Kim Kardashian Is a Bad Role model! (HOW DARE SHE)..This is Pretty STOOPID

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hello YouTube welcome back to the channel my name is but why the hell is there a rate container in my shot skull that's the setup hello YouTube welcome back to the channel if you're new here my name is Michelle McDaniel I'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug a past theatre nerd ganguro no cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where I share my thoughts so will probably offend at least one person is it there is the thumbs down there even though I just posted the video 30 seconds ago is someone already offended well if you are let us know whatever you are pinning about in that comment section tell the world what is offending you and while your little hands are down there that's what she said you might as well hit that subscribe button because I post one to two times a week sometimes three and sometimes more than normally actually dress and cosplay and sometimes dress is a relatively normal person oh I'm getting something this just in Kim Kim Kim Kardashian not Kim Possible is making women hate their bodies making them feel not worthy telling them that her body is the ideal body that men desire the ideal body that every woman should once all all from a picture it we got the picture all from this picture according to you Jamila Jamila am I seeing that right I don't know I'm just a reporter but we're gonna talk about it right now you see the Japan City I'm in my car you're the bag I get to bag it up this video was sponsored by me and my small company proto bakery if you would like to support this channel and try a protein cake doughnut with 2 grams of sugar and 10 grams of protein we are restocked today I also wanted to give you guys a big fat thank you for all of the support we are currently getting a warehouse a we can mass-produce these bad boys and come out with more flavors and it's all because of you so here's a big sloppy wet kiss on your forehead from Yoshi Jameela Jamil is a British actress radio presenter model writer and activist she began her career on t4 where she hosted a pop culture series from 2009 until 2012 she then became the radio host of the official sharp and was co-host of the official chart update alongside Scott Mills on BBC Radio 1 so let's see what is going on what does she have against this so she posted this picture with a caption of I've received over 1000 DMS asking me to address this the reason I didn't jump on it immediately isn't because I don't think the post was damaging and disappointing I do it's because the fact that you are all messaging me about it shows my work is done I haven't been trying to cancel Kim K cancel culture oh so great love it I was always trying to arm you with the knowledge to recognize for yourself that this is a bold expectation of women developed by the patriarchy if you know that it's problematic productive and irresponsible of her to perpetuate such a heavily impossible beauty standards do her impressionable fans then you're empowered and conscious and don't need me Tim like many of us has had decades of body image issues and obsession I can agree with that I think all of us men and women have like an obsession with bodies this has been heavily perpetuated by how much the media scrutinized her and her sisters over their appearances I agree I think there are some issues when it comes to the Kardashians and everyone in Hollywood or anyone that's in like the public eye to just scrutinize every single thing about you because that's what people do when you're on the internet like I said before someone on the internet said I need Han surgery and so now now I'm gonna go get it no clue what they meant by I have any hand surgery but they're telling me obviously my hands are disgusting I need to fix them on it so I get it I've been scrutinized for my nose I'm gonna scrutinize for my super big seven head which personally makes me think of chibis which I think are cute what's in my head that means I'm cute so I've scrutinized by anything that you guys see on camera I have been made fun of for and the more popular you are the more people are going to nitpick every tiny little thing about you especially if you kind of got into the industry the Hollywood industry I don't know I guess Kim K is a reality star so she's on reality television and she got on there because of numerous other things but because she's generally a very attractive woman I know I'm gonna get some people in the comment section saying Kim is ugly you're gonna tell me if you saw like if you don't know who this was and it was just a normal person if you saw her walking down the street you'd be like oh that girl is so ugly don't lie to yourself to make yourself feel better she's gorgeous anyway back to Jamila jump back to the posters caption Kim isn't actively trying to harm you she's just so harmed and deluded into thinking that this is what she needs to look like to be special and beautiful and she's spilling it out onto her followers is this wrong yes but I'm not sure she realizes what she's doing to others what her idols did to her and making her think a tiny waist is the key to femininity and sex appeal we grew up in the era of heroine chick where we were told you had to look like an addict starving to death so to go from that to being bullied about your body by the world this toxicity from someone who is smart and knows better if they sign that this is harm she can't stop doing so there's no point in screaming at her the smart thing to do is to protect yourself you have the power you control every market you choose what and who is trendy unfollow the people who tell you things that hurt your self esteem don't let the debris of their damage spill out until you unfollow people brands that don't make you feel powerful and happy and grateful for what you have you're the boss Jameela Jamil so that's all fine and dandy if you guys want to believe that I'm someone who advocates against waist trainers but I'm also someone who advocates people doing whatever that they want to do with their body as long as they are not perpetuating the idea that it is healthy let me say that again I have no problem with Kim wearing waist trainers getting surgeries doing whatever she wants to do but I do have a problem with is when she promotes detox teas and says that that's how she got her waste per workout program saying that's how she got her but when she got work done if she wants to do those things go girl but don't try and perpetuate that you got this body by only working out and drinking tea and eating healthy it's weird by the way last time I checked she is weightlifting with a trainer that has some muscles well a lot of muscle and I think her body really evened out a little bit more from the pictures that I saw years ago and I think she looks amazing so I just wanted to give her props for that she looks great now and there's a