Top 5 Most Romantic Bondi Rescue Moments

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in a date you - don't be silly odds this idea yes I was awkward moments ago it was pretty awkward everyone thinks that working down a bandha as a lifeguard is probably the answer to everyone's you know love life woes but yeah look it's not the ideal paradise for meeting you dream date there any of that Aaron thinks it is [Applause] [Music] married in the service and there's nothing like it'll be made in need of some love stimulus is a bit of a heart throbs you know he's got the nice torso and he's got the long big jaw and the blonde hair you know it kind of gives across that iconic lifeguard look single it's annoying is traveling down to the southern end of the beach and a stunning lady approaches are saying she had a purse lost on the beach we had to push it was up in the tower and I could see a dinner date right in front of me in a date you - don't be silly watch this idea yes I was awkward moments ago it was pretty awkward what would you like an early dinner you know I'm feeling very embarrassed about the whole thing just trying to think about work and what's going on in the water district kind of sweethearts Harry's is doing he's matchmaker thing no one likes big setup let's face it and you can do to record these habits I'm waiting for my moment to make this young lady's day in hand to pass over and just as we're getting to the tower I was like no I singlets was a knight in shining armor to a woman who'd lost her purse still the hero he's just saying things differently now he's booty shots were coming down and there was all sorts of bits and pieces that gonna happen yeah it wasn't a pretty sight I was doing my best just to look at something on the beach to keep a focal point better I he was having a good time they owe us big time those English guys I ruined that moment you know we were just in scoring her up to the tower to get a wallet and there's been a small talk going on and so when love came to town I don't that's right we gotta find him some love but he was so close and he was so normal but you know what she'll be back she's from America and everyone goes on trips and they all want to say a nighty kangaroo when they come to this country she's got a log I cross kangaroo Roy Wow yeah look you never know what happens down here and buggy girl did return one day I certainly wouldn't be against I you know for a drink maybe or or catching up she lost her first she lost your heart Trent Maxwell is the youngest ever trainee lifeguard to join the team he's proved he's got many of the skills but how will he cope with the attention [Applause] [Music] training in the gostrey level Michael he doesn't real rescue [Music] blue sky warm water and gently swell screen he's great in the water but it's hard for young people causes a lot of distractions on the beach and so much going on these days it's hard to keep your focus Maxim's proved he can handle a basic rescues but can he cope with the distractions of being from Bombay life gallery [Music] during his first summer as a lifeguard Maxie also met his first girlfriend this is our Bridget my hosteria four months later they're still going strong look at Maxie County romance is starting to blossom already look pace yourself please don't let me hear you say it's me mrs. when they're 16 years old Maxie look I know it sounds funny but in 20 or 30 years when I'm sort of gone ski where's Terry gone ah he died 20 years ago you'll be down here you'll be the man all right now give the girl a hug and get out in the water and improve your skills max get off with the job leave me alone I'm sorry it's Valentine's Day but before lifeguards head off for their own romantic rendezvous a new incident [Music] looks like a bomb that unwisely Kyle gives it a nudge her box is more cautious that calls police good listen we just got this thing washed up on the beach it's like a metal cylinder and it says it contains phosphorus is if if fan or whatever notify palatial and military as a job and nearly treads on the explosive device Kyle decides to create a one-meter exclusion zone farm on the beach just in case huh 400 just almost kicked it I think instructions on how to arm it so imagine it's got a serious local police call the bomb squad the exclusion zone is immediately expanded from 1 meter to 30 shortly after the police rescue squad arrives they expand the exclusion zone from 30 meters to 300 path of bondo Beach is now in lockdown another interesting note bond is useless it's an hour after knockoff time on Valentine's Day for Harry's and Kyle it looks like a late night at the office we're gonna get the police one our assistants down there then they're gonna manpower there's a lot of people gathering we're not trained as lifeguards in bond management but we're gonna do they've cared to the public so it's really important that we kind of help out everyone's tired they've just worked 10 hours on the beach between T of this is the best gonna help out here what started as for witch's hats around the explosive device has become a lockdown of Bondi Beach we're gonna stop this traffic coming through that one down on the beach yeah dangerous I think I'm afraid for is that be great thank you look at that we got it covered we've got dinner reservations down there on a night like this Bondi is no place for lovers after three tense hours the explosive device is finally disarmed police give pop out the old clear safe so we're gonna go yeah we'll take all their booties