Erik Griffin & The Sopranos Ending | TigerBelly 170

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These guys are great together

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/UFCmasterguy 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

My sides hurt from laughing

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/GrueneMedizin 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Steebee and Erik > Bobby and Erik

Change my mind.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] Robin Hood Robin Hood guys you know earlier on in my life when I was on making money I didn't know what to do I I wanted to do some with my money and vast but you don't know you know back in the day when there was no technology you'd have to go to like a firm or whatever get a financial advisor or whatnot but you don't have to do that anymore guys there is an app called Robin Hood and you can buy stocks trades you can do all ETFs you can do the whole [ __ ] thing crypto is all Commission free it really is technology advanced to the stages of all glory and I think it's really a great because for a a newcomer like myself it's really not intimidating it's very straightforward the interface is very clear and George and Brice helped me choose which right we you guys helped me choose which cryptos to buy and I'm happy with it yeah tell me about it Gil so Robin Hood is giving Tiger belly listeners a free stock like Apple Ford or sprint to help build your portfolio sign up at Tiger Robin Hood calm that tiger Robin Hood calm v forget of that I don't know three yeah yeah - every time one we got to find a different way to bring start mm-hmm do it in Spanish or something seem cool there we go Quatro uh-huh today sink those sink a you know alright y'all y'all y'all yeah what's up what's up y'all yo yo yeah what's a no no I sorta [ __ ] about ice water [ __ ] you guys I said we start over start over you're less urban yeah whatever that was uh-huh go ahead Cinco today's the big innit uno kool Kat cuckoo can yo what's up uh hey welcome tag a bell what is this a MADtv sketch every time you talk dude it [ __ ] infuriate all right you're an hour now - I'm not 30 minutes okay know what times I was supposed to be here 45 minutes yeah but we should know I've been here like two yeah anyway welcome to another episode of Tiger better ballet episode what one 170 something okay 170 something every one of those is a stab in my heart we've got everyone's in the room everyone we need is in the room I desire we got Gilbert my cute beautiful um you know Filipino flower kalila George is back in town from the from the country and then we've got my main man my number-one Bryce right here what's your last name Bryce what is it callek Halleck Halleck I'm just gonna call you price from now on I gotta say this is very impressive the vacuum that the vacuum stand very thank you yeah and also we're innovative you know and that's also doesn't look cool though yeah yeah yeah anyway we've got a housekeeper we have a guest tonight that I clean 45-minute couch your eyes I was I was 30 minutes late okay listen I live in Culver City okay you live in hot in the hills in Hollywood and your mansion you know uh-huh this place yeah and you know I just found out yesterday I'm here like so what has that your money yes canceled on you guys and you guys went down to the rolodex it was like I guess Eric I bet your money if we said it we had fresh corn bread you'd be here faster Oh listen to this ah first of all corn bread is good I don't know what the hate on Kornberg yes we have our own version Hawaiian bread we had a burger with oh my god hot dog Oh dog howling in all their doghouse you ever get a dog I've never been to doghouse doghouse all their hot dogs there's Warner Brothers and and all their breads that you know become is a Hawaiian brush fatty bird yeah so we have a guest that was 30 minutes is fine um we uh his name yeah he's got hairy knuckles okay so this is how we're gonna start we can't just if you shaved down a snuffleupagus shave it completely down and just leave some hair on the knuckles of the snuff oh we got him right here um this is gonna be great now Eric Eric Griffin Eric Griffin is it man what you been up to dawg you know every time I come on I don't prefer I don't give a [ __ ] because you're 30 minutes late whatever you've never been late to anything yeah but I would never be led to you one of your podcast yeah okay well you have a great podcast but though what's it called its called riffin with a Griffin and there's 400 Lisa listener yeah for my drivers right now we just started about a month yes it takes time to build up no cuz Craig's too busy editing the respond stuff yeah we did a little pilot your brother's great on it what it was a pilot yeah we did a little pilot like we're gonna try to do like a slash gaming / sketches you know what I mean so it's like my TV meets like you know my brothers good on it oh he's great you play you're gonna be so jealous why is that good he's Steve I was like shocked how funny Steve is Steve's funny he was like improvising yeah I was like innocent way to yes from an angle that's yes I was like oh oh my god so he has his dumb mustache he wanted to have on yeah he's also he's also a diva [ __ ] is the male the worst you were the worst yeah Steve how'd you get worse in the world it looks so bad he was I have to have it I have to have we have to have the mustache yeah they would not let the mustache go yeah and it looks terrible but is that's part of the humor but even when I was on MADtv right he was a diva really in a sense that like we were about to do it like in front of a live on we rehearsed all week live audience this is television you just look at me and go yeah I'm going home I go why I'm scared I want to do it he oh he was gonna be on it he was on it upon I didn't even know if you look at this some of the sketches I edited a car named character named tank mm-hm and he played my brother in it but he played he lived like he lived in my trunk of my car right so I would lift open the trunk and my brother would say things right a couple of takes if you see it on YouTube you can see me mouthing his dialogue because he I knew I knew he was so nervous and I wanted him to succeed so bad I would you mean try to mouth up with him he got it together my brother's far more confident now yeah yeah really yeah you closer to my brother and or me both this weird energy for both you know like you see like I don't care how close you think you are - Steve yeah he's still like a scorpion you know what I mean yeah he's like having a pet snake if you don't he's still cool you know you have you raged out on you lately or not he does every now and then rage yeah he'll have his moments Wow but yeah I think he's more in control of it now yeah good you love my brother oh I love Steve even though I'm tired of going on the road and people coming up to me like oh I love you on you know Stevie B one-bedroom not even a one-bedroom yeah Shaq is like an ill offense to Steve right right it's no if at all but it's just like come on man it's so funny because you you do all this stuff like real like movies and you're on TV or whatever time and then I'll get like I'll be at a coffee shop or your boba place and they'll go can we take a photo with you I'll be yeah and I go what do you like me from he goes just kidding films yeah yeah right and you know or I get a lot of a hot dog the hot ones yeah I came here to show because the hot ones food tell you this after doing oxide Rogen's podcast you know I mean and then like that weekend I was at the Irvine improv it's the first time ever I got bonuses at the world on your breath oh it's a crazy amount of business like I was in Canada I was in Winnipeg Winnipeg is like the blood you know what I mean and I had people you said I picture I took some guys came to the show with a tiger belly t-shirt on you know wants to take pictures with me I'm like what this is your big credit yeah yeah it's like if Conan just started a podcast yeah but it's so crazy that if Conan came up he was like hey you wanna do my show you might be like you know when Rogan Rogan said to me he's like um you know he finally gave Tiger bellies and props and he said yet you you know you're killing you because I said I was on a TV show because why are you doing that and I go because you know is it but you already have everything you have your podcast people listen to oh he doesn't really know you there what no but what I'm saying is is that he hasn't been over maybe I could be I could be in a different facility facility but this is what we this is eccentric yeah and this is what makes it special we we get people to come into this piece of [ __ ] to do this only because you your house has to be like a specific like it has to be done by like a Chinese designer who was in a interview someone died in here SP of all I'm in the master bedroom different thing I want I want to