Every Time The Lifeguard Buggy Gets Bogged on Bondi Rescue

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Ryan's one-man jetski launch hasn't gone to plan the young guys a big job comes in they like to rush there's no thinking it's getting done quickly and this is a problem this is when trouble happens who this man Jess oh yeah it didn't want to have to be stuffing around with its to try to hit it here class today Ryan gets little sympathy from senior lifeguards on this occasion I could feel my heart sinking and the cat I'm sinking at the same time yeah so we got two young lifeguards they're trying to impress and they took on a solid shore break a dead high tide and which came off second vest [Music] don't call for mouse and now stoked to see him ready I was like this is heavy we got a heavy situation here a six-foot swell and an incoming tide don't help ryan's hopes for a quick recovery of the $20,000 buggy overriding emotion was I'm in the I mean you would never think that it could be possible but the waves and the ocean is so powerful but it's totally capable of like literally sucking the buggy ride in the water and not getting it out whatever and it was on the way I honestly thought we were going to lose the bow you the waves gonna keep coming and the table is coming up and we just did not have a very big window of opportunity here as the way as we're hidden at the engine was still on so it was doing pretty well and then mouse got the driver's seat and this wave just come over the back and the engine cut off it yeah I know it stopped it then the buggy is at risk of being completely swallowed by the time Mouse calls for community assistance luckily chap I was there on his day off and now I just recruited two other blokes that were watching and we just all got behind it video it was pushes tie-up he helped us all these guys gonna help you push it yeah why me this isn't a rescue which lifeguards were proudly record in their daily report and the flooded buggy won't be revived either instead it'll be sent for intensive care at the mechanics the jet skis gonna have to stay in the water now we got that Bobby unfazed by the experience Ryan feels there's some positives chance gig I've not wanted that job done the Bryan's part of Gen Y and general I know everything you can't teach him new recruit food is an experienced jet ski operator but this is his first emergency jet ski launch and Bondi can I get the bad I'll get this as good as well running and there was a bit of a shore break as well and the ramps pretty stable the moment it's gonna be hard he reversed it like like normal but he was going a bit to the side this summer bondi has had a notoriously bad she will break jetski launches must be completed quickly that want me to hesitation then it's game over that's exactly what happened Oh wrong move and a half ton of jets could easily break bones but lifeguards must respond to the emergency offshore rolling the jetski onto dry sand will be catastrophic for men and machine yeah on his lunch break Jesse notices the commotion dump in jessie is faced with a quickly rising tide I need to get these buggy out before a bee gets sucked there to see or it doesn't work again Jack said push this wait [Music] I have the shovel trying to deep the front tires yeah but that wasn't doing anything normally lifeguards help the public help but occasionally the roles are reversed Jesse puts one foot on the accelerator the other foot helps push Fred Flintstone uses his foot too so that seems to work for him and it seemed to work for me come on a bit of an angle thought everything was alright found a million times before Bogdan had absolute shocker I've got a very good driving record I'm pretty handy with the reverse with the trailer normally if degree reversing like a trailer or Caravan you're gonna have your mirrors in the middle in the two sides this one you got a rubber neck and it can go wrong quite quick despite an impeccable driving record vagus has run his buggy aground there wasn't a ram basically it was nothing I could do it was clearly mother nature's fault for digging out all the sand sorry I jammed it jammed it hard whether he wants it or not Vegas is about to get a whole heap of advice for my potential third North yeah go ahead we just can't want you guys just to walk up here well I rise baggage was still quite confident but that confidence quickly diminished [Music] ready [Applause] the whales were fully covered it was the deepest bog I've seen so I sort of came down with a fresh set of eyes slowly if we could get towed out we can build the sand back up the young recruits advice is falling on deaf ears that's not the logical solution we'll just beat a tow it out of the other buggy we have two buggies ones bogged ones not well the other pole just better tell us that outline it but yeah I got shut down pretty quick and the boys seem to think that they had better ideas alright let's try the diff lock I'm gonna go forward [Music] yeah damage cube snaps ramps snap poor beaters it wasn't budging what about we just try to tow it with the other one finally fatty takes matters into his own hands I mean I get the other buggy and tow this out grab the buggies pull it around ties the boats buggy hit the gas slice slice life [Music] perfect I'll start my solution was the the winner after finally solving the problem surely fatty is do some recognition how do you think seen he knew but he's that he's a young pup like he died I don't even know if he can reverse the trailer in I think bags might take clay because it's a little bit a little bit embarrassed that he bowled it in the first place I might a thank the team great work I blame mother nature for digging out that drop-off clearly had nothing to do with me now after arresting the Blues Brothers get back to the beach continue packing up and the tire blew on the back the trailer made um we got a flat tire on our trailer we'd only have anime
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 654,470
Rating: 4.9347973 out of 5
Keywords: lifeguard buggy gets bogged, lifeguard buggy gets stuck, lifeguard buggy, bondi rescue lifeguard buggy, bondi rescue lifeguard buggy stuck, bondi rescue lifeguard buggy gets bogged, bondi rescue 2020, bondi rescue best of, bondi rescue compilation, lifeguarding, bondi nation, bondi nation channel, bondi lifeguards, australian lifeguards, bondi beach, bondi beach australia, lifeguard mistakes, lifeguards making mistakes, bondi rescue lifeguards biggest mistakes, bondi rescue
Id: hOovr077oGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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