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now of course we're all modern RTS games there's kind of a rock-paper-scissors thing going on some units of weaker to other units in this game slaves a week to everything oh hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing Britt and today we are playing stronghold crusader HD that's right look at those high-definition graphics right there so what oh well apparently runs in 1080p so we can clarify this High Definition hmm something tells me that getting something from 2002 and scaling it up to 1080p does not necessarily make it high-definition but alas I'm not a game developer so I must be wrong so yes here we are in stronghold crusader HD an absolutely lovely RTS game all about building castles and crusading my goodness what an absolutely wonderful game we have in store for us so yes this game was released in 2002 you can believe it three years after Age of Empires 2 and yet for some reason if we go to the multiplayer section of this game even though we're on Steam there is no way to play on a multiplayer server unless one of you happens to own I don't know a port forwarded modem you got any of those modems lying around friends back at home if so make sure to hit me up my name is Lourdes spiff by the way it's a fear of night stronghold crusader in 2019 make sure to add me as a friend via the friend service system which I'm sure is probably using games by but yes of course Age of Empires 2 3 years older and yet has an absolutely massive multiplayer community I asked many of you to comment down below if you did still play the game and lo and behold there were thousands of you good lord I'm honestly stunned so if any of you have actually picked up stronghold crusader HD in recent years once more make sure to give me sharks I'd be quite interested as certainly in comparison with Age of Empires 2 this does seem to be the more abandoned one so what will we be doing today well today I decided we're going to break the game using its single most overpowered unit now some of you might be thinking oh stronghold crusader overpowered unit maybe it's a fully kitted out night maybe it's a horse Archer maybe it's just an absolute spam of archers but alas no there is one much much more overpowered creature in this game which I'm pretty sure some of you might have overlooked as just a mere resource or a product used for production and nothing more but ladies and gentlemen today I'm going to show you the magical power of the cow that's right ladies and gentlemen BAM stronghold crusader HD cow only world conquest I think this is probably the only time such a video will ever be created on YouTube I think it's time we make something magical today ladies and gentlemen so I'm going to go into a Crusader game and let's go for a custom game yes this looks lovely now we're going to be doing this simple 1v1 game to start half-wave i think sleeping with the enemy will be a lovely little start now we're also going to need a randomized opponent so let's see who we get ah we've been given the rat he sounds rather interesting let's see what the rat can offer us so yes ladies and gentlemen a simple 1v1 deathmatch but you know what I'm going to be rather fair I'm going to give the computer a slight advantage I will sort of early 7,000 gold whereas he will have 20,000 now I know I do like a good bid for challenge in these games because for some reason it turns out when I absolutely smash games to pieces they tend to get a little bit easy but here we go ladies and gentlemen brace yourselves before we start make sure you've sat back you've relaxed you've got your cup of tea in front of you I've got mine it's Yorkshire Tea Gold blend today mwah glorious stuff indeed and if you're enjoying the videos so far please do consider giving it a like why not maybe even tempt joining this community or you'd be very cheeky if you did now before we begin make sure your eyes has been prepped because what you're about to see is pure unadulterated HD graphics brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen HD oh my goodness I'll pause this immediately so yes in this game we now have a nightmare fuelled man here what the hell is this creature good lord look at him good lord that is terrifying but yes welcome to the crusading Middle Ages where today we just need to defeat our opponent to the rat now this game moves very quickly because it's an RTS with absolutely no pause function meaning I actually do need to do things occasionally to begin with we want to get some food set up now for food you need a great big granary but also you need food production so we're gonna grow some apple orchards because they look great and dairy farms because you know they look fun as well the industry we're gonna need a ton of wood cutters cuz these trees they gotta go so there we go I've got everything I want to start down got to food producing buildings and apple orchard and a dairy farm you've got some wood cutters running around not actually will increase it to two apple orchards oh yes we're going to be living off of apples today it's a shame Rinne the Middle East effectively doing some Crusades so we don't actually have access to the greatest resource known to man T not an absolute shame and of course to move things around in this game you need an ox TEVAR that's right these are just random cows which are hooked up to a post we can use them to very good surround ox Tevez absolutely lovely look at this guy it's a chunky cow but OPS's also have a different use in this game as somewhat magical use which don't worry we'll be getting to soon enough oh hang on a second are we getting attacked by the AI oh we are out I'm now having to buy slaves off of the mercenary marketplace to beat up heavily well-trained spearmen these are the kind of dirty tactics I've had to resort to but trust me it's not my fault it's the AIS fault