Missing People at Bondi Beach

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um we're just trying to search for a person now last seen swimming in the south end crocs in front of the skateboard yes i had a knock on the door there was a family there and they were obviously quite nervous and upset jane and her children have come to do some sightseeing at bondi hello my mom talked lost mum yeah but she she's a 75 so the family were on the way down to bondi on the bus and the family got off the bus at the bus stop but their little grandma went to the next stop which is all the way down the other side of bondi which is a kilometer away oh you have your mobile phone yeah yeah so after chatting with mum we realised that grandma had a mobile phone so we decided to give her a call [Music] naturally you'd be thinking grandma be quite upset quite nervous about her position her situation but my mom worked but it turned out grandma in general is quite a grumpy grandma i can't speak mandarin but um you can tell when there's a bit of a stash going on and there was definitely something brewing between mum and grandma over the phone it was a serious conversation i had a chat to mum we're trying to calm mum down and try and work out where she was where do you think she is she was at the end of the pet beach mouse hopes grandma can identify her location by pointing out any nearby landmarks when you're picking a landmark you want something that stands out quite unique you pick that one up near the rubbish bin garbage bins very common here at bondi got them stationed about every 100 metres along the promenade not a good landmark she can see a helicopter i helicopter at you know 2 000 feet doing 400 kilometers an hour again it's not a good landmark we need a more substantial landmine using his intimate knowledge of bondi oh i know mouse thinks he knows which garbage bins grandma is talking about even though we weren't getting great information in terms of landmarks i knew she'd definitely be at the northern side of the beach because i knew that bus route and i know there's always a large amount of garbage bins at north bondi i'm just going to take them down there mouse commission's 9 nine-year-old grandson amos as his deputy hey got up yeah hello reunions down here at bondi are usually quite nice quite emotional she wearing a white hat yes yes yes but for this one i had it didn't go down like that one bit she was furious when i finally got grandma in the in the buggy her and the grandson they were just basically going at it look she looks very happy she gets her hair she's getting it right in the buggy okay grandma grandma mama like any family you know you can get at each other's throats but um you know i think at the end of the day the family are very happy to see grandma [Music] reunited the family are free to continue their adventure a man comes to the tower his friend has been missing after going for a late night swim last seen about 3 30 in the morning oh yeah around the rocks here is he known a lot has he got erratic behavior fred and his cousin eddie finished work in the early hours the pair had a few drinks then eddie planned to swim the length of the bay in complete darkness he said he wants to swim across he normally normally does that and so at that time of the night he wants to swim across yeah yeah i mean the hour past i was talking to the fisherman [Applause] according to fred his cousin has now been missing five hours as i calls police we've just got a guy down here who's been missing his uh friend since 3 30 this morning down near bondi he was last seen heading around the rocks at north bondi around the point um and his car's still here his mate still got his clothes in his hand and and that's pretty much yeah the last you've seen of him right yeah lifeguards will search on the jet ski while volunteer lifesavers cover the rocks with the clock ticking as a wants all the help he can get just in regards to maybe getting a helicopter what are your thoughts on that we're assuming this is pretty sort of serious at this stage i'm just trying to trying to keep calm he's a good swimmer it's not likely for him just to take off he's got no mental illness i mean what what would you think then news from volunteer life savers after a long night of anxiety fred's desperate to see his cousin he hasn't a clue what condition he's in eddie are you all right oh my god oh man did you sleep it's hard to tell which of the two men has had the worst experience i waited for sunset i walked all the way around i walked all the way around look i didn't leaving the cousins to reconcile he's stupid it turns out eddie never went swimming at all he never made it off the rocks i slipped down and i just sat there i said i'm not going to climb this i was a bit scared so i said uh i'll just wait see what happens and then i fell asleep i woke up about nine eight thirty nine the irish couple report their friend paul went swimming and hasn't been seen for over an hour he'd been drinking heavily [Music] as well [Music] has grave concerns alcohol and surf are a lethal mix i've called the police to notify there could be a possibility of someone missing they just to leave it to us if you want to step up the search but that presents a lot going on down here could be asleep on the beach or something like that hopefully that's the case and um we'll make a decision when his friends come back another hour passes hoppo has growing fears that he may have a drowning on his hands the westpac rescue chopper joins in we've had no visual of anyone going under anything we're just trying to search for a person now so if you know anything about it last seen swimming in the south end crocs in front of the skateboard then the mystery of paul the missing irishman is solved he'd been asleep back at his car in south bondi hello i kept walking up and down and up and down i couldn't find him so i said right first thing father tommy was a kid was if you can't find your friends you go back to where you come from so i went back to the care common knowledge and tell you that i went and went away and i fell asleep and woke up and i just said right grant to come along at some stage but i didn't think there'd be such a panic like and i apologize over and i'm very sorry to the services to the lifeguards anybody who's on the beach looking for me i apologize and i'm very very sorry central to bonner lifeguards just got a report of a male who went for a swim an hour ago still goody stuff on the beach um where were you sitting yeah just here the man was last seen entering the water last location a middle set of stairs so we went and had a look through his clothing with her permission and all of his stuff was still here his money his phone his wallet his keys so clearly he hadn't left the beach that's when it became a worry to us that he's still in the water is he a good swimmer do you know him really well no since three days three days okay so you don't know how well he swims no okay all right and this search started to get a little bit more serious we're gonna get yatesy to take a sweep along the beach if someone comes up to you that time you can't leave until you found them so what i wanted to do was get in the rhino and find this guy what's his name from turkey guys we got a lost man his name's mammoth looking for a man named mammoth your mammoth mate please come to lifeguard as the search is underway on the shoreline singlets and maxi scan the water praying they haven't missed someone maxie and i were sort of looking out the back of the flags and something just wasn't right maxie and i looked at each other and we were like is he going under oh here we go right the back of the old flags milk said is that someone out the back wave all right there's a guy going under out the back of the flag go go go go go go go go oh he's dragging other person lifeguards are still a long way off in moments there could be two drowned swimmers i couldn't see a person although i heard was going under and drowning yeah i put my head down and just got out there as quick as i could have you got eyes on that how bad is it we've got him on the binoculars the boat needs help yatesi is backed up quickly by maxie yeah he's got him yeah yeah aj is visiting bondi for the first time mammoth the missing man is still nowhere to be seen that guy was pretty lucky if there was no one else around him he would have been on the bottom [ __ ] that we were still here wait looking for that other guy mate is a legend now we weren't still here that guy would have been dead yeah we're packed up we've got nothing on the beach that was fluke but i had that buggy with a board on it and the guy that's hiding onto him he could have been a dead hero you know up at the tower chapo thinks he solves the mystery of mammoth oh yeah the the bald guy with the grey shorts is back at his tower he's back in the end mammoth wasn't missing he'd just gone for a walk but ironically the false alarm he sparked is what kept lifeguards back late and saved another man from drowning you know things like that really play on your mind and you really sort of start to reflect on them and think you know everything kind of happens for a reason down here sometimes at the end of the day we we saved this guy's life we also found mammoth there's a good ending
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 125,210
Rating: 4.9673824 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi beach australia, bondi beach, missing people at bondi beach, missing people stories, lost adults, missing people found alive, people going missing, people getting lost, people getting lost at the beach, bondi rescue, bondi rescue compilation, best of bondi rescue, bondi rescue missing person, bondi rescue missing, bondi rescue lost parents, bondi rescue lost mom, bondi rescue lost, bondi rescue official, bondi rescue clips, bondi rescue 2020
Id: PEt5A4uapok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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