Top 5 Most Bad*ss Moments from the Women of Bondi

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yeah Nick's gone way out but Ram stall we're gonna mess rescue in 10-foot sauce heavy very heavy twenty-three-year-old Julie is a lifeguard in Newcastle two hours north of Sydney she's come to Bondi to get some experience on Australia's busiest Beach I do want to prove to myself that I have what it takes to to be working here Nicola is the sole female lifeguard on the service with the shifting tide and dangerous currents Julie is given the opportunity to learn from a true Pro so experienced just to see the way that he maneuvers the scheme however niccola's lesson quickly turns into the real thing literally just turned on on a dime there and went to the nasty all of a sudden within minutes Julie gets hands-on experience pulling swimmers out of the river [Music] Troy backs up on a board I need you directly in that group where the lifesaver is for the tube no questions are external on board Ziggler is so good with the directions and she's like firm that she's in control yeah I do tend to yell through them on their nail I'm really glad she's on the back because we did you want that flash ring that's how so it's nice to have someone on that yelling Richie working as a team Julie and Nicola defuse a potentially fatal situation it feels really amazing to be working with such experienced life guys yeah I feel really lucky it's really nice to have an enthusiastic girl down here it's just sort of keen to learn and get amongst it get involved and you need to have a passion to do it so you got to get out there and sort of stretch yourself and want to learn and want to improve and like you sure you don't remove to Bondi I got there and the goers being held choosing excruciating pain something was horribly wrong she was violently dumped by a wife the woman must be supported by volunteer lifesavers minimizing movement in the ocean just adds a kind of extremely difficult element the spinal is on its way in the rolling surf Jules must find a quick solution I need to get this girl on a stable platform and out of the ocean [Music] I'll face is Unitron put him on the board but I'd rather die just white yeah this fall I had to improvise so I just went for it actually I did a pretty smoothest maneuver life savers and members of the public tools must get the woman through the surf without any sudden movements there's a huge amount of responsibility when dealing with a spinal your treatment could be the difference between them walking home or them going home in a wheelchair every time she screamed and cringed I swear like I've felt that I just kind of went into action mode and autopilot and started yelling out orders to people we brought her in and just lay her down on the board in the sand and I guess that was when we started to really assess like her symptoms and what was happening at all for me that's a really bad sign when someone has no feeling in their feet as lifeguards wait for paramedics to arrive Sammy makes a shocking revelation okay so how am I going to penetrate through that and what we're doing here so it just kind of took a breast she could have completely re kind of cracked or broken something here [Music] I didn't even know what to think when she left the beach I was kind of like she's doing some really deep breaths trying to kind of process it all but yeah I was so concerned for her because it was just a massive unknown [Music] after being cleared of serious injury in hospital Sammy has returned to say thanks I was pretty excited because I was thinking okay well if she's here she's on her feet when she's walked in so this is fantastic news what was the verdict how many people in your embassy seven again I've got fulfilling that can i I'm certainly a that's fantastic to have people come back and truly thank you and mean it yeah it's really special the list of distractions you can have on a busy day down at Bondi go from like one to a thousand disturbingly eleven-year-old boy was last seen in the water the hardest part of dealing with the lost child is trying to comfort the parents they get very distressed the plaque that was in me obviously we get quite concerned if you've got a missing kid because if they were in the water if that's the last place they were seen you know there's a huge cause for alarm I was multitasking if you can't multitask then you're gonna find yourself in some serious trouble [Applause] [Music] get this ride riding that following Nicolas direction Tommy Mike's a rescue there were two Indian bikes going on da and I wasn't going for the one that Nicola was calling pool you know the person I was talking about was completely underwater so I just had to run in on the air balloon in that situation it wasn't a stuff up you know thank God he was there to rescue the other guy Nicholas absolutely amazing critical seconds that's okay you need to go between the redneck flag they fly but it's now clear the three swimmers won't make it back on [Music] moment I kick the water you can hear people screaming and yelling at that stage where I could have gone in to back her up but I wanted to get the experience and Pinal between two people in I was quite confident she could do that I've got this in a voice that's going if you can't do this why have you got a blue shirt on along with their friend for us who is held up by a nearby surfer Harry's radio is the lifesaver jet ski to assist you just feels like a run down into the Sun in have you got to hold them and then now that is pretty quick to that damn Bank copy hard yeah all good how about I was like you there you there and then next minute like the surf jetski roster one person makes it easier the jewels as Hopper predicted the rip has sucked everyone onto a shallow sandbank Jules and her patient and now in the impact zone the jet ski ways a wave from the wrong angle could cause it to rot you're holding onto the patient demanding that they hold on you just have to brave [Music] the man has grabbed the lifesaver jetski just in time the woman must injure the next wave of the set those waves are so punchy and powerful that they'll break on you and just suck you down Jules's get the gives it a crack you know but you've got to be robust and toughen Georgia gives it everything she's got I've got to back myself and my ability because I am capable it was definitely a good rescue and in front of Hoff oh you know didn't know his dived and lose the patient it's always a nice feeling knowing that you can plead it to the best of your ability a cyclone swell off North Queensland has caused some of the biggest waves to hit Bondi all summer [Music] wife guards are on high alert you know when you get those massive days the you know the beach can't handle it so its when pretty much all groups start firing and the north corner it was just howling it was one of the biggest rips on the beach that day which is you know it's quite rare the club you try to do rescue and they're about to get smart on the rocks a volunteer surf lifesaver is attempting a rescue in the rip at North Bondi Nicola is called to backup yeah I'm sure you saying that the club is old freaking out there screaming football help he's gonna just write out so I could see one club he's gone up the rocks lost his board he's probably gonna get in trouble I think this one body boarder I've lost sight of him Nicola offers assistance yeah Nick's gone way out but Ram stall we're gonna mess rescue in 10-foot sauce heavy very heavy Nicola identifies a man clinging to a bodyboard they should not be out here Bouvet crap is on holidays from Germany I nicked a lot of things to be coming in she's doing a rescue she's got one on that board we actually got in once and then he jumped off he jumped off in the rip and went straight back out the exhausted German tourist has been battling for over half an hour Nicola makes a second attempt to save him he going out she's absolutely lying the powerful rip pulls him out to sea the waves were so big there was so much happening at the rocks right there and he just can't understand what I'm saying I just couldn't communicate with him and we're sitting in the rip just going out to sea next thing was how do I get him in the waves are massive at that point I knew I couldn't get him back in to be Nikolas doing the gnarliest rescue ever the narrow boat ramp is sandwiched between rocks off-duty lifesavers back out Nikola has sent him up the rocks which is one of the heaviest things to do and to bystanders Jack the guy crossed the rocks and up to the boat around I think he got a few scrapes but yeah he's I think he's more than happy to be on dry land it's Nicolai man she's suede you gonna put her in cage full Islands and she'll come out or I ain't I
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 3,048,929
Rating: 4.9427233 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi rescue 2019, bondi beach australia, lifeguard rescues, best rescues ever, real life rescues, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, resuscitation, first aid training, australian lifeguards, top 5 most badass moments from the women of bondi, international womens day, international womens day australia, female lifeguard rescue, female lifeguard bondi rescue, badass women edits, bondi rescue female lifeguard, bondi rescue female cast
Id: 1tHCkdMWWiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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