about how if I'm if I'm gonna buy a [ __ ] house dude right it's gonna be I don't want to keep buying house like D'Elia always goes he's just my just bought a new house yeah I got how many house he has three houses now I'm not doing I don't have that kind of money yeah I know if I buy one that's it that's the route that's why we're very being very picky we have animals we have to think of we've come very close and when we get it people are gonna be amazed by it I'm sure you know what we have a box and he's like this is a bigger piece of [ __ ] than that well I'm sure it's gonna be a bigger piece once you finish with it is what I'm saying I'm sure it's gonna start really nice and lovely and then you put stickers on the walls and you know there's gonna be make it my own for extra dogs but I really need but the podcast really is it's a new thing sorry what these podcast is a new thing it's the new like you know it's it's also you here's another thing people listening is there is a feeling of family those fans are different yeah they are they really are are you being sarcastic and they have to be because if you're if you're listening to Stevie we be yeah I'm just saying like that's such a specific thing you're listening to him and then you're going on not only are you listening to him you're loyal and then you're going I want to go see the fans I want to go see the people that have been on that podcast yeah I could have coming to my show like oh I came because I heard you want Stevie yeah yeah yeah like that what's the word entertainment now you know but you know we had to subscribe because of this new this new age of the internet [ __ ] like this guy you know and you know YouTube [ __ ] like this guy from makers right he's friends with Cass and all these guys right there we have to compete against everybody now I know just know we have to compete against some random like 12 year old who's like opening up toys that's entertainment or a guy that like he gets brand new he tries out new teen tennis shoes that's it and he opens up a brand new packs of tennis shoes million hits as successful as your podcast is do you ever frustrate you when you go on YouTube and like chiropractor has you know it's like the most yeah this guy is like hi I'm dr. Joe yeah and then they just have somebody you know and it's like yeah that's you know I love extraction videos that's my favorite you know what I just got my face extracted today and I wish that she had filmed it yeah I just I actually wanted Eric I think that at some point in our lives there ought to be a place where you can pay money to extract blackheads out of somebody I would pay money if someone just gave me a face full of blackheads and a little extraction tool hmm that I would be there for five hours that to me is my Disneyland yeah or ingrown hairs if someone would just gave me all their ingrown hairs I don't know what I don't care what part of the body horrible your wax earwax I want a camera I want a camera in my ear and see what's going on yeah and they put the hydrogen peroxide so it clumps up and then they pull it out in one one big blob but so good it makes me drool the [ __ ] out of your body must be chunky really yeah you're like oh yeah I like you like you're in shape huh you would have chunky earwax is that what I'm saying what why what wise much is my ear look like it's any bigger than anybody else's here could I say sir if you see a big water allow that that big melon a gigantic melon so we're not talking about weight so you can bring me to a big I'm a big melon if I see a big melon right and I open it up there's not gonna be a little meat in there there's gonna be a lot of melon meat because it's a big melon you're a very big head you must have chunky earwax you're gonna have chunkier earwax cuz you're Asian it's an Asian people the dry wax non Asian people have wet wax yeah mine's very dry so his is not gonna be chunky yours is gonna be chunky give up your blackness you have in proportion you have a bigger head okay your head is this it goes out to your shoulders you know that's how big your head is I guess shoulders head you know what I mean so if we wait our heads yeah you but proportionally - hey no let no not personally no your head body ratio isn't you think that you my head is bigger than your head is look that I should just kill myself well I mean you have I had a relapse I'm drunk yeah yeah because let me say something right here we go everybody let me here we go Podcast well you don't insult me from beginning to end okay nobody believes just like Denzel your can you admit this no yeah yeah they get me right now man look at me right now listen okay and I'm gonna say something so real it's gonna bother your [ __ ] mind real he says they are wait wait wait till I say okay okay look at me I [ __ ] love you so [ __ ] much okay I really do like but there's no pot okay I love you so much I not only do I think that you're super talented and I when I hang out with you I go I'm with a real legit comedy entity here with real skills oh right not trust you with my [ __ ] life okay and I would never say that about really any other comedian like if I was in a situation with the Lea and I needed his real help I think he would bail well he'd be on the phone right yeah yeah but with you dude I love you I think you're so talented people I've ever seen see here we go here we go everybody they're all I want that's all I wanted to get to right is that can you can you that you got your face it's like an African who's autistic potato head what does that even mean what I mean is they don't have the same complexion is me so why is it Africa please explain that I bet this is you being a racist process I took it to a racist part yeah your actual size of a mr. Potato Head that's what you are all right okay all right so let's just get that so those are facts I'm saying oh those are fat this is like with friends like this yeah yeah open with a compliment and then take it all away with I did take it away I'm just telling you took it away whole thing sweetie I had so if you guys ever do a podcast together we'd kill you first you you would name it spuds spot stupid potato body potato head yeah potato bodies yeah you guys should do it yeah people see the head first though no but you're like a jack-o'-lantern you know like a Halloween jack-o'-lanterns I gave you all I gave you compliments galore tell me how you feel about me price it's you know what your frustrating is what you're a frustrating friend you don't call back you don't answer your phone you don't text back you know it's very annoying when we feel like I'm close to you I try to be close to you and you don't reciprocate until we're like on a podcast now the compliments no is that a compliment me being your real friend okay give me the good stuff you see the good stuff first and then you get you slam me with then you slam with the bad stuff first actually that's about no no I how much time we got no Bobby you know this guy's worse I know I know one of the few comments that still watch your set you know what I mean yeah yeah you all right and I try to people know Eve yeah when I go up on stage people leave even industry know I'm being real like oh no I'm being real they'll go yes so-and-so is from you know from this network they're seeing the guy before you and I can't wait to perform and then when I'm off the stage they're gone completely the whole sections gone it has to watch after you it's better to go on after somebody that the industry's watching so maybe they'll catch they're in a mood to laugh right and then they'll be like oh we got an ad what is it well rich wallet do you have roots wallet oh the other ads in my favorite wallet oh it's free oh I have a ridge wallet now they're the best pick what what color it's like what is this for to pick like to put money in your wallet give them a selection of them op slave options yeah look at these this is the only wallet we use we yeah the whole podcast so we have this color black this is the one I have like black we have this this color here yeah that's like that color your choice of the clip or the band yeah is that a clip or a band what does it do tell me more about Ridge wallet it's got um platinum it's got idea what's it called RFID protection which means that people can't scan your credit card through the metal Lim front pocket wallet offered in carbon fiber titanium and aluminum yeah RFID protection lifetime guarantee free shipping worldwide 500,000 sold 25k five star reviews go to Ridge wallet calm Wow promo code belly yeah 10% off yeah it's really is we've been turning people onto it it's a really good wallet you can have one on the house I'm gonna I'm gonna open it later open it open it later okay I'll put my phone on it put your phone look what are you what kind of wallet to use now just a regular old leather wallet like it'll just go like that no you know what I stopped I used to think you had to carry