Jo Koy, It's A Ridiculous | TigerBelly 200!!

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I for one am glad this was the 200th episode. Great episode, you can tell Bobby and Jo actually have fun together

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/TokiOFFICIAL 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

I was looking forward to a Family Affair 2.0, but this episode was still fun. Jo and Bobby have great chemistry together and can joke around with each other.

In hindsight, having to fit that many people in that small room is probably uncomfortable. It's impressive they were able to fit 9-10 people in that room.

It probably makes more sense to have a housewarming episode with everyone there at the new house.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/wipny 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Bobby will release a special and he will book arenas.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Naughty_Cookies 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

jo koy and all these comedians do it wrong. They go on a podcast tour and hit all the podcasts in 2 weeks and say the same shit in all of them. spread the love so its not so obvious they are pushing a product on us

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/kindasfw 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

I hope they do make a variety show together!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Kinetic91 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] the rich the rich the rich the rich the wallets the wallets the wallet in your pocket attacking protecting protecting your [ __ ] here's some language about Ridge to inspire your read talk about your old wall okay that's not anyway guys did you wallet I'm telling you right now and I never do this but the ridge wallet I'm not gonna read this thing yeah because I say it from my heart yep okay it is number one the only wallet I will ever use for the rest of my life and number two I just have a connection with this product you know and when you have a connection with a product that's all you [ __ ] need folks I go on the road and I I and people come up to me go I got one too now I got one too you know I you know I think that um the Brotherhood it's a brotherhood and when people come up to me and they say that it makes me feel like we're doing something right it does um tell them about the ridge what it does be like everyone else had Bobby shows and get your Ridge wallet get 10% off today with the free worldwide shipping by going to Ridge calm sloshed slept that's ridge that calm slash slept and use code slept SLE EPT link in description enjoy the rest of the show because the factory he had a mouth operation you could still see Aloha you could all see that you can see is uh okay we'll get in here just run the wrong route roll that to you hug a cameras rolling alright yeah you ready captain yeah ready go ahead five four three two the Flynn the Flinstones me the Flinstones yabba-dabba - time for you and me plants down danga Flintstone yabba dabba Dabba Dabba Dabba double it's like even though if you could have a car mm-hmm and your your legs are the ones that are like accelerating the car or powering it yeah then just don't you don't need the car no just right you take extra [ __ ] right like that's more weight it is a bicycle no it's different than a bicycle baguette you're right you're right it's different because it's it's five yeah it fits that's very good yeah it fits five right and so if you do they all like no five only he does only he does so that's crazy what makes me mad is when you go to New York and that [ __ ] on the bike goes hey you want me to take you downtown on that why would I do that right and then they never tell you the price until they drop you all I drop yeah and they go $90 $97 my thighs are break I didn't yeah yeah anyway this ride okay so you already broke the number one rule on this pot guy talked on top of the intro you talked what I didn't introduce you okay but I feel like we're part of I know we're not no no that's I don't give a [ __ ] that's not how this works all right I had an introduction I was taking a nap and I was thinking about how to introduce you and I think I have the way okay so let's start from the top you got it go ahead five four three two hey so I'm gonna tell you guys something let's introduce someone in the room except from him because I'm gonna do that later we got um Gilbert you know which is your disgraceful Filipino what happened that's just that because you had that audition right and then you don't know the language at all and then oh you have to call her yeah yeah she has to call her [ __ ] sister in the hands word-for-word you're not gonna get it if you don't know it going we're not local no she [ __ ] up already [ __ ] it up my nylon that Manolo no no Ebonics oh yeah that's what I was trying to say called Manalo c'mon iloko everyone knows that come along i'm gong timmy i rocking about it you got our everyone you got offered i got off with the part already i'm doing it we got my girlfriend okay kalila AKA you know licks mmm you know pasadena gangs and then we've got um I feel about you I do love you I really do okay oops and then this [ __ ] right here I was like I come in here right yeah I say hey you know you look like you should be made out of hey it looks like a scared girl yeah Ryan The Wizard of Oz right then I said you look at marionette because he doesn't look like he does it looks like he should be on string a little his knees this minors elbow so I have a little you know screws are and he's an ellipse or whatever you know but he got [ __ ] he defended himself knows yeah he's like you know what did you say he's just somebody no man you know but you know I think I look pretty good or something like that yeah that's cool he's growing you know to defend himself he's correct you don't look good yeah and I'm gonna say this you look like a male version of Annabelle yeah no you know do bro look at him James Wan first look at him if he was in Annabelle as a doll you'd be so [ __ ] scared dude can I say no yeah now I'm gonna go to you I know you're closer so um just don't say anything to I say your name but I want to tell you a little story yeah I'm just gonna do it it's my show it's my [ __ ] chow I know you I know you are and you had your mom thought I know but so this weekend I play the Ontario improv now listen that Club and I told the management and the owners I go take the name do you don't call it that anymore [ __ ] why I got you have to call it joke waste comedy club and think of what I go yeah cuz look you walk into this [ __ ] comedy club they took all the headshots you know how like every improv has there's [ __ ] you know Seinfeld in a large photo Seinfeld or David Spade when it is long like blonde hair we were wearing at you know good-looking he's okay yeah he's a [ __ ] dwarf and if you've seen David Spade who I'm seeing him Wednesday cuz I'm doing his pilot you know he's asked fine but um he just goes can you do me a favor I got for you Davey I'll do anything yeah you and Sandler whatever your crew I'm there I did wasn't Hawaii with them a month ago a couple of lines is fine but what I'm saying to you is this say go you should change the de choclo Club [ __ ] wide because when you walk in they took all the headshots down except for if you look at the right wall a whole wall is just jo koy space and that like you know congratulations or something and then like you know 10,000 shows sold out or whatever and then you go to the next wall another headshot and then all the exits are gone right and I go what water just [ __ ] right do you remember we went to Brea I had to sell merch in front of joke or joke you're a hero again Bobby Lee right so what I'm telling The Improv you listen to me just call it the joke right club alright because that's what it is and then um there's a riot on my shell but we can talk about know it's real yeah I'm gonna show you what happened in my show so um anyway let's just say this he has a net new Netflix special out on the Netflix program he I've known him since I was an open mic er I've known this guy since he I was an open mic or I've known him since probably 96 97 it has to be then probably before it maybe even before yeah I love them you know he's one of those guys when you look at him if I look at him I see him in the streets or if we're around each other my throat gets sore from anger I don't know what is one of those guys where I swallow it hurts a little bit right here Oh Paula part is small but he just had a mouth operation he got his teeth done you know LT was a surgery and I still came in I know you did so give up teeth do you need yeah I do had a root canal because the last time you were here you were bragging about new teeth oh there we go baby you're the best girl that's Alexis coming sob it's just that you know when you have a I call it entertainment money I brush when you just buy a couple of new canines just a couple yeah and then what happened is one of the roots the root canal it started to decompose know that they had that surgically remove it from my gum right so that's what's happening