Tess Holliday is Selling a Dangerous LIE to Her Followers

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel thank you so much for clicking on today's video so today from the title as you can tell we are going to be talking about I guess you could call her you know an influencer celebrity Tess Holliday she recently posted something on her Instagram and a ton of you guys have actually sent this to me so I just kind of wanted to give my thoughts on what's going on here so first of all if you're not familiar with who test Holliday is she is a you know body positivity advocate she has a health at every size advocate she has somebody that is you know pretty overweight and she is one of those people that she has a hashtag that's really popular it's called f your beauty standards so she's all about empowering women and trying to let people know that you can love the body that you're in no matter what size you are and I can say that without a doubt I 100% agree with that and I think that's how people should feel you know if you're somebody that has stretch marks if somebody that has loose skin if you're somebody that might be missing a limb if you're somebody that isn't conventionally attractive you shouldn't make that a reason to feel like you're less than anybody else and I completely 100% agree with that sentiment now that's all well and good and again I think that if that's all that she was there wouldn't be as much press about her there wouldn't be as many people talking about her but the reason that she gets talked about is because the way that she does things is very abrasive and she likes to from what I've seen make people think the way she thinks and if they don't think that way then they are either you know being a hater or they're being like really mean or they're be like they're just a terrible person so let's get into the topic of the video so it looks like next month Tess Holliday is going to be featured in Cosmopolitan UK in their magazine for being you know strong fit and healthy at 300 pounds so she posted a video on her Instagram so I'm gonna play that and then we'll talk about it so under the post she wrote this caption I'm fat and I workout and I love my body shocking huh it's stopping right there I want to say I am 100% on board with this I think that anybody has a gym body anybody deserves to go to the gym and not feel like they don't belong there and I am 100% a proponent of if somebody is sitting there making fun of someone at the gym they are a piece of trash and they don't deserve to be at the gym because I think the gym is there for people to better themselves and so 100 percent is not okay with me to make fun of someone that is overweight or anything is super skinny whatever it might be that is going to a gym because that's the reason that they're there so I get very heated when I see people making fun of other people because I was that person in the gym that felt unbelievably uncomfortable so I 100% am on board with what she's saying right here just remember that your size isn't an indicator of what you are capable of and if anyone tries to tell you otherwise sit on them thank you to the beautiful and important piece Cosmopolitan UK and this month's issue if your beauty standards now when she says your size isn't an indicator of what you're capable of I can see where that could be coming from but at the same time like you we have to be realistic right if you are 300 plus pounds that isn't healthy and that's not there's no way that you're fit if you are that large and I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to shame anybody here at all I think that it is absolutely amazing that she is going to the gym I think that that's super awesome I think that that is what anybody should feel comfortable the gym again I already went there I already had that rant but at the same time like sitting there and saying that you the size of your body isn't an indicator of your health is just not true I would say for you know for the middle people you know people that aren't either super skinny or morbidly obese ya you you you're not gonna be able to tell how fit someone is by just by looking at them right what their body is capable of but if you are 300 pounds and it's difficult for you to get up off of a couch or it's difficult for you to do five burpees in a row or it's difficult for you to run at all in any capacity that's probably not a good indicator of your health right that is going to indicate that you are healthy and you're definitely not fit I like to look at Fitness on a scale this is something that comes from CrossFit but I think that it can be it can be beneficial for anybody so it's called the I think it's called the fitness to wellness continuum right so at the very bottom here this is sickness and then if you go to the middle of it this is health and if you go to the or like wellness and if you go to the bottom this is Fitness so you start at being unhealthy right you're sick you are morbidly obese whatever it might be the reason that you're sick and then as you go up the middle is going to be just general health you are a healthy person and then if you push that further down that's when you become a you know somebody that is fit that is able to do really really amazing things with their body and I guess you could say maybe I'm a little bit more harsh on test holiday the reason is because she has made this into her brand right her brand is to be somebody that sells being morbidly obese as okay and healthy and that that is truly truly dangerous and I put it in the same the same vein the same category as you know people that are in fitness that are maybe taking steroids in our lines of people saying I got these results by taking these supplements or I got these results by doing my workout program so you should buy my workout program it's almost in the same vein as look I am super healthy even though I am you know over 150 pounds overweight that isn't healthy that's actually really dangerous for the the people that might be following her that might feel like maybe I do want to make a change maybe I'm not feeling that great because honestly like I was talking to a couple of my friends about this I I truly do feel a little bit bad for tests the reason being is because say if something does go wrong health-wise for her I feel like she would either be one afraid to go to the doctor because she doesn't want to prove people right right like she doesn't want to go to the doctor and then they say you know you have diabetes or whatever you have some sort of health condition and it's linked to your obesity she's not gonna either go or if even if she is she's gonna sit there and not tell people and lie and again that's not I don't think that that's right to do to