Top 7 Worst DISLOCATIONS on Bondi Rescue

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God would dislocated knee before but that was by far the worst one I've ever seen as I arrived I sort of see two guys and they're holding this other guy up and he looks like he's in a really awkward position and I'm like why I was floating out the back on a six foot day the dislocated shoulder I'd definitely be a little bit worried I mean like when you're swimming in your soda you're kind of using your arms for balance and why do they might work probably gonna need assistance on the beach I'm not gonna bring him in so I got something to help him off the back of the mat you're not gonna stay with me is [Laughter] [Music] yeah what no that's a bit gnarly if you ask me get it he's had a few cracks in it I'm successful behind you yep let's grab on with yep he got on the back van we just potted in I took you in as gently as I could I'm gonna bring you me right in front of you yeah I'm watching this guy get brought in by the ski with the dissipated shoulder you know I just couldn't even imagine the kind of piney being right now trying to hang on [Music] the next thing that I was worried about was how we're gonna get him off the ski it's gonna be hard me trying to beach the ski and get him off at the same time and there's waves coming and it's all of it you know he's got a dislocated shoulder he's in a lot of pain I've seen big man covered in tattoos balling like babies with dissipated shoulders this guy seemed to sort of yeah I don't know he's either really tough or he done it before because he didn't seem as concerned as I would have been we're just sitting in the tower and he run starts why evening what's going on I had a look at the guys in a bit of pain and I saw his name and nature's out someone saw online all right buddy I think should run the Rhinos we've got a guy at the K tourney it's really daunting when you go to situation we've never been to before and especially first on saying good night I get to fly the Rhinos up to the middle of the bed of the flag please they're sitting on the shoreline and if another wave came up you know I was an incoming tide I could have knocked them even more and done further damage NASA's unbelievable it was calm and he said to me goes alright now just do this [Music] sorry I'm just gonna come back out of the water man we're gonna put you down here I'm just gonna beat him down wanted it just happened just out there in the walls going in and then a white cane fell into the ground mascot to either green whistle that's ty squat really funny he's gonna keep sucking it the first three or four brace knife now get him back paid off so ty go up I know why what's your name Angelo Angelo I stick that in your mouth hold it with your hand and just breathe in and out don't don't breathe it out keep it in the heart Anand okay and just breathe in and out through the frame whistle the grandmas lose your friends just this pot business we hang on to each leg that stays in your mouth the whole time your leg let's see it Kate took me a few where do you want you like that that's here just went back in let you swim packing just swing back he wants to go to then just getting on the back of the knife out in our away thinking huh slate you know as good as God [Music] if you alright it's a big boy if I discard a minor heat how'd we get a car I find every time to get an injection so imagined by God just like a hundred cent how do you how do you go see him blood then on a bond of sahaja yoga fluffs not mine I'm gonna start our own blood minutes later Dean and Maxie are called to an incident at Bondi fishing club Nick dislocated his shoulder throwing a tennis ball how long have been out for the 23 year old is confident he can manipulate his back in himself I seem to extend the arm and just need someone just to give it a pause get scored in that you can do some damage you know it better be safe very good done properly if you versus you you're gonna have to call the hospital get x-rays anyway Mick wise up his options he decides to get a second opinion from his mates really myself he's got a 1 into it I'm not advocating that by the way is there any oxen a song just to give me - yeah oh man that's a 180 well it's two guys here in blue who aren't oh my god it just makes me late for the elevator what makes our town about cops parts mate Mesa come up this way fight sounds go to grab a toilet that's why the elbow just turn I'm underwater so just just swallow my lovely shut up instead he's got his mate to do it [Music] that'd be sick yeah it feels bruised now [Music] as impressive the three look like a lot of guys that's why we have this pain relief because like we can't move them off the beach to get him in the ambulance surface I wonder but pull it back in pretty much with one of them I tell so impressive it's probably one of the craziest things are the same a lot he's in a bit of home but he's same everywhere the champion we've organized this day we can't cancel I'm not leaving us my god I'm at the base old outlook on anyway [Music] [Applause] with the crowded serve full of beginners it's only a matter of time before the first collision 19 year old English traveler Eddie is here on a budget holiday with a surf at Bondi high on the agenda I'll just call waving and just fell off and came up from my finger widths off of it so don't look down it was just screwed for us lifeguards won't attempt to put a severe dislocation back in place pretty available Eddie's finger needs specialist attention surviving on a backpackers budget and without travel insurance Eddie is faced with a serious dilemma give me a painkiller and I just put it back in so yeah we can't let you go and we could give you a painkiller we have to call an invoice lifeguards can't administer powerful painkillers without sending patients the hospital oh no no I'm just thinking what we do the rule is simple no ambulance no painkillers baby decides he doesn't need it turns out dr. Eddie is experienced in dislocations I thought his treatment is always successful I'll put it in wrong before and then have to get off stool says the couple all over again and it makes it complicated for everyone else but no it's so good I was just