every credit card in your wallet so then my wallet was like two inches thick right you know and then I thought not only if you lose this and you got a call every single credit card company so now I've lost my wallet I was like I had to call the Automobile Club I had to call smart and finally this is ridiculous you don't even know all the things you have in your wallet so now I just carry one credit card my ID and then now you don't even need that stuff really with your phone you know you can like pay you can go the ATM with your all right so that so now I need to slim it down so I like this this isn't just gonna be perfect finally got you a triple a membership thank you what if I have to leave your car in the middle of the of the freeway like you oh yeah yeah well my car breaks not just leave it there and he buys a new one the next day yeah it's still there no I did that one time babe I did no well you threaten to do it a second time on my birthday two years ago and you're just let's just leave it here oh yeah yeah yeah no I will because I could go to triple-a like instead of going to the DMV for a lot of stuff yeah you're like registration tag everything so nobody nobody's in there they're in there like come on no one's no lines no really yeah yeah triple-a it's like so registration but not license stuff no you do a lot of yeah you can do a lot of there's a lot of little things you could do in there that I didn't even realize you can do cuz I hate going to the DMV yeah I should have so fun what about the Social Security I always drive by that in Burbank what does that do I don't know what they do in the building yeah there's a social security building I see people walk in and out of there well that's like the Federal Building right don't think you all the Federal Building [ __ ] in there like you can do you can get your passport you can get like all that stuff which you can also do a triple I know yeah you can get your passport and all that you've done a triple no you can't yes you can why there I don't know a lot of agency there's right place to get your passport I have no idea why it's so great at the triple-eight look this [ __ ] up oh no you do it at the post office you know how much the DMV one time and like I sought to do from Game of Thrones the guy who got his dick cut off the eunuch yeah beyond gradually gradually he was just standing there you know really just in line and I was I was geeking out you know yeah girls next to me and I go hey sir get your hand off me because I could tell she knew who to [ __ ] it was - yeah I was like it's great joy yeah she was like I know and you're Montez from workaholic it wasn't as excited about that wasn't as it wow you wanted to take everything away huh nobody she was probably like I mean you're Montez from what call no I wasn't like that home it wasn't like oh you're the Asian guy from that ABC show because nobody knows the character's name nothing's doing well what's doing well that is true nothing's doing well I think shows are you watching right now I like okay Network shows I like how to get away with murder and then my guilty pleasures are like they all got canceled old vampire diaries and originals but not I got a spinoff of that called legacies which is the kids at a vampire I love vampires have anything I seen the bodyguard on Netflix no it's the guy from it's Rob stark from the game of Thrones and he plays a very nice dress it's so good 26 episodes it's so good did you see the house of cards finale season I heard my I heard it was really good it wasn't really unique Kevin Spacey I'm sorry like they should just cancelled it they should've been like well we're gonna we can't go on with this cuz it's like his absence is so clearly like how they're trying to like scoot around it I would have been happier if Robin Wright would I'll just looked at the camera and did that thing that they do yeah he's a pervert that's why he's no longer here and then we would have been like oh that's cool I break the fourth wall but I don't know and then they ended it weird I didn't I didn't watch my sister kind of like that though do you think Kevin Spacey is ever gonna work again yes you do yeah Marion Barry can come back from crack yeah I think he's out forever no I think he'll like like producer is gonna yeah well he produces everything he does anyway right here's his company what's that what's the name of his company but like any movie you've seen that he's in it in the last like ten years like the cats won like yeah if he has any kind if he has a significant role in a movie yeah oftentimes he produced it and he's gonna produce stuff still people he just said he'll just make a another alias or something like dad another company and then you won't even know it's a Kevin Spacey right yeah but he just won't be in it you know just maybe now maybe he'll just be he should be a villain in a movie like just like a yeah he should play himself I still the things out maybe cuz [ __ ] that he's done I know but we have a we have very bad memories people have bad memories people really it's so short very very short yeah sure it's interesting because it's like um Louise coming back you know yeah he did play the seller maybe six months ago and he got a lot the club got a lot of [ __ ] yes that's because he they surprise to people like you can't just like if you it says you have to be on the liner like if they would have had given people a week Louise coming you the special guest Louie then if people didn't wanted to go see him would have shown up people that didn't want to see him didn't show up if they would have dealt with the bad press ahead of time and then he just showed up like as if everything was okay let me just do his own show let me ask you a different question if I cuz we you know we're kind of close right if I was accused of kinda kinda close were close right if I was accused of if I was accused of something doing something like that right being like you know a rapist or whatever rightly or wrongly accused in our society right now fine okay but if I was accused not that we don't know right would you still be my friend yeah because yeah yeah it would still be your friend I think if some how about you Gilbert would you still be my friend yeah I mean the podcast would end you know what are you accused of flashing myself in front of dudes oh well that's already happened like that's why I'm saying like I think that yesterday did George something inappropriate I would be like somebody probably misunderstood him that's the first thing he does it in such a non so he's a nudist what it is doesn't matter though people just doesn't like to have clothes like yesterday is that the Pend I put my penis on he hasn't washed it you have you wash it so that Penn III put my genitals on that pen and he's still using it I saw him just a second ago yet in this mom deep throating it over just yeah yeah touch again again that's no no no I would do the same for you I think yeah but just like we're sort of close they thank Jesus no it would like what we're missing in society is nuance you know about things so you need to hear this story I mean if we've learned anything from what's happened in the past six months is you can't just be like we're on board with whatever somebody says it's true it's like it's not and we've come to realize that it's not true look at the Cavanaugh thing two of those women they'll come out like yeah I was lying because I didn't want him to get elected to get get to the Supreme Court so Oh what happened to believe the accuser you know that all that movement is gone nobody's even saying it anymore it's gone it's gone gone gone because they know now you go oh we can't just say [ __ ] like that we have to like have some proof yeah some due process is all I'm saying so I would want to do process for you something happen I would one let me hear the story where were you I would need to hear everything because I know cuz this is how I feel about you I know I would hear within the story the misunderstanding yeah because I know somebody that you know we all know that heavily accused of you know that type of behavior but this person I don't say his name don't came up to me and he said hey man I you know me you know I perfect that's always the line they give you know me you know me I didn't do anything this is what I was telling I could put 50 women not only that when we were in Brea yeah Brea to wit two women who didn't know each other who just happened to be friends in my green room I brought his name up and they all went oh I have a story Oh God right now Mike I know right and then you think and then but if I see him which I will yeah but Bobby you would do that anyway not knowing anybody's past this is what I was telling them we talked about this on the podcast before we're not really friends with these people you know people you know them we see just because you see somebody like you know four hours and the way we joke and