Bondi Rescue - Season 11 Episode 3 *FULL EPISODE*

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coming up on Bondi rescue the magic of Christmas only you be fi this Christmas karna with me maxi pranks his young cousin right Nicholas Krishna miracle and wife guards caught short after hours so someone's drowned or fan Baba is scuba diver [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] preferring sunshine to snowflakes thousands of travelers have descended down under to Australia's most famous Beach Bondi it's part of a fun day because we're all in the same situation you know we'd all love to be at home with our families but we make the most of it before the boys just days before Christmas and maxi has a surprise for his 19 year old cousin Ryan all the trainees get trained some way or the other yeah I think Ryan this year is is definitely been a highlight maxi's told new trainee Ryan the two of them are going to feature in a lifeguard calendar a friend of Max's is pretending to be the photographer just as this is no ordinary photographer these weren't the ordinary photos Ryan's goal is to impress his colleagues especially his cousin Maxie swim swim head up head up of course what's the prank without throwing in a fear of public humiliation we're gonna use some props just hoarding up in front of your face and then going boom I'll actually filter on was a bit sharper than that I thought he would have seen it coming but he just hook line and sinker yes just caught him and really mean it was brutalizing peak of going and generally entertaining the onlookers Ryan is told the embarrassing truth how would you feel if I told you that I'm not a photographer it's all the guy a little bit at the start and then you know I just just I thought you know let's just go let's have some fun Ryan's not off the hook just yet in a few days time the new lifeguard calendar will be revealed to all and sundry during the festive season Bondi swells with international visitors most of them unaware that lifeguards don't patrol the beach after 7 p.m. I mean Harrison were packing up yeah we're just going how good Hagrid's this day bean and we got a call and it was for a head cut at North Bondi the baby's poor near the rock pool there's someone at of applying pressure is it a favorite of bloody Evelyn cold they're on their way ever when you're in the buggy going into an incident to tell you the truth you always thinking of the worse oh boy baby Brad got there and there's actually guy on the ground you had a fairly bad egg cut the head cut is not life-threatening but without warning emergency services come from all directions lifeguards aren't sure if the response is for the head cut or that something else is going on responding to a head wound on wanna rocks so I think it's a different incident what are you talking about so you're saying that there's a scuba diver that's around okay I just was like excuse me can you I needed him to say it again to me I was like okay so you're saying that he's dead Harrison stamie with the patient oh so I've just started poking North one by Jessie braces to the last known location of the diver as I turned around I had police officers police rescue ambulance officers everyone just running after me and it was kinda like all right I'm here if I say this glad I'm jumping in the water forgetting to buckle I'm getting an updated report someone's drowned off then back off pack up time on one of the busiest days of the year the flags are down but lifeguards are staying back to treat a head cut at North Bondi he had a fairly bad egg cut the jetski has been packed away when a call comes in from the public so someone's drowned off then buckle up its scuba diver when I first heard that my heart dropped Jesse rushes to bend buckler the northern headland of Bondi it was a bad feeling a very very bad feeling the information lifeguards are receiving is unverified it was bizarre it was like riddle me this is a drown scuba diver off the headland of North Bondi and it just it didn't it was very confusing it didn't really make sense in addition to the jetski paramedics and police lifesaver one joins the search and offender information over here the most recent information I have you know what is pretty clear here sometimes you can get a small visual but if they're diving at any foot of death there's really no way to see if there's a drown scuba diver information is patching but lifeguards prepare for the worst jess is out on the rocks and he is trying to get a visual on you know anything he's like there's nothing I can't see anything finally a breakthrough we started walking back around and there was a police officer next to me and then I heard a guy over his radio saying it's the wrong information that's the gliders on the rock that's the head cut frustration quickly gives way to relief as lifeguards focus on the positives amazing hustle by everyone by the way if it's just a CAD job good job everyone if you want to be pretty damn better themselves I just makes me laughs I'm like what else can happen like seriously I've been here my whole life and every day I come to work and I see something new and I something like that happens and it's just so bond I so going back [Music] Christmas Day and bond eyes beachgoers are saying thanks to the lifeguards thank you for all you do and all your hardware before his afternoon shift starts dino shares a Christmas moment with his daughter Lucy Lucy my little angel she loves to come out on the board with me yeah it's a nice tradition being passed down in my family Christmas Day is in the top three busiest days of the year and can just get crazy for a lifeguard there are just eight lifeguards and over 20,000 people on the beach lifeguards may need a Christmas miracle to keep everyone alive ex pro surfer Nicola is in her third full season as a Bondi lifeguard today the focus is on crowd management so on Christmas day we get a nice little lot diverse group of tourists that come down you get the ones that have never been to Bondi Beach before and all they want to do is just get in there and jump in the water and for some reason they think backpackers is the best place to do so no swimming the red and yellow flags indicate the safest swimming area but rather than walk to the flags many tourists take their chances in the dangerous trips the rips were so so dangerous like the worst that they could possibly be and these people are just refusing to listen to us it was