Lifeguard Jethro's Biggest Mistakes & Mishaps

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I've just fries cracked a few milestones in the service over the years he locked himself in the North Tower dislocate his shoulder and now packing up the beach he's taking out the roller door now they're gonna get into this one iron Jethro's recent rescue puts him in good stead with senior lifeguards but a trainees fortunes quickly change it's late afternoon it was a pretty busy day I locked up the tower I mean you know I'll go in now clean it up get some good good points in my name so I went in there to clean it up when I went in there I was only dropping the door open with my foot my foot slipped off and just all came crashing down and that at the end of it yeah North Tower kappa pack up probably not gonna believe this while I'm gonna semi sock in the Terai the door in the room just shuttle me and I I can't get out yeah when I ride you out in there was about ten seconds of silence going what like no one could really understand and then it was just pure laughter yeah it's pretty heavy on stock the doors but not everything I you think you've seen everything trying to easy always come up with something you know it yeah unfortunately hope I was on top I was in the tower so there you've watched the whole event unfold not only is jestro stuck but none of his brothers in blue are rushing to the rescue they were just waiting no one was helping me leaving middle morrow morning we got enough Oh rescue you couldn't get on bread even even I was in there ready just came on down me in there thank God Grady was away he's finally managed to fly the coop but now Jethro has to face his boss Popeye no explanation on here actually yeah sees my back all right then I landed a little bit too far my foot slipped I don't shut [Music] that's just made my day had a serious ear infection I get it quite commonly and it never really affects me too much and that's why I was like yeah obviously it to work but on this day in particular it got the better of me and I was it's pretty bad where's Jeff right has he on the bed Jeff right Clarett scarce here all I heard was they're gone they go and under and I just flew out of the first day but almost fell over with Judy calling Jeff throw puts aside his severe pain and nausea when as hard as I could just not even looking where the swimmers were just completely focusing on the show back and probably the fastest I've ever moved serious rescue so I was pretty physically deserted and I put all my energy into getting there and and getting this girl back to shore do you feel like like vomiting you'll find once I hit the shore and I made sure she was all right and she said yes thank you thank you it all just hit me I felt like I got hit by a brick wall and I just got so dizzy and the pain was like overwhelming and I thought I was gonna drop unconscious on the sand right there you feel sick did something did you get hit by something what you got paying somewhere all right it's hitting the deck and I was so close to vomiting and I've never even felt like that before I don't know what happened I just pushed too hard and got the better of me what I've been telling you to have a day off but men actually have a day off what if I'm working - huh but rescue by buddy yuria took one for the team [Music] after two hours the search for a body reportedly seen near North Pond hold off beating the jetski lifeguards must turn off the engine while simultaneously running the ski up the sand it's a multitasking job that can easily go wrong all right when I first here I instantly felt like a shooting pain I had a good laugh and even I felt terrible and then he's just going oh not good now I nearly popped his shoulder straight away for the second time this morning the young lifeguard has got himself into strife Oh serious ligament or tendon damage could spell the end of his season paying out of ten was ten for sure once he looked down and you see that you're like a shoulder sticking out here and it's all mangled it definitely gets worse slow me up baby come on get the whistles lifeguards normally administer pain killing gas to injured beachgoers yet the finger over at my today it's Jethro that will get a taste of the green whistle oh good good good good keep sucking keep sucking keep sucking the green whistle seems to affect everyone in such a diverse way and Jeffro not been too big of a guy it affected him quite quickly Charles might have been even flying a 747 at one stage you would be the vase gorgeous flight attendant okay smoke the paramedics have been calls until then lifeguards manage Jethro's pain this is whistle number two after the second whistle I have no recollection of what I said I know I could have said anything [Music] this extended care paramedic will attempt to relocate jestro shoulder on the first date bit is just an anterior dislocation and everything - all right we'll just receive we can relocate it lifeguards deal with dislocations every week but they are less used to sing one of their own in pain time roll his right shoulder back for me he was still in a lot of pain like excruciating pain so yeah it was a tough one looks like you know temperature enough to hospital okay despite the paramedics best attempts jestro shoulder can't be relocated here this whole side of this year has been an absolute posture one two three this is such a diverse job that you put your own life on the line you're out searching for a body and then all of a sudden he's just he can't work that's not ideal so I was reversing in the trailer no it was five to seven it's been a busy day all the boys want to go home I just heard these deafening bang just hit the door and the door hit the floor with no way of walking away the buggies and jet skis Jules calls the boss how about Jules here at Bondi we have quite a big problem tries to make light of the situation one of the roller doors has actually blown off but Harper has seen one too many songs to form about I went to blow the role the door off here we'd have to probably have cyclonic you know conditions and it definitely wasn't blowing that hard we have jet fries cracked a few milestones in the service over the years now we're gonna get into this one iron because even for the Vice away Fitz if someone comes down and I they could take him with thousands of dollars of appointment unsecured a different kind of cards made on the beach tonight I had to get a security guard down for the night to keep an eye on because there's no way of securing the tunnel this is probably my worst incident today everyone's got a roll the door in their life I'm not sure if I'll ever achieve my quest for the mean the perfect life guard but um I'll keep trying nobody's perfect [Music]
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 1,285,449
Rating: 4.9544473 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi rescue, bondi beach, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, beach lifeguard rescue, bondi rescue jethro, jethro bondi rescue, jethro bondi lifeguard, jethro dislocates his shoulder, jethro trapped in the tower, jethros mistakes and mishaps, lifeguard mistakes, lifeguard mistakes bondi rescue, bondi rescue jethro gets stuck, bondi rescue jethro collapses, bondi rescue jethro disolcated shoulder, bondi rescue jethro injury, bondi rescue jethro sick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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