the way we're so open and like you know vulnerable and way we like talk [ __ ] to each other yeah they're certain in a community to think that oh we're really but I told you when weddings come out when allegations come out people have babies that's gonna be left who's gonna be left yeah so it's like that person is somebody you just know maybe you respect and also don't fool respect respect for somebody does professionally with being close or trusting their character it's not the same thing that's not it's they did a statistic right where I guess they did a poll on like a level of happiness so people that won the lottery is less happy the people who were massive accidents and you know where they're paralyzed from the neck down people that are paralyzed from the neck down from an accident is far more happy than people that win the lottery yeah any more greater know about tell you why one of them is because of the fact that you know who your real friends are you know like when you win the lottery people come out of the woodwork yeah right to ask for money and want to be your friend but when you're in a a an accident where your spine is fractured your real loved ones come and feed you orange juice and help you go to the hospital and all that stuff so in many ways what if you won the lottery what do you mean see it to me still depends on the person because I know that if you won the lottery nothing would change did the person who won 1.5 billion dollars come forward yes why would you come forward how would you know because they lose every day that they don't come forward they like not in that state oh narrow that North Carolina North Carolina you don't have to say California you have to say oh [ __ ] yeah so what you're saying is is that if I won the lottery I would still live here those don't behave in the way you you probably would yeah youhave the same there's nothing that would change yeah you would just spend more money on like candy crush and SimCity and it'd be like a platinum City yeah give up my own game that's where that's where you go charge myself for the upgrade so I just I think it depends on the people if you take somebody who's never struggled you take somebody who like and then they get all this money they don't know what to do with it but if you've struggled and you've gone through some things and then somebody gives you others money you have a different perspective on life and I think that that person might be able to handle the lottery differently yeah I want a billion because by the way that 1.5 yeah the the take home was a billion if you got this yeah it was a million to take home I mean they writing you a check so they're gonna write you a check for like six hundred fifty five million dollars that's what you gonna get you going down to Bank of America and just putting in you know that's like that's after taxes after tax dollars I mean I would be so terrified I probably wouldn't leave my room for a month and I don't blame that person from collect calling everybody collect call yeah I'm never gonna see you again I'm out of here I was certain friends and that's it yeah I think I would turn evil you would turn evil I think well you find things about people when they get money or when they're drunk that's their true personality Bobby whatever you're not you're gonna be the same weirdo you always are you have a lot of money now I think funny because when I was I was sitting around with the people on my show and because we think a lot of what people think it's not gonna continue okay and and we all said we'll never see each other again which is true you all agree to that yeah oh and I get so we all set our kind of I just looked at them I go Ava was really good working with your man oh I know a good guy because I've been in things where you're even the guys at MADtv they're who do I hang out with yeah uh yeah i know jordan loves me I know that I care and hopefully you know man but I just haven't seen them yeah you know years dude I'm with you I know exactly what you're saying yeah but for me though like least what to work on all its cars I still see them I talk to them go to the games with Adam so I feel like oh I made real friends with these people yeah but like I'm tied up here you know only the comics I'll see Andrew Santino you know that's only because you know what I mean yeah that's the first time him and I ever like sort of bond it was because of the show but other than that like I'm not seeing these people ever again you know you know what's sad you know who's like camp it's like summer camp yeah yeah and then you never see him again you know Charlie uh what's that Charlie Hill mm-hmm the Indian comic yeah yeah there was an American Indian comic by the name of Charlie Hill right and he was big in the 80s well you did like you know The Tonight Show whatever on in the 80s and then he just kind of fell off the mat he started with a guy named Mike binder you know Mike binder he hangs out at the Comedy Store a lot and Mike binder is a producer now whatnot and didn't seen each other in many many many many years Mike Minor told me that when Charlie Hill was in the hospital dying he knew had not that much days left right he called Mike binder and then since for 30 years and then they talked about the old days Charlie wanted to just reach out and and you know reminisce about the glory days you know and it really almost cried when who's your five called who's your five people you would call you're dying you have three hours to live your comics the glory days just like I'm just saying no no just if you in general it would be you if you have to make how many calls you think you're gonna be able to make you wouldn't have to call me I'm by your side yeah yeah she's there okay so uh you know I mean this is gonna be so sad you know boy okay she's there Steve's probably just left you know Steve went to the cafeteria but he's in the hospital yeah so you don't gotta call Steve I what I've always thought about doing this is writing everyone I know a letter hmm so I would have a stack of letters to saying you could do the letters on your off time you dislike you forget five letters you got hours left three hours you're gonna make what's the five calls you're gonna make I would call dan Irwin [ __ ] you okay that's off the top why cuz you haven't said me yet so go ahead okay for left who he is okay Dan Irwin was when I was a kid I went to a rehab and Dan Irwin was this older Korean man who showed up in the lobby he had like a long white hair he had tattoos he was Korean Santa yeah you know he looked like from Mortal Kombat like Shane song yeah yeah he was standing there with tattoos slim he was teacher yeah yeah and he came up to me goes you know I'm gonna be your sponsor mmm-hmm and because I had complained that to one of the counselors that are no Koreans in AAA they weren't you know and they so they called Dan and Dan when I was in high school was my sponsor and he he I I mean I think about him all the time he saved my life he taught he pulled me up you know so that's a good one okay the guy who saved your life a second one would probably be the kid from high school that just told us not to talk about him anymore on the on the podcast oh yeah yeah I don't wanna see his name right but everybody knows he's not gonna get mad but there's this guy that I was very close to in high school and in my early 20s and he lives in LA and he's just one of those guys I just never called back wait hold on you were in high school when you're in your early 20s how dumb are you so this kid race day you know I he was a close friend of mine and I just you know I haven't kept up with him in LA but I love him dearly and I would probably apologize to this guy my third would be you reluctantly says that you don't have to say me you know hey hey you don't have to say me you know why I'd be at the hospital with her there you go yeah would youwould be there yes I would be there you don't think I would be there I believe you'd be there I think I you I I think that he would any I always know we're so close you don't want to admit it but I know when something is wrong with you when you're at the store and something happens in the day who comes up to you like what the [ __ ] wrong yeah there you go you pull me aside yeah yeah yeah so you don't gotta save me you're all the only comedian if I'm at the store that says how are you I'm being real no one else by the way cares how I am do you notice at the Comedy Store that it's not a place people grow anymore it seems like it's a place people climb it's the worst you know it's like a lot of like clicking like climbing going on everybody's trying to get it to haven't been calling it crazy miss a crazy thing going on I didn't even call him for tonight I have no reason not to I just like I don't want to go oh wow yeah because the thing I haven't called in the last couple weeks I've been busy but like I've done two shows there in like three