mostly because I gave them way too many resources to start off with but one thing I will do is increase taxes to low taxes this is going to annoy the peasants a bit but it is going to give us a stream of income one thing you can do is crank it up to crueler than cruel taxes now that's just glorious alternatively if no one loves you you can crank this down to generous bribes which is going to cost you a lot of money but going to make peasants absolutely love you and they will start flooding into your city and trust me you need the peasants in order to fuel the war campaign and also to buy them into slaves that's another very important thing to do you want to slave army you can have a slave army watch this suddenly we have a 27 strong slave army so go ahead charge into the villages of the opposing city why are we doing such a thing well it's because you can actually kill the opposing villagers that will just slowly damage the enemy economy so slaves charge now of course we're all modern RTS games there's a kind of a rock-paper-scissors thing going on some units are weaker to other units in this game slaves a weak to everything yes it would appear by slaves of all God now what a shape yes at the moment even though we have a ridiculous swarm of horse archers the entire game is going to be spent waiting around until he builds up his first fortifications this is a castle building simulator so need to wait for the AI to actually build his castle as soon as he's done that that's when we can start breaking the game ever fun things we can build a punishment buildings this is where you can treat your peasants to wonderful vacations in say the giblets or the dunking stool which is one of my personal favorites why not try something fun for all the family that's right it's the burning steak ladies and gentlemen now these punishment blocks they do technically make your population a bit scared of you however they do make your workers work much more efficiently so chop to it lads before I actually end up building a chopping block aha you see what I did there comedy gold now the AI in this game is somewhat interesting in that they basically want to lock onto your lord and there are some buildings that they will just attack and some buildings that they just won't yes this is often where the game's exploits really come into fruition now one fun thing I've decided to build are these massive towers here these are perfectly balanced buildings if you can't tell because there are some of the tallest buildings in the entire game so we're just going to flood them with archers and watch the archers go to work looks what appeared they have almost no chance of being actually killed also one of the opie nature's of this tower is that from this position here were able to shoot and hit the enemy Lord in the end of the day killing the enemy Lord is the main aim of the game so yes we don't even need to attack him and if he were to attack us we've just got our group of topless men with torches to defend us now the thing is from over here on these towers our archers are able to hit the enemy camp fire which is where all of the peasant spawn in this game so as a new peasant is created it lands here and is shot by her archers and dies before the enemy Lord can send the peasant off to work in the orchards for food now this creates a bit of an issue because the enemy AI will never be able to have enough peasants to build an army to defeat my castles and equally they're never going to have enough peasants to build an economy so yes whilst this isn't an exploit this is certainly a massive cheese anyway I think I've created the army I was looking for we've got around about 75 archers and I do believe that should be enough to just sit right here and out DPS anything they throw our direction there we go we have defeated him he has been knocked to the ground so there you have it ladies and gentlemen we have become the greatest Lord and are treated to this wonderful 144p cut see now on to another game this time I'm going to make it a bit larger so that the AIS are definitely going to actually put up a fight so it's four players all facing off against each other in a perfectly balanced map this should give us a bit more space and also hopefully the AIS are actually going to build up against us so let us begin I'm just going to do all the boring things of setting up our economy I'll hop back to you as soon as the AI started to do something interesting none of the heirs have quite had enough time to build up a complete castle and as soon as they do that's what I'm going to start showing off some lovely cheese ah here we have it I think this is our first complete AI castle so I'm just going to drop the game speed down and rotate the map so as we can see if we drop all of the walls this is the huge castle the AI has built they've done a great job here with just one slight issue they've built gate houses now gate houses allow me to use the greatest unit in the game the orcs TEVAR which we're just going to pop down here and here is just two random cows tied to a post yeah that's all it takes ladies and gentlemen however by building them in the gatehouse the AI is not quite sure how it should be dealing with these ox tethers because logically they can shoot them with archers but when it comes to actually getting close to them the AI doesn't know what to do as they are sat in the gatehouse and if a gatehouse isn't accessible the AI quite simply won't send out units so all we need to do is make sure that we completely lock this gate house here books as we can see there's a little bit of an exit and as soon as that's all sorted the AI is just going to sit in its castle and not do anything which is exactly what we want get that word down there go the wood is down lovely now I think actually we have managed to completely break the AI and I don't think they're going to be destroying