sitting around on the steps other flags and then I Satan club' sort of run down about four of him Nicole I was sitting in the shore and he got picked up by a wife and landed pretty heavily on the sand bank and she's nee just popped out via copy mate Tommy's doing the amber call right now so it's gonna bring him up here [Music] [Music] [Music] Robbi seem like kids in a lot of pain I asked him out what you paying out a ten you said ten and every time you sort of jerked him in the slightest way he he was screen every time we moved in me just screaming pain unlike I felt bad but then you had to get it out of the storm dislocated knee before but that was by far the worst one I've ever seen did you just get sleepy on that and I'll straighten your leg out and I'll just pop the patella Becky's life guys are trained in senior first-aid but um dislocations are considered a medical procedure so we're not trained still it may hurt a little bit to be this comfort but after that when they should be knees the patella is back in you feel significantly less pain okay try not to fight me either I'm just gonna I'll let you know where I'm gonna do it this feet relaxing big breath I didn't really feel creeped dad I was always hidden to what stevedore I was heaps excited to see how he was gonna do this are they gonna straighten your leg buddy doing it and out to your nose yeah let's take it away Robbie oh boy how's your knee feel better so if it was back in I was amazed at how quick rubbish pain did go away as soon as he put it back into place you could just see it was like instant relief on his face get over there and there's a gentleman sitting against the drain pot in a puddle of water quite calm at this stage saying he's dislocated his hip gentleman 40 flipped over in the moss he's had a hip replacement and he's pretty sure that he's popped it out yeah copy bus I'll get on to wonder O'Neill from my basic medical training that I've had no it doesn't take much to notice that one leg is 15 centimeters longer than the other CMS is being called now I think if you're happy to sit there yet but I mean don't try Danny is from Sydney's inner west and is visiting Bondi on a day trip he wasn't in a lot of pain it was an a pre-existing injury offering him some pain relief which he didn't want he's quite calm there I think it was only maybe after a bit of adrenaline wore off that he started getting a bit of pain and that's where he's had the green whistle before previous injuries and I think he wanted it pretty quickly Danny is given analgesic gas to soothe the pain until paramedics arrived you get a bit lightheaded just stop it and some really beat Dave Brett I just have to get a good surgeon that can you knows what he's doing there yeah he was I it was a definitely a unique character and you know he had plenty to say lucky Jesus more like he died Danny will need more than like moving him to the ambulance will cause enormous pain five he knew like paramedics administer morphine the position that he was then he was really comfortable he was sitting up and he wasn't moving but once the ambos arrived we had to get him on the spinal cord and that's when things changed [Applause] the Amber's have already administered their morphine and he was still screaming after give it getting that and he needed more he was in a lot of discomfort he's a big guy and we needed all hands on deck you know to get him out of there and get him in the back of the Ambo it's a bumpy ride over rocks and sand before Danny reaches the ambulance thanks boys danny was transported to hospital for emergency surgery and his hip was put back in place fuckin'-a singlets and Berkey head out to assist okay we got to tell him Gerald we're taking advantage of iconic Bondi as a backdrop for a rollerblading video when things went horribly wrong probably the worst dislocation I've ever seen down here the bone was coming out of the side of her leg header is dislocated kneecap is putting painful pressure on tendons cartilage and nerves so we need to get her on the green whistle straightaway this is gonna help all right yeah her body was kind of a little bit twisted and and so we couldn't move her at all a specialist paramedic will try to put Andria's they cap right back in place until then we go she faces a painful wait I'm down here you know when we're dealing with patients and they're in pain one of our go twos is the distraction technique where we'll try and ask them about themselves what's your story where he from an York New York New York is at top right no so what I hear all right know you've impressed me pretty bright it was like that luciana first date but on Bondi promenade with a designated name all the wrong questions crashing bud maybe Erica just lay here just single it's powers of distraction are wearing off and after 20 minutes so is the green paramedic Todd is an expert at relocating joints and I'm gonna just gently manipulate your name Andrea was planning on flying home to New York tomorrow I want you to breathe out as hard as you can I go if this doesn't work she may be forced to stay in Australia for surgery Fred and I was holding just behind her hip and he rolled up [Music] and I felt this shock and it was like almost threw up it feels too far it was heavy well done not only could I hear it clunk but I felt it right through her body it was a real jolt and I was like wow it's all done I go just before she gets sealed clear yeah I just sold it to her as a positive like now you might get two weeks extra in a country that's not so bad in a beautiful environment with amazing lifeguards [Music]
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 3,203,156
Rating: 4.9407682 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi rescue 2019, bondi beach australia, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, first aid training, australian lifeguards, worst dislocated shoulder, worst dislocated finger, dislocated knee, dislocated shoudler, dislocated hip, dislocated finger, dislocated shoulder pop back in, dislocated knee pop back in, dislocation pop back in compilation, knee dislocation, shoulder dislocation
Id: QNUa9u0kaVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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