weeks I just I just don't like I just sometimes I feel like an outcast now I feel like an outsider yeah I go there and I feel like you know I just feel like it's like these cliques of like it's like the people who have become like really famous and so they're over here and then you have the people that are like you know under Joe Rogan's umbrella the podcast guys who are just like bro bro bro and they don't you know there when their thing yeah then there's like the open micro type guys and the guys that just got passed who were trying to fight and come up and then I just don't know where I fit in and then you don't feel well the delusional oh well that's that's the hole for the [ __ ] delusional this is one girl I'm not gonna say her name and don't say her name cuz I know you were who thinks she is the top and she's not God she's not don't say oh because there's one girl [Laughter] yeah or she treats me like I'm underneath her right and I want to pull her aside stop talking about this cuz do you and I go keep going and then we go yeah but if we keep going we are no no we're not right I wanna pull her aside should you sit on here and I go Bobby go home and erase that yeah I wanna pull her aside and go hi yeah remember it my IMDB parrot to yours the end [ __ ] is it her energy what is she just you can tell it's in her head a lot of time some people we have another add yes we do and we have a sponsor Brooklyn in Brooklyn in heaven yeah yeah yeah Brooklyn in is the go-to sheets for 2018 1920 and for the future all the lovers friends it really is the best sheets the only shoots that we use in this hot-ass household and the slept King me your captain only wants to sleep on high quality materials and that's what Brooklyn is made to do and it provides you with luxurious comfort in your own bed tell them about it our Brooklyn sheets are the best most comfortable sheets they've ever slept on now it's your time to upgrade Brooklyn comm is giving an exclusive offer just for tiger belly listeners get $20 off and free shipping when you use the promo code tiger belly at Brooklyn and calm Brooklyn is so confident in their product that all their sheets comforters towels come with a lifetime warranty the only way to get $20 off and free shipping is to use the promo code tiger belly at Brooklyn calm that's B R oh okay L I and II and dot-com promo code tiger belly Brooklyn and now back to the show well that's great love those love those shooters so soft those are amazing sheets corporate half yet he comes in as to be like it mister mister mister ad guy oh the Sheik George George go seats you want to give a [ __ ] alright alright so you don't gotta save me so you still got five more you have three more three more oh yeah my well Abby is there too then yeah that's what we should name first who's already gonna be there rooms not that big right so so here's your insurance is who would be if my parents are still alive it'd be them yeah my brother Steve kalila you mm-hmm have to be a B and Matt you matter be there Matt Blake yeah be Leviton my announcer it would be their way at 7:00 right yeah and then that's it yeah I guarantee we'll be in the lobby for sure yeah no you're not gonna be there for you while you're dying they're so soft know what I would love to do is do the podcast while on time that's what I'm saying right so then we're talking we're talking right and all of a sudden yeah that's the end of tiger belly yeah oh I think you don't even know I would totally take over if we do the podcast and you hear the beep don't let him talk I know what have the last word right look at me right now George right no little talk and just end it yeah just turn it off so the last thing your Sopranos this is gonna Tiger by Lee soprano Xindi yeah just goes black yeah that's what I want mr.panda then all of a sudden you like you hear like one of those like lamps scheme you know it's just me Hey she's all tied up change the name like to tag above a plus or something yeah plus I found a way you see how we found a way bring a full circle but people who would call that let's just a couple more I would probably call I know who I'll call Mencia what's that conversation I could have time dying yeah yeah this is why your show is getting canceled but go on let me try it again no you're doing a great job oh you are so don't don't think it you need to stop being so hard on yourself too by the way so bro right I'm dying [Music] anime see my bro how much time do you learn and I would say for all your help boom and I hang up the phone there you go so Ned there and then um probably Paulie oh yes Chinese baby put you on hold right you put me on hold and then there's like nobody calls me I during the whole thing yeah when he comes back how about you who would be there who would you call the last fire would I call that's a is a morbid [ __ ] I know I'm just trying to think of what what cause I'm trying to think if there's anybody in comedy I would call common you know I don't know I think I'd call you know you got the call who would have to go on that a mad I was just thinking that I probably would have to call on that even though I I'm probably that would be the only reason to ever talk to him again would be I'm on my deathbed but I would call her maybe like I had you know I had some significant times in my life were coming up in comedy where he was around you know the first time I ever started doing comedy you know and he had this show accused billiard yeah you know it helped you a lot yeah and then like so that time and then like going through the Middle East and other kind of yeah just like and he's the reason why you and I are close yeah exactly because we know him until I mean I knew of him but I didn't really know him until Eric and I and Sebastian Maniscalco but you don't let anybody know you went to the Middle East no because that's how you're a tough nut to crack yeah but that's how Sebastian I went to his wedding that's how it's Sebastian are close you know I mean him and I aren't close cause I don't go to his wedding but that's what and then what you did that gesture you did on the plane yeah I get you so I would he would be number five probably you know I would have I want to hear that conversation you know you know what I'm sure would be fine because when you're around me I'm just saying when you're around death you ever like I had my great aunt died yeah she they brought her from the Central America from Belize you know and she was in a deathbed and she and she called from my mom and me and my family is like not close this has been a lot of issues and problems and I was glad that I got to on her final hour she's telling me like her regrets and being like I'm sorry that this happened and you know please let you know turn to tell me to keep the family together and that kind of thing so I was like wow this is a powerful moment in your death you have this clarity you know so I just think that if you were about to die what's the point of holding on to grudges or anything like that yeah you know there's nothing there's no point I don't need to unless you're just a [ __ ] like Tupac you know what I mean or you're not gonna tell you you know the story on when he's shy he's about to die in the cops it who did this and his last words were [ __ ] you you don't want to be that he'll be here to rat anybody out right in around anybody [Laughter] to people I would even consider calling man I don't I don't know because it's it's just I'm trying to think of some people from high school my buddy James you know but it's just like I'm just I don't have like a lot of moments like that yeah this thing is turning sad deep like that yeah this is always have to be like laughs laughs mm-hmm yeah before but but you know before you I just want to let you know that you know I Love You Man I know the way his hands shaking you got to make that a mean no so Bobby says yeah it's hard for me to say this yeah he always preface 'as all insults would I love you yeah that's how that's the only table let's not get your relationship [ __ ] in this way I love you and there's always a but yeah yeah why is it I love you but don't stop breathing because you didn't have a necessary affectionate family right I get so your dad was like a low you son and your money he was very violent and it drunk no but he was also there were moments where he goes I love you and he would kiss him on the cheek I know your mom is very affected my mom's very affection as well but she was also very violent oh wow so I got but were Korean I think that's cultural a lot of it yeah I think that's like a convenient excuse cultural people always say ethnic I know I always go to crawl the Koreans that did this happen and they go also um like Jessica's family they never say I love you to each other ever she's never heard her parents not once say it to her my entire life you know I get my Filipino girlfriend from like years ago she was very much like not used to like