right and all ripped up right here so that's what I do for you yeah maybe your mouth isn't supposed to have fancy things in it yeah they are no I don't think so look at your girlfriend that's true exactly very true and you're very lucky aren't you and look how you dress for her a [ __ ] cat hair infested beanie and you demand sex with that I don't demand sex suite no I don't like I don't have like a throne I'm like you bring me the [ __ ] I don't do that you don't do that I don't know I don't demand it it just happens so it has happened yeah organically forget your life well these are life lessons friend well you're teaching me everything I teach you I've taught you everything you have yes you know I go on the record on other Pods and and and if I'm getting interviewed I always brag about Bobby Lee now I'm not joking your your your your words always come out of my mouth I'm being very honest compliment because it's a stick you're doing this because it's it's uh it's good for ratings you know how I gotta really drawing the radio like throwing a controversial words every now and then you don't like to you like to take a compliment but I'll give them to you and I'll continue to give them to my success has a lot to do with you from the day you told me leave Las Vegas to go to LA or you're never gonna make it and you said you were gonna leave San Diego to go to LA and I didn't take your advice that time that you yelled at me at the MTV parking lot when we were pitching that show you know when you walked away from me man my stomach turn you don't even know how badly it turned and I swear to god it triggered something there was another time you yelled at me at my I had like you know I bought my I buy my my ex you know wherever I live I always made sure my ex lives behind me or near me so my son's near me and I had this office behind my house and then we were doing stuff together yeah and you yelled at me that day too I forgot what it was but you got me for some [ __ ] thing you don't get it yeah and you storm ah yeah yeah yeah yeah like you know but I act like but but I want you to know your words mean a lot and it weighs heavy and and you inspired me man so that's why I feel like what I've done now is a big reason for you you're like a [ __ ] horrible motivational coach like you know like it's it's Game seven game on the line and they go Bobby tell these kids and all the kids kids are like are you sure you want me to do this speech and he [ __ ] pulls it off does he not in smart guys if I unless let's do truth talk you like to talks can't really get into a physical [ __ ] banter with I'm not doing physical I'm doing truth leave you're here because I love this I said you want to cancel in your ignore right no I had a deadly poison in my dick okay I'm in Uganda right I'm going hey guys I'm gonna take a leak in the desert yeah what do you do you pull over right that cone in the desert right pull my little dick out right and I was gonna get hurt you know man I go what is that right I turn around and it's like a mambo like one of those black mambo mambo whatever those are right and he goes and he bites my dick right I have a poison on my dick and you're the only one wouldn't it would you suck the poison everybody yes yes thank you just look up what do you mean like don't look at me when I'm doing that's the only way Bobby guys that's the all right look up right but that's not what I hear the things that I have to do I've had my dick deep on I - I I've had my dick right bit before and somebody started out so what I need to do I need to grab the back of your head yeah right because I need you I need all the puss out yeah yeah so I just need to control a little bit right yeah I need to look down because the bite-mark is kind of like a scratch right like when you hand someone a scratch they don't know exactly where they're just randomly you have to guide the hand there we go you don't know where the poison they don't know where the poison that's exactly and I also need to lock eyes with you you have to look up and I have to look down and I have to give you a wink I do I'll get the poison out I thank you I know you would so I'm going to show you a video what happened last night at my um yes this really happened on Terry Sunday right Bobby what Sunday last night yeah this is my opener sandy dad hug wait what happened [Music] look at him look at how they're dragging this guy out what happened so last night I was talking to that guy I don't know yeah why do you take your shirt off those ready to fight you can't [ __ ] up your good shirt yeah yeah clean up bro we're about to squabble so I'm in your club last night you know the joke will close I was to gonna [ __ ] in your beautiful on green room bathroom thank you for having that thank you yeah and um like you know like Thursday show paid for that yeah yeah and then I repeat the same week the phone I know you did two weeks in our own delicious set that look let's let that sink imma let that sink in for a second which part just how many tickets oh wait are we talking about Brea no we're talking about just Ontario Oh Brad yeah yeah yeah yeah I know so anyway um I'm taking a [ __ ] in your green room and I hear no laughs you know how that you can hear your openers get laughs yeah right yeah did I hear nothing oh but thank your screaming you know and I mean yeah [ __ ] clinched I couldn't [ __ ] you know you can do that with your [ __ ] yeah you know I can I have good control shut it off I know do you do a good feeling to just cut it off I do I love it why you tidying it up I just for some reason it's that initial push cut that's what I do is it a control thing yeah because I don't know what it is a paper and a pen real quick it's like a hot dog Factory yeah I know how much it's coming out I'm going to show you or I'm going to show you what my shits look like no it'll be great watch okay I'm on payment I know I'll give you the pen you're there you me the pen I think you want to break up the experience right so I think the pushing stops and then it cuts off and I gotta start pushing again mm-hmm pushing is intentional I'm sorry the the cutting isn't this right right so I switch the slums all right and I just clinched this part so basically at the yeah basically that's still in my later and so this and right this becomes harder yeah because it's been in the oven for longer right cooking right yeah this is look like fish my [ __ ] so now you're gonna go save this inside of you right yeah yeah plug that's right yeah a butt plug it's a natural bubble clog yeah and that's how you do it when you're from Asia so you're running out the natural oh yeah so you run out there so I run out there and all I see is a sea of people in the center of the room standing up and there's seven or eight door guys and waiters dragging a guy out right it's chaos it's absolute chaos right and in my head I'm like I'm taping right but I'm like and I know that the guy's not gonna get up on stage he's just just too many guys holding him back but there was a point in my head I'm like wait you're on stage no oh I'm still up in that back like looking through those curtains the other thing right yeah the safe zone Yeah right and I'm thinking to myself there was a split second where I'm like hmm sure why cancel the show you did it right Oh someone sent me a video though what a view very eagerly just taking a video of it versus helping you let me to show it to you oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no don't yes I have it too oh yeah yeah I have me taping eagerly in the bag right with my hands up this shows it and I just said I said that before you even sent that so I didn't know we're trying to do call you out is what she's doing okay I'm gonna say I'm a [ __ ] you were in a safe zone which is fine I'm letting everyone in the room know that when it comes to my own survival yeah I do cowardly things dude that's a smart thing thank you that's Ontario that's the Inland Empire thank you you don't give a [ __ ] they don't I don't care that's Fred Durst country and Inland Empire is where people drink monsters and punch holes through drywall Oh everyone's name Kyle there yeah there's a lot of Kyle's every time I'm in that room something awful happens always sorry to interrupt but we have a quick sponsor oh yeah it again guys mm-hmm right go it's goat is the only way I buy shoes now oh wow right you go to this website right 100% authentic sneakers at Goat calm [ __ ] you can't find nowhere else no oh right tell them about go guys we've made the whole process frictionless and trustworthy they inspect every single shoes sometimes they even smell the shoe I think kalila I've actually at the factory not too long ago really you're buying the real [ __ ] do you exactly yeah guys find the perfect 100% authentic sneaker at Goat calm slash belly got to make it happen yep that's goat calm slash belly plus you'll also be supporting our show but you got to go right now before the sneakers you want are gone so when you go to dope so when you go go - goat calms to ask yourself this question you want happy feet or sad feet I want the happy feet there we go go TOCOM sad go barefoot walk on shards of glass don't do