Is Tess Holliday a Fat Hypocrite?? (STRONG, FIT & 300lbs)

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told you guys I read my comments so it is test holiday a fat hypocrite now I know some of you especially if it's your first time watching me might think that's a very rude thing to title a video but is something that says holiday calls herself it's a word that the fat positive movement says is just a word descriptor just like I am a muscular weirdo and as you can see the amount of times that I have dressed I'm a little weird plus if you guys are new all of my titles are very quick baby I want to get your attention and I did and here we are together me dressed up you probably looking very normal so if you are new here I should probably introduce myself welcome to my channel my name is Michelle McDaniel I am a personal trainer cosplayer and mommy of 1/2 a puff they don't wear that I'm cosplaying as an alien and my dog looks like an alien we talked about a broad of topics on here but a lot of it since I am a personal trainer I do like to talk about health fitness and weight loss geared topics but I'm also a past vendor my whole family is obese or at least 98% of them and a lot of them are morbidly obese I mean like ruining furniture like dancing in furniture type obese people I never got that extreme but I was definitely on the path with the way in the amount of calories that I would take in per binge so I can mentally understand where the fat positive influencers and their thought process and just their mentality where they're at at that moment because I was there I was there I know what it means to think that you are supposed to look like that and that's just how your life is gonna be so with that being said we're talking about the clean of the body positive or I like to save the fat positive movement test holiday now before we start I know a lot of Fitness youtubers usually like 'whoa talking about test holiday I think most of their YouTube videos consists of test holiday and I'm personally not someone who really enjoys talking about her like I find it some of this stuff very interesting and just kind of like oh what are you talking about what kind of thing you know but I'm not someone who needs to bring myself to test holidays Instagram wait for something she's I don't agree with and make up video about it and drag are like the Battle of Zadar I don't need to do that I'm gonna say this in the nicest way possible I really don't find her interesting just like I don't find most models interesting they kind of just wear makeup we're really expensive clothes and they pose it might be something that you're interested in there's absolutely nothing wrong with that we all have different interests but if the person isn't dressed as a character posting hilarious memes are talking about cartoons anime funny movies or horrible movies or really just funny I don't find the need to check up on them daily but you guys ask the meets you dress up as the Mura and you guys ask my opinion for the recent test holiday news so here we are in character and I'm ready to give you my opinion speaking of things that I don't know and things that you guys tell me did you guys know I was in test holidays stories this was a long time ago and I forgot to mention it in one of my videos because I was kind of just like okay but a lot of her fans like ended up in my comment section cuz I was kind of like what's going on and then I got your guys's screenshots and she like screenshot my thumbnail and I was like I'm constantly being judged by people who don't even know who I am and I was like well I mean you're kind of judging me because you didn't even watch the video cuz if you did you would see that I don't really care who gets on magazines I also congratulated you for being on a magazine girl but it was just kind of funny how all of her fans didn't even take the time to watch the base ended up on my channel saying how much of a bitch I was because I was judging test holiday but then they didn't even watch the video so they're kind of just like calling me a bitch for something that they're doing right there in the comment section so I was like huh you guys are kind of proven my points about the whole body positive thing but whatever wasn't a big deal to me and that's why I never said anything about it was like at least seven months ago maybe maybe a less maybe more not too sure so apparently Tess Holliday is featured again in Cosmopolitan's magazine and they labeled Tess Holliday as strong fit and 300 pounds I was reading a lot of things that we're saying strong fit oh no c8 that's not strong or fit she waits way more than 300 pounds you won freaking you tell me your real weights those were the things that I was reading and no Gamora doesn't use it was like one of the only weapons I had in arms links cuz I'm really like fit but I'm also lazy no on this channel I've talked about how fat people can be fit I've worked with so many overweight and obese people who killed it in the gym but their issue is they don't put effort in when it comes to food and food is the most important part when you want to lose weight being at that calorie deficit and I think that might be the reason why a lot of you guys are asking my opinion because I said in the past that I've worked with fit fat people and you want to know is test fit like what do you think of test being fit is she fit what's your opinion on test being fit and that's really what it is I think being fit is a matter of opinion it depends what your definition of fit is actually let's look it up really quick okay so fits being an adjective means in good health especially because of regular physical exercise so according to the definition Tess Holliday is not fit personally don't