affection yeah she wasn't like you know Eric she was like my family's not like this you know cuz I'm very affectionate you know I heard think the way to show love was to be liked by things that's very actually the opposite of Filipinos because Filipinos are very verbal and very affection and very touchy so you're right it's sometimes it is it's not always cultural whatever happens in your family mm-hmm you still with your girl yeah what I know but I just can't believe it you guys living with each other yet no no but I I'm closer to it but I need to do this things that I yeah I don't I want to buy a house I wanna I'm always worried about my career I always think I'm never gonna work but that's we all feel that way never-ending thing yeah so I have to look but I need to make sure that I'm like make sure that I can you're gonna be fine I just feel like you know I have to keep let's switch up gears you know you playing any games yeah well I'm still playing destiny oh no no I don't want to play a game there it's gonna be done and then I never get to play it again no I mean I'm kind of saying right now dude this game is not that kind of game it's to this no it I know I can't see an ending it's gonna end I know but it's beautiful okay well you know what I'm gonna wait you're not gonna stop I'm not gonna pay $99 for it I'll wait it'll be 32 dollars in like six months it'll play a stir pin okay I will still play you wanna disc um did you download it or do you have the disc I downloaded it luckily civilized human being I totally agree with you yeah people with DVDs oh my god what about this but if I bought it oh yeah and I sent you as a gift put my understand no because I buy my brother games mm-hm so I'm gonna buy the game on my xbox I'll play I'll send it to you you'll get it yeah and you will play it yeah but I still play destiny still a fun game with my brother yeah cuz that's why steal brother hits me up that's why three o'clock in the morning and he's like you know his girl's gone she's in Carson wherever she lives yeah yeah we just play and your brother's just like he still loves it you're he's do I love Steve okay he's just such an oddity you know yes the way he deals with things yeah you know and so I and I provided it's just you don't I'm saying it like he has a way of dealing with the world that I would love to see how he sees the world weird with money to always work with money everything yep up so um you know I'm paying George and price but um do you think it's too much yeah but he'll be like that about about the guns on definitely yeah yeah I'll be talking about like this a gun like yeah let me see this and so I appreciate like there's like it was that too much to say there's a bit to cut that out no no George knows he's overpaid he's good with guns and stuff just wear with this oh yeah so we still play that game and then we got the worst far worse fire team ever don't forget about that podcast god I almost didn't say that mad at me well I went on Rogen I didn't mention it and then that's out that Steve and I fought about that Steve's red zone and on me about yeah yeah yeah why we were live way Steve is back on worst fireteam yeah yeah he came back he's he's like her out he's like all right like a segment and now we're back with you know yeah yeah Steve so you know you only play destiny no no no we're playing seat Call of Duty right now I love that you are blackout yeah we play blackout yeah we played that a lot yeah and I play basketball on there yeah I'm just happy that I don't do that anymore how bad do what play destiny and what those guys I know all that stuff oh my god the reason he doesn't text me you never hear from him is he's so deep into red bed or whatever dump so deep he was really deep and started to that no one can penetrate star D who's a farming simulation it's the beautiful yeah [ __ ] you fat man [ __ ] what a punch people in their face how super Cloud City are you standing up yeah let me see so little um no no Bobby what I don't care what all these games you're playing yeah you know you'll know that none of them none of these games experiences are as fun as you me and Steve playing destiny at five o'clock in the morning trying to be prison of elders try to sit here right now and tell me that you don't miss that that that wasn't the funnest time you've ever had there is something to it there is something to you me and Steve yeah they're running around running around yeah trying to survive fighting trying to get this thing and there's a feeling of defeating Quadron yeah the accomplishment we all gather as a team going to man it's seven o'clock in the morning before you do that you're right there's nothing like it yeah but you know what uh huh I can't do it anymore I understand you don't get a look at her we get it yeah okay so uh yeah I mean dude maybe when I get a house you keep saying this and I and I have a room on the other side of the you know Minh he keeps the house words she can't hear my yelling it's my problems I guess all of us were emotional yeah I was role controllers we were doing something we were it felt like we were doing something like even though it's so silly this is a video can I say something though but I bye babe by stepping back from it and not playing it for years you're not missing it no one knows about it it doesn't it doesn't fill you in it's not about the game I'm saying we play anymore like it doesn't matter what game we were gonna play but you try to get in this town we're gonna yell yeah it's still gonna happen like you we were gonna get there with Star Wars the promised Star Wars it was boring it's like the same thing over and over again yeah you know like those missions is like okay are you gonna have another mission but that [ __ ] was fun too but if we would have kept playing that the same thing would have happened it's not death to destinies not the problem we are the problem okay if we were when we're playing at a competitive game like it could have been FIFA I imagine it would have been worse if we were playing feet it's still bad when we play fifa yeah you know so bad [ __ ] I don't have the new one I'm playing Red Dead Yesi I didn't buy the new fever either for the same reason I like that game though specifically it's like it's the same game over and over again it just it frustrating that they tried it they have to change it every year which one three four yeah I know they can't buy the game so they make it more slippery or they make it more difficult to do oh now you can do this yeah I love FIFA 13 you can I don't wanna control the Joe I was totally agree yeah yeah I'm done I'm done with that game too yeah but the reason why we have fun playing sports games as we play then we had this win-loss thing against each other we're not working together then we after a while okay I'm done I can't play anymore but yeah that's it oh here's another question hereditary yeah I have not seen it yet but I want to see it because you're into garbage horror movies no what did you go to the theater to watch the nun I did Bobby that trailer for the nun was the scariest [ __ ] I've ever seen in a movie cuz it was surprising they got in trouble they got in trouble because it was so scary no not like this you see the Bobby not like trailer I saw the trailer it's not scary like this that's that trailer was scary like you know suspenseful scary this [ __ ] was like a [ __ ] nun came out of nowhere [ __ ] and the whole you put a nun in the white makeup and that's scary to you yeah they're generally white as it is so this was first of all did you see the I bought it just now so garbage it's the really bad yeah and I'm telling you that the realtor is the TV show on Netflix oh it's really good really this is Gary yeah it's so good it's really good like drama to eat huh maybe I'll check it out you're not gonna watch it so many shows to watch you know I can't I like we should go watch that one movie because Steve was telling me about it Suspiria yeah they've already he already went to go see it he said it was pretty good oh you suck it [ __ ] it you see nothing let's go see it although the last is another we do when we do things together the [ __ ] is heightened okay don't you understand that like when we watch remember that one scary movie we watched together we were almost walked out because the [ __ ] was scaring the [ __ ] out of both of us it was at that moment there was nuns in that one too and the girl was possessed by the devil I forgot the [ __ ] name with that one going on comfortable at the theater all I got really comfortable what are we doing Erik her friends always over an hour that way all right now oh [ __ ] make sure you listen to riffing with Griffin go subscribe to me to Griffin with Griffin Griffin with Griffin just not doing a guest yet because I just want to build up some episodes it's just me doing my thing and you will be one of my first guests because people always ask me about it all the time