that guy so make sure you check out go8 slash belly hey guys we got another sponsor Dave is my favorite website mmm if you're like me you're not always paying attention to your bank account right mm-hmm right you who does that I don't pay every second yep and the moment you see you're going to be overdrawn it's too late guys it's too late you don't want to get that end right so and you end up spending like 37 dollars on a cup of coffee thanks to the bank fees introducing the Dave Hub app the Dave app putting an end to overdraft fees for good takeover it's a budgeting app it's a budgeting app for short is I should have just said that upfront to make sure you never get overdrawn it's just a quick way to make sure you're not in the hole right yeah so get the Dave app for just $1 per month that's 12 dollars a year which is way less than an overdraft fee and you'll never have to pay again Dave will help you budget for upcoming expenses text you if you're spending too much and if you need cash fast advance you seventy-five dollars in just 90 seconds and also my favorite NBA owner Mark Cuban is an investment yep the Dallas malice one and she worked a you scared the crap out of he's one of my favorite Dallas cop Wow investment day because he got crushed my overdraft fee's got crushed in the last game in the second half that's exactly what I've charted what Dave did and he wants you to never paid over traffi okay thank you Mark David a Mark Cuban great he has a kick cigars you know what else 3 million people already use Dave to save up to $1,000 a year in overdraft fees that's why it's the number one budgeting app in the oh listen do it Dave comm slash belly okay it really helps the show if you let them know you've heard them oh go here then download day Bob and never pay another overdraft fee again get immediate savings go now Dave comm slash belly spelled just like it sounds da ve Dave comm slash belly enjoy the rest of the show love it as do [ __ ] like that dis [ __ ] like that happened in your Ontario improv like a riot it was uh let me say seven years ago uh-huh it was a New Year's Eve [ __ ] all [ __ ] those are the worst and uh I stopped doing on time either I can't do them anymore so you know how the whole right side of the interior they had that little section with glasses mhm right the the little yeah yeah the other area where they can get glasses and [ __ ] for the the staff yeah the crowd right by that that little area was they were there were fans but they were annoying fans like yelling when you didn't need it like yeah telling Joe like yeah but it's in the middle of the act and it's just [ __ ] everything up so basically they told him to stop and and then they gave him one warning one more warning and you guys are out yeah they were like that's a challenge yeah and it was a fool you think that's crazy full-on into that [ __ ] room where all the glasses are just glass Oh shattering oh here's this glasses just [ __ ] I'm just sitting on the stool I couldn't do anything oh my god and just glass everywhere they shove them and then you know where the green room is right so you got the whole staff shoving about four guys out that way cops come the lady is the one if the woman would just shut the [ __ ] up right her husband would have been okay but she's one amplifying the [ __ ] situation sometimes they do yeah just amplifying this sometimes they do huh and uh so basically she's like oh you don't have the right you my husband do it's the [ __ ] staff that did that you need to be resting manly Bubba but all we were doing was laughing blow and then this would you're gonna look it's a show over at this point oh we can hear everything in the [ __ ] hallway everything we're not no one's doing nothing we're literally looking at that curtain garage because it's you know how loud that yeah yeah yeah yeah and they're [ __ ] you've got it's your fault the [ __ ] step off he punch my top goes one more out of you and we're tasering him oh my god no yeah now the [ __ ] is going on what's going on no who's on stage I'm on stage and then he goes and then I didn't hear the taser but basically you hear no oh wow and then that was it Wow arrested him and her and it was New Year's Eve which means she's not gonna get out until January 2nd because everything closes yeah yeah you're in there all of January that's the worst time to be in jail December thirty first it's the worst time to be in jail all the drunks are there and then you got to stay there January for us the courts are closed January 2nd eyes or even the third maybe even that even that yeah yeah yeah depending on the judge yeah did you continue to show after that yeah you have you that's that's the thing you know in my head when that was happening I'm like should i cancel it because it's uncomfortable I know cuz Tiger belly fans some most of them aren't that hard Tyler Lee fans are soft ease there they have little nerdy glasses sometimes they have these cheeks just cute little cheese this is a tiger bellies show or at Bobbie leash no but most of my audience now is all tiger belly it's like ninety eighty percent you know they're MADtv fans yeah you know the dude was years ago in prison hey bro it's what's MADtv you know like hey do you want to you know you know what SNL instead that's who's that who's that ching chong is your audience mostly like you get a mix right that's what I heard I backed crazy I've asked ya it's not ask about you I love my go to places I asked you know how's he doing well I always took I always made sure to go for the audience's that weren't my core so like I always did the like Chelsea Chelsea came in at other demo mm-hmm Corolla gave me the other demo and then yeah when I first started I was doing a lot of the black rooms I did comic view do i yeah I was on the def Comedy Jam but you crossed over and you listen to me the way you did it and your success well first of all it was inevitable I believe I believe in certain people I can look at certain people and go like Jack night we have a cut you know Jack night there's this little black kid that you still for me hmm and Jack Knight as soon as now he's in everything every comment essentially deals he's got HBO everything it's amazing he's amazing but when he was a kid younger he was like what 21 19 1920 and it used to open for me I was like this guy's and then it happened I think you were the same thing I saw you back in the day oh my god there's no way that guy's not gonna make it but you know what if you put in the time and you don't leave that's the most important thing is not quitting yeah do not quit yeah man that's so good that you said that because my niece is a fiance he's scared to lead the Marines and he's like I'm scared like I don't know if I'm gonna do it I'm like bro what he's scared of like you're a marine like you've you've already conquered you're everyone's biggest fear which is becoming a Marine yeah and now you're scared of the real world bro come on like he's really like genuinely nervous yeah don't be that guy yeah what kind of marine is easy a green beret or it's a [ __ ] green he's someone I get a regular Marine yeah man he's someone that they stick you in okay yeah what would you be what but marine would you be clerk you'd be clever you'd be like that he would draw like this we're gonna push in all of us come through here yeah and then we'll make the attack here no and then what exit here also this is my [ __ ] came out here no I'm like you know like an Saving Private Ryan I'm like you know Elliott from et he was in that that's right right and if you can use like that guy that never really shot a gun but he's good at translating here like this so they take you on a scary voyage yeah when you you know like that's not what I do you know I'm a journalist yeah and then we need you yeah right so I'm that computer supply sergeant use it for toilet paper did you just prick yourself yeah I hurt so bad on what on this pen so I went like this and I heard so I think I dude look at that I almost punctured skin Bobby I know hey Bobby at what point did your your brain stop maturing 14 what do you mean what why the [ __ ] I don't you hear this everyone knows that this is the part that you go like this with the pencil yeah yeah you chose the pencil part to push back down yeah yeah the lead you chose laughs I know that makes no sense Bob that was a lookin [ __ ] I wasn't looking [ __ ] and I don't want to use right at it watch this watch this now it's done dang again Avengers and gay like their dude that right there dude is the [ __ ] now listen to I saw a photo two of your song he looks his hair is so much like yours yeah do you my boy you had that hair that her you had hair but it was more like receding yeah it was bad it's Kevin Costner yeah yeah yeah it's a pretty good look yeah until the wind blew back that's why did you so you I like the way you're the whitest showing now yeah you know how old are you now I'm 48 yeah it feels good I'm so more successful yeah but you know what makes me mad oh you know what makes me mad even they didn't know one did our show that's not that's not true it's gonna happen so everyone listen to me right now jo koy and I for the last five years six