Lifeguard "Mouse" Has the Worst Luck

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such a bad luck charm for bond I like just anything can happen when the black cloud is working life guard folklore has it that wherever mouse goes trouble follows I'll just do a lot of serious rescues somehow always seem to be in a wrong place at the wrong time I've done I don't know maybe 6 or 7 resources since I've been on the service seen a few suicides that with a few suicides last year I did a recess on her on a really young two-year-old girl which is crazy very very stay I started just walk down the beach and as soon as I got down the beach to chatting with the lads a bloke threw himself off the cliff so I wasn't even working and I jumped in for that rescue on my very first day master's reputation has earned him a very special nickname he got labeled black cloud well Condit started outside of work because things always went wrong with him and then when he started here as a lifeguard like it was just really obvious Matt D on the other hand hasn't even rescued a spider all summer mouse is at South End while Matt patrols the north mouse heads in for what should be a straightforward rescue but he's nude at one end then vomits at the other yeah I pulled a guy in his pants fell off and then he spewed on me I was like a Daily Double so hopefully that never ever happen to me again meanwhile life at North End is far more relaxed some little kid just came up gave me an ice cream so I'm eating ice cream chilling out and Club Med mass is probably down there a little kid to come up and bring him a grenade mouse to Maddy day come in go ahead what's doing up there might as a gone absolutely nothing but haven't done anything it's really under control actually try to do a cover lady my it's a joke I'm over it and I think we do a little swapsies oh so you go down here I'm coming up north chilly out yeah copy cloud but uh yeah I'll SWAT no eyes I'm a team player but you know wherever you go buddy the black clouds straight over the top of your head they test the theory Mouse heads to the calm waters at North End Matt D to the ribs down south is map DS luck about to run out yeah I mean I don't wish bad on anyone on that but I'm looking forward to Maddie coffin a real heavy ones at the dangerous south end there's not a rescue in sight Matt D has no option but to work on PR up north it's meant to be safe the mouse has his hands full then cops of foot to the head you know you keep the top of your tooth beauty yeah I'll send him the bill the curse of the black cloud continues their tests only proved it we swapped we swapped I went up north like absolutely hammered as well I didn't do anything I guess you are the Claire though but you did arrest you I heard you do arrest you around yeah yeah I tried to sit eschewing well I tried it's gonna drag you up okay you are the black cloud 10:00 a.m. Bronte Beach just south of Bondi freelance photographer Fergus wolfish shoots images of Australian Beach life sadly the serenity is shattered the reporter I was with was called me back and I came running back down she's like oh something's going on you know in the water there's a little blob like swimming out and then so I turned around and everyone sort of looking and I said any strong swimmers go I've noticed all the other boys running around like crazy and so something bad had happened and I heard the mom screaming no I know what it was it's a like grab my board and I just seen a just a tiny little body just behind the breakers I'd turned out to be a little girl just as I saw she was trying still still going for it head bobbing under the water but uh not long after that she just sort of flattened out from his underwater and she was just like five or six miles from me under or what else by the time I got to her and she was blue not breathing the distraught mother is on the shore mouse performs CPR on the girls tiny body yeah I gave it to the mountain craft she just went from being blue and doing nothing to a little a little coughing a little a lot i flicker and then she started crying and then odd sin started crying and then we just had a lucky little hog and then started and then we said then we had to get her in big one the girl's father is also risky he was close to drowning himself like her wife - I yeah I got it let's take walking up to the cops where's your where's your husband but someone should be probably looking at him because he's taking some water to the tiny girl's name is Noah cute her family are on holidays from Korea father June he was wrestler your daughter should be okay thank you sir but you need to make sure someone looks at you and listens to your chest I wanna show gorgeous mate who knows you know maybe 3 to 3 minutes I'm saying I'm paddling out I can see her body in the water just her body and I got hit by a wave lost my board and she's like 5 meters from here man H man just threw me his board and I was just yelling at these surfers and then went once grants returned with when she came good and she vomited in that we knew she was okay I'll turn around this the other surf as the local brawny boys just had this other guy just holding him up he was just like out as well I was just thinking what's going on spend two days in intensive care at Sydney Children's Hospital and we're down in 95 percent of the time we're dealing with permanent ribs permanent rip is a rip that's in the same spot on the