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hello there ladies and gentlemen i am the spiffing brit and today we are playing some age of mythology extended edition ooh slightly bigger than regular edition i see now this game if you can believe it is the legendary follow-up to the wonderful creation that his age of empires 2. and if you can believe it i'm actually much better at this game than i am at age of empires 2. the only issue is that a lot less people play this game than age of empires 2. and i imagine a lot of the people who played this game even though it was released three years after age of empires 2 probably much preferred age of empires 2. if for some reason you preferred this game then please do enlighten me as to why because by almost every merit it's a lot worse but nonetheless it is good fun you know we should probably do a check to see if anyone's still playing this game so let's go to the online section and wow there's actually quite a few users online let's see if there are any games going okay no there are five how many were there for age of empires again a little bit more than five yeah i've got to be honest this doesn't look as popular i mean who's even playing age of mythology in 2019 this game's been out for what 17 years now good lord there is quite a realistic possibility that this game is actually older than you the viewer watching this but hey if you've ever played the legendary experience that is age of mythology then please do give me a shout because i'm somewhat of an expert at this game due to the fact that i decided to buy this game on steam literally just now yeah full price 22 pounds oh god that's gotta hurt apparently it goes on sale for 85 off and i just spent 22 pounds on this bad boy oh goodness oh well at least we know the patreon money is going this month but hey i've invested all my money now so we might as well jump into the game so let's load up a single player game as today i'm going to be showing you how to completely and utterly break edge of mythology so i'm going to be taking on a journey of just regularly breaking a game to absolutely taking the game and going you know what we're just gonna set it on fire and then release it into the public and be like hey this is fine now i haven't even done the tutorial for this game but don't worry ladies and gentlemen i'm an expert i've played so many real-time strategy games like cooking mama 4 that actually i'm somewhat of a genius when it comes to any form of real-time strategy so i have no need for any of these silly learn-to-play mechanics ah who do you think i am some kind of fortnite gamer huzzah laughs in pc master race anyway let's throw ourselves into a random map as i prove just how pro gamer i am now when it comes to this game there are a few options we can have for example we can choose our god that's right there are so many gods to choose from you could be a greek god an egyptian god a norse god or a fake god and if you're willing to throw in extra money you can be a chinese god i know these people invented tea and yet the game developers decided hey you know what they've done this incredible thing of inventing tea so naturally the brittle want to play them however we're going to lock this behind a dlc paywall yeah thanks game developers i've already spent 22 pounds on the game i do not need to spend another seven pounds unlocking three new heroes and also not even just that giant map size you want a larger map well this game's gonna charge an extra seven quid for it oh god i hate early 2000 dlc policy i also like to point out that the dlc has a steam review of 38 to put that into perspective i'm pretty sure no man's sky had a better review than that and good lord was that a steaming pile of disappointment i almost spat my tea out when i first loaded up that game for the first time not many things make me waste good tea so i'm very disappointed at the developers of no man's sky but yes let us choose our god we need to pick someone who is truly powerful and completely and utterly broken so of course we're choosing poseidon what makes him better than all of the others well it's because he's just completely and utterly broken ladies and gentlemen you see poseidon has this lovely mechanic here called liure this allows you to target a location for a special stone and this stone plops down you won't know that stone does it attracts animals to it that's right you know those sheep that we used to in age of empires too well guess what in this game they're all goats and you pop down a law and suddenly goats are gonna start appearing and they're gonna go and assemble around this stone is it good no it's actually a bit trash but it is completely utterly broken which is why we're going to be exploiting the hell out of it and just like age of empires 2 there are various ages with the archaic age classical age hero cage and mythic age in each of the ages we get to choose a certain hero with a certain special unit anyway we're going to select poseidon to be our legendary lord and when it comes to difficulty come on ladies and gentlemen you know what i'm like we're cranking it up to titan i'm sure you sat there with your fingers on your like buttons like oh god he's so pro gamer he deserves to be on the front page of youtube trying to hear that youtube trending it's time to put games from 2002 on the youtube trending page again youtube didn't even exist in 2002 but i'll tell you what did the greatest game known to man anyway whatever options we going for we'll have a standard supremacy game mode we'll have visibility on normal i don't believe in day and night i know how some of you are flat earthes and some of you might be dinosaur artists but i believe in a no day night cycle for two reasons reason number one the sun never sets on the british empire so logically it's always day and reason number two i find that it is often tea time in fact i find that it is always tea time so there is no time for day or night there is only time for tea and now that that's all sorted we need to actually start customizing the opponents we're off against so we're on the hardest difficulty in the game and if we really wanted we could turn this into a one versus 11. however i'm afraid that is completely and utterly physically impossible even with the exploit i'm going to show you i don't think there is a single human being on earth who can win a 1 vs 12 against the most difficult ai this game has if you yourself have managed it then make sure to send it my direction and i will send you 