Head Lifeguard Hoppo's BOSS Moments (Lifeguards in trouble!)

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even though we're all mates it's a there's a professional job to be done here so i'm gonna have to pull the two guys in and have a chat with them head lifeguard hoppo is not happy but jesse and maxie have much more to worry about than a bad wipeout i'm looking at two of the guys that went to lunch a while ago now it's been sort of well over an hour now that they've been out there mucking around they're basically out of play being life guards and probably irresponsible of them and not showing respect towards you know team leaders and and also myself especially it's basically just doing it right in front of me so i'm not really impressed head lifeguard hoppo is not happy [Music] when guys push the limit and go over the line it's um something to me is disrespectful because they get a good run and even they're all mates it's a there's a professional job to be done here so i'm gonna have to uh pull the two guys in and and have a chat with you next day maxie and jesse patrolled nearby tamarama but there's an unexpected visitor you know what i'm over here for today to see you too i was watching from the office and so the hour turned to two hours when we come in since we hit the sand and like you know the fun was over we kind of knew we had to face the music and instead of um coming over and having a shower and facing the music me and maxie just had a shower and hosed off underneath the tunnel then we had that the incident with jess later on that night with the rope and yeah i don't know if it was just the god you know that god sent down that he wanted about to be angry at me again so yeah it was it wasn't it wasn't a good feeling but yeah i'm sorry for the day hop you know it was pretty childish of what we've done and it's good to have a little bit of fun but depends they don't push that fun that little bit further and go over the line that's not good being on the bosses wrong side and just you got to think of the bigger picture because most the things that are fun you know there is bigger pictures where you can get hurt and you know yeah it's not good i don't think uh we'll be rafting anytime soon i think we'll have to go on a holiday and go rafting so with customer service if you lose your cool and call someone an idiot or a fool you'll be off to hopo's office and that's exactly where h is headed [Music] i know the situation and i know this the next step is to go until hopper what what's happened had a bit of an incident on the beach and uh i had a run-in with a member of the public over the years i've had a lot of times we've sat h down and with these issues about customer service and something that he finds very hard to deal with i'm hoping that this situation doesn't go past hopo now listen to what he says to here i'm not happy with my performance there at all you know calling people imbecile idiots that's just one thing we need to stamp out we need to stay cool and calm and then later on you let your steam off i got no excuse won't happen again paige is a great lifeguard he's got this achilles heel that occasionally comes back and bites him so no matter how frustrating people can be we need to keep this level of professionalism at all times in retrospect if i could do it again i'd not give the guy a spray [Music] i just want to catch that just one or two ways it's pecking order buddy here at the very bottom taka's conduct of late has got him in a bit of strife and he's now across the road with the bosses taka's a trainee has been an interesting ride it's his water skills are great but outside of the the water he seems to struggle in other areas taco's come to work late a few times i was about 30 seconds one minute late and these guys are just hammering me taco kind of just like sitting in the tower waiting for his lunch break to go surfing tako just nose dived and nearly killed someone but he is known to eat eight sandwiches at once and then he's too full to go out and work you're on your radio from what i can see you're going really good at the things that that you enjoy doing but there's a few areas i think you be a little bit more proactive as a team we've all got to chip in and do the things that people don't like doing like cleaning the change rooms and restocking the first aid cabinet and you know you'll get extra points if you put your hand up and ask to do them instead of being told to do them you've got to realize the harness is on you to prove to us that you're good enough to do the job so taco now is your time to step it up mate it's a big learning curve and i'm just doing my best to make sure i can come off good and pass my traineeship sweet now over the next couple of months he'd like to see some sort of improvement and see his attitude change towards the job and and really get into it and show that he really wants to be here and to be amongst the team yates he's been a lifeguard for five years a natural athlete he's the lovable clown who approaches life a little differently he may be passionate and experienced but his spot on the team is yet to be confirmed hoppo has got a nasty surprise i'm going to call yatesy and uh rev him up a little bit because it was an incident last year that we haven't really got him back before it's not something you wouldn't get your job back on but pretty much he's coming with a jet ski he slid up and hit one of the board rescue boards and snapped in half so it's cost us a rescue board so it'll be close i don't rev him along and uh say it's because of those in that instant he's not gonna uh get he's gonna be unsuccessful this season hello gaity hopper let's hop over mate hey good mate how are you that's good you're not too bad what's happening um i've just been in all week just working out our recruitment you know and unfortunately though it was it's pretty i couldn't sort of do it are you being serious yeah i'm just like i'm pretty you know it was hard for me as well are you kidding me help her push pretty hard but what do you mean well i don't understand what he meant i thought this was a giant are you jamie oh that's fair dinkum he's not a jail well i'll come down now i'll come down right now i'm coming down right now he's blown that's cruel i'll i'll say that's cruel right now for yates his heart would be racing that's so bad what are we going to do what am i going to do hello yeah yeah it's hop out again yeah i'm feeling pretty bad about it mate but yeah well that's a payback for the jet skiing of the board bruce popper get your i was worried i wouldn't keep a straight face okay that's officially the best i've ever got it's come to the end of harrison's first year he's got a heap of enthusiasm but he's still got a hell of a lot to learn to be a lifeguard trainees have to work very very hard to prove to me that they're worthy of becoming a full-time lifeguard it's a big decision i need to make how are you good how are you what's happening what's going on i just have a chat to you about um how your season went it's a risk to take someone in from another country plus you're only young you just need to um take that step back and not rush as much if i wasn't a lifeguard i'd know what i'll be down here at bondi you know i want to stay here forever you know if you put your front foot forward and keep going what you did this year and improve again next year you'll be putting yourself in a good position to become a full-time lifeguard i will be down here on the beach next summer then it'll be d-day after that thank you good year good yeah what does he need to do box first thing for harrison to start pouring birds get rid of that dead
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 1,563,112
Rating: 4.9513817 out of 5
Keywords: head lifeguard hoppo, head lifeguard bondi, bondirescue head lifeguard hoppo, bondi rescue head lifeguard, head lifeguard duties, lifeguards in trouble, bondi rescue hoppo, bruce hopkins bondi rescue, bondi lifeguards, bondi lifeguards in trouble, bondi rescue official, bondi rescue, bondi beach rescue, hoppo boss moments, hoppo bondi rescue, hoppo best moments bondirescue, hoppo bondi beach, hoppo best rescue, lifeguard, lifeguard training, lifeguarding, boss moments
Id: sepUa4zf1DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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