beach all the time flash ribs pop up randomly in all sorts of places and he can't really predict them you just gotta have an eye for catching them before they fully developed flags are usually the safest place to swim lifeguards constantly move the fire to keep swimmers away from flash ribs showing off a flash rape developed in the South corner of the flag [Music] it's really pulled out a whole bunch of streamers another notice one go out the baku he was really struggling the Word of God the word he played thing as he's dragged out to see the man begins to panic a clear sign he'll soon run out of energy people are going under they you don't leave anything in the tank you just paddle as high as you can but just thinking is gonna come back off where I had a good eye on em on my target and then moments where I had no idea where he lost the man can no longer keep himself above water I just didn't think he was going to come back up it's strange time just slows down you're hoping for a clean pickup but it doesn't always go as planned but Lonnie mom I was paddling I had him in my sights and you know as I got ya I got ya Paul and I got him [Music] when you complete a serious rescue there's a an overwhelming sense of satisfaction that we've completed our job for the patient there's usually gap gratitude but what follows shortly after that is embarrassment everyone feels like telling the world about their near-death experience about the lifeguards what happened to that there was no way that bloke was given an interview to the camera crew cloud still moons are the donor wife gasps suspected somehow connected to Mouse susato bad luck charm for bond oh I like just anything can happen when the black plan is working already in the tower off a head gash a fin shop and a man with an injured ankle disasters meant literally the black cloud looms again this time however and we like societal them all but then this other massive wave came and pushed us back into the water just we hit all of the rocks what do I say girls don't do Flat Rock I love on the lock girls and what we're speaking right so the helicopter is a whole night off I can see the pine readies yeah yeah yeah chopper coming thanks Tony I'll keep the boys right here now and work something out just in the basis of memetics yeah I'm not central to awesome adventure just like the circle my affection now if you want to chop this stay in real quick and have someone shoot over [Music] the chapo needs to run - jackets to the jet ski but he's still dealing with the victims of flight [Music] [Applause] my computer are you guys related up in the drink a celebration today the helicopters just requested that he likes boy and just keep it on I'm just in case yak a paramedic himself it's in to assist the man's condition becomes clearer the local spear fisherman swam into a cloud of blue box that was deteriorating condition and accessible location paramedics chosen a lift most toxic bluey ever I'd like to make this blow it this blowing it's got a guy like Canada NASA Center the NASA they're going to study this bad boy [Music] that was out of control which is happening I did it I didn't mean it communication on what our beaches Collier Mason important thing that we've got it's pretty simple the problem is identifying the tower communicates to the beach is four or five paper wrap back there are curvy and there's a response but informations tasmad in through people can drown [Music] midday and Jethro heads in for a rescue at backpackers rip then Harrison identifies more people in on the South corner the couple of guys holding onto a board at the back but mouse is unresponsive now so you copy that once ahead of on the radio I didn't really get a reply bar for a confirmation with Jeff's room in the board and mouse not responding as radio Harrison turns to curb ox Fox can you hear me who is at the other end of the beach with both jefra and curve ox in the water and mouse uncontacted on the radio no one's available for a new group of swimmers who are getting into trouble ass [Music] yes [Applause] one Mouse realizes no problem with his radio yeah the swimmer in trouble at the South End is running out of energy the communication falls apart on the beach we got a loose link in the chain serious problems can happen from that it's chaos you bump your radio or you might be sitting on it or you've got a towel covering it the end this instance who's this one of those things while communications been down a volunteer lifesaver has saved the day I guess the lesson learned from this old radio insert is just to always be aware of your line of communication especially in those moments where there's a lot going on if you haven't heard something on the radio check your volume
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 727,629
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Keywords: bondi nation, bondi beach australia, bondi beach, bondi rescue best of, bondi rescue mouse, bondi rescue michael jenkinson, bondi rescue mouse the black cloud, bondi rescue lifeguard mistakes, lifeguard bad luck, bondi rescue, bondi rescue mouse black cloud, bondi rescue best of mouse, bondi rescue mouse funny moments, bondi lifeguards mouse, bondi beach mouse, bondi rescue lifeguard, best of bondi rescue, lifeguard best moments, bondi beach lifeguards
Id: lPjYbVmv9qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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