these ah it's worked even though they managed to get some units out we've done it we've trapped the AI so yes as you can see they have a ton of melee units out here but they only have two exits to their castle these two gate houses and whilst these oxes are saturd they do anything to stop them what they are doing is launching massive catapults over and archers to try and shoot the cows as soon as they spawn with one slight issue they're just never going to be able to destroy these buildings now is there any of our economy for us to break ah the blue kingdom has made the exact same issue building a gate house down there and their lovely stuff indeed now immediately they're going to set to work and use their slingers to kill our cows but the damage is already done I'm afraid as they sat down there there is nothing you can do there's no escape from your castle and you've just signed your own death warrant so what's the final AI doing or they haven't quite finished their castle but as soon as they have we can set about ruining their day lovely stuff I really appreciate the attempt from the yellow AI to really do their best to try to stop this but they just haven't managed it now something you might have noticed is that around here this entire area used to be covered in industry for example the AI is trying to place down all of these farms and woodcutter Hut's only issue is they can't because there's no path finding for their civilians to actually get out there so all of their iron mines and stone mines have suddenly just stopped existing all because I decided to place down five cows that's right ladies and gentlemen cows many of you probably walk through the countryside and you see a cow and you think ah that's quite cute but it's not really a threat to me is it that's where you're wrong because imagine if you wake up one day in the morning and you open your door and on the other side of it is an entire cow standing in the way there's nothing you can do because the cattle prod taser hasn't been invented yet so for that reason you can't really blame the AI for reacting in this way besides they can't use a telephone to ring up the police to come and rescue them there's nothing you can do it is quite simply a cow sat in front of a massive stone gatehouse yes so there you have it ladies and gentlemen this is how to win the Crusades if only the Europeans had realized the power of the cow the AI really thinks they're doing something here by having all of these slingers stationed up here just shooting your way at these cows hey this is a our programming from 2002 so we can't really expect too much but I must say in comparison Age of Empires 2 was much more impressive Oh in its lose weight for the orange Empire to make the same mistake and then we can hopefully bankrupt his kingdom as well yes he has a gatehouse hidden here so logically we can do the same thing it's get over here and place down an ox tether slap-bang right here and one slap-bang right here so there we go I've just built a few more ox tethers and hopefully it should have completely broken the AI to a point where they don't there we go it has done it you can tell because all of their industry buildings have just suddenly disappeared from existence we've done it again ladies and gentlemen so their entire industry has just been wiped out all in one go or because of some lovely cows there you go Marshall sir long arm I have used the superior tactic of bovine warfare to defeat you okay it would appear they've finally given up and they are going to actually try and escape very well it would appear with all of the other AIS dealt with I need to start focusing on our lovely orange empire first so let's get all of my lovely archers and prepare them for war as it would appear the AI has gotten very grumpy with me and is sending out heavily armed group of knights to deal with me very well I will do my best to defeat them but for this we're probably going to need a few more men at our disposal yes okay archers it's time for a full-blown retreat I'm afraid you weren't designed to deal with Knights you know what I'll also build a few beliefs ters in my own land Wow the ballistas are really useful as it would appear an entire blister is probably the perfect weapon to use against a cavalry man lovely stuff now because almost all of the other a us have been trapped inside their own castles we've been presented a lovely opportunity which is that we can access the lovely rare resources at the center of the map was no one else can and as you can see when the AI is left to its own devices that has decided to recruit about 90 slinger units which it of course card news but it was positioned inside its own walls just to sit there very interesting AI very interesting indeed and of course we do need to keep an eye on the orange they have got too much power at the moment decided to make a wall of cows and I hoped it would work but I do believe it has in fact not worked the notes will still be able to get out Oh what their economy will still keep fighting alas that we do have a distinct advantage over them so we should be fine in the end also there is a mass exodus of peasants to go and work all of these ox posts that we have built up which of course I'll going to get shot down so yes our peasant just going to walk through enemy territory and get killed but you know sacrifices have to be made I just have tried to flood this entire area to try and block the gap that they currently have to get in and out of their territory there's nothing I can do they just keep finding away through this maze of cows alas I don't think it's going to be possible and for that reason the mass exodus of peasants marching towards their doom is going to have to continue but I'm sure they you know they're putting up a good fight and they're going towards a good cause I actually have an idea instead of actually