just insane and you're just on constant repeat the whole time my patience was wearing flat bin like incredibly thin like about to snap thin I was being an absolute bossy boots the Grinch is here [Music] despite her best efforts on the megaphone nikola spends the next two hours rescuing people who have ignored her warnings I tend to be yeah just a massive mark when I get to them I'm just like you do this you get here alright we're going this way 2 p.m. and a man is spotted swimming directly in front of a dangerous currents thank God something over there and you please make your way back to the sand Bank please all swimmers he's not a good swimmer I've hit him on the mega like five or ten times but he hasn't put his hand up in here he doesn't look like he's at any distress either Fisher and i we had her on and we were watching him for a while and yeah goggles on so we thought you know maybe this is just using the rippers a bit of resistance or something and then we kind of realized actually this guy's not like the best swimmer but there was just no sign of panic he was like so so his then like out there almost spiritual why even I thank you it might be a people who beings cause lifeguards the most frustration today niccola's had enough one of the busiest days of the year and the crowd is at its peak lifeguards are frustrated by swimmers who ignore the warnings then get into trouble Nicola has already rescued dozens of people who've ignored her warnings is this the swimmer that will break the camel's back the man struggles not only to breathe but also to chant [Music] 50 year-old Kalyan is a Hari Krishna I didn't even know is sitting up the front of the board seeing the whole Christmas song I wish I'd know it I had water in my ears and couldn't hear anything but that's awesome it seems good grace has saved him from Nicholas Fury so we're on the border we've caught a little wave and he just sort of rolls off the board and just gives me this big big hug but it's like huge smile I don't know it's such a loving little like thank you and it was a very warm embrace and yeah he's uh he was such a cool spirit like you could just feel his energy definitely getting a hug off the patient when you bring him the shore he is most probably one of the nicest things that happens to us down here being lifeguards it's very rewarding he was pretty like jovial and Wayne Merry Christmas like let's just get in first and then we'll celebrate he's give me big hugs and kisses for [Applause] on the hill a special celebration is underway Kalyan is celebrating that piece still alive thanks to the lifeboat thanks to a Krishna thanks to Christmas thanks to Jesus thanks to everybody thank you - Merry Christmas father Hari Krishna's words are not enough they head for the lifeguard tower singing jingle bells her Easter we didn't know the guy that NEFA rescued was the spiritual Harry Christian a guy and then all of the sudden my desk was in the town and I just started hearing these balls going off and everything [Music] just like please get in the tower now make my day feel better [Music] I didn't actually notice how many there was and I thought there was maybe five or six of them and then in the end I had like 100 of these people in the tower chanting I don't know how that windows didn't blow up like people on the beach were looking up to the tower and big crowd on the beach watching em and I she suck now I'm gonna get a phone call off our one of the bosses you know I'm gonna be in the [ __ ] [Applause] record Christmas temperatures have turned Bondi into a sea of Santa's in [Music] [Applause] [Music] the tower it's a traditional Christmas favorite but lifeguards have never heard jingle bells played Hari Krishna's 200 Hari Krishna's don't do much to help the lifeguards concentration it was Christmas Day and I think the boys let it slide and now it was she's fun and games it's nice to see him up on the promenade dancing because I guess it could have been a different story because it actually like a little thank you dance no way or they can give us all their good juju and we can have a prosperous 2016 after patrolling the beach all day the lifeguards can finally go home and celebrate Christmas with their own families tomorrow is another day a few days earlier maxi pranked his cousin Ryan into believing he was the star of a new lifeguard calendar on Boxing Day as the Sydney to Hobart yacht race gets underway Maxie has a gift for his cousin I think how I set me up family in 20 years time pull them out as a family barbecue has little kids running around you come through with the goods no I do that didn't I thought they'd just that'd be it but it looks like you've got me a present here so you ready to have a look at it yeah hundred percent less of it when they bought the calendar down from Ryan and it's sort of sort of like the prank continued and then actually watching him open the calendar we were just in hysterics on the floor was hilarious I was mr. March Ryan doing the assistance required that's one of the grandparents right that's when you would strike on my phone once I saw the calendar is actually a couple of really nice shots in there me and Maxie mom and dad I definitely would love to put them up in their house I'd say and it's a couple other ones that are just yeah really funny if you're not me Mike Horning do [Music] peekaboo that's it I'm done that's it game over that poor kid that poor kid next time on Bondi rescue hi dragon our first time up a series of rescues leaves lifeguards scrambling until dark a laceration dangerously close to a young surfers Achilles tendon so what's been chopped everything and the newest addition to the rescue team turns out to be a diamond in the rough she's devastated you [Music]
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 762,607
Rating: 4.9430819 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi rescue, bondi beach, bondi rescue full episodes, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, drowning, resuscitation, bondi rescue episodes, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, real life heroes, life is better at the beach, beach life, beach lifeguard rescue, bondi rescue season 11, bondi rescue season 11 episode 3, bondi rescue season 11 episode 3 full episode, bondi rescue season 11 online, bondi rescue season 11 episode 3 online
Id: 9Vz9Ing5syY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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