1 000 yorkshire tea bags as way of saying good lord you are very impressive so to make it more realistically achievable what i'm going to do is turn this into a one versus should we say four yes one versus four seems good except they're all on a team against me and they won't fight amongst themselves they'll only focus on defeating good old poseidon so you know what ladies and gentlemen i think it's ready let's jump ourselves into a lovely game on the mediterranean so if you're already make sure you sat back relax you have your warm cup of tea in hand you might have liked the video already hey you might have even left a comment down below saying what lovely tea you're drinking with this video or if your name's dave you might have gone into the comment section and gone all about hey your favorite coffee i don't care about your favorite coffee dave why aren't you drinking tea dave calm down spiff calm down drink happy farts and cups of tea there we go anyway without further ado ladies and gentlemen we're bam let's begin and here we are in our game now immediately we have a few things that we need to do we need to try and locate the enemy i know it's as easy as that all we need to do to win this game is locate a large amount of enemy forces quite simple indeed and whilst we're doing that we'll also whack down a few houses houses are our way of increasing our unit cap because you know standard rts mechanics now i'm currently sending my horsey unit off in various directions to try and locate an enemy settlement and upon finding the enemy settlement we will be in an incredible situation of infinite wealth trust me also similar to how edge of empires 2 had sheep this game has pigs there's only one slight issue this is the artwork for the game's pigs someone was sat down in an office and thought you know what it's 2002. we've had three years since age of empires 2 and we've been given a lot more money to improve the art assets for this game so go find someone who can draw a pig and then they come back with this just imagine someone out there in this world was probably paid a hundred dollars to draw this pig oh wow 2002 was a wacky year but anyway back to the world adventuring the settlement is here so what we're going to do is place down on lior that's our little special thing that allows us to attract animals now that lil is done it's going to start taking damage don't worry we don't want it to take damage we want to repair the lio which is what we're going to do and now that we've repaired the lure suddenly we have 2.1 million in resources yeah of course we have yeah so that's how this game works basically you place down the lio you repair it and then congratulations you now have more resources than any human could ever need oh goodness i love this game it's so completely broken so yes how this works is effectively we are using one of the few hero powers that actually places down a building we are then allowed to repair the building now i think typically this game will take resources used to repair the building from your inventory the only issue is the game doesn't specify how many resources are necessary to repair your because at the end of the day it didn't cost resources to make so i do believe the game then flips out and then goes okay well how about we just charge them the maximum possible number of resources and also the minimum possible number of resources which apparently gets you to minus 2.1 billion now minus 2.1 billion might sound like a pretty negative number to have but don't worry you have to look at this in the eyes of a computer program minus 2.1 billion is the largest possible number this game can represent and consequently i have infinite resources because of it oh i love this game now because we're playing off against four very difficult ais i'm going to be choosing for our next classical age god hermes for the sole reason that he has a ceasefire this effectively activates the french mode and allows us to convince everyone to stop fighting for a short period of time before they then realize they didn't need to stop fighting in the first place so yes we'll go for hermes well bam lovely stuff now when it comes to a minor age god my personal favorite is aphrodite for the sole reason that her special power is curse this is brilliant because it turns enemy soldiers and villagers just into pigs it's an absolutely brilliant power-up someone could be sending their best army your direction and then you just go ah no and suddenly they've all been turned into pigs that's right once again we've only been in here for a few minutes but we can now move on to the final age the mythic age now when it comes to our choice of gods we can have artemis the bow shooter or fatsus who just looks absolutely terrifying and so naturally we'll have to go for him and as we can see the ais are attacking from the south they're really coming towards us now well this is fine we can use our men against them oh well apparently the enemy are using laser crocodiles against me i have not seen laser crocodiles before but hey you know that's an enemy we're naturally facing my goodness how am i meant to keep up with just an infinite swarm of men like this this is certainly way too many how has anyone read to defeat the ridiculously difficult ai in this game or perhaps i guess with experience they were meant to but i don't have time for experience experience takes effort and work oh my goodness and they're building forts literally on my border that is completely unfair it's not balanced as soon as this guy is finished our late game unit is pulled into the battlefield and if i'm honest that bad boy can probably save the entire day because as you can see at the moment we're just getting swarmed by the ais very colorful group of units 95 complete 96 good 97 oh my goodness this is so close 98 come on come on 93 no no they're doing roads [Music] okay now previously i said i was going to go against four titan ais and then i played against four titan ais and i discovered not only do they cheat on their pop cap their resource gathering rate and literally everything in this game having four of them all against you means that there is physically nothing you can do so i've decided i'm going to make it slightly easier realistically achievable by having it against one titanic difficult ai what i don't know if just happened there apparently playing on these settings against the ai and titan difficulty instantly forces them to give up because the game doesn't give them a settlement why on earth is