SHARKS at Bondi Beach - Top 5 Encounters

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in under an hour one of these surfers will be attacked by a shark good evening first up tonight a surfer at bondi has survived without a crash after coming face to face with a shark within meters of the beach the bronze whaler literally landed on his surfboard giving the bondi regular the fright of his life i've pretty much surfed in bondi since i could swim and pretty much i surf out here every morning so i'm here at 5 30 with jj and darren and we have away between 5 30 6 30 and then off to work i've been out there for half an hour and it felt kind of a bit dodgy a lot of stuff in the water and the sea felt a little bit alive it's that kind of day when they talk about these sharks today and as you actually you said halfway through the surf because it feels a little bit eerie and we sort of start paddling in and then everything unfolds about a couple of minutes after that so i caught like a little wave and as i came off it pushed on the rollerboards to lean up and sort of see where i was going and next thing i know it's that quick but it's brushed my leg and then jumped across my board and that's what i screamed i could have seen fins and splashes and sounds i was thinking fanning for sure that this is unbelievable well first thing you think is the shark and then i went no it's not a shark it's a seal yeah and then i went well it's not a seal it's not the right shape and then it's like yeah it's a shark they went after drop back in the water it just took off so fast and you could see the kind of streamlined shape from the big long tail went straight under you john it didn't seem that fast because it was coming at me and i was looking at you and i could just i started paddling towards you and i thought oh hang on it's coming right at me and then as quick as it came it was gone and that's the thing that you know freaked me quite heavily at the time is that it just there's no warning whatsoever we apparently just got a report one of the local surfers down in the corner just seen a supposed eight-foot shark yeah supposedly yeah harry first sounded the alarm i just got a call from the icebergs the matt the lifeguard there said there was a shark i was skeptical 30 seconds later the phone's running and he said yes it's a definite sighting everyone's standing on the pool pointing at it and as far as i'm concerned that was good enough for me [Applause] cut it off thank you mate i'll head down to uh the southern area there and try and get some information the kid said oh you saw it as well i saw the fin inside the board it was guys shaking and grabbed his board you grabbed his board no shark grabbed his board shark grab his board yeah i'm gonna go try and have a look for him but um he's actually ran off i don't know if he must have been scared i guess but he's right off yeah man i'm happy with that uh bondo central clear he turned around and paddled straight in screaming you know yeah there he is sarah yeah tried to bite me but i and i just so you were the kid that had this board yeah they didn't but i didn't bite it i just chucked my board at it and i swam in you serious yeah so scared well done oh you did well you did well what are they doing out there are they looking for it mate yeah did you see it i thought it was a dolphin and then it like and like i just saw its mouth open nice and shattered no it's so scary definite sorry yeah that the first shark you've seen yeah hopefully yeah young blake's story is dramatic but bobby's fruitless search on the jet ski has left him skipping obviously which guy so you're the kid that came out eh wait you're 100 sure right i thought it was just a dolphin but then i like turned at me and i saw his teeth yeah okay just my concern is when we got down here there was a massive group of seagulls and they weren't moving i don't know i didn't really look at i just turned around grab a ball and paddle in so was there a shark or not twice this summer there have been confirmed shark sightings of bondi including a huge white pointer matt rang me back and he said yeah it's a definite sighting they can see it everyone's pointing at it you'll know better than i do you know the first thing that goes if there's a shark in the area the seagulls they were just sitting there i think it's a bit shaky the sea girls might not have seen it seagulls are the first things to go mate there's a shark in the area first thing they just lift off while bobby remains skeptical the cleaner at the bondi icebergs pool comes forward as a witness i walked down to the edge of the pool over there and about a minute later there it was it was about three foot underwater and just just watched him cruising the rocks because they're completely different to the way a dolphin swims or or anything else like that definitely a shark that's actually him yeah that's him with the board going back in hey blake going out again yeah there's a fair few other bits of bait out there so not enough meat on him that's probably why he left him alone ready lifeguards are just an hour from knockoff time but then a very australian drama a shark has reported harassing surfers really where about it could have been a dolphin playing but it just kind of didn't look like a dolphin it kind of moved a little bit quicker we all saw it and everybody went move coming in it looked like he had to go at a surf no it was about another bloke out in the back there and it looked like it had a go at him that kind of sort of went at him and then moved away again when he was on the way did he uh did he see it yeah where is he as some evacuate the water the siding is confirmed by other