years I've been pitching a show yeah it's a live variety show that's pretty much what I want to do a live variety show with you yes and it just crazy like it stunts every type their dares I'm getting it's a game show pranks captures everything that you like yeah we do we do right I'm just panas and so we went to we went to Comedy Central remember went to Comedy Central the other yeah yeah we went to other places and we had great people behind it too at the time we had we had some great people right we're on Morton okay all right well I don't what can you say it's nothing I ain't Robert Morton didn't die yeah I won she give him a shot oh what's up Robert Varney hey hey is that a thing do they do yeah okay that fear a cartoon yeah I'm just I still think about you know it's since we're gonna happen I hope so oh it's gonna happen but your son cuz I remember well back when we were pitching that thing I would come over to your house a lot yeah and um I would see her son I love your son dude does he remember me yeah he loves you except for real no I'm eating 100% he loves you yeah I was told him I was doing the show and he was like oh sweet yeah I love that guy he's a good kid man really is a good kid yeah and he's also armed you you're like one of those guys like Josh wolf you know Josh wolf yes are you [ __ ] kidding me right now Bobby is that really a question now is yeah we did Chelsea together yeah seven [ __ ] years we're on the same panel you [ __ ] douche bag man why do you act like you don't know me and then you like you know me the best time I don't understand you're the only guy that knows how to go hey yeah I miss your son man do you know Josh you know you know I'm new to this podcast game his memory is going a bit yeah my right yeah nothing really a lot a lot its proud that right here that's what that is that's what that is yeah see this you think vapes takes you that yeah these are these are sucking your memory every time you you you suck your memory goes in oh yeah black mirror yeah you don't ya what you want to know what's in here what nut love love yeah yeah what's in here yeah your path but shut the [ __ ] up you don't even know what the [ __ ] give me right give me the stick give me the [ __ ] stick you're acting like a silly put Billy give me the [ __ ] stick silly Billy no no give me the dog oh you [ __ ] sucker you know cuz it's in here here's another when you just kimchi-jjigae you know soon I love thunderbolt you know soondubu chou-heung I don't know boom you've never had trombone which one is that Trump was the most delicious [ __ ] dish in the world back when I was a kid there was no internet and there was no hipster culture he had to be friends with a Korean that knew someone that like you knew a Chinese restaurant that was owned by Koreans and it didn't have chump on on the menu mm-hm and you had to go to that restaurant and you had to like look at and go jump on and they go yeah we got jumbo and they do it secretly make you jump on that it's like the enchirito it really is you know what the enter Ito is what a Taco Bell there's been something on the ID on the menu that's never on the menu but they make it you have to know they make it you know it's no [ __ ] and they'll make it so it's yeah it's been around since the dawn of time I don't know why it's not on the menu but you can say can you make me a tantrum and they'll make it and I make it doing that - I know but they kind of get angry do they they kind of that's it but they will make it because it is an item that you cross between a breed of an Angela I think what it was is correct I think chomping was something that the Chinese made yeah Koreans went right or were the curry it's something there's a reason why there's some kind of fusion there right but but it goes way back it goes deeper than what anyone else did I think it's just like kimchi and noodles it's broth it's so good it's hot soo it's usually it's you're it's what you drink when you're when you're hungover what do you eat when you're hungover but literally when I was a kid like in the 80s my best friend William his mom owned a Korean restaurant Luzi Korean William he was Korean William they were the first ones to have a Costco membership and I used to get my mind would blow if you can imagine 1986 and you see these parents come all these Captain Crunch boxes that was a [ __ ] kid shell yeah yeah if you put a TV on top make it a nightstand yeah I'm not even joking and and because they were loading up their restaurant and and we would always go get Chung Hong together like every it was like a ritual we would go get jump on Wow so I'm keep teaching yeah like the frigerator have a pot big steel like stainless steel pot filled with kimchi everything that in the [ __ ] fridge would taste like kimchi you even have fudgesicles and you would you would like the Fudgsicle and in the smell of the fudgesicle would smell like kimchi and then my friend would always go just keep sucking just suck the sent out a rocket in the fudge wow that's clever that's a cover I'm being buried I've done that too where it's like it's smells like it but you have to keep eating this Korean houses right has my parents if you go to my parents house right now in Korean Phoenix you walk in and you have to stop it yeah cuz there's a smell because it's old school right it's so old yeah because now they have like kimchi frigerators and all these hipsters got cool [ __ ] that right that back then you took out the middle tray of the refrigerators yeah big kimchi pop it in the fridge around yeah like if I open up a diet coke in my parents house yeah and leave it open for like 45 minutes when you drink it it's got a different vibe completely different vibe to it right I'm not making it up no there's a different vibe it was one time I said this like in earlier episodes yeah I talked about kimchi ice cubes because my best friend's Korean Oh kimchi right yeah I got people were so upset that is that why you can't say that all Korean homes are like I'm like no old [ __ ] man yeah what the [ __ ] is wrong with people right now what world do we find living in this world a [ __ ] make-believe shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up you fake [ __ ] man I'm so sick of it Bobby I know I hate people that say [ __ ] like yeah yeah not all houses smell like that not all Korean oh [ __ ] we didn't they all curry but to sit here and act like you as a Korean that's offended don't know what you're talking about you're full of [ __ ] and those people don't exist in this world those people are fake [ __ ] people yeah they're fake [ __ ] [ __ ] fake I want a same digit I want to say [ __ ] I wanna say [ __ ] everything all right and then we have a world now we all want to see what we understand the whole room you want to say well we gave you a volley you're saying something where we all shared it and then BAM yeah BAM we have to edit it no that's not what I'm gonna compare I know I know kimchi ice - [ __ ] you [ __ ] what is wrong with you with you only use that word for you I know I know I'm sorry sorry to interrupt but we have another systems [Music] you guys growing up and I've said this before and I'll say it again okay I was confused oh you know I had questions about my own body you know I had erectile dysfunction and I was losing my hair on top of my head in my early 20s and I didn't know where to go cuz I had no money right so I need your medical advice had no money what does one do what you have to do then is you have to go to like the dollar store and try to figure it out not stuff right and they don't have those products there you have no doctor there or nothing right but now it's so made easy when you have two hymns calm you go for that's what I said for hymns calm please don't interrupt me again he's talking about his childhood I'm talking about my childhood babe I love you so much baby I'm sorry for hims doc ock ohem calm right yeah sorry about the fight earlier okay and you can ask professionals about advice you know hey my head's not doing the right thing yeah and they go yeah right yeah you're my dick is inside my body whoa oh you know what that's called a vagina yeah for hams that comp can also help you explain yeah they'll explain it to you it's against our woman our listeners get special offer you can get started for just ten dollars go to forest cop / tiger to get started that's fo r hims Cobb / Tiger prescription products are subject to dr. proved on requiring online consultation with the physician who will determine if a prescription is appropriate see website for full details and safety information guys enjoy the rest of enjoy oh I'm so sorry Mel are you so sensitive about that though I just don't get it yeah Bobby I know you you play on the on the funny all the time like you play on the funny but it's gotta offend you when cuz you're you're a shot comic like you you do like to say what's on your mind you do some [ __ ] give me that look [ __ ] there's a bunch of words you said before this [ __ ] show yeah we do don't we do we do we not have to edit a but okay okay I want to say this okay we not have to edit a bunch of words we talked about you want to talk about [ __ ] that was said