look at Tess holiday and think holy crap that is a healthy person she must move a lot and be very active throughout her day that's definitely not what I think and anyone that is looking at me like I'm a bad person for saying that I mean is that really what you think when you look at Tess Holliday and maybe it is and you're just living in a very opposite world like I said I've worked with a lot of big people that are fit and big all at the same time a definitely not Tess holiday morbidly obese type of big I have worked with morbidly obese people but I have never worked with a morbidly obese fit person they usually have a lot of trouble doing basic everyday movements like walking in that video that you guys keep sitting me if Tess Holliday just doing a small little short walk in heels looks very uncomfortable because of all the body fat and weight that is all on her knee joints and if some of you guys are gonna be saying well she's wearing heels she's a model she should be able to walk flawlessly in heels having that much body found really handicaps you and stops you from being able to move and walk and function like a fit person does and you can easily tell that in the workout videos that she post I think is very amazing that she is now moving being more active working with a personal trainer I think that is great everybody starts somewhere and I think that it is at least motivating her following to to move I'm always me seeing people you know put out an effort to be more active I think that's amazing but if we're gonna be very critical here about the types of workouts that she's doing she's doing very basic extremely modified of workouts because of her size if she was fit she wouldn't have to do a very tiny squat on to a very large bomb because I'm guessing she doesn't have the range of motion or the strength to go all the way down and then take herself all the way back that unless said fit person has knee issues but we are excluding people who have joint problems and things like that I'm taking a you know full-on and great health great joints fit person began normally do a bodyweight squat all the way down and then bring themself all the way back that actually was fit she would make this move so much more explosive so much more in control it's so much more tight no beginner is going to be fit right you know three months into a whole new world but a little sidestep to the side the little lateral step is supposed to be like a full-on explosive jump I do these all the time they bang my ass bang my ass yeah bang your ass okay I mean you mean okay I've never heard it said that way get that little Bob's burger reference to just lighten the mood a little bit for the people in the back who are watching this like creating at me because of my opinion anyone else watch Bob burgers I do okay back to the point but I do these all the time it kicks my butt you want to get those lateral jumps in and if I was obese I damn well would not be doing any type of jumping I would be going to the side because I know I am not fit to be able to handle all of that weight that would come down onto my knees once I get back to the ground and once again if she was fit she wouldn't walk like this you can clearly see she doesn't move gracefully or comfortably her body fat and lack of mobility holds her back to be able to move and function like someone I would say is fit or at least who is not obese or morbidly obese I feel people are saying and why they're kind of like fit you're not fit you dif I don't look at her and think damn that girl's fit but I guess she's fit in her own way whatever that means but I'm trying to look at it as a personal trainer who's worked with more really obese people because it's very very cool when a morbidly obese person can't even walk up a flight of stairs and they have to have someone you know right there telling them and coaching like pay up next up next up come on you can do what type of thing it's very cool that after a month they're able to text me and say I went up the stairs myself I and I not wind it it's very cool to see that person you know get on an elliptical and not be completely winded and like just done with our whole day after a 15-minute you know elliptical workout so that's why I'm kind of saying oh they're not fit but they're kind of fit in their own way like they're just going through that process of increasing their fit level like a video game you don't like every time you workout you get like a couple like fit level points and the more game points you get the more like closer you get to the ultimate fitness level so like that's how I think of it so she's like getting there I hope I'm explaining myself like clearly I personally think Tess Holliday is down to prove that she is a etic and I think cosmopolitan is just jumping on this bandwagon of being super accepting to every single body type and everybody type is healthy and everybody type is fit and athletic well that's definitely not true Tess Holliday has proven that she is not athletic and I think it's very important as well that people remember that just because you work out doesn't mean that you are an athlete or you're athletic or that you are quote unquote fit I brought up this example in the past I have tons of like skinny friends who workout and people think that they are fit just because they're skinny but they're really just this is what they do when they go onto the gym they walk in they walk on a treadmill for five minutes while they're on their phone on Instagram and then they walk right on over to the hip abductor and hip 80 doctor machine I call it a sex machine the inner and outer thigh machine they do about one set of each of those one for the butt one for the inner thighs and then they head over to