with us and everything's gone down and defuse the bomb or whatever was it flooded in and caught her all clear and everyone's moving away and saw all over a bomb scare seems a reasonable excuse for missing a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day but perhaps the lifeguards were meant to be together anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] people think I'll your lifeguard you know pick up girls to the beach that's that's a meat and a fallacy believe me because say you talk to the boys and they try to tell if he would say they've never picked up on the place beautiful women handsome men how can it be so many lifeguards are still looking for love it's of course I'm professional to be chatting up women on the job so some of the boys have decided to look elsewhere [Music] you're gonna get very used to that sound you're gonna hear it every eight minutes judging by the looks on some of the guys faithful tonight I think we have a few speed dating virgin trying they're like at speed dating Chris Yates Greg Bishop and reread Sean Carroll and vodka guys when you hear that goal that's your cue to get up and move along to your next date I was a player but there's no way you're off and waiting bizarre now you know what girls you've got a red handbag funny enough darling this isn't funny this is fashion Chandler of the [Music] [Applause] the guys and wandering they did some sort of flirt training workshop before yeah if you've actually looking pretty comfy and I think if someone looks comfortable they look confident if they look confident they're going to get your vote from the lady so what do the boys think definitely Amanda absolutely gorgeous bubbly friendly fun yeah I really thought she was quite a girl I could sit on the air and spend the rest of my life we had an absolute ball tonight and I met so many beautiful personalities oh my god what are they all kind of on time Hey and what's the gossip in the women's toilet it's all been I've been told her that on the born-again Christian yet Eric and Andres and Isis Isis just been friendly so who won the most yes votes well I just think it was nice that Greg hadn't had too much to drink that you were actually actually able to have a sensible conversation with you love night I love the night I think maybe maybe a couple little hookups maybe maybe certainly but I wouldn't pull out [Laughter] Emily thinks she's going on a joy flight and we all get safety brief with Bruce in the lounge there how he's gonna give me a hand point at the helicopter yeah about that earlier when they reach bondi perry's plans to propose with the message in the sand problem is there's no sign yet oh we need help there's just one hour before the chopper arrives while M gets briefed Harry's gets nervous I'm feeling the nerves right now my dear under Arthur's in there's the precious cargo I hope you get done before a Yeti time is running out Wow the chopper is ten minutes away but the sign is far from finished backup arrives I'll buy come Piedmont you gotta be there for you might what do you recommend as the letters take shape if something else becomes much more obvious you can't search it back we tell if it works oh you can't it's gonna get Heine it could be the most obscure marriage proposal ever undertaken until per box comes up with a last-minute solution as Emily's friends and family arrive Harry's very public proposal is only getting bigger he's like makes just the best thing ever I love her to death I'm gonna ask her to marry me sounds like quietly cautious and then here we are here we are we've tried to what marry me in the sand so it couldn't work it out which we dug trenches now we put the toilet paper in we're hoping that's gonna stand out but no what do you think oh maybe from the sky they could see it but toilet paper we're not building more house against the odds project managed IT has completed the sign with minutes to spare week assuming a man there's even been time for a romantic addition at the moment we've got a feel the lads doing her doing a hop around the with a witch's hats around all the letters but a big question remains will Emily see it from a thousand feet years of management planning has taught the boss to make sure there is a fallback I knew to be a [ __ ] flight so what I I knew I'd have a back-up plan just in case so what I did I went and got a saw and made up so we can just lay in the sand and they'll stand around and I'll work better than your vegan vanilla more the guys got a bit upset that I've been standing watched over 45 minutes digging their trenches and putting their toilet paper down and I think with the to marry me up on the on the top it's really going to have the effect from where the helicopters going to be now it's all up to the sentimental blog [Applause] mommy litera know why the tower oh my god ah [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 2,845,470
Rating: 4.9489746 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi rescue 2019, bondi beach australia, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, australian lifeguards, top 5 most romantic bondi rescue moments, top 5 romantic moments on bondi rescue, bondi rescue girlfriends, harries proposal bondi, maxi girlfriend, bondi rescue maxi girlfriend, bondi rescue romance, bondi rescue lifeguards girlfriends, bondi rescue harries proposal, bondi rescue speed dating, bondi beach on valentines day
Id: k6Tc8LpMUEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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