before we even started this thing no I will tell you something right now I'm gonna tell you something right now dude all right I say [ __ ] up things like that so it I don't say it on the podcast or get it okay I'm searching it alright got it alright god man yep is that my hair yeah yeah like you know like people are getting sick like I I'll be on stage and I go hey what are you like for a guy in front you go yeah I'm Filipino I go yeah you're Asian then no I'm Filipino my Civic Island we're different so people want to like now I ain't the rules right and the rules is this okay if you have I don't know what the rules are it's very easy the filter fits the Philippines sits two hours away from Japan yeah we got two parents in the heart of Asia right which means your [ __ ] agents you're in Asia it's the reason it's called Southeast Asia because it's Asia just because there's like cross culture stuff happening doesn't mean that geographically were not a part of Asia because we are right and if I say other were the Asians at and you're Indian and you don't raise your hand or anything or make it sound you'll [ __ ] yourself because hey Indians your Asia - yeah you are and you know what there's some Russians that look Asian hell yeah yeah their country goes into China yeah I saw a Russian fighter and I sort of got the end the fight I was I didn't know who he was and I was like this is a Chinese spider right yeah very pale skinny his eyes were very almond I was like and then they were like he's from blah blah blah glish o'clock yeah yeah that was an Asian man to me like when Bor I came out I googled what people from Kazakhstan looked like so that's what it was this Kazakhstan what is that a real thing don't you see that earlier no is that's where the firefighter was yeah yeah oh look right yes it's crazy yeah it's crazy man yeah and they all look like you know like if you look at people from the border of China and Russia like if people that live in those like little towns they all look like Bjork yeah are you know wrong but they kinda know gonna say that that's where bjork bjork from yeah Eurasia right yeah or Rob Schneider like York Rob Schneider not look Russia Rob or Bjork but even in the Philippines with a [ __ ] you get I'm sorry go ahead I'm kidding it I was just throwing it out I don't know what you know here's the thing guys I say things that aren't necessarily funny or not necessarily um relevant or it might even have anything to do with what we're talking about but I throw it out there mmm it pops in my head I don't have a filter I just say it I'll cut that part out Rob Schneider market mark the mark up cheddar he's gonna do a podcast and you know I was gonna have you on our pot because we're moving you can tell I saw that yeah so we I bought a house where did all the teddy bears go boxes their inbox and they're in the new house what what uh what a wonderful investment you made on those they're paying back in full right did they help pay for the house the teddy bears investment some ways are they embosses they're in boxes and hopefully where were you gonna put them where are you gonna put them I'm the one who did all the packing so I put them all in storage for now they may never see the light of day again they're not they're called designer toys okay and the toys they go to a designer the key to my storage unit I want to look at my designer toys okay so anyway they're designer toys and sometimes artists yeah we'll make you a limited edition yeah 100 100 of them like this one yeah yeah that one yeah and um you know I like to collect them ya know that's beautiful okay yeah so um you know where you guys should move into a container door wise it's there everything's ready to go you could just put everything in those plastic stuff aisle 10 you know it's funny that you say stuff like because I think you're trying to shame us a little bit I'm not you know bro I think you're shame I tell you what I used to collect what want me to tell you what I used to collect let me guess go ahead like figurines of like Ron Howard and Andre Agassi could get the same here see what now you're saving me your hair is ridiculous the line I'm bald yeah but there is no hair I know it's ridiculous if you grew it out it would look ridiculous did you just say it's a ridiculous did you just say it's a dick hey I'm Bobbie Lee and welcome to it's so ridiculous and that's the stuff that's our show document that our show that is it's a ridiculous I'll market that's [ __ ] it what was our show call at the time which one fun show let's do this let's make it's ridiculous what let me see this you know get house maybe because of ridiculousness happened fun fun instead Rob Dyrdek's because Rob Dyrdek has their ridiculousness oh that's what's fine but you know I was on a show got canceled I was on a show for two years what was the name of it splitting up together okay and did you did you not see me post a picture of you congratulating you and telling everybody to watch that show on my Instagram I sighed and I thought I even said Oh Bobby that's so nice I liked it actually you know what and who didn't like it I'm gonna tell you art no write a comment can I tell you why now there's nothing you can tell me I can tell you that oh you can't tell him you wouldn't hear what I scrolled past it no difference between me and you I appreciate your success and I want nothing but the best for your success oh it is a ridiculous I rolled it down I was looking down Instagram I suddenly do I roll it down with my finger right I was rolling it down with my finger huh and I saw the post and there was my heart fluttered but then there was another thought I had I don't know why I had this thought but I thought it was a trick of some sort the [ __ ] is wrong with you did you not read the caption I didn't read it why was it good yeah it said everybody go watch my good friend Bobby Lee thank you thank you I'm seeing it live now thank you you're lame that's what people that's what what you're doing right there is the lame act in your lame come I miss my mom's favorite word you're a lame your all your name on our show what we do everything has to have an A in front of it yeah yeah you know my mom used to call me you're a son of a [ __ ] yeah yeah and we would snicker so loud and laughter ourselves but she was really mad he did do four she would go you're a son of a [ __ ] bulk up your sons up a [ __ ] yeah dude this Filipinos have phrased and we're like mom just call yourself a [ __ ] yeah do you guys have phrases in your language where if you translate it to English it's way more disturbing yeah you're like Nokia which means I'm gonna kill you and throw you away whoa whoa we've you translated it's like there's two things that are [ __ ] bad imma kill me is one thing throw you just throw me in a garbage dump yeah it's crazy that's like an everyday thing people say yeah yeah that's like what I do though fighting words yeah no I mean I don't know if it's fight it where's my pod like you wouldn't say that like a bee wow that was your shoulder that's the opening sequence package right there bro yeah we didn't have to sell [ __ ] if me and pigs ex go what is this show about we go like this oh I see if we roll gooks are dancing in our thank you got a [ __ ] we're not doing that so you know I also saw your arms so your Filipino footages it literally was thirty forty thousand people just you and the sort like in a circle and then they're just like it wasn't just how does that feel huh to go to the Philippines and so how many seats did you sell there I saw the six shows but how many people how much people how many people is that it wasn't that many throat it was I'm allowing you to say humble brag oh no no no it wasn't that many in the Philippines that was my first played that that was my first play ever okay so how much I think was like I don't know 15 what's that many fifteen thousand what I'm going to say this Hawaii was twenty four twenty five thousand six in advance anyway oh happy year how's it feel how's it feel as if Allah said that the Brea the Rays seventeen shows who senator pot what did mundo ten thousand yeah it's not one is that November it's okay I just want to you know ask you how I felt but um I think it backfired on me and now I'm literally I'm honest to do it my face is sweating like a [ __ ] okay this real quick how many times have I asked Bobby did just come to a show with me multiple look I'm not gonna put you on the card I'm not gonna put you on the poster I'm not gonna even promote you just come like like collaborate like that's how we collaborate and blow up together like I would love to share my audience with you I even shared like a huge venue with people one time I mean Vegas that's really interesting that you say that I swear to God am i lying no you're not gonna call me a [ __ ] lie you have a podcast was it a Treasure Island you're the podcast yes how many times have you done Tiger belly now this is your second time right how many times I've done yours that's how many times if I ask ya how many times right here what are you saying what are you saying yes you know you know you don't all you buddy what did he you know your says I know what he says