LOST Kids at Bondi Beach - Part 1

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i'm about to make contact with a mum and she's absolutely out of my mind with stress so just stand by now lifeguards are looking for a lost child lost kid in front of second room her name's jessie she's asian appearance and she's four years old parents came up to me and said that they left their child in front of me on the water's edge while they went for a walk and when they came back she was gone it's only four years old while jesse's mother frantically searches a friendly local has brought jessie to the lifeguards i just saw her wandering along the beach on her own i got a bit frightened isn't impressed jesse was found unattended in front of lifeguards it's world's cheapest babysitting service i think some people think we are [Music] i think mum's coming mom's coming up [Music] [Music] thank you a stick of licorice has made everything okay as a man approaches for [Laughter] contact with the mum and she's absolutely out of my mind with stress so just stand by we gotta find your son there are still thousands of people on the beach it's five two seven now we finish in five minutes and we've got a lost kid who ran away from his brother roy is just six years old lifeguards search with the boy's mother father and older brother i've had a big day we've had a massive crowd we've been at the sun all nine ten hours everyone's kind of beaten stay on board stay on board yeah we're gonna go hey [Applause] they're starting to get pretty frantic so we need to sort of get this going attack it now before it gets too late six-year-old roy has already been missing for almost half an hour lifeguards spread across the beach to search it's getting kind of pretty stressful now i think [Music] okay thanks mouse one night central um is it been going out of the water at all today uh she doesn't seem to think so i mean we're having our hands full just keeping up with it beside us missing children are generally found very quickly not this evening normally it's like 15 minutes max you know that was at half past it's now nearly ten past seven i want to ring the uh time's really important with lost kids because you know you don't want to think the worst but unfortunately you know things can happen we're gonna get the um let me get some police down here to help us do the search okay it's all right it's gonna be all right stay with me while the father searches the beach roy's mother paula bumps into a family friend terry takes the mother and brother to the car park where he was last seen roy has now been missing for almost 45 minutes it'll be all right i know what it's like terry and the boy's mother paula have failed to find him in the car park where he was last seen what we need is the police at the tower please i'm coming to paul and now we're going to bring it through here hoppo does some detective work with the boy's older brother ricky start thinking like he does all right now this is where you work lifeguards try to put themselves in the shoes of a six-year-old have a look around the kids pool and um even around the mr whippy van around that area mate you might might be hanging down there sure he wouldn't just be trying to hide from you not now yeah if he feels hiding then he's not hiding now he'd be gone to anyone following kerbox's suggestion jake searches near the kitty's pool he's looking for a boy in a black sun shirt [Music] um as jake drives young roy back to the tower paul awaits to be reunited with her son but father roberto can't be contacted as he frantically searches can you bring the older brother back here we're just going to find the dad now because with the mums here and jake's got the kid actually we've got the dad too jake's got the dad jake's had a blinder six-year-old roy has been lost for nearly an hour but it's felt like an eternity for his family it was just playing in the sand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] she actually apologized for her irrational behavior at the end of it and sort of like she didn't have to because i understood you start to feel that something sinister might have happened to him or something bad might have happened to him and that was really lovely watching him embrace at the end it was a really good um not a good way to end today but a happy way to end the day with a good result welcome to lost and found yes so where did you find him well it's the lifeguards tender red and yellow one hey hey how old are you mate hey you stuck are you four or three no now that's the best haircut i've seen today there are thousands of kids on the beach but this is one that should stand out [Music] yeah do you want to come with me come out we'll have a look at the waves right come up here then on the shore [Music] yeah go ahead mate did you say you had the child there emma you've got a kid here and a uh blackberry star wars sort of boardies mullet all right all good uh i've got the mother right third ramp here with me i'll send her up [Music] good boy thank you very much you
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 751,589
Rating: 4.9544363 out of 5
Keywords: LOST Kids at Bondi Beach, lost children at bondi beach, missing children, kids lost at the beach, kid goes missing at the beach, lost kids, lost children, bondi rescue, lost kids found, lost children on bondi beach, lost children at the beach, missing children found, bondi rescue compilation, best of bondi rescue, bondi lifeguards, bondi rescue kids, bondi rescue kids lost, bondi rescue childre, bondi nation, bondi rescue lifeguards, lifeguards saving kids, bondi beach
Id: 3Iewp4W9Gdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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