fighting them I'm wondering what if we simply get a trebuchet and destroy this massive wooden pole right here so if we have a trebuchet and attack it from range I believe if we can hit this out and then replace it with I don't know a few more cows we should be able to completely new to the orange AI at the moment however they have their escape path and they're going to be using that bad boy to try and defeat us but our lovely Baltar's that's what's going to be saving us from these highly trained Knights at the moment nothing's more powerful than just having four releases all set up shooting heavily armored Knights some would say that it's slightly historically inaccurate that a knight can survive for ballista bolts to the chest and still continue riding a horse but you know it's only a game oh my goodness this continuous line of peasants is marching towards their death yeah maybe one day we should tell them that actually there is nothing waiting for them if they march towards the cow post maybe I should probably set about disassembling some of these now this will be fine right here we have it finally a use for the trebuchet they're in range to hopefully hit this dancing bear Pole over here Trevor Shay's opened fire this is the greatest military objective there we go and it's gone now we can finally set about building the oxen cart BAM it's down this should be the blocking one yes though you have it ladies and gents with the economy is gone in just one hit an entire kingdom ruined I really for orange would give us a run for their money there it strikes again I have a fun things you can use on the trebuchet the cow launcher this is one of my personal favorites just launched a carcass of a dead rotting cow all the way through the sky look at it come a whirl and this is genuinely chemical warfare over the Middle Ages absolutely glorious you want a cow on that roof over there sure you love a cow on that roof over there and now that we have access to the entire map this just allows us to sit back relax and build up a beautiful Kingdom before we then eventually decide to actually go to war with over but hey there's no rush ladies and gentlemen we have all the time in the world in fact we can even stop building dairy farms in the territories of other kingdoms this is the end of the day there's nothing they can do to stop us we want to build dairy farms right here sure their archers can't hit us you know I think we could do have a cheese plantation right about here that's right we're no longer building cheese farms for building cheese plantations much better oh my goodness the oases in this middle appears to be completely broken because none of the heirs have been able to reach it we've effectively being given 7,000 deer to work with so I'm just gonna spam out a ton of hunters shacks and our food should be set forever now but now I get to just sit back relax crank up the game speed and wait for everything to blow over because there's nothing there I can do so we can just sit round relax and enjoy the game at a speed which is much more leisurely there we go so I just want to sit back relax and build up my cheese Empire because really you know I don't play stronghold crusader HD for the stronghold or the crusading I play it because I just want to see how many peasants can I get and just how much cheese is it physically possible for one Kingdom to consume yes some people like to grow hops and beer but I mean come on it's much more fun of course it's cheese one of the fun things I like about this game is that hey you can give people full rations or if you've really really wanted to wha-bam no rations Oh lovely I do enjoy starving some peasants but hey we have so much food floating around because there's no competition when it comes to hunting there's endless space for my cheese farm wonderland and of course the endless peasants marching towards their death lovely you know what I think we should set up a few cheese farms over here as well you know let's set up some cheese farms over here in the orange Kingdom and we can probably get away of a few more cheese farms near the Blues sure they won't notice these bad boys cropping up now that we don't have to focus on every eyes I'm actually allowed to sit back relax and really focus on growing our economy the kingdom of spiffed Oh beer has gone from a small minor nation to actually having a very large surplus population of peasants we have 97% 98% so there we go the number of peasants does go up and down a lot mostly due to the fact that a large portion of them are marching towards their doom if we take a look at the wonderful greatest Lord rankings we can see that I have the best economy sat at five thousand eight golde have I actually do also have the smallest army hmm yes over here in the split Kingdom we don't actually need a military because all of our enemies have long since run out of food yes one of the many issues of not actually having access to anything outside of the castle is that you can't grow any food now in our current position there are only a few ways we can defeat the enemy realistically speaking we want to get rid of the oranges first as they appear to be probably the easiest to take out having only a ridiculous swarm of archers in order to defeat them we need to go about doing it in a very relaxed careful way you see if we were to use trebuchet so you smash down these walls all that's going to happen is that the air is going to spill out and start getting its economy up and running again so instead I'm going to start producing a ridiculous swarm of archers now these archers will hopefully one day get up to these walls and hopefully manage to take out the enemy archers as soon as that's done we can slowly start working on breaking down their castle one Lord at a time our Lord is going to take an absolute ton of hits but with enough archers anything's possible so I'm afraid