the glute kickback do two sets of those on very light weights and then they do a plank and then they go get frozen yogurt and Starbucks I personally wouldn't call them fit they do very basic workouts and then they go eat crappy food very similar just test holiday ones just a morbidly obese and the other is a very sick and most likely doesn't consume the amount of calories that Tess Holliday takes in because then they would be very large and I know damn well a lot of you wouldn't call like my thin friends fit but now we also call Tess Holliday fit just because she's doing the absolute minimum in the gym I mean shit got a whole freakin magazine spread saying how fit she is why money into it makes people feel good and we're literally living in the age where everybody gets trophies for doing a small amount of work and I'm not discrediting her on this thing I can see why people are kind of like but at the same time I went through a lot of her comments and it looks like a lot of her followers now went to workout so I think that's great now let's talk about stronger because strong was just bold-faced in that magazine article and I think at least with the people that I've worked with the more obese like bigger people like average people that are just a little bigger obese morbidly obese are usually actually very very strong if to think about it they do walk around with quite a bit of weight they have to have enough strength to be able to move themselves my thin girls that I work with bless their little hearts they're so cute but when they're trying to lift heavy and they get to something that's heavy enough points 15 pounds that's their like their max when they're lifting heavy it's like effortless for them because they've been lifting that much daily because their body is so heavy so yeah this holiday is probably strong no I haven't seen that in her videos like I said she's usually lifting very lightweight doing the most basic modified exercises going on physically or mentally physically looking at the waste that she lifts in the video she's lifting very beginner level weights and mentally she can't handle any type of criticism or person who doesn't agree with her I'm not saying this to be rude but just seeing how she reacts to people criticizing her and how she reacted to my video when I said nothing bad about her screams mentally we look at how tests responds to any type of slight criticism or a simple question cool that you love your body but is it really fit or healthy hi Lena my health isn't your business you don't really care about my health though because you're small brain can't understand that someone who is fat can't be healthy right so fuck off so Tess is captain when she proposed in her cosmopolitan spread was I'm fat I work out I told you that she said that's he says so anyone who's getting mad at me because I used the f-word she'd get mad at test holiday too I'm glad I named my book the not so subtle art of being a bad girl because then everyone will hopefully get that like I'm fat and it's okay to say it because people gasp I'm like I'm fat and those don't say that I'm like it's okay chill I'm fat and I work out and I love my body shocking huh just remember that your size isn't an indicator of what you're capable of and if anyone tries to tell you otherwise sit on that hashtag at your beauty standards and once the good side is completely an indicator of what you can do if I had test holiday as a or someone's test holiday size I highly doubt says Hollywood ever talk to me but someone tests all these sighs I would never make them go into like a full-on deep ass squat with a barbell on top of them and go ass to grass because they most likely have knee issues most morbidly obese people can't go you know do a 5k or go run bleachers and go do sprints and I'm talking like 20 Sprint's with like a 30 second break in between your size is completely an indicator in some you know instances of what you can do and I know what are you gonna bring a bowl thin things so I'll play right along a lot of thin girls are looked at as weak but there's also a lot of thin girl that are very very strong they just don't have the muscle to show for it as then I've got a very thin friend she's got muscle tone she's a bikini competitor but she's friggin lifting 45 pound dumbbells for shoulder presses I do like 25 but I'm like way bigger than her people always think that I'm like way stronger than her so not all the time that weight indicates what you can do but most morbidly obese people aren't able to just like pick up and go and like go do do a 5k like run it and it's okay to say you know I can't do that right now but if I work towards it I could a lot of these people especially has Holly thinks so highly of themselves like they wouldn't even let the words my way doesn't allow me to do that leave their mouths because they have so much pride now there were a ton of comments praising Tess holiday of course on her page and I was going to read them but you guys can just go to her page and read them for yourself there was this one that really stuck out to me this is not my whole dad's side of the family are morbidly obese and have had heart bypasses because of it my dad has needed knee replacement surgeries for years but never had it because he couldn't get solo enough wait for it to be possible because of food addiction claiming being obese to be healthy is disgusting to me as someone who suffers with food addiction as well as family who do and have died from it you are ruining the lives of the people who follow you by lying to them that they can be healthy whilst being obese and I will end the comment reading on that one because I completely agree with that something that I find funny about test Holliday is that she