Lifeguard Harrison's Highlights on Bondi Rescue

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pshaw for me to say what I saw the summer I can't describe when I suspect my parents suck telling them their stories just give off because they weren't near the scape mole can be a bit of an issue especially if it's in that in the big one the adults gate bar singlets and Harrison find 16 year old Milo with a suspected broken arm the young bike was you know holding his wrist and he was in a lot of pain don't reckon you can move it at all I even get up singlets offers an analgesic gas dispenser affectionately known as the green whistle pop your finger over there malas injury isn't life-threatening so Harrison keeps one eye on a part of the beach that is and that's when I look off and try to ice try it in front of me down in backpackers I just say these two girls and they were not gonna do the lifeguard buggy is parked back up the beach so Harrison must make the hundred meter sprint on 40 I could say there's a board directly in front of the girls in trouble these thoughts he hit saying all right go ahead just run run then you were said thinking Jesus are they gonna make it you know so there's another side going I hope the boys are backing me up Chris calls in the cavalry go jet start package you didn't have to go in Harrison hits the water first unaware how long until backup will arrive but Folgers tunnel vision on these two girls to drowning girls one lifeguard Harrison makes a spur-of-the-moment decision rescuing a drowning person without equipment is extremely dangerous Harrison risks being held underwater but his only thought right now is getting to the girl in time I thought as long as I could get the board to her then I could leave it with the board and then swim the other 10 15 meters to the other person hold them up and I knew by that time the boys will be back in here I've got the young lady and I'm keeping her fly trying to reassure her that everything's okay that I'm a lifeguard I'm here to help you and that's an R I'm headed out in the recipe ball and I just happily gave her to ride the first girl Harrison rescued struggles not to tip the board [Music] that was lucky this cause you want to stare ever ever safe on the beach the girls are shaken but alive have you feel sick tonight okay make sure you guys did doctor I did don't sue me just tonight between the flags okay yeah sorry I just saw the girl at the back was worse off so I just grabbed the first go my boy in the swim just harder I think around her eyes yeah just good that I had seen singles both in life got into so long just know how to keep an eye on the beach from where they are Harrison heads back to the skate park Harris has had a really good year down here we got the all-clear from hopper so what better way to reward him then to play a prank on him [Music] all games abandoned here at Bondi so I recruited one of my friends to come down and complained about a soccer game going on in the beach [Music] right detectable oh I don't even think he knows what soccer is Harrison's job was to move one of the world's greatest ever soccer players off the version Alessandro Del Piero help Italy win the World Cup in 2006 [Music] hi guys how I off don't be a pine possess your rolled about no ball games down here a [ __ ] yeah but nobody's you know it's a tough little boys we've got a job today so I'm sorry guys you know [Applause] they want to do some sort of parachute yeah yeah it's all suede tell him but not to come back here he loses it might suck my life I'm saying those two things turns out the guy was a lease and roads out here right Hayes one Soccer World Cup that's pretty big I know what the soccer ball covers I didn't know that much all I want to do is just try and hold him until the police arrive and those young goes will be fine and they can go carry on with your day [Applause] when I got down there and I started speaking to the guy straight away I could pick up the guys straight on the defensive on the hottest day of the year this is the hottest place on the beach at the time you know I was really hot you know then when we started talking he kind of knew something was up and that's when he actually stood up towards me [Music] now we're gonna fought here in a minute you know Harrison attempts to cool things down that's when you say look place is gonna come down here and have a chat it's done nothing wrong state the cop was there you know you guys ought to sit look his accusations that you've been you know harassing young girls and at this stage he gave the blood two options you can come up on your own terms or if you're going to play up they're gonna have to handcuff you and what to take up that way in front of everyone and keep a knockin up without a partner the police officer faces a solo arrest but the man who won't go willingly and now that's where things escalated once again I don't see an Austin off ha ha pride couldn't even tell you how awesome is going just happened so quickly I think the last time I raced it someone is probably buying cops and robbers in the school yard police must investigate the serious allegations did you bring a wallet down to the beach buddy now you die [ __ ] I was thinking but no wall is nothing but my charcoal [ __ ] fight for the boss I paid cash Josh yeah which cash where's your cash where's my cash I give it to the boss to Hagen time I have friends that lives here in Dodge I don't know I don't know I don't even know why you guys brought me here like what did I do