'll add that guard to the group come on my friend and that just leaves one final Whiterun guard right and now that we have our four guards logically could we take on say I don't know ma'am we're going to need some assistance on our site which is luckily where this massive fort comes into play it's got a bunch of hopefully low-level bandits loitering around here which we can use as cannon fodder to tranq clerics and mammoths so here we go it's full gray MO and all we need to do is just walk our way through here and fight a couple of bandits it shouldn't be too much of a challenge there we go that's our first one killed and as soon as we kill that second one there I'm gonna hit off first revive that's two bandits added to our side now these bandits technically aren't very good but they'll do just a bit of extra cannon fodder can really slow down a giant so we'll hit all of them with the classic good old revive and we're not going to wander our way over to the next bandit camp oh here comes the procession just look at them are imperfect we've encountered our bandits here now there should be around about uh nope maybe four bandits standing around outside here which is perfect bugs a few extra bandits and heck even a mud crab will be a fine addition to our group I've drawn mud crabs are bloody scary there we go we've got a brand new pet mud crab joining us they've got it some kind of magic bandit here he'll be quite easy lovely and you know we'll bring him and that wolf back come on mud crab you're doing great oh yes all right come on we've got two more bandits to kill I have wait no we've got free perfect I'll just kind of stand back a bit and let all of you guys do the fighting and there we go I'm pretty sure we've managed to kill everyone and we're going to be able to resurrect the wall at the same time as well well BAM let's bring everyone back and then we're going to take them over and we're going to try and fight those Giants because you know we can now we've got a whole bunch of bandits including a couple of mages so I think we do stand a minor chance here now some of you may die but that's honestly a sacrifice I'm more than willing to take perfect oh do we go for do we go for those mammoths there no we go for the one glitched mammoth here this will be the start of our fight right perfect there we go fight with mammoths has begun go my friends go unleash a volley Wow okay yep the mammoth is doing a lot of damage but once we get our first mammoth down that's when the money's going to start coming in we're going to hit them with our first revive here trust me it's going to be necessary and that is almost a mammoth down there we go that's one mammoth down and with that we're going to need to resurrect everyone come back mammoth yes there we go the mammoth is on our side effect right now let's get a giant now these are special Giants they don't like the one which you find in the starting area this is a natural proper high level giant luckily for us the mammoth can kind of tank the damage okay note Karnas just died mammoth come back I'm not having you die on me this entire combat encounter is effectively me running around luring a bunch of mammoths and Giants around and then resurrecting all of my own men but look at them they're doing a splendid job alright we've almost done it that's almost a second mammoth down oh my goodness that's almost a dead giant but it is chasing me come on my friends you've got this oh my goodness you did it that's almost a giant dead kill it kill it kill it yes oh that's a giant we can add to our list and we've one giant down that's effectively all the man was now dead we've got this come on look at that this game just is so stupid we've resurrecting a giant to fight for us at like level 3 oh my god we've just got two mammoths on our side now nope that's all of them that is all of them oh we've done it we've just played out the giant camp using only a bunch of crappy level 10 bandits or something oh and in return we've picked up two Giants and free mammoths to fight for us oh this is just perfect and so here it is ladies and gentlemen bury bone raiser and his legendary fantastic army of very low level bandits and mammoths it is stupid the fact that you can do this from level 1 it's not even that difficult it's just do a couple of fetch quests and then use your stupidly overpowered abilities to cheese a bunch of boss fights it's silly it's cheesy and it's everything I love with Skyrim exploits if you've enjoyed what you've seen here today then feel free to give the video a like and I'll leave our next video up to you would you like to see how to level up at stupid speeds in Skyrim or would you instead prefer to see the ultimate mage build which has absolutely zero counters whatsoever and will turn you into an immortal wizard Lord the choice is yours ladies and gentlemen so hop down into the comments section and leave your vote and if you've enjoyed what you've seen here today and you want to get more Skyrim flooding into your sub feed then do consider subscribing and heck you can even press that magical Bell button which may or may not do something depending on how YouTube feels as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these videos all the more possible genuinely without I wouldn't be able to sit down for about four days and record a bunch of Skyrim so thank you very much for giving me a very strange job and as always if you need more of spiff in your life then look no further than this video on-screen now hand chosen by myself to be exactly what you're looking for anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 3,878,148
Rating: 4.9202118 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, skyrim, necromancy challenge, skyrim challenge, skyrim necromancy challenge, skyrim necromancy, is broken, skyrim is broken, elder scrolls, elder scrolls 6, exploit, challenge, rpg, perfectly balanced game, video game exploit, skyrim exploit, spiffing brit, skyrim only, beat skyrim, rpg exploit, skyrim special edition, funny moments, skyrim build, overpowered skyrim, skyrim exploits, perefectly balanced game with no exploits, rt game, can you beat skyrim, english
Id: tmWY1ekyyi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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