yeah I like doing I have a good chemistry with you have good chemistry nice beds a good chemistry with Santino believe it or not no I know I saw you went on his podcast first cuz he asked me you [ __ ] [ __ ] everyone find in the room yeah okay I would love to talk about Red Dead but talk about it no big bit but it's Lia send to me I'll play it myself and then we'll see I'm literally gonna buy tonight insanity I will see you yeah but yeah I really am and then here's the thing about Red Dead though real quick is is that the first 45 minutes of the game yeah he's boring as [ __ ] because you have to kind of do this tutorial but after you're done and you fall out fell out away 80% down from the last fall out o 76 not doing so hot yeah because it's not it's an MMO now if if fallout was what it was which is what the Red Dead is which is a single-player adventure it would be the number one game it would have buried everything but I don't know what they're [ __ ] trying to do don't change it turn to candy crush everything everything's about like playing with other people and spending money on outfits fortnight and all these just is free but people look I don't spoon a dime I've never would buy fortnight then they're like they spent $600 on life but I got these cool shades character plays you know in like you know Elvis outfit $26 yeah like in like there are some games where it's fine you don't that buy anything but you'll jump higher you don't spend $3 yeah yeah I'm so sick of the games I play on my phone and I've had a gun beach and I'm playing this game called Empire and puzzles no no three word escapes it's free yeah it is no that's not true because sometimes you do you have the options yeah games yes or like kami - have you ever seen that one oh my god anyone out there listening that plays Empire and puzzles it's a little game but if you are playing I kind of want to change teams my team called one of these yeah if my team they don't they don't give me any we don't know what I do for a living I'm like I can't stand having to buy meat you know my core I haven't seen my city in a year and a half you are on that hard core I worry you could you could have bought a real house with the amount of money you spend on that Empire puzzles worth what Clinton had to call him and put a stop to it oh I still haven't stopped anyway we have a question yeah we go one question what is it I'm hopeful advice with Bobby kalila Griffin hey tiger belly everything got married in Vegas in secret just happened I've told I've told about three people but not my parents I brought up the idea of marriage to them but they instantly go in Iran about saying I'm too young and not ready my anxiety has been real bad lately I think because I'm holding in such a big secret for my family or he's too young and not ready mmm so my question is should I tell them about it or wait wait it out till I bake a proposal and get married at home thanks Hannah I'm 24 yeah you're too young how long has she been dating the same it's the same thing as it always is Hannah you know the answer exactly if you have two weird ideal yeah like if you know that you you if you know you feel bad because you didn't tell your parents because you didn't make the thing out of this if you know that you feel bad about that then you know the answer you see I'm clean sir go to your parents to be like I love this person I know you don't like him or whatever the reasons are and be like look he's in my life we did this I feel bad about it I want you to be a part of it let's have a wedding I want your blessing and if they say no you you then you know that they're not on the same page with you and then just go be with your husband and move on with your life we need something a different hey I was driving on a dirt road and I was drunk and I killed a family of seven oh I hit an immigrant a Mexican man who was illegal and he died on the side of the road what do I do what do you do no well they're not calling us like he's not calling Tiger belly on the side of the road did he's dying what do I do they already took off yeah yeah so another say like what do I do now yeah what would you do oh man that's a tough one yeah yeah but you've already gotten away we got away with this one man here's what it is he's here illegal now that would be tough yeah it would be tough if I thought I've already gotten away with it yeah I already made a horrible choice and I'm like why do i what I'm gonna compound this horrible choice by now going to jail for the rest of my life would you be able I think I would have already done something would you be able to live with that it would be hard but would you be able to do it I don't know it would be I would I probably wouldn't say anything but I think it would be in my head for the rest of my life we need to want me what do you do in a way either way yeah but I don't wanna get but slammed in [ __ ] prison oh yeah you're gonna be just I know you could riff farting like this yeah it's gonna be like a crystal goblet you know yeah I just redid this gigantic open cavern yeah walking around come the million Falklands flying in and out Batman and Robin fly out yeah it's a lot about your butthole today but you know what dude inside you have a thing about I would I want to let's play this scenario about me being in prison getting [ __ ] in the ass okay okay not a scenario fantasy a fantasy first of all you'd be too needy and clingy and then like after one guy had you as a as a little [ __ ] for like that's know then it would just be like people would be like a stay away from him he's a weirdo it wouldn't last no no no he's somebody's you know I would go hey can I get a pack of cigarettes at least like you would barter right oh how good do you think your booty is listen to this guy in prison he think he got me top of the line you see people gonna be lining up on your cell like go get that ass do what I would do is during lunch like we got a little stick of butter I would stick some butter right foot in my pocket and I just put them all over my butt cheeks to make it look shiny oh hello urban Bobby yeah what's that having trouble with race yeah yeah and shadow urban Bobby I'm doing I'm doing a generic both my friends are not the same races me it's been this way my entire life and I really don't mind it because my friends are generally awesome people however they believe something about me that is completely untrue when I met most of my friends in college they made the same assumption many people do that I'm white I have freckles and lightish curly hair and my skin is very fair but I'm not white at all I'm black race doesn't mean much to me it's not like I would ever introduce myself as a black person plus friendship is also about liking who other who the other person is not what they look like I know I should diss myself from them or at least tell them to stop or even tell them that my race is the only problem is is that one of my older friends has been introducing to me as to so many people in my field and even arranged for me to get an amazing salary job Chicago after graduation should I tell my friends that I'm black now we are they are they saying things around her that are racist oh yeah oh sorry Ms there there they started making awful comments about black people in front of me oh okay that's interesting should I tell my friends that I'm black now or wait until after I get my job to really put my foot down thanks for your help a troubled it's like in CNN what's that it was at Burnett which one's the one that's black but you can't tell Erin Burnett Erin Burnett black I want to look up arrow is erina I gotta live it up you know it's funny because I even on I'm dying up here like the character was dealing with something sort of similar in the sense that like if you're like if you're a person of color and you hang around with a like all white people you know there's a certain familiarity you have but these people also have with you that they think this happened to me and even in my life because I was like upper-middle class type of thing you know I went to a Brentwood when I was a little kid you know so I was always around white people and I'm fair-skinned so you but you know it's just kind of feeling that people think that they're comfortable with you and then until something happens and all of a sudden you become whatever race you are you know yeah all of a sudden oh yeah I guess cuz you know so this is a weird thing is like this person is trying to come across people that say like I don't think about race yes you do yeah like you that's you thinking about race this whole question is about because you were thinking about race yeah so I think that person should just own who they are with their friends yeah like the fact that they don't know shows me that you have a big problem with race like just just cuz you were able to assimilate into the your with your friends and enjoy that you know it's like you sometimes not