is a very large hypocrite she told the fan that she was not body-positive because she shared her fitness journey and weight loss pics but Tess you're out here doing the same thing or is it because your test holiday you bought this huge following and tons of followers and you're not working out to change your body can we just be real and I mean real really really really real I think every person at least when they start working out they're doing it to change their body I know damn well when I was bigger and I was started to work out I was doing it because I wanted to get skinny not to get strong not to get healthy not even to have muscle I was doing it because I was fat and I wanted to lose the fat I didn't care about health didn't care about any of that I just wanted to be thin and I feel like that is the biggest reason why people start working out once I started paying attention about the dangers of being obese looking at how the older people in my family who were obese morbidly obese for dying getting limbs cut off my own horrible father as diabetes are in the end stages of diabetes that's what inspired me to be healthy you can lose weight get thin and even like look fit on shitty food but getting healthy you have to actually eat food that is good for you just my opinion and where I was when I was bigger I I didn't care about health I just wanted to be thin that's why I went through so many weird-ass diets and weren't healthy so many weird-ass diet pills and just other weirder practices of overdoing it with working out tell me in the comment section do you only work out just just to do it just the fill time or is the end goal to at least change your body what was the first reason that came to mind why you wanted to workout lose weight gain muscle or just do it just cuz you absolutely nothing else to do mine was to lose weight and then I was like oh shit I should probably eat healthier foods because what's the point of having a fit body if you feel like crap Holliday says that she's working out not to change her body at all just to be stronger but I personally don't buy I think she's just saying that because her fans will probably have something to say if she says oh I need to lose weight because then everyone's gonna be like what weight why why do you do you have to lose weight and this is gonna say well I went to the doctor finally and he said that if I don't lose weight I'm gonna die and then her fan base is gonna be like but you said that we could be healthy at every size so that's why I think she's saying I'm working out to be strong I don't believe that but whatever she wants to tell herself to hopefully keep her money up because she profits all of her weight and her message another thing that I find is funny about Tess Holliday is that she says her weight as nobody's business her body is no one's business and it should never be discussed but Tess Tess Holliday you keep posting about your weights you constantly talk about body image so of course if you have a public profile and you're a public person with over millions of followers people are going to talk about everything about you like I said from your eyebrows your big toe you are making it everyone's business it's like me flexing and saying no no no don't you dare talk about my muscle hashtag f your beauty standards so I personally don't think she's fit are some over 300-pound people fixed are they able to move like other fit people maybe but I have never met one or seen one like I said the body fat can really hold you back and just to put it in perspective when I was bulking I got up to like 160 pounds when I was lifting like super heavy you have to eat a lot you know excess amount of calories to be able to put on the muscle when I was competing and you guys my knees freakin hurt it hurt to run it kind of hurt to go up the stairs I wasn't supposed to do cardio so I could put on a lot of muscle and it just hurt and that's why I quit because it was a lot for my joints so I can only imagine what Tess holiday and other people about our her size feel with every single step especially if they're wearing heel so when it comes to test holiday and if I think she's fit no I don't think she's fit do I think it's great that she's working out I think it's amazing I love that she's working out and I love that she's getting other obese people and morbidly obese people you know at least thinking about or actually following through with moving and being more active cosmopolitan only put her into the magazine to make money they don't care if she's fit fat or what or if she dies they just know that they can make money off of tests holidays name and that's what gomorrah thinks and she wants to know what you guys think in the comments section remember you guys you don't have to be a size two having a lots and lots of muscle is great to have but not needed to be healthy and I want all of my washers even the ones that completely hate me even test holidays fans who called me a raging bitch or a black version of Nicole Arbour to be healthy as well even if you guys call me a concern troll rude I am an alien until next time you guys [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 859,623
Rating: 4.9355884 out of 5
Keywords: Cosmo uk, tess holliday, tess holliday cringe, tess holliday workout, tess holiday fat hypocrite, piers morgan, body positivity, cosmopolitan, eff you beauty standards, fat acceptance cringe, fat acceptance vs logic, fat acceptance 2019, fat acceptance, massy arias tess holliday, massy arias tess, massy arias workout, massy arias, health at every size, health at every size cringe, health at every size debate
Id: 1rcAL9LgukM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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