Lifeguard "COSTUME" Surf Competition Goes Wild

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it's been another extraordinary season for bondi's lifeguards [Music] keeping with tradition it's time to blow off steam with the end of season surfcom all right let's have a strong yeah it's not not a regular surf cup this one it's a it's a fancy dress surf comp so there's a heavy emphasis on being outlandish with your costumes and getting dressed up and having a bit of fun with it maybe like a nice gloss or something i've had a few hints that i do look better as a girl than as a bloke so i come as brittany yeah when i looked in the mirror i was a little bit conflicted like i've come off heaps better than i thought [Applause] yeah wow jethro he pulls it off i'm not going to say much more but he pulls it off oh my god [Music] what are you dressed as pharaoh sparrow i'm cleopatra the most beautiful woman in the world while the boys bring the sparkle it's jules who steals the show look at your hair coming dressed as jethro yeah the camaraderie between the team is you know very strong throughout the season you know we had our ups and downs you know we all work long hours and it's great to see everyone clock off a bit have a bit of fun and let our hair down at the end of the season what we'll do is just two waves as quick as you can get out tag your next surfer in i didn't know there was uh there was nothing under here so i put a pair of chapeau's undies on and i haven't told him yet but uh he's getting good writing here we go go buddy [Applause] you know as we do always we come through at the end and we're still here we're ready for our next game and we're ready for the next season well done everyone good effort so we'll start with the uh the best wipeout was gonzo the best wave of the day was fatty [Applause] and the winning team is chase fatty and [Music] beauty two trophies two years in a row this year helped by the team so it's uh pretty good it is winning yeah no it's good everyone enjoyed it everyone turned out and that's what it's about about the team getting together you know tensions can run hot and get yourself wound up on on busier days good way to finish off our season
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 187,372
Rating: 4.9815464 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue season 15, season 15 bondi rescue, bondi rescue surf comp, bondi lifeguards surf comp, bondi rescue lifeguards surfing, bondi lifeguards surfing, bondi rescue lifeguards fancy dress, bondi lifeguards fancy dress, jethro james, bondi rescue jethro, bondi lifeguard jethro, bondi lifeguard jethro dressing up, bondi rescue jethro season 15, bondi rescue joel, bondi lifeguard joel, bondi rescue hoppo, bondi beach, bondi rescue, bondi lifeguards, superhero costume
Id: HQ9wfOQSbgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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