surfers it would have probably been about as long as the board chasing fish under water down up there then it's confirmed again straight away scary still out there [Music] it's no joke but should he panic thousands of swimmers or risk a shark attack itself surely fall forward [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] just until we clear the area and make sure it's safe to swim quiggas and chapeau head out to one surface who've either ignored the shark alarm or don't know what it means you realize that they are always here and most of the times you don't know but they actually are very close we'll um do a search for uh probably 15 minutes so they'll go up and down just to check it out and once it's all clear we don't see anything we'll let the pretty much everyone get out in the water again just as the shark menace dwindles brazilian surfer icarus comes to the tower with startling evidence and that's when i fell and uh swum towards the board and the piece of my board was missing i was kind of like what happened did i hit the sandbank or not i wasn't sure what really happened so i'm looking for the rest of the piss couldn't find it swim out one of the boys saw me and say that's a bite we'll see look if you look there straight down there looks like straight teeth yeah it's pretty pretty you know an unusual thing that happens i reckon they're not going to happen to me again in my life so might as well hang out as a piece of artwork and then i'll survive a shark attack in bondi beach yeah on our lifeguard to jet ski we have a visual sighting of the shark at the [Music] [Applause] south there's been another shark sighting off a sydney beach with people evacuated this afternoon the monster shark glided towards bondi beach at dusk last night up to five meters long it cast a giant shadow as a stalked unwitting surface bondi tamarama and bronte beaches were quickly evacuated lifeguards were sent out on jet skis to scare it off when a shark turns up at bondi normal people get out of the water but anthony carroll better known as harry's went in to investigate come up five meters from me did the pin come up first which is at least he's about that high on the ski so i had a second look to think is it a whale there wasn't a whale and um it wasn't a sunfish either it was a great white i'd seen the whole front of it right into its eyes definitely the biggest animal i've ever seen in the ocean i was five meters from it and it was actually coming towards me that's how i seen the eyes and the shape coming right in so at any time he could have launched he's got a launch right into my hair style lifeguards are uneasy as the day draws to a close terry does a final scan of the surf little does he know but in under an hour one of these surfers will be attacked by a shark less than an hour after lifeguards have packed up for the day a surfer has been attacked by a shark at bondi beach the man is 33 year old glenn august a local surfer his left hand has nearly been severed [Music] it's the most serious shark attack on bondi beach in decades approximately 20 surfers were in the break at south bondi when glenn was attacked some bravely rushed to his aid blood sort of boiling out of the water around him and one of the guys saw him in and said that he yelled something like shark a bunch of us like about ten of us all just put him on a put him on a softboard and they carried him up the beach like these random guys come up and said look they're you guys lifeguards and metroid said yeah he said someone's been attacked by a shaft cannon bondi north bondi circle i've hit the shark alarm so i come out from dinner and headed across and then everyone was running down saying a gentleman's been bitten by a shark two french surfers were among the first to help glenn where did it actually bite him where did he put his hands his arm was like that and his hand was like that and um there is a big cut all around his arm we we saw all the muscles all the bones did did he actually talk about the shark to you he didn't see it was too quick when you when you have a guy like that who who has a who lost his end you don't want to speak it about the shark he just we just don't want to speak about it i think he don't want to hear something about this shark because he he saw these hands and uh yeah at the beginning he saw his hand and so he just tell him to don't look at the don't look at his hand and just look at us and just speak speak speak speak everything within minutes the news of a shark attack at australia's most famous beach is beamed around the world he just caught a wave and he was going to paddle back out when he realized that he had suffered some injury he wasn't sure what the cause of the injury was that he signaled to other surfers nearby that he needed help and he was brought back to the beach i think summer's over for now especially a lot of people asking the sharks and now that there's been a shark attack hasn't been shark attack since 80 years so people are pretty scared
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 836,456
Rating: 4.9480062 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi beach australia, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, australian lifeguards, sharks at bondi beach, bondi beach shark attack, bondi rescue shark attack, bondi rescue sharks, sharks at beaches, shark attacks surfer, shark attack survivors, shark attack bondi hand, bondi rescue 2020, bondi rescue shark encounters, bondi rescue shark bite, bondi rescue shark alarm, shark week, sharks australia, shark alarm bondi
Id: r_56jJqroFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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