Funniest Bondi Moments - Bondi Rescue Season 12

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but prankster's next target is yacie someone you don't want to upset but one beachgoer is taking extra precautions where did you come from if you see a fully grown man enter the water in a life jacket near a rip the alarm bells start ringing he's not gonna drown that's the best bit he's definitely not going to drown but he just won't make it in the rip was pretty strong and before you know it he was just gone blissfully unaware of the commotion he's causing ivan from china drifts 200 meters offshore life jacket just out in front of me to the left you can see him yeah we've got him chapo he's cruising irokinis has fallen off one of the piano cruise ships it's meant to keep him safe oh no way but ivan's life vest has landed him in very deep water he's all right i might have to go get him soon you might be lucky otherwise he's going to be new zealand i know that yeah but essentially he's just cruising isn't he he does he's having the time of his life he knows how much danger he's really in mate he's just done the loop to luke and now he's he's coming in down there what's your name oh my name is ivan where are you from mate i'm from china china yeah welcome to bondi yeah how was your swim oh it's good yeah yeah yeah why did you why why did you want to wear the life jacket today uh just help me just stay in the water for a longer time ah it's very clever did you notice how fast you went really you were you see how far out you were i didn't see it yeah you were really far out i wish more people would wear them sometimes it would make our job a lot easier i swear to god i really would uh you're very nice very beautiful beach and very good very nice people good nice to meet you legend have a good night unreal it's a success story today a major international model is coming and she's ruffling feathers amongst the lifeguards we found out that it was um the international supermodel karli kloss today vogue magazine have hand-picked some off-duty lifeguards for the shoot i said all our headshots are up on the channel 10 site so they went to that and picked the four faces out of the whole group so i suppose we were lucky for they got picked poppo for this one i think had to call up the pretty boys well obviously they left jesse making the cut star struck trainee tommy she's the nicest celebrity guy yeah for her fame and stuff and how beautiful she is she's really nice not all the lifeguards share the excitement they're just extras they're nothing oh the guys don't get picked they're probably up there bagging their [ __ ] at us yeah absolutely nothing that is props she did say that she wanted to be next to you because your hair were very similar too short i was uh pretty gutted i went and got a special haircut for the shoot and uh i don't think it worked for vogue [Music] i have no idea why they chose those guys yeah we're working otherwise they would have used us wouldn't they box [Music] she liked my head she gave me a compliment that's you know got 35 lifeguards to bag out my hair and one supermodel that loves it so it's worth it everyone thinks that working down at bondi as a lifeguard is probably the answer to everyone's you know love life woes but um yeah look it's not the ideal paradise for meeting your dream date down here that everyone thinks it is enter bondi's favorite matchmaker well there's you know there's a lot of us now that are married in the service and um there's nothing like they'll be made in need needed some uh love oh i need some help stingless is a bit of a heart throb you know he's got the nice torso and he's got the long big jaw and the blonde hair you know it kind of gives across that iconic lifeguard look with harry's help is seeing what it's like about to change singlets and i are just traveling down to the southern end of the beach and a stunning lady approaches us saying she had a purse lost on the beach thanks guys we had the purse it was up in the tower and i could see a dinner date right in front of me dinner date you too oh don't be silly there's lives to save here yeah so it was awkward moments ago it was pretty awkward what would you like handling dinner where do you like to eat you know i'm feeling very embarrassed about the whole thing just trying to think about work and what's going on in the water and you two just become sweethearts too much pressure too much pressure harry's is doing his matchmaker thing grab hands grab hips let's dance everybody no one likes so i'm waiting for my moment to make this young lady's day and hand the purse over and just as we're getting to the tower i was like no why thank you so much they ruined our moment you know we were just escorting her up to the tower to get a wallet and it was a bit of small talk going on and so when love came to town i tried to drop that train we got to find him some love it was so close and he was so normal but you know what she'll be back she's from america and everyone goes on trips and they all want to see a native kangaroo when they come to this country and she's got a lifeguard across kangaroo right here wow yeah look you never know what happens down here and uh if buggy girl did return one day i i certainly wouldn't be against uh you know going for a drink maybe or catching up so you lost the purse you lost your heart up in the tower i could see these people walking around with this fake snake and think oh you know how's this going to turn out three visitors from bangladesh are in australia to make videos for their youtube channel our prank is epic snake prank it's we're just throwing that snake over the people and screaming like snake snake in their home country these pranksters have enjoyed huge success with their epic snake prank [Music] but how will this classic stitch up go down at bonding the pranksters may be laughing but not everyone is getting the joke annoying and i think it was annoying didn't really want to jump to conclusions it was a fake because you never know here these guys with this snake you know who knows how probably upset someone the prankster's next target is yacy someone you don't want to upset you know then i saw him go up near yatesy and thought oh this could go pear-shaped with the at back to the flag please thank y'all he's getting a little bit more cranky in his old age yeah so i'm just hanging there in the zone by myself being a good lifeguard watching this incredibly dangerous piece of water and they've got yeah oh my god hey [Music] well i think they got him well because he looked like he's flaring up and he had the snake as if he was gonna you know probably wrap it around one of their necks startled off stubble oh my god and i'm pissed off then i set the price out of it and then i'm happy it's like that and then it was sweet yacy's emotional journey may not be over just yet they were from bangladesh and they were students and i think one i think they had like like an article [Music] a few me rolling in now i've got to patient and i realize he's a big bugger so i got him on the board he's got him now and started paddling back and here comes a wave and i thought beauty straight back to shore probably about half a second before the wave here i thought oh this guy's a bit far forward actually [Music] in his quest to master the board rescue tommy invents a technique of his own [Music] i hit the water and surface and my first thoughts was how the hell did i just do that and i just felt this slow motion lift like the aircraft taking off i was up near the helicopters doing their tour guides around but i was pretty high but what goes up must come down every rescue you do down here everything's a learning curve what else wanted to do he weighed 100 plus kilos of highway 50. that's good
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 790,219
Rating: 4.9603715 out of 5
Keywords: Funniest Bondi Moments, Bondi Rescue Season 12, funniest moments bondi rescue, bondi rescue funny, bondi rescue funniest moments, funniest lifeguard moments, funniest lifeguard moments of bondi rescue, bondi rescue funniest, bondi rescue funniest lifeguard moments, funny lifeguard video, funny lifeguard situations, funny lifeguard moments bondi, bondi rescue, bondi beach, bondi lifeguards, funny lifeguard stories, funny lifeguard rescue, funniest lifeguard rescues, lifeguarding
Id: VAeeEOi6F8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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