FUNNIEST Reactions to the Green Whistle (Analgesic Gas) on Bondi Rescue

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- Pop my locker and take me to Charlestown. (Laughing) Cabin crew prepare the doors for landing. (laughing) - He might have been even flying a 747 at one stage. - [Jethro] This is your captain speaking. - [Narrator] Pete's shoulder can only be relocated, if his muscles are relaxed. And that means lots of Green Whistle. - In through your mouth, out through your nose. Just try and relax as much as you can, just let it go floppy. Keep breathing this. (Pete mumbling) (laughing) - Nah man I love Australia. You.. - [Paramedic] Can you just, what you need to do is you just need to try and relax. - I think he was quite interested in... in escaping reality maybe for a bit just to get rid of that pain. - Just tell me, what you are gonna do, give me the... 4, 3, 2, 1 and then slap me in the face and I'll respect it. - [Jackson] We don't really do it like that anymore. - [Narrator] The Green Whistle is meant to relax Pete's muscles, right now the only thing being relaxed is his head. (Pete mumbles) - [Narrator] As his shoulder refuses to budge, lifeguards recommend a second dose of the Green Whistle. - Do you ever think, does he need another toke? - He does. - [Jackson] And then just relax that left shoulder, if you can. Just relax it, just relax. Hold it in, hold it in, deep breaths and just worry about your posture and your, just relax... (voices echoing) (meditative music) - The paramedic was trying all he could to get him to calm that shoulder down, but he just couldn't do it. What's he doing? Is he not relaxing it? - [Paramedic] It's pretty deep, pretty tight. - [Jackson] Yeah, right. - [Paramedic] In his arms. - [Narrator] Even after two doses, of the legendary Green Whistle, Pete's shoulder won't budge. - Not looking like we're gonna make it today Pete. Had a good go, okay? I can't sit here and attempt to reduce it all the way. Okay, so what I'm going to do is organise a transport up to the hospital. - In the end for Peter, it was a worst case scenario. The ambulance officer couldn't get his shoulder back into place, and he was off the hospital. - [Paramedic] What's the pain out of 10 at the moment? - Out of ten, I'd say seven to eight. - [Paramedic] Seven to eight, okay. - 7.7... 77 percent. - No he's done well. Champion. - Straight off to the insane asylum. - [Lifeguard] Well done, mate. - Thank you. Cheers for your help donnies. - You know we gave him a few Green Whistles and he was bit off his head for a little while. - [Lifeguard] You alright? - This is good. This stuff is sick. This is ridiculous. Tell the ambulance people to take their time. Tell them to take their time, this is fine for now. (laughing) (ambulance sirens) - [Narrator] Ordinarily dislocated shoulders are treated in hospital. - [Paramedic] Pain in there? - [Narrator] Today though, Jill, an extended care paramedic has come to put Ollie's shoulder back in place at the tower. Ollie is administered with morphine in preparation for the procedure. - I've got a rush to the head now, so it's going to be like a double rush to the head after this. Oh that is slightly painful. Oh naughty! Oh (bleep) Leslie do you have a spare cigarette? (laughing) - Yeah, the funny thing is that there was no one in the room called Leslie and he doesn't even smoke cigarettes, so he was out there. I've seen the ambos take about five or six times to get it in, but look, they have to be very patient to do that job. - Let me take the weight of your left arm so try and keep it in your mouth. - [Narrator] Even though Ollie has been given morphine and methoxy fluorane, the pain will be unbearable, if something goes wrong. - Oh (bleep) - [Narrator] Jill makes her final attempt. - [Jesse] You could see in his face that it went back in and that he was out of pain. - [Narrator] As the painkillers wear off, Ollie learns about some of his strange mutterings whilst under the influence of the Green Whistle. - He was a bit shocked when we asked him, you know, who was Leslie and why did he want a cigarette? - What what, I said this? Leslie do you have a spare cigarette? I was meant to meet someone today called Leslie, but I don't even smoke. (people laughing). Half of it was right, but the rest was just crazy shit. - Just leave it like that there, and just keep sucking on that whistle. - [Narrator] The Green