Lifeguard Jules's Memorable Moments on Bondi Rescue

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crazy it was really fun but now the boys are ripping into me I can never quite do enough for them its tummy and Jules's first season down here at Bondi this rolls up I told him go get your wetsuit somewhere out there for Tommy and Jose the mission is simple to catch the biggest wave of the dye and prove themselves to the older guys I was nervous but it was really cool to have Jesse backing us in the water handling a rescue board in these waves requires perfect timing [Music] that was the biggest ham break I have ever seen but I do admit I didn't pull back on that one next it's Tommy's turn to impress the judges Oh Tommy Tommy I wanted to catch the biggest wave of the day you're the take off and survive no regret it massively fall off in the big stuff and you'll need more than just good board skills Jules gets her second chance on another big one go Jules I was like yeah I'm on and then at the last second it's not not ready [Applause] [Music] it's crazy it was really fun but now the boys are ripping into me I can never quite do enough for them it's have to go back again so then the next big wave came through and I just thought there's no way that I'm not going for this one damn break cool so I just put my head down and just went for it it jaws is too far back on the board she'll miss the way too far forward and she'll nosedive Jules really impressed me that day in the end she ended up getting a bomb and she done me proud so she can hold her head high so I'm happy that I got smoke coming in so we're here in Northern Beaches to train the crew to get ready for the race you know we want to put them through their paces make sure they've got a bit of mental fortitude know they've done the work and perform I'm right there I would just like to do this event and walk away being proud of myself stop saying that's the highest radio ever day Courtney Hancock has won the nutrigrain iron woman series three times to be able to share that knowledge with Joel Jules and and Jeff I feel really proud to be their mentor one of those lifeguards are incredibly fit but can the training techniques of Australia's top iron men and women take them to a new level out here today was some of the most testing conditions the way they've improved throughout its kind of boot camp we've done for them it's been incredible the question now is whether the training has turned one of these lifeguards into the next Bondi champion the course begins with a board panel from bondi around the headland - tamarama beach next is an 800 meter swim to Bronte the final leg a two and a half kilometre run back to bondi intimidating doesn't even cover it like it's horrific like the energy that they bring and that male ego and testosterone like I literally start every event like this almost in tears just freaking out Jules along with Jethro and Joel will have this secret weapons to support I really wanted to do myself and Courtney proud and I just really want to have a go race is handicapped Jules goes off go with Mario Tamarama the field is bunched up ahead of the swim Ling it was pretty solid at Tanner so yeah it was just nice to get a wave stay on the board hold the board and just get anyone I had a new completely different spot to all the guys and I just got shot out to the can where the jet ski was just behind Harry's funny Chapo is jaws the training hugely paid off I felt like I was in a team and I was doing it for both of us so it was really cool I mean like straight from the start smart just went around the wave and then took the best life so all the boys followed you it was just so good to see I was just down doing a bit of a roving patrol and I was down in the South corner and then next second someone out in the surf was screaming and yelling and kind of waving at me a young woman is being kept afloat by volunteer lifesavers and members of the public [Applause] I got there and the girl was being held choosing excruciating pain something was horribly wrong after she was violently dumped by a wife the woman must be supported by volunteer lifesavers and members of the public minimising movement in the ocean this adds a kind of extremely difficult element the spinal cord is on its way but in the rolling surf Jules must find a quick solution I need to get this girl on a stable platform and out of the ocean I think she's going to try and put him on the board but I'd rather they just way so this board I had to improvise so I just went for it I should I did a pretty smooth this maneuver assisted by volunteer lifesavers and members of the public Jules must get the woman through the surf without any sudden movements there's a huge amount of responsibility when dealing with a spinal your treatment could be the difference between them walking home or them going home in a wheelchair every time she screamed and cringed I swear like I felt that I just kind of went into action mode and autopilot and started yelling out orders to people we brought her in and just lay her down on the board in the sand and I guess that was when we started to really assess like her symptoms and then what was happening one-year-old Sammy is at the beach alone my ambulance will be on its way what do you guys want do the patient [Applause] lying precariously on the edge of the board