that a feature what is going on here ai oh well that's uh probably the easiest victory i've ever gotten i guess that's a free exploit for you if you ever want to grind some achievements without actually even putting in effort that's okay we're back in for a second time this time i do believe the area has been given an actual settlement now we're going to have to do my lovely exploit from the previous game where i decided to play off against four titan difficult ais because let's be realistic here that just wasn't achievable but now with our lovely infinite resources against just one single mega difficulty ai you're going to see that just about anything is possible if you really put your mind to it there we go we're just running our way down to the enemy base to place down our lure then we can pop the repair on it and then we get our infinite resources we grind our way up through the ages and that's just infinite money infinite success all those lovely glorious things ah there we go there's our first enemy unit discovered they have a scout over here here's a watchtower so logically their town center should be yep it's right here okay so what we're going to do is place down on lyor get the town center to shoot it which is exactly what they've done pop our repair on it there we go and that should be infinite resources as soon as he arrives well bam infinite resources okay that's lovely for us now we can just immediately move ourselves into the next stage and grab hermes before we can move ourselves into the third age of the game we're going to need to build an armory so i've set some lovely little civilians on that bad boy now that we're in this age we can take up our centaurs and just spam out probably i'm going to say 10 of those bad boys and our ais up here in the north have finally finished building all of these houses which are going to be great and support our economy houses basically increase your pop unit cap however in this game mode of sudden death our unit cap is completely and utterly maxed at 140. we can't have anything more than that so we're just going to have to use some heroes and our lovely centaurs to try and defeat the ai and now if we've built our blacksmith's hud we can immediately move into the third age where we are going to grab aphrodite for a wonderful curse power that just turns enemy opponents into pigs because who wouldn't want that ability that's just great and also because i can due to the infinite resources i jumped into the midpoint of the video when you were least expecting me that's right ladies and gentlemen haven't done one of these in a while so you most certainly were not expecting a spontaneous tea reminder in the center of this video but alas here i am to remind you to go grab your cup of tea because come on we've gone past the 10 minute mark and you should have gone for at least one cup of tea by now maybe you didn't even have a cup of tea oh my goodness who could be so evil as to not grab a cup of tea well i most certainly hope it wasn't you dave actually no it's always you dave right everybody down into the comment section i want you to place a reminder for dave to go grab a cup of tea he never does it so it's very important that we tell him now and if you yourself are called dave consider this your reminder anyway i hope you're having an absolutely lovely day and it's time we jump back into the video as we go and have an absolutely crazy time by destroying the game with access to high tier units before the ai can even comprehend accessing such a thing instead of building a wall out of wood or stone i'm going to instead build an entire wall out of watchtowers i mean with the perks of infinite resources you might as well and it's time we build a market so that we can move ourselves into the final age of the game and there we go with our market complete we can finally move into the mythic age and grab our final god who is of course going to be fed of hepathetic who knows what he is but hey he's got a very grumpy looking face oh and i do believe here comes the enemy force yep they've sent a small group of men to try and defeat us however we have a much larger army with lovely ranged cavalry so we should do a great job against all of them there we go yes no problem whatsoever we take no casualties and their entire army has just been wiped and when we move into our final age we can grab this beautiful piece of research known as literal wall hacks so what you do is you go to your temple and down here you can see omniscience would normally cost you 10 000 gold which is an absolute ton however in this game no no that's that's just free and that's going to give us visibility of the entire map which as you can probably guess is rather useful yeah it's rather useful indeed oh and with our omniscience we can see that we've located an entire enemy army just marching around our lands over here somewhere while they really are not going to stand much of a chance against us even with all of their cheats giving them extra units and of ridiculously large amount of resources we should be able to still defeat them and yes the enemy is going for their first attack against some of our towers i'm afraid you're probably not going to win friends yeah i do believe i have the advantage here and i've almost unlocked the secrets of the titans and as soon as that's done we can start unlocking our beautiful titan gate which is of course naturally going to completely utterly mess up this game don't particularly know why the ai chooses to never attack via this direction and instead always goes around these trees here to try and get into my lands but well even without the omniscience i could have probably worked that out and always just knew where they'd be coming from hello there automatons and men with pointy swords good luck against an army of lions who would win gladiator man or a giant colossus made out of silver with a ridiculously massive swingy sword [Music] the colossus he won but of course this is the ai so as soon as we defeat one army they have an entire army ready to go immediately after it because yep they're 100 not cheating ladies and gentlemen we can see their entire economy at work here and yet they have infinite resources anyway we're going to place down a titan gate this allows us to bring out our titan unit the most overpowered unit in the game so we're just going to hit the summon all available workers and they're going to absolutely bash out this titan gate and give us the most powerful unit the game has to offer ah but we've hit