yeah what you wanna know what he says can you start it at 9:00 in the evening and I'll be there sure I go because my pod starts at 11:00 he goes I don't wake up the world Bobby yeah but not comedians [ __ ] not this one does yeah it's like a vampire go ahead we're having a party I go where you know my house what time 2:00 p.m. you know people get up at 11 when they're like I'm on you know people get up a little like I'm on that new show called teabag HBO it's great at high they get up they go to the gym at 10:00 in the morning they go get like a brunch or whatever comics Oh back I don't know y'all right and then comics see and we kind of get up you got a little coffee and go to do a show that's what a real comic does anyway you can get up at 11 p.m. all and all you want the puppet is not gonna do that pop was gonna remain a comedian do you sleep a reasonable hours yeah what time let's go to bed like I feel like that's reasonable for a comic yeah that's reasonable for a cop I'm always you know writing I love would even have this idea as a we're because I you know I pitched that show with me and David Cho remember about it's called cuffed or art oh your where you hide so like basically two comics right for like a month that's right is they have handcuffs oh hi to each other so that they had to go to each other's gigs each week you you take someone each episode is someone new your cuff to someone no I'd never the first no the first pitch no baby I don't want to oh that's right that's right the first pitch was was just me and gave it for like the whole season and just like living attached to each other taking showers together no you wouldn't be a little you and I know how great would that be be amazing sleep together you know one week yes she would end in murder she would end in bloody right you should be dragging my kua you me a dead guy yeah yeah he wakes up at reasonable hour you don't think that's why that's why the show would be funny because there are just so many fights that would occur all some of the things that I would have knew that I wanted like going to Jo koy son's like game baseball game or like Hello Kitty right yeah I think I'm go to that [ __ ] sent you know yellow Hello Kitty story a little chan Rio yeah where you're trying to bypass what I try to say earlier about offering offering yeah this guy's a son of a [ __ ] for lying I offered him to come on my shows I remember Vegas I think you've always your I'll endure something like that and I remember very specifically this was like two years yeah so two weeks ago he was playing Ontario and he goes hey do Sunday I go okay and then I never wanted to go I was heard when two weeks I was at the wind whatever the winner winner for week three sold out how many how many people that one was close to that was six thousand total yeah yeah sold out six months so what we've learned today is this what we learned today is this we've learned a lot of things today but we've learned that that you know a relationship isn't a two-way street you know sometimes when you have two people one's more generous than the other and so I think by the facts of this trial and in this case right it shows that I am the one that's being harmed I'm the one that gives and doesn't receive the fine the one any of your listeners got that none of your listeners got that from this show not one [ __ ] person that's listening yeah they did cut because that's my book that you're my [ __ ] fans they're my [ __ ] fans too okay and they get me you know after you know how to tell you this my friend I'll tell you this my friend might write what I can't do two weeks in Ontario but I could sell out a weekend and those people that come to my show yeah they love me do they love you and I'm giving them a message well it has nothing to do with you what I'm saying to you people right is in a relationship one person right is more giving sometimes than the other person and the other person right being an island an island [ __ ] right being an island [ __ ] they suck up the energy sometimes ah Wow Wow I've been to Korea I've been to the Philippines to friends I love and I love the Koreans I love your mud rivers and I love the fact my bad [ __ ] [ __ ] rivers that you will go ahead tell me about Korea I love what you guys I love you guys too so much the 33% of country that you can I love the fact that you oh man you're talking about that [ __ ] right now I'm just would you go to their spirit Bobby what you guys get to do you get this much yelping this much goes to golf courses at Walla Basin yeah and then this goes to a guy that looks just like you hoorah he wants a northern part of hmm interesting so enjoy whatever that is that that area down there in the south see you guys travel together I want to see you go to the Philippines with Joe and maybe he can go with you he would be missing in the Philippines I would see to it you know what I love okay you know here's what this is what it'll help me what and I'm being real let's Hank up each other and go to Korea that'd be great so [ __ ] I'd be so funny but the next time you do I'm gonna ask for a favor because you know I've given you the Tiger belly twice and you've given me none of your zero time that I want a favor and my favorite is the next time you do a gigantic show like a theater show there's month it's multi camera this multi I have offered I have offered every show that I've had I said Bobby just walk onstage you don't have to ask you don't have to tell anybody just walk on and what do you say every time no you don't does he say that he doesn't reply it he never replies you're a piece of [ __ ] I know and that's okay that's my camera in the mirror oh you look at that camera oh look at this one so you tell me Bobby sorry tell me alright so so not saying to you right now people okay listen to me right now tell me and you have the facts you've listened to this podcast from beginning to end and beat alright be honest and know in your hearts know in your heart listen to the facts don't do it for fun right you know it got going on his side would only be for fun Filipino you know he's a [ __ ] liar he's a liar this [ __ ] is going to run all over the world cells under get theaters right I've asked for [ __ ] some promotional help all about being on like your pod carry me give me nothing and then last week ago even if look special can you can I do talk about like oh yeah yeah I'll clear Monday for you you [ __ ] thank you I love you Thanks you don't deserve it sometimes it's trendy you don't deserve it sometimes anyway anyway what are we had time that was that hour no can we get through this on helpful advice yeah okay we have se a couple of patreon quiz let's get some patreon questions but on the foremost I love you so I love you so so fun you really are my heir no I do you and I are gonna do something one day you are my inspiration my inspiration to life and that's not coming I'm not being funny yeah yeah dude I want you to know that and I'm documenting it right now yeah yeah I'm I tell everybody you're the the might of all my tweets about you [ __ ] yourself your tweets about you man I got to go back into history but lot like you so give me the thing this is from our patron Kenta cool Allah he says [ __ ] marry kill Joe dr. ken Steve burn or the captain Bobby Lee wait hurry kill and the reasons why oh my god I would okay who are the three options dr. ken okay Steve burn I would marry him who doctor can you wouldn't marry dr. Ken you wouldn't marry dr. Ken my whole point this whole thing is I'm trying to get to kill you I understand that I'm just trying to find my options with I think that marriage is not Eric handling would kill you so anyway go ahead doctor can wear it you know how do you wanna marry bury you I'll marry marry together it'll break me very good let's get a tour bus and let's just go oh wow you'd have to headline no [ __ ] [Laughter] are we gonna pay for the tour bus no ok so [ __ ] so ken is married right um Steve is [ __ ] yeah and I'm kill there you go ok is that cool can you ask me the question yes who would you [ __ ] marry kill between Johnson there right yeah so doctor Ken Steve Byrne jo koy Steve Byrne I would [ __ ] yeah yeah I would go Steve come over see the hardwood floor get completely naked stick your stomach your stomach has to be touching the hard wooden floor yeah right if you sprout your butt up even a second right yeah I ain't gonna like it mmm right she's just completely flat Lee I put your headphones on him like ear for like plugs so you couldn't listen had been Danna right and I would [ __ ] have a [ __ ] fiesta of his butthole I mean I would spread it open put [ __ ] what's that that ages the Asian sauce that people love Roger he's Roger right I would I would see what this feels like what the sriracha and it burns a little bit will be fun oh yeah no people not the sriracha I would Mary Jo thank you give me the next question from Leon Joe since Bobby and coloca are thinking of having kids down the line I can Joe give some experience raising a kid in Hollywood they've talked about this many type of school yeah private school it's a different generation now I got my son a car and he doesn't really care do you ride