Harries' Funniest Moments on Bondi Rescue

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if there was a lifeguard that's fine if self as a flamingo probably being myself but we all recognize a bit more of a peacock with his tail fluffed up shaking his bum around [Music] Terri's he's actually he said you can play yeah if you let me yeah we got it to the final sure I've never played the bakbox hoping to avoid making a fool of himself Ares wants to see how it's done first I thought it would be better if I let Irene actually use the bagpipes and use them right [Music] you know I thought it'd be best if I just gave her a bit of a present culture exchange and showed her what the ami and kangaroo can do [Music] yeah hairy's of course wonder have a go and I thought well door let him have a go or not and I thought why not hey Harry anything this is me dryer [Music] it sounded like the music on the Titanic when it's about to go down it was like I just blowing like three or four balloons up you know I started to get a bit hypoxic you know I've got a good respect for her she's doing this for charity so all the best to her just around the corner from Bondi at Bronte we've been called for a dangerous fret a big shark in the pool we're gonna penance her - I gotta get it out I'm gonna go down and I'm gonna remove the shot I'm a shark on tar it's a law this is a rescue mission everyone what we're here for lifeguards danger save lives all right the soldiers here as we help the animals - you know is inaudible how easy um you know you can talk to the kids on the same level instance pretty early [Music] when I dive and dive and seen the shot you could a dog straight into me hairstyle [Music] I can tell that everyone started to actually enjoy what I was up to you know I went from that into tying it to the shock haha from the shock hunter to the Ted Paul ketchup there's a baby wall be gone it wasn't known as a may inator yeah if it hadn't been any smaller it would have probably slipped through the net rescued many people but never rescued a shark so it's great [Music] bond our lifeguards to jet ski Harry's I've spoken to lifesaver one bass wonderfully and then doing a check-in me out to see who the vessel belongs to and they gonna try and get contact with the owners of the battle singlets and max tow the boat back to shore it could be someone missing but you know we'll leave this to the police to handle a landing party of wait stop is ready to entertain the troops Perry's seizes the opportunity this is your captain speaking we're just coming for the lovely Sydney heads into the harbour we go ahoy mateys [Music] I point Mary coming in when Harry's man this unmanned vessel eyes from you how much Harry's was loving Susie's moment he does a lot of funny things Harry's I don't like to get him too much reco for what he does but that was one of the funniest things I've ever seen him do it starboard right iceberg for Harry's the cogs are always turning lifeguard is about being dynamic has been being innovative in the job that you do and every year we try and test a new device and having a bike like this you have you a litter weevil your way through the crowd a lot quicker [Music] Perris is peddling the idea that electric bikes are faster and more efficient than the buggies it's just much more agile not as loud and you can get to rescues a whole lot quicker the veteran innovator has his skeptics what do you record yet I haven't seen too many push bikes on Bondi Beach yeah I don't know good to see if it works how am i as far as the jury's out still because suddenly how it goes on the soft sand might go okay on the heart has challenged Jackson right I've got my baby seated for my kids of course we're gonna put the D few minute to kind of simulate how you could do this on a bike and get it off quite quickly to our to save the life it's a really good day to test the bike because there's not many people on the beach and there's a strong southerly blowing we're gonna race yep Mike versus but from the middle of the beach down to the northern end you think I'm a nut I'm not crazy by the way at the starting line Harry's conference unshaken I know for a fact that you can move the bike a lot quicker see how fast I can actually go with pedal power it was pretty funny watching him race Jackson I could maneuver between the people quite easy I didn't put anyone a danger but the km went a little faster just got in the end but it was quicker than I thought you would be the technology isn't quite there yet we need to refine it just a little more before I introduce it to the lifeguard saving lives but I know for a fact into the future that we will have electric bikes down here I don't think anyone would trade the buggy for the black it could be a closet genius but he's hiding that very well everyone else is paying for parking out there ladies and John Harris is gone for a ride on the beach come ride with me come right come right away [Music] Kyle's farewell barbecue has been suddenly interrupted as night falls a woman has been spotted 100 meters out in the Bronte rip but then a strange sound comes from the water one we go [Applause] my lawyer now they're so late at night thank you so much darling thank you a woman I just rescued on the rig 8:30 at night at Bronte as soon as we saw them I pointed them out I was like I watch just watch it but the woman's determined why the balls won't escape so easily she had a flamingo and a unicorn she had them tied together there's no way she's going to get from the promenade down to the shore without help if there was a lifeguard that's earned yourself a surfer mingo probably being myself but we all reckon he's a bit more of a peacock with his tail fluffed up shaking his bum around how's the gentleman and he'll always help out the damsel in distress yeah he went down there with bells on I think this one was just a little bit out of his comfort zone to be honest my my bloody I'm traveling somewhere three other girls that are chasing a mad ball the ball they tell a little floor can we take it for a little ride nah she yeah she had time to a couple of old lovers in my time but I've never time to walk for me that boy is gonna flow it is it I've pretty much seen it all I rescued 5,000 people out in the water I've rescued a wombat on the shoreline today I was challenged by blower flamingos I got him down to the water's edge and then all of a sudden the blower baseball took off into the air [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] you sit on the Flamingo thing she was very grateful there we go feel it really good to be able to help this family enjoy their experience at Bondi with it for Mingo Goldilocks is running late all the rumors are true Goldilocks has been getting up to a lot with the three bears [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm just getting some porridge [Music]
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 574,249
Rating: 4.963232 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi beach australia, bondi beach, harries bondi rescue, bondi rescue harries, harries funniest moments, harries funniest moments on bondi rescue, bondi rescue harries proposal, bondi rescue harries funny, bondi rescue harries goldilocks, harries bondi, harries bondi lifeguard, bondi rescue funniest moments, harries lifeguard, lifeguard funny moments, lifeguard funny video, lifeguard funny, bondi rescue 2020, bondi lifeguards, bondi rescue lifeguards
Id: OVrxm6LXES4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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