Lifeguard Maxi Gets Pranked on Bondi Rescue

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at nearby Bronte young Maxie continues his rite of passage he's been standing in his caretaker at funky surf club while senior lifeguard Cory has been overseas benefit three weeks needs max he also has the responsibility of looking after Cory's room sides to hear what he has to say because if I didn't do a good job maybe wouldn't let me do it again after max he's made the room spotless he nervously awaits Cory's arrival but cur box Reedy and dunno have snuck in and decided to create some mischief [Music] McCrory I think we're gonna have to change it a little bit says hey coursemate thanks so much for giving me the chance to live here I had lots of fun a few challenges living by myself I hope the room is just me korie's has been on the 30 hour flight to get back home he's that tired he's gonna walk into this he's gonna strangle someone yeah all right I need a haircut meself just looking after your joint yes stop oh [ __ ] what's all this [ __ ] oh yeah I saw the whole time I swear to god this place is spotless hundred cents faultless a second ago I'll just clean the whole joint I swear to God the whole Drummond's shitty ass mine this boy is flying all the joke on me and now the joy now set the bed - seriously on first night ever higher bed never made a bed before lock mummy Semyon pumped again [Music] legend boxes mum drops off a surprise package make sure mom gets 10 ml or whatever the word is now listen that's the only job you gotta do all day alright is cool but the boys last spatula did a cooking spray little I pray we get food boys anyway yeah it's Maxie's chance to be MasterChef a big job for a young turn studies finger ready box you can have its Apple son yes no no attempts finish [Music] there the legs and the wings listen [Music] the spread of slaves what the other which is just 10 totally money tenderly come on you know when you gotta get a message to probably mine [Music] back at the tower bond eyes master chef is cooking up a storm and give it another arm the cur box is cooking up something else a gaggle of Santa's helpers provide a cunning distraction maxie making all of his Christmases have come at once but there's more cooking here than a turkey in there with the girls looking after them they wouldn't do the switch then it's an old trap the new wires suddenly the birds flown the coop ready for the switch season of goodwill and practical jokes [Laughter] another Christmas turkey roasted to perfection to test how well a 16 year old kid copes with a grown-up situation terry has recruited a very difficult customer Bobby Mira Vic is three-time Australian heavyweight boxing champion he's taken on Mike Tyson in the ring now he's about to take on Trek Maxwell on the beach I've got little maxy okay sixteen he's our junior trainee and the whole time he's been with us it's a bit of sunshine of girls and a good time I think it's about time that he learnt about the serious side of life gating and it's not always a really good comic beautiful Bondi Beach easy company whippersnapper Roy's life that's right now last week I spoke about a troublesome board rider about your dimensions okay and this troublesome board rider gets up the north and he just refuses to leave the water so Maxie's gonna try best to move the whole hundred and thirty kgs of you out of the water and off the beach just like fishing we'll play the fish lingo give us like pulling back here what we need to yeah and then we'll fish him off the Bondi about is set to begin with we're gonna have Bobby out on a surfboard just close to shore in front of the tower makes his you know apprehend him and ask him to leave the area and Bob's gonna have a little dummy spit and it's gonna whisk a light from there just gotta make sure that the sacrum big bad Bobby is about to flout safety regulations and take a fiberglass surfboard between the flags the God in well you recognize he's gone he could be that guy I got in trouble but just paddle out to him and just paddle up and said we can make you need to move out of this area with a fiberglass or if he gives you any grief just come back in line all right as a champion fighter Bobby knows how to detect fear in his opponent you know what a flight theory yeah you know if he comes in and you breathe air take it on them they're in there well I think you'll succeed by the feet turns around he's pleased he starts shaking loose start shaking his lip starts quivering he's gone he's gone hey first round round one [Music] juicing right takeoff good please move the end of a because in the flags go down self-made man he doesn't budge more toss and he's not gonna budge for a little skinny Maxie that's for sure it's not fair for the pain that way to get a round one it's a big bad Bobby Terry calls Maxie back into the blue corner here we go that's really far he can be massively by so what did you say doing exactly that farm girls boarding stomach but this bap isn't over yet big bad Bobby comes in for round two [Applause] all right sighs I don't know what to say to the footboard likes masse my detail told me it's going on the monkeys job play your heart this would be special or resign job especially in flies hey tiger this is one Lord fish my lord is nice tomorrow no murder no jogger you met javi so if you listen mister I could have been certain yeah round soda Maxine but big bad Bobby has got plenty of fight in him yet - one on his chin we date your fists for breakfast but perhaps he's too cocky too soon [Applause] [Music] [Music] round three maxi wisely decides to lay low he's given me cheeky stir me I'm a kid I told you [Music] round three it's a Bobby Maxie gets one more opportunity to state his case he doesn't know he's dealing with Australian heavyweight boxing champion Bobby morovich I don't put this on it's my responsibility to look after this [ __ ] and you're a danger down there what's up y'all time right one day all right your love will be here in your little uniform here with sunglasses head one day be the street this is see how tough you are they will see how tough you are all right thanks my round for to Bobby [Music] the guy he had the altercation with my don't need you up here immediately [Music] the big bad Bobby is back for more right I want to come back to mate on the feet here alright but we walk around town here the word is the short bit of a dollar and I don't I come here later after him maybe you might have a gala meal somewhere you know you'll do your job fair enough but damn I heard you a bit of a Galloway at all miss of that and all the best mate explore best there's a present for you one what just like that great time just trying a heavyweight champion - max don't let fear stop you that Bobby's well on points if Maxie on carriage body has thrown in the towel Alison I heard this is one to two to three
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 336,911
Rating: 4.9309549 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi rescue, bondi beach, bondi rescue full episodes, bondi rescue episodes, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, real life heroes, life is better at the beach, beach life, beach lifeguard rescue, bondi rescue maxi, maxi gets pranked, maxi pranked bondi rescue, bondi rescue maxi pranked, maxi prank, best of bondi rescue, trent maxwell, maxi bondi rescue, maxi bondi lifeguard, lifeguard pranks, bondi rescue pranks, bondi rescue lifeguard pranks
Id: SuONmxZn0a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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