Whistle contains methoxy fluorane, which relieves pain, and can also deliver a feeling of euphoria. (upbeat music) (laughing) - [Lifeguard] We're worried about your thumb. - What are you doing? (laughing) - Watch your thumb. She sat next to me and kind of put her leg up on my leg and made herself comfortable, which I didn't mind. (laughing) - Jesse. How do you know my name? - You told me. - No I didn't. - You told me. - I didn't tell you my name. - No, yes, you told me. - Yeah, the Green Whistle had a pretty funny effect on her. I went from about a two before she had the whistle to about a 10 by the end of it. - [Narrator] The extended care paramedic arrives to relocate Martine's thumb. (screaming in pain) Shit! - Keep sucking on the whistle. - [Lifeguard] Keep.. On the whistle - Well there you have then. - Unfortunately it didn't go back in so she had to go to hospital. The car ride would have been funny for the ambo driver, I'll tell you that. She was a character. (sudden loud music) - You alright? - [Jethro] When I first hit, I instantly felt like a shooting pain. - [Narrator] Jethro's shoulder is dislocated. - Jeth's popped his shoulder. (bleep) - [Narrator] Serious ligament or tendon damage could spell the end of his season. - Pain out of 10 was 10, for sure. Once you look down and you see that like your shoulder is sticking out here and it's all mangled, it definitely gets worse. Whistle me up baby, come on, get the whistle. - [Narrator] Lifeguards normally administer painkilling gas to injured beach goers. - Get the finger over it, mate. - [Narrator] Today, it's Jethro that will get a taste of the Green Whistle. - Jesus Christ, I can't feel a thing. - Nah, good, good, good, good. Keep sucking, keep sucking, keep sucking. The Green Whistle seems to affect everyone in such a diverse way, and Jethro not being too big of a guy it affected him quite quickly. - Pop my locker and take me to Charlestown. Cabin crew prepare the doors for landing. - He might've been even flying a 747 at one stage. - This is your captain speaking. - You would be the most gorgeous flight attendant too. - Should've been a flight attendant. - Keep sucking on it. - [Narrator] Paramedics have been called until then lifeguards manage Jethro's pain. - [Lifeguard] This is whistle number two. - After the second whistle, I have no recollection of what I said. I know I could have said anything. Paramatta eel. - Paramatta eel. - [Narrator] Dose of the Green Whistle has failed to dull the pain. - [Lifeguard] Mouse we're going on the second methoxy. - [Narrator] The second Green Whistle starts to take effect. - The thing is, your missus is picking me up from there. - Beardy had been putting all this time and effort into this bloke to get him healthy and, it turns out he's only trying to get healthy so he can go and take his misses. - [Beardy] My misses? She's pretty short. - Sounds like an interesting story then what happened? - Obviously, this bloke, he's two whistles deep. He was, letting his imagination get the best of him. (meditative music) (mumbling echo) (ambulance sirens) - Hey. - How are you? - You got Phil. - Hey Phil. - You all right to get some morphine? Yeah? Straighten your arm for me mate, alright. Has that helped at all? - It was about nine and it's about eight and a half. - [Paramedic] Okay, so we're going in the right direction. - When the paramedics eventually arrived, you know, it only took a quick assessment of the guy and they realised that he needed further medical help. We'd looked after this bloke as much as we could and he just needed to get to a hospital and be seen by a surgeon. - Nice to meet you. - Phil. - Thanks boys. - You got your phone Phil? - Mate, if this bloke legitimately had a crack at Beardy's misses, I think Beardy be single pretty quick. - He's had the Green Whistle before previous injuries and I think he wanted it pretty quick. - Danny is given analgesic gas to soothe the pain until paramedics arrive. - That really eases the pain doesn't it? - Yeah. You gonna bit lightheaded to stop it and some really big deep breaths. - I just had to get a good surgeon that can, he knows what he's doing and put it back in. - He was, he was definitely a unique character, and you know, he had plenty to say. - I'll be it your name already. - Yeah, Daniel. - Daniel, Danny. - Yeah everyone calls me Beardy. Beardy bah - Yeah, I'm goatee. - I think he was kind of enjoying