everybody gets that luxury you know it's like somebody who's like in the closet gay or somebody that's like how well you know they don't get to they don't get to like be like act like nothing's going on so that's what this person is doing so they should have come out from the jump in like and if you hear that you go wow oh oh you know I'm actually this did that Purdue people are gonna be like oh no you should have pumped the brakes right when they said something we're the first race is common yes or but so you get comfortable it's nice it's a it's a nice feeling to act like you don't care about it but we're clannish we're cliquish if it's not race it's gonna be something it's gonna be social we're tribal economics whatever it is you know short people are gonna congregate together tall people fat people whatever it might be you know your your group never seems to feel good enough and so you like search for our different group or you stay within your group and you just feel comfortable it's not necessarily wrong with it but it's like also you have shitty friends for me who make [ __ ] racist comments yeah but here's the thing though like as a comic I know how that you if everybody heard every conversation that Bobby and I have in private they would think that we're terrible people but you're also talking amongst each other well that's well that's what these people but they were talking about other people they're talking about black people it's not erin burnett she's a white woman ya-ya-ya-ya-ya it's Soledad O'Brien oh but Soledad O'Brien does look black to me I never thought she was losing her she's black my mom looks like that yeah but if you itchy but if you she was hanging out with you you wouldn't were you in your head go she's black yes I would I would have I would no she's not you know there's another one there's another one even more white yeah anyway I'm wrong then no but there's I'm saying is this person has enjoyed the freedoms of like going in and out of the two worlds and you would like to feel like it doesn't matter but it matters and also if they're your friends like they've even ever spoken about your parents and they've never seen pictures of you growing up how do you ashame to be like yeah who's got is my thing is who's got the real problem at least your friends are now letting you know how they you know this is I hope they joke about the doesn't mean they her friends are racist it's just that when you feel like you're amongst people you're comfortable with you might say some things that are inappropriate but what I'm saying is when those things get out it is on you to apologize it doesn't have to you don't have to attack a person's character to be like oh you're the worst person in the world because you said this about these people no you just said something out of pocket someone heard it you should apologize you know and she this person didn't give her friends the opportunity to be like oh my bad and now you're sitting here feeling these feelings about your friends when that's on you boom Eric might drive great anyway um thank you for coming he's over there yeah so you can't have a real conversation we just gotta let some are on the air thank you so much thank you so much for coming what are you going to the story I'm gonna be a distorter now what time uh you know usual [ __ ] times yeah you know things but you also are helped us out because we needed a really good guest in an emergency situation also no one dropped out though a solo episode but we thought that we would we would have would rather have this is this doesn't come out until next week oh yeah but read the comments people like them again your third time everyone asks yeah you're a regular you'll always come here I gotta go we love come here I love it like I say I want to get and once I started doing my guess I want you to come on with me and then we'll figure it out I'm just growing right now it's a slow build I'm just talking about different things and it's like you know I feel like in this day and age you have to have an Instagram a Twitter and a podcast to be a successful comic now so it's just part of the business but it's but our generation that we were able to grasp it quickly like you know guys like Argos Hamilton or that generation of people they can't there's just too late for them they can't have an Instagram I know but even but that's funny you say that because even our generation of people who are like you know 40s and stuff they're having a trouble understanding that entertainment has evolved to like where anybody you know you can have anybody who's the Instagram star YouTube star they have value there's value in that and then they're also coming in to comedy clubs and doing that stuff too like this podcast is reaching more people you have a bigger reach so the fact that there's people like I say to bring a full circle that are coming to my show cuz they're like oh man I love you on Tiger belly that means we've connected they've heard me on here we talk about certain things and now they're like oh I want to hear this person make me laugh anyway uh thanks for having this [ __ ] huh thanks for coming by we love it what are your hand you're one of our family no I'm in town for a little while any what's the next road date I don't even know it's probably like Boston yeah coming one more time where can we find rhythm with Griffin you choose comedy she's good my website this is more about you Kyle they're like how can you put up with last nerve yeah I know she is worth it you know me she struggles with it something in her head goes so little like what's the upside you'll realize that don't you realize the other options are really not much better let's suppose I go out and I meet people and I do all the time when I do go out and let's say men hit on me they're just such [ __ ] duds and uninteresting and not funny and yeah even there even though they're attracted they just don't tickle women more attractive than Bobby do we do so so you see a guy you're like wow this guy's tall and broad shoulders and world for example and when I went to Vegas with my family there was a guy he was a lawyer for the 49ers and he was he went to Harvard [ __ ] you black guy with green eyes just the most amazing looking guy no matter what he said or did to try to woo me right he just didn't make me feel the way Bobby did when I first met him so you didn't feel creepy and uncomfortable please sweaty and nervous like the other day we order all the feet of your Lobby makes you feel like we're watching The Voice a couple weeks ago we laugh so hard you're crying right because I made a joke about a contestant yeah well wait it was a guy that was on the show who we were like is that a guy or girl right I hate that I hate that too oh and I said to work you know where it would you know where you can find his penis she goes we're inside his [ __ ] look like a guy that his dick was being said rising I just want to say and this is the now here's a car I finally have a compliment for you yeah okay you are like literally one of the funniest people I've ever met like for real like you go onstage and I'm sitting in the back like I'm not gonna laugh at this [ __ ] is said again right yeah I could do your set I know I'm mouthing it in the back but I'm still laughing and I'm mad at myself and it's because of how funny you are so this is it right here you are so funny that better looking more attractive successful men probably bigger dicks prop you know just better-looking the eyes are green none of that compares to how funny how you make her feel with your lap with how you make her laugh I mean that is saying a lot right there okay wow that's a friend right there yeah man I got I got to give it to you thanks to our sponsors Robin Hood Bridge wallet Brooklyn it for your free stock go to Tiger not Robin Hood calm for 10% off your slim slickwell wall I go to Ridge wall calm use the code belly for 20 Chris Wragge is naked for 20 percent of your best sheets you'll sleep on go to Brooklyn calm and use the promo code Tiger belly and if you have you got as five stars in pigskins yet please do that and also go to our patreon calm Tiger belly to get some extra bonus content we're almost a thousand members help us get there if you want to send us any packages you can do that at 16 to 6 North Wilcox Avenue number 161 Hollywood California nine zero zero to eight have a good night [Music]
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 466,664
Rating: 4.8890591 out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, khalyla, gilbert galon, podcast, khalyla kuhn, tgrbly, all things comedy, erik griffin, workaholics, stand up, comedy, special, joe rogan, steebee, stand up full, beyonce, the ugly truth, comedy central, riffin with griffin
Id: 1pxHQirNLBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 8sec (4868 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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