z-drive Zuber yeah uber it's a different generation now it's it so what you'd rather take over the yeah dry and so with his friends and I got him a nice car he don't hear you doesn't care Wow how does you know he's 16 how much he rather uber how much access like how much money do you like ration out to a teenager like that you're gonna hate me as a parent but he's got so much I know but if he's a good kid I could understand why I was calling a lot a lot of his years right I was gone from one through six yeah yeah and I feel like from 6:00 till now I have just been like have you been the position where I can give him everything I feel bad because I'm trying to make up for what I didn't have yeah there and and I over over spoil him but you know what he's a great [ __ ] kid and he turned good even though I think most kids probably would have turned bad in that situation yeah I saw him do something like I remember we were riding at his place yeah and you're someone to play basketball something you're like you have to [ __ ] do that work yeah like he did a holy [ __ ] he's it really is a parent like he was Stern and and his son was scared of it like dad's telling you know I have a question how are you well we're gonna raise a teenager for the next two years it's gonna be living with us my niece oh nice so I'm kind of scared that you're just gonna do what you already do now which is just hand her everything you know what Juliana is the same age as his son oh yeah yeah but the same age and so is Leona's cute are we gonna do the whole Filipino match me baby so Philippine let me ask you I'll be honest oh I'm gonna ask you a question be honest with me yeah I'll buy your oh and your 80 Rolex if your son at 18 said hey guys wife dad I'm gay and I'm gonna see Bobby what and Bobby and I are dating it's before 18 what would you do what no you wouldn't why I think I'd be his choice sucks Bobby yeah that's what Bobby Lee yeah yeah that's the only thing that would suck Ryan but here's another thing and this is what I'm talking about about modern-day comedy mmm is and I'm gonna say we might have to cut this out I'm just gonna say it I have to I can't edit my content filter I got a try okay you know this is not like you know when people come to me when people came to MADtv we're like wow this place is crazy yeah right yeah cuz you got people running down the hallways naked I mean there was like racial things good slurs people are like having we had fun yeah ripping on each other our race or gender everything right we like I saw Deborah Wilson's vagina like the second that was there right and I'm like oh yeah this is comedy right but now the younger generation you can't see [ __ ] you can't do [ __ ] yeah back in our day dude we were wild but amongst each other yeah even I [ __ ] around with my [ __ ] openers I'll use it don't do that to me man that's that's you dude that's morally wrong and you're like you know Jesuit Christian guy Jeff the right is that the right one yeah thank you I know because we did the pandas you know we did everything yeah we did the penances and I want to see this okay that was the second time I want to say this if I'm not on your podcast within the next month we're gonna have very big problems I want you on now as a matter it's got to be past three all right so I have to reschedule for you that's fine all right then are you gonna be on it nobody do it okay secondly um because splitting up together is gone and I have I'm doing other things but I would love to try to find something for us to do let's go okay and helpful advice I do not know I just want to tell that before I didn't forget you know to go ahead I'm hopeful voice with Bobby kalila boy hey guys keep it simple I've been trying my darkness to [ __ ] a milf but I'm not having any luck dating apps have got any close but no luck and my the milf I met in real life usually has a ring on her finger so I leave her alone what can I do to fulfill this fantasy I've been considered hiring an escort but most older woman I found only want guys above the age of 35 and I'm 20 another problem with the escort idea is I wanted to be a friends-with-benefits situation but I guess beggars can't be choosers thanks what shall I do I mean I the criterion for a MILF varies right like now in porn she just has to be over a certain age and she's a MILF what kind of MILF is you want someone who's had a child dude I saw a porn a couple of weeks ago where it said men and the girl was obviously 19 like girls 1908 sad milf yeah Dana Dana D ARMA yeah she does milf but she doesn't have she doesn't have kids she just use ins that's insane milf is 40 above 40 above kids kids have kids yeah you know I want to see a c-section scar Oh yummy I want to see a brain half of a fallopian tube sticking out of the [ __ ] vaginal canal right say hello you had sex with the grandma in the back of her Toyota Sienna right first of all grandma oh how was it I didn't [ __ ] her I sucked on her titties and we did really wet French kisses where was I I know were you but you know you don't know how somebody kisses because I'm kind of you know I start slowly on the lips right small yeah little bit you know on the lids right right dab it and you get into her right I am but she did yeah she went oh damn that guy's car wash yeah right so you go you know so you go in like you know I'm gonna do my stuff but then y'all look right you was like what are those kind of situation yeah right so that was that but her titties right we're beautiful they had freckles on top right and around the areola of the of the border here's and I don't know if you know this about me but I have a pet peeve about breasts okay yes I need I need a border it can't be I can't be like you can be a blend kind of a situation you can't look like you blew up the balloon and then you don't like Grady anything out you don't like gradient yeah he likes a real defined area right with a different color palette right yeah no blending no right she had a nice border it was a african-american woman she wasn't even black no but the nipple was as if and just imagine this and I'm not cutting this out imagine just listen to me you're not my face I wanna make my point guys it was a really white right big freckle e right brush yeah but the nipples were like if denzel's nipples okay sighs oh the size of the sticker silver dollar pancakes the size were smaller than that like if it's like that it's to Andre the Giant I can't that's too big of an areola yeah it's gotta be it you really have to have yeah like you're saying okay all the time okay so you like really dark nipples cuz my nipples are not that dark oh I don't like dark I'm just saying what she had cuz I could shoot Judit at telling a story I start [ __ ] family story man [ __ ] grandkids the whole thing I had a [ __ ] work around her [ __ ] like the little red truck remember there's a red truck on that like a little toy truck or an kid toy trucks on my back brand-new red truck right and she's like coming a baby and she could go to the [ __ ] you know Oprah's nipple it was great grandma like that so anyway I'm gonna plug some things no plug something you wanna plug the other show was your next show so what does he do yeah what is he do he was the [ __ ] milf bro you can't just find it like you gotta come to you bro that's when you send out that aura that that energy that you're only interested in old women with dark nipples yeah they will come yeah I have I know what to do and come they what do you do yeah what is it I think that you should go to one of those like older like like the standard and downtown LA they have like little older women there yeah and then look like a deer in headlights if you're a cute boy look like you don't know what you're doing I promise me I promise you you will get picked up yeah yeah yeah you're like I'm only here for bottled water exactly yeah yeah yeah oh so we don't even know what this kid looks like oh yeah I've had older women older women still want someone that looks human ya know yeah they do yeah they do hey buddy look if it's looking at your face purse this dude me shows up do the right to the voice I'm I'm 19 hey you wanna [ __ ] oh lady um know that this party's exactly what I'm saying yeah cuz I good role-playing yeah my friend Miguel who is a really really ugly Filipino guy Jesus he got picked up by a very gorgeous milf at the standard and this is how I know it can happen because I saw him just I was in shock because he's a very meek dude he doesn't hit on anybody and she just ate him up yeah because mine wasn't mine wasn't like I looked at this old lady and went I'm gonna make out with it she was waiting in line because I did this you know take photo line whatever so she came out to me and she goes very very good young man wonderful wonderful after that wonderful were you picking up like something no I just really like there was like hotter people behind her let me shake your hand buddy right so she shook my hand and there was something in the hand her number a number like if you want to have a good time give me a call all right so I went up to Kevin Christie who opens for Whitney now and I go Kevin do you believe this [ __ ] he's like she attractive