our unit cap as you can see we have 140 out of 140 which is a real shame but what we're going to do is we're going to cue up an entire army to be built and send our existing army off to just annoy the enemy so we're going to grab all of our men here and have them wander all the way down and just try and destroy that town center of theirs they might succeed they might not who knows at the end of the day i don't particularly mind and one thing i can do to really really annoy the enemy is to convert their army into pigs as you can see they have quite a large force here coming towards us trying to defeat our army now we have a few magical things we can use we can use our we can use our surrender flag to convince the enemy not to fight us we can convert them to pigs or we can place down a vault which just gives us infinite resources i'm going to use the convert to pig strategy on the enemy army now that should greatly weaken them for when they eventually end up reaching our homeland and start trying to fight us and here comes our forces marching through the enemy lands not we might as well take out the army that's standing around here for the time being and move our massive colossuses on towards their fortified citadel we can take this bad boy out we effectively win the game eventually how's our army doing oh they're doing great we're halfway through to defeating the enemy citadel well you know what we should probably actually pull off from that just in case and you know what i'll activate the surrender flag this is going to force the enemy army to stop fighting us and they're just going to have to sit around for a few seconds whilst we continue building our lovely titan gate and also my army is going to pull out of their territory mostly for the fact that i would like to show you all the silly titan that poseidon gets instead of accidentally defeating all of their armies and the truce is going to come to an end very soon and as soon as that fires all of these people are going to suddenly start attacking each other once again yep the truce has come to an immediate end and then we can finish off building this titan gate yes we're very close to actually being able to do it and there we go a success we've managed to defeat the invading enemy army i'll send the forces that we actually have built up down towards our friendlies the titan gate is almost built we're about 75 percent of the way through come on your titan gate show the world what wonderful monster poseidon gets remember this is poseidon god of the seas what kind of titan might the god of the seas get ladies and gentlemen come on think long and think hard come on titan god of the seas release to me your greatest weapon there it is the titan is made oh hang on a second hang on a second that's not exactly a god of the sea kind of titan that's just a kind of free-headed flame dog yes not exactly what i'd call i don't know a giant cefulian fish monster that was the kind of thing you'd be expecting but no no we just have the jumpy uppy and downy swingy death machine that is 100 poseidon's titan oh it makes so much sense it makes so much sense doesn't it ladies and gentlemen anyway i think it's time we go send our titan to go defeat the enemy i'm pretty sure we've absolutely polished them off now so come on titan let's go actually win this game but actually i'd like my titan to get the last hit off so my men you just wander around do your own thing i don't know the titans now going to come through here and he's got some wonderful things to say go on titan say hello to the enemy army first i must say the unit pathing in this game is just actually disgusting it's terrible you can completely and utterly glitch out the titans by just having them wiggle by just having one unit that is locked on wiggle side to side which means the titan will never be able to attack 2002 unit puffing in this game ladies and gentlemen age of empires 2 had much better unit pathing i think that has something to do with the fact they're more simpler units instead of ridiculously large free-headed dog monsters anyway one hit and that's their town center goal and technically they have one minute and 59 seconds to build a new town center but uh yes i do believe they're going to surrender now and here we have it ladies and gentlemen the true power of the titan in this game completely and utterly broken and it's absolute cheese is magnified by the fact that we have infinite resources and we're able to hit this point much faster than any ai ever could even they are on titan difficulty which is completely and utterly cheating the game and if you enjoyed this exploit and you'd like to see more age of mythology exploits then i'm going to say i'll create yet another age of mythology video when this video achieves all let's be saucy i'm going to say 10 000 likes can you do that i believe you can with enough cups of tea anything's possible so yes when that happens i'll make another age of mythology video because there's a few more exploits in this game that i'd like to show off ones that completely destroyed the map like genuinely so imagine the map age of empires 2 and then someone just selected the entire thing and hit the delete key and the map's gone and everything just falls through the floor of the map yeah that sounds quite fun you'd like to see that wouldn't you but yes there we go i've managed to show off my lovely beautiful exploit for today and there we have it ladies and gentlemen i hope you've enjoyed today's video i most certainly have a huge thank you as always to my majesty patrons who make these absolutely wonderful and silly videos possible and if you're sat there watching right now and you're wondering hey what do i want to watch next then look no further than this video on screen now trust me you're gonna love it you're gonna enjoy it and i will see all of you ladies and gentlemen in the next one have an absolutely lovely day goodbye for now you
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 2,244,872
Rating: 4.8057857 out of 5
Keywords: Age Of Mythology, Age Of Mythology IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, Everything Is Broken, spiffing brit, funny clips, spiffing brit perfectly balanced, age of empires, aom, rts game, AOE, rts exploit, strategy games, video game exploit, rt game, montage, the spiffing brit, aoe 2 funny, funny moments, game funny, game glitches, game exploit, rts cheese
Id: iNu9cW6ruUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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