marshal sir long armed as nothing you can do these cows sit blocking your pathway good news our granaries starting to absolutely fill up with cheese meats and apples lovely and our lovely kingdom has grown to a glorious eleven hundred and fourteen peasants I just wondered why our supply of bows and Spears weren't actually going up it would appear that we've managed to accidentally completely fill up our previous armory so yes I've had to build a few more we might as well start trading up our swarm of archers which are going to be helping us on the front line but of course for that we're going to need a few more peasant hovels yes population grow pay me taxes and then fight on the front lines for me so here we have it 30 archers all marching towards the front line also to help out with our invasion I've managed to hire 18 assassins now these guys are able to scale walls and do a lot of damage when you least expect them to so I'm going to be using these cheeky guys to hopefully scale up and jump onto these walls and harass some of these archers here at the back hunting speed of our kingdom is not fast enough as you can see the deers are just multiplying a horrendous rate there is no way to stop the deer population now they've gone too far right here we have it you note I think we've got enough this should be a decent amount and hopefully enough to try and take out this kingdom so go tomorrow them all the way down here and of course send our assassins up to this tower at the back and that should be all we need to take out this kingdom so archers soon as you're ready open fire on these men you may fire when ready there we go the assassins have made it up onto the walls and they've done it they've killed all of the archers in one go beautiful stuffing teeth yes it appear there is absolutely nothing that can stop a large group of assassins these guys are brilliant all right there we go we've managed it we've destroyed all of their armies defending their lands now we need to do is find a way to defeat that Lord oh well I guess if we keep standing on top of his little perch we should have no problem there we go so every time he comes out to play we're basically just going to have to attack him so that's one King effectively dealt with we just need to wait for him to slowly kill himself by standing on top of his little key and as soon as we've done that then we can set about moving on to the next few kingdoms so I just speed up the game as he slowly defeats himself now the Blue Kingdom just looks like it's gone the exact same way they vote this lovely little circle fought and filled it with dancing bears and then just hounded the walls with what appeared to be a ton of slingers and archers that's gonna be a great laugh trying to break into one of the things that I'm struggling to do is finding an effective way of keeping the enemy Lord sat on top of his keep for a long enough time for our archers to do enough damage so that I'm not sat here for the next two hours doing this so I'm sending over a team of 20 assassins who are hopefully going to be able to stand up there and keep the Lord occupied in one-on-one combat long enough for my archers to do all of the damage that they need to do and there we go we've done it all it took was a ton of the assassins to get up there and backstab him and there he goes he's straight down so that's one Kingdom dealt with now we just need to get our army together we can wipe out the remainder of the AI now I think we'll go and deal with the blue people and so begins the out DPS fest that is trying to see if our archers can destroy all of their archers my goodness this is going to be one absolute mess right men just keep opening fire on all of those arches so ladies and gentlemen have the game crash on me I'm not sure why I think potentially what happened was the AI just reached a point where they had so many units trying to move across a pathway that didn't exist that it actually just ended up conceding but nonetheless I think you get the idea of what I was trying to show off here today it's an absolutely lovely cheesy exploit where of course you just abused the AOS ability to par find in the game and if you have enjoyed what you've seen and want to give this a try yourself then hey feel free to give this video like why don't give me a comment down below of your favorite cheesy exploit from the stronghold series if you're feeling especially saucy today get your cup of tea give it a sip and do consider subscribing we actually lovelyz have you here in this community as hey some reason we've managed hit 250,000 subscribers as an absolutely ludicrous number thank you very much as always a huge thank you to my majestic patrons who make these lovely silly videos possible thank you very much your support is greatly appreciated and if you're looking for a video to watch next then look no further than this video on screen now trust me you're going to love it anyway I've been the spiffing for it and I will see all of you in the next one have a lovely day and Dave if you haven't had your tea throughout the entirety of this video I'm very disappointed go and make one now classic Dave move right there
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,414,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STRONGHOLD CRUSADER IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, STRONGHOLD CRUSADER, stronghold crusader game, stronghold crusader hd, IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, AOE2, age of empires, aoe 2 funny, funny moments, montage, game funny, game glitches, game exploit, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, funny, rts meme, rts cheese, rt game, rise of nations (video game), funny clips, lets play, spore funny, spiffing, unlimited gold
Id: jCVw-mwl5gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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