I see old lady she's all right and he goes um you have to do it so I called and we had dinner I know it's not I know she got was he gonna she's probably got like a like a shepherd's pie except there's pie or fish in chat so [ __ ] right anyway you just put that yeah right cabbage right and some sort of like yeah Steve yeah so anyway we did that all right I think we've passed the time limit all right I thought this podcast was so fun for me it really was it was like great no but it was like there's all this it was I thought it was ten times better you were great the last time really great but this one I really loved I Love You Man uh-huh uh-huh Bobby Lee you're the [ __ ] I love you I like to promote something while I'm doing I'm going to Montreal oh you're going for Just for Laughs you're going for desperately yeah oh nice Bobby and then I'm do what was the last time you did it you didn't do it last year I've never done it you've never done in with me he only started getting invited but just last year right yeah Bobby that's [ __ ] amazing Oh what are you playing what would uh don't that you're gonna shame me no I'm not no I'm happy for you right now I don't know you're doing right now but I'm gonna throw on my mom my mom 100% so happy for you this is such a big [ __ ] crowning moment in your career your bits not just for a lot because it's not I'm not doing I'm not doing new faces I'm doing it I'm doing a I'd be celebrating this moment if you were doing new faces hey come see this old [ __ ] no I'm happy that you've been advised hosting um the dirty shows I don't know I hope it's how about doing two weeks I'll do magnum p.i for two weeks and Hawaii yeah oh that's so cool and once in my next road day Denver I'm doing the comedy works you know Cleveland Ohio when August 15th through 17 I love The Pickwick no hilarity is hilarity yeah yeah that ever play hilarities yeah it's inside the pick me yeah that's right pickle yeah i'll greatest near its the me do you mean the mob boss yeah let me lobby you if you look at this guy he looks like he can kill you and hide your body within five minutes yeah less buddies a nice this guy tried you know who he is mister wolf from pulp fiction yeah yeah right if you need if you need something like a body disposed or you want like at 3:00 in the morning let's say you want like you know like a light fixture that all the light fixture stores are closed he'll get afraid yeah yeah like he's he's how many's a lot every day well how many watts yeah both and you know what he did was the first time ever played there an old because I used to when I played there I couldn't sell tickets Eric cuz no one knew me this years ago and so you know they would comp the room but um some man um wrote me a letter saying you should quit doing comedy right you should you're too dirty you're not funny you know this old man made little brothers look and then get put in the comment box and some doorman who read it he gave it to me either check this letter out when you you know yeah if you're employed why would you give that right but the Nick found out the guy almost died oh really yeah Nick was furious man but I loved that room at the Pickwick restaurant that is also attached to it he owns great steakhouse great great food hotels great what a great great area yep and I played one of the best clubs I've ever played in Wisconsin called comedy and comedy on state in really have you played there no I'm cleaning a theater you know I should have said that what I mean that's give me that this isn't mine so uh no no it's okay congratulations comedy on state come on yeah you don't you hate theaters it's fine you know when I was there like I go with this feel player here they go now you plays a theater down the street does daliyah player that he plays a theater down list it's fine anyway uh give it's fine give jo koy a round of applause that's not how we're ending guy I'm gonna end up no we're not going that way and no we're not gonna end that way all right so turn everything like that no you don't have one off you do not I'll tell you right now I'll tell you we'll be right back with some housekeeping wow what a great now we're back for more and we're back to get you something great which is real papayas of June yeah we got real papayas of June guys and these people are extraordinary people they've done heroic acts and they've done things that um that helped the mankind hmm and when I say help they mean they pay little extra for for us and for our content and I really appreciate it we've got Willie will bowler love it from the bow stroke land and those people they're good would work good with their hands okay we've got west digs right gig side manner dig site Manor is that dig site Manor is a place that can go to in Peoria Illinois oh we're west digs and his family their own they own a house and you go there and they have a shaving kit oh wow that you can use we've got bond Johnson right not confused for Dan Johnson he's got bond Johnson Don Johnson Oh Don Johnson yeah bond Johnson is better than Don Johnson bond Johnson did the bond he [ __ ] you man the Gilbert [ __ ] I'm sorry I apologize don't ever laugh at bonds naming he's great he's great I love him we got Spencer Brown we got Raquel Wilkins that's a woman I think so it's a beautiful woman yeah we met Raquel once right dreams yeah and she's got like the skin tone of an angel which is white we think we think we think we've got Melvin for regulation right Melvin Flores my favorite I love Melvin he's always here huh on the list it's been here whenever I read Melvin's name he cos gives me a really good feeling of my [ __ ] joints that's good my joints get loose you know you don't need to put the [ __ ] oil on you [ __ ] lip let's [ __ ] subjects Jason we've got hot fees from Singapore ooh and I don't know how Hafiz got from to Singapore because he's definitely not Asian oh well welcome welcome to Singapore you deserve it you've got Lazlo to die right which is also a cream for your for your mind for your mind thank you so much guys thank you patreon visit our papaya papayas thank you so much for getting involved and we love you so much and without you we're nothing yeah thank you guys if you want more Tiger belly in your life and you're listening now you obviously do get premium audio episodes every week only on slash tiger belly and thanks again to our wonderful sponsors Ridge wallet goat Dave and hims get 10% off your front carry wallet at Ridge that calm slash slept SLE Petey use the promo code slept SLT Petey find the perfect 100% authentic sneaker at slash belly and get your immediate savings today at Dave comm slash belly never pay another overdraft again grab your complete hair kit for just five dollars at four hams calm slash belly and thanks to everyone who wrote us an iTunes review this week you really helped us get into the top 30 and if you haven't yet will you leave us a review and to everybody who has an interesting problem or any kind of advice or we have a new email for and helpful advice and that is advice unhelpful at do you guys have any shoutouts Chladni you're looking at food we have a shout out to your food that you want to eat oh we were supposed to eat together why are you he's hungry I was the one who's complaining about not having in 12 hours let's go the final shout out to the patreon because uh didn't we talk about more about the guys were listening at to this podcast as you were Bobbi was talking about Sandy danto and the whole thing that happened at the Ontario improv you can actually check out the whole story on our patreon so that's patron calm slash Tiger belly he's in the green room recording with his features and open and jojos Netflix special a bleep on how we promoted that enough promoted George Joe has no special guys go watch it right at Nana now on Netflix top cop jo koy super special no it's joke why come on George what's a special call it's called jo koy special coming in hot it's on Netflix jo koy super special all right yeah so check out a special guys and we love you so much you can follow us on instagram at tiger belly on twitter at the tiger belly emails any questions obviously an advice on health at follow claw at all social media at calamity k and you can follow george at george underscore Kimmel you can follow Jason's no lips at je ne L X there it is and also guys our mailing address you can find somewhere 16:26 North Wilcox Avenue number one six one Hollywood California whoo nine zero zero two eight and that's why clouds the champion and guys she's so hungry so please send her some food [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 464,279
Rating: 4.8787136 out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, podcast, khalyla, tgrbly, all things comedy, jo koy, stand up, comedy, drama, fight, full set, comin' in hot, ymh, tfatk, son, hawaii, full, filipino, asain, netflix is a joke, calls out, Episode 471, the fighter and the kid, brendan schaub, callen, bryan callen, breakfast club, interview, funny, jokes
Id: vTp4yhf_6Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 29sec (5249 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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