Sammy must be stabilized tell me what we're gonna do now is we're just gonna get you a little bit more straight so you're more comfortable when they're feeling a lot of pain it's really hard to treat because you don't want them moving their head or their neck and quite often when they are in such distress they'll do that every summer lifeguards respond to dozens of potential spinal injuries most of them suffered no permanent effects a handful are so lucky in 2011 Brazilian man Leo tragically broke his neck in Bondi sha break soon as it's ready we'll get you to suck on the green whistle an analgesic gas offers the lifeguards strongest form of pain relief doesn't taste very nice okay just like medicine so it's gonna taste beer from Pisa you get it in there a head-to-toe assessment will identify any loss of feeling or motor function that's a really bad sign when someone has no feeling in their feet it's time to really start thinking about you know serious spinal damage Sammis symptoms indicate a potentially devastating spinal injury the question now is whether or not it's permanent your left leg is now just breathing remember in nice deep breaths as lifeguards wait for paramedics to arrive Sammy makes a shocking revelation okay so how long ago did three men I just kind of took a breast she could have completely re kind of cracked or broken something here [Music] for the symptoms she showed that was the most serious case I've dealt with so on your own I guess I was fearful that she might lose ability to walk lifeguards wait in hope for news that Sammy will make a full recovery 20 year-old young I didn't even know what to think when she left the beach I was kind of like just doing some really deep breaths trying to kind of process it all but yeah I was so concerned for her because it was just a massive unknown after being cleared of serious injury in hospital Sammy has returned to say thanks when I went underneath the way I kind of like tumbled inspector back my head against spending oh yeah yeah it's pretty scary I was pretty excited because I was thinking okay well if she's here she's on her feet when she's walked in so this is fantastic news I've got fulfilling I'm certainly a that's fantastic happy days you're smiling bit different so um yesterday isn't it don't forget this true no to have people come back and truly thank you and mean it yeah it's really special so product so far it so party yeah this man from Cambodia has lost his ten-year-old son separately this one a sign his name when lost children are last seen in the water alarm bells ring for lifeguards you don't know how well he can swim so if he has gone in the water and then this is such a crowd as easy to lose someone like that pretty hard to spot him sure well I ain't English and Cambodian yeah really bad English my Cambodians terrible so you know it was really hard to communicate with you Sam is in his first year at Bondi he focuses on the water but experienced lifeguard Jules thinks otherwise I just thought well 100% my gut feeling is this kid is not in the water they're just lost on land we've been driving around for people down or 20 minutes and he decides to let me know in casual conversation that his wife is also down here and he does have a car straightaway I'm thinking well the kids first instinct is either go back to the car or find I thought this is gonna be super easy go find the car locate mum child done so maybe you pop on this side of the cafe yeah maybe we couldn't even find the car the case of the lost kid is becoming the case of a lost damn near a children's playground like me the park yeah yeah the language barrier was unbelievable I mean we get that that's like that's not a rare case down here yeah a lot of stairs to get to the beach that's true I just did a whole lot of hand moving backpack walking for me tell you yeah then you will repeat okay so we walk this way okay okay as humans I think everyone knows you just figure it out you just do a lot of expressive stuff well where's your wife oh maybe train depart make sure this your homework bye children finally the car is found but it's empty then a familiar face and I'm thinking well this is great we've found your car with found your wife where's the kid smart mouth I tell hope you belong awfully well haven't they come no my junk Bob LA and then next second the kid just kind of pops out from behind mum and and steps in front and you know I was wondering why mom looks so cool calm and collected was looking at dad kind of funny the kid was with her he disappeared before telling me yeah how could a good dad he needs to work on really knowing where his belongings are [Music]
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 525,472
Rating: 4.956871 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi beach australia, bondi beach, bondi rescue jules, lifeguard jules best of, lifeguard jules best moments, bondi rescue jules spinal, bondi rescue juliana, bondi rescue jules first episodes, juliana king, best of bondi rescue, bondi lifeguards, female lifeguard bondi rescue, female lifeguard training, female lifeguard rescue, bondi lifeguards girl, bondi rescue compilation, australian lifeguards, lifeguarding, bondi lifeguards jules, jules bondi rescue
Id: bJfv1lKe2_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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