himself in the end. It was making us laugh anyway. - Jeez I like the freebie I'm getting. What a freebie. It's costing me nothing. Yeee. (laughing) You take it for granted, the premier beach in the world. - [Beardy] It's what it's about, you got the best view of it right here. - Best beach in the world, mate. Australia the best country in the world. God bless Australia. Advance Australia square. - [Narrator] As paramedics arrive, the Green Whistle has Danny loving life and flying high. - Hey, brother, how are you? - My name is Lucky. Lucky. - Lucky! Jesus, it's my lucky day. - Stefan's on a working holiday from Canada. He dislocated his shoulder learning to surf. - How old are you? - [Stefan] I'm 22. - 22. - [Stefan] Yeah. - You allergic to anything? - [Stefan] No. - Ambulance please. - [Narrator] Dislocated shoulders are excruciatingly painful. Maxi prepares the Green Whistle to take the edge off Stefan's pain. - Suck on it. It gets better, but It gets better. - Oh, shit. - [Lifeguard] It gets better. It's very strong. As if you're smoking. The pain will start to go away, you'll start to get a bit light headed. Just suck them in. I see, you've smoked before. Feel a bit better? - Yeah, actually where do you get this stuff? I feel a little bit selfish, you guys want some? - [Lifeguard] Keep sucking on it mate, it's good stuff. - Good stuff eh. - [Lifeguard] It's good stuff. - Usually I can put it back on, during the first five minutes. - [Lifeguard] The paramedic will come and they'll help you out. - [Narrator] Stefan's shoulder will be relocated in hospital, but he doesn't seem in any hurry to get there. - How did you hurt your shoulder Stefan? - This time I was on the beach there, eh, there was like... no waves, yes, but once upon a time, came a wave, I was like, this is mine. Started to paddle. I paddled in the, you know, when you, you paddle - Yeah, you caught a wave and hit the sandbar, did you? - No, it's just that, because my first it's my first time. - Just tell me, how you hurt your shoulder, you hit the sandbar? - No, I paddled and like the wave went, popping it out, you know, - The wave? - The wave was behind me. I was paddling, paddling for the wave and it hit my arm and this arm is a, has been dislocated for a nine time. - Nine times and it's happened again. - Have you got thongs? You want to come jump up and we'll take you up to the ambulance. I don't wear thongs, thongs is for women. - No worries. At all. - [Narrator] A dislocated shoulder and a discombobulated brain. Corey offers methoxy fluorane to reduce the pain. - Just breathe normally like... - Like an asthma puffer? - Yeah. Yeah. Keep your finger on that. So it'd be good dose on it. - One leg is like curved and the other leg is just fine, so I think it is broken. - [Lifeguard] Take it out when you're breathing out. (bleep) - [Lifeguard] You need to keep going with it. Yeah. - [Narrator] In no time, James has other things on his mind. - Whoa... it just hit me hard. You are probably loving this. - [Lifeguard] You're loving it more than us. - It's like, can I have another one? - What is that, 20 Seconds? That's really good. - [Lifeguard] I think that's a record. - That's awesome. - Can you feel that anymore? - Not really? I wanna go run run for a marathon. - This gentleman is reacting very well. - Man this (bleep) I'm out of it aren't I? You're gonna be on TV and you and you and you. You're all gonna be on TV You're gonna be on TV. - He was definitely in a world of pain when he was on the beach and then giving him methoxy and probably within about 20 or 30 seconds, he was just high as a kite. And he... I think he wants another one, but he's not allowed so. Everybody's gonna be on T.V. (upbeat music).
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 5,529,934
Rating: 4.9578018 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi rescue 2019, bondi beach australia, lifeguard rescues, best rescues ever, real life rescues, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, first aid training, australian lifeguards, funniest reactions to the green whistle, the green whistle, funniest reactions to analgesic gas, funny reactions to pain relief, funny anaesthesia reactions, analgesic gas, green whistle compilation, green whistle for pain, green whistle methoxyflurane
Id: 4txMfbEegqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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