wrong Berchem Moniz and kissing the bra I didn't kiss anyone and guys don't invest cause I've got this cousin course and I'm I'm joining you and I'm telling you this time are you drunk I'm not drunk you're not drunk no sure yeah yeah are you on any medication be honest yeah I just copied place to go diem it's really quite challenging and actually the catch to these people and get witnesses sometimes do you have evidence against me if you don't I'm gonna sue you some older bills from the group arrived to make statements following and I swear like she seems a little like swimming in the water and totally like not to do it and then he was like but I didn't do anything wrong and all this stuff for like the obviously diddly like touch scoffs that's just like definition something you don't want to experience when you come to the beach I really want Dave planning on just swimming and having fun with your friends the man was charged with indecent assault of a minor which is arising down near the beach and both side attempt is arising of a police I [Music] try mediator no makes you know around some between brother village on fire Oh job that it's afternoon we're gonna stitch up Harrison we've told him that at this time of year we get a head count of how many people are on the beach once a year we're gonna count all the people on the bay we're gonna give him a clicker like a counter and we're gonna drop him up self and watching walk back counting people so I kind of take from the calm as well [Music] he was a pretty easy catch I've kind of feel bad in a way he's just a little bit gullible but been the new kid on the block he's sort of been and I over backwards to sort of impress the team leaders so he was kind of he was a pretty easy get his repetitive I reckon he's pretty much nine of his sent taking the babies as a trainee you want to you know impress the guy together with a buzz when they say hey look Harris and it was a great job too risky well done now I get a big buzz affecting a young Wow you want to show that you know you want you want the job so bad I'm the trainee I'm the youngest bike down here at Bondi and got to do these things you know if you don't like or if it seems boring it's part of the job yeah 150 i 1101 tears I'm gonna draw did you get them - there's an arbor - just come down the stairs red shirt and we build the Hat I'll just throw I come down third round you get him to get in the blue shirt damn true yeah [Music] 910 911 912 930 940 I'm just surprised that Harry's went down that's just kind of expose him you can only count to 10 20 maybe if he's got no shoes on 21 in the shower 5121 1122 100 want it I think with it is firstly for us I look at it as a lifeguard says the more people we can put more lifeguards on you know so we've got to get these stats it's good it's got to got to be part of our yearly thing that we do to get that like got it now three comments they just come down the stairs fights intro unit slogan the red shorty [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's one six six two so if someone was to write that down and I'll start again he's just that time I don't do anything he'd just do anything is it gonna get him he's still that Statuary she's gonna get it do you do anything Harrison he's just such a lovely young bloke he's so keen to impress I said to him the other night Harrison would you like to stay back to 9:30 and he said I'd love to just wondering what's your formula to speak I had a deal with people who are lady and extra people coming off you that area 1600 talking supposedly done to the Jag bull [Music] just on the second one so my first number was one six six one and my second one is one seven nine five so a bit of a difference and I think you know I like to be honest I think my first number was more correct I think you know maybe a few more people left the beach and I've made it might have been a bit more trigger-happy but so I might divide those two off and see what we get but it's pretty rough and I hopefully it helps up there with the stats I need again so there was another layer Stephen gone fog once even known for when Stephen was that full north to see us yeah so how long did it take oh and then I wasn't another time and if you have you ever seen any other lifeguard paint good sunscreen Agra for the job is that important Sargon Isanti on burn and walk out there welcome to Bondi Beach is the Chinese job [ __ ] you look like Dundee with a buffalo in 20 and I was quite excited to share my results I thought you know they're quite similar and I thought how good two hours two hours unbelievable only the old guys have got a trick or two up their sleeves that the young guys aren't aware of and you know whenever you can get one over and it's great he's got me I'm not a sore loser I got done [ __ ] that's life a guest [ __ ] happens
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 786,127
Rating: 4.9625397 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi beach australia, bondi beach, lifeguard harrison, bondi lifeguard harrison, bondi rescue harrison, harrison bondi rescue best moments, bondi harrison prank, harrison reid bondi, harrison bondi beach, bondi rescue harrison counting, bondi rescue harrison best rescues, bondi rescue harrison accent, bondi rescue harrison drowns, bondi rescue, bondi rescue 2020, bondi rescue lifeguards, best of bondi rescue, bondi beach lifeguards, harrison reid
Id: Jyi5Rk3Shi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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