Pacific post that jameelah was talking about Kim didn't say anything about anything what she's doing is healthy it was a screenshot from Kim's story and Kim was showing a new corset that she made to wear to the Met Gala and I completely agree that you know the Kardashians or people Hollywood in general that have does that look that is not attainable without surgery without all these things and modifications that you have to do to your body are giving people a skewed version of what beauty is but at the same time is it feminism about women doing what they want to do with their body and their lives and Kim obviously no matter if she is you know brainwashed by whatever went on in her life and whatever whoever's telling her what beauty is she full-on wants to look like this she is making the decision to want to do that so to go on this whole tangent of saying oh Kim Kardashian is doing this and telling everybody this and Tang think this is about her body and and she shouldn't do this to her body isn't it going against what feminism stands for it from what I've seen I think feminists say that it's all about what woman women want to do right or am I missing something so I personally definitely find it kind of weird that a feminist is tell a woman what she should be doing with her body when this woman wants to have a tiny waist and big-ass hips let's let's read the comments and see what people are saying it is not feminism to attack a woman let people look the way they want to look this is not feminism it's bullying shaming and it's wrong okay I'm not the only person which means I'm not completely wrong but I'm sure someone's going to be offended by what I just said I don't know some of y'all are weird with what's offending you the whole point of feminism is giving women the absolute freedom to choose how they want to look if Kim wants to look like that good for her okay another person I think I was on to something preached 100% agree already wanted to comment on Kim's pose but honestly I feel bad for this poor woman when she post pics like this she gets heat for setting unrealistic beauty standards and she posted a normal Pig with flaws she would get hate comments about how fact there's probably some special very special person that would call Kim Kardashian fat if she didn't have the tiny waist Kim is just another victim of this whole idealization of women's bodies which I mean like I said before I can agree I think that when you're in that environment you have a certain way that you need to look and if you don't look like that way all the time that people are going to make fun of you and it probably makes people's confidence very low if they aren't looking exactly like this all the time we've seen those before and after pictures of celebrities with makeup celebrities without makeup we did a little video about that and we toggled it celebrities are actually ugly because that's what people say whenever they see these features when everybody loves more glamorous with makeup some people don't know that or maybe they do and they just like to see celebrities not looking as glamorous and then call them ugly to make themselves feel better about how they look who are you to tell other people which is the right way they should appear feminism is about equality of rights and freedom of choice not about pursuing a non-conventional aesthetic parameter because the conventional ones are we tear eiated by a patriarchal society and so what what's the matter if she feels more comfortable and self-confident with the body shape this post is not humiliating for Kim Kardashian it's humiliating for you who claims to be a feminist agreed occasionally I get some a weird person on one of my cosplay pictures where I'm wearing away you shouldn't wear wigs because you are just becoming what men want you to be what are you talking about 1 & 2 I cannot just change my hair so be green or blue or this color I don't want to ruin my natural hair and it's my choice okay but can women just be allowed to do whatever they want without judgement shaming or scrutiny you want a natural body that's fine you won't work done that's fine to leave people alone life is not one size fits all Kim isn't the world's babysitter preach it did she post this or did she post it out of ik a ting for a slimmer wait Kim K posted a video talking about a corset she made for the Matt gala I'm guessing the picture is a screengrab but doesn't really explain that Kim was showing off the corset yes because it didn't fit jameelah's little narrative of telling women what they should or shouldn't be doing or what they want their bodies to look like I think this is going way too far she's not doing anything wrong but being who she wants to be pulling patriarchy and is like a longshot the key is so learned that we are free to choose not to point our fingers to a new wrong standard reading this it feels like it is impossible to be healthy and like this body image it is not right to tell that to women the idea is to help us learn that is our choice not our duty and the beauty is diversity I don't agree with everything in the comment just because I don't think corsets are the healthiest thing to wear all the time for your internal organs but from what it sounds like many people have the same opinion as me side-eyeing Jameela Jamil and pretty much saying let Kim do what she wants to her body because feminism is when you dress act and be your definition of a woman without having other people tell you how you should be acting as a woman everybody just like me does all need to calm down eat an ounce of hot cheetos watch the little anime and and and relax okay but you guys know my opinion about this very important topic of Kim Kardashian wearing a corset so now it's time for you to tell me your thoughts and opinions and bonus questions that I need to be answered right now very big happy question what is your favorite dog breed I have to know you must answer it okay thanks so much for watching remember you don't to be a size 2 having big biceps is great to have but not needed to be healthy but health is very important and I want everyone watching Kim Kardashian Jameela Jamil if I'm am I saying that right who knows I'm just a reporter to be as healthy as possible thank you so much for being here and making it to the end of the video I will see you guys next time you see the jumping unfitted in my car in the skinny the bag you see the trippy unfitted and my karma kitty yeah he's secured of my key I get the bug I'm gonna flexor stretch [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 126,912
Rating: 4.9349093 out of 5
Keywords: jamila jamila, jameela jamil, kim kardashian, KARDASHIANS, KIM KARDASHIAN WORKOUT, kim kardashian waist trainer, kim kardashian waist trainer review, kim kardashian waist, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel
Id: uXj-oLXGkCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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