the people that are following her it's the young ladies that are following her that's why I think this is so dangerous and that's why again if you look at its surface value oh it's so great appreciate your body you should love your body you should you know we should accept everyone and I I do agree with that an extent but at the same time we need to be real with ourselves and say okay morbid obesity is not something that is good for the general population most people should not be morbidly obese I would say nobody should be morbidly obese but we shouldn't be glorifying it and we shouldn't be putting it out there as you can be fit and be you know 300 pounds and she's you know she's not a tall woman so that is of she's very very large and again I am NOT trying to sit here and try and make fun of it that's not what I'm trying to do at all but when you put these things out there right when Tess Holliday puts this puts this out there puts it in a magazine you open yourself up to discussion and again I'm not trying to be overly you know mean or anything like that I'm just trying to share my opinion and why I don't agree with what she's putting out there I think that you can absolutely be beautiful and be 300 pounds I think that you can be a great mother a great sister a great wife you can be an absolutely amazing person you can be funny you can be attractive you can be so many things so many things but to say that you are fit I just I don't think it works like that like that's something that you truly have to work at and that's something that people are working years and years and years to get to and again I'm not saying you can't get there because I was there I was 360 pounds and I would consider myself fit now but it's it's because I've put in five six years of hard work and I think that's where the issue lies it's not one of those things that you can use like oh I want to call myself fit now you know if you want to if you feel like you're not pretty and you want to start calling yourself pretty I'm all for that and that that's 100 cents something you should do if you want to say that you're confident and you weren't confident before but all of a sudden you're like no I'm going to flip a switch I'm gonna be confident now that's great and I think that's something that you can totally do but when it comes to fitness it's you can't just flip that switch it doesn't work like that maybe you can go from I'm not working on my fitness to now I want to work on becoming fit absolutely that's something that you can do but I think that trying to just say oh I can flip this switch and I'm fit now it just doesn't work like that and if you go and actually read some of the comments under the post that she made I think it shows that she doesn't really care for discussion about this at all she just wants people to kind of congratulate her because anybody that comes with and they're not even mean a lot of them aren't even mean again some people are being completely rude and I don't agree with that at all but some of the people that are coming with legit points you know similar things to what I'm saying she doesn't want to hear it and she I mean she's kind of just like cussing them out in her comment section so the first comment cool that you love your body but is it really fit or healthy and her response is you don't really care about my health though because you're small brain can't understand that someone who is fat can be healthy right so f off again I think that you can absolutely be overweight and still be healthy I don't think that everyone needs to be these fit people you know these fit goals or anything like that you have a six-pack I don't think that that's what you need to be healthy but being morbidly obese is not healthy that has been and that's not even me trying to be mean right that is just the science of the matter that is just the truth and I think that you can absolutely work on it and I'm super glad that she's going to the gym I'm super glad that she is actively working on her health but to just state that I am healthy and I am fit it just doesn't work like that and this next comment was actually kind of concerning so this is somebody that is supporting tests she goes on to say doctors are always so amazed when they run my labs they always expect to lecture me on my health but I have absolutely perfect lab results every time no diabetes high cholesterol nothing I'm 330 pounds and more healthy than most people I know and test goes on to reply no good doctor should ever be surprised at running labs they are just ignorant now the fact of the matter is I don't really know too much about the you know the girl commenting but the way I always kind of I like to look at it is like you always see old people and you see overweight people but you never really don't really see that many really overweight older people you end up dying earlier and so yeah you might be okay right now like I didn't have any serious issues right I was maybe pre-diabetic was the closest I ever got to having any real issues when I was at my heaviest but I know for a fact about how I felt personally that this was not something I can sustain and I knew that I was going to die before I was 40 years old and now again I'm not saying that that's how this lady feels and I'm not saying she's lying or anything like that but the fact of the matter is is like you your body isn't built to maintain that big of a size for years and years you know you're not gonna get up to 80 years being that size so that's why it's just kind of sad and that's where the like kind of the insidiousness comes from because I don't think we should be encouraging people to be overweight I don't at the same time I don't think we should be making fun of people or shaming them or making people feel like less than a human because of their size as well I think that we should do the best to educate people on how to lose weight in a healthy way in in a maintainable way and show them that it is possible and show them that it doesn't need to be this crazy thing because diet culture has definitely messed up a lot of people I was one of those people that have messed up for a long time but at the same time I think that there is a way that we can help others lose weight and not do this thing where we're normalizing obesity because it's not good for our country it's not good for the world and the last comment I want to read is love yourself and your body 100% but please don't try and get people to believe that being obese doesn't put you at higher risk for high blood pressure heart disease and even cancer love yourself enough to work towards a long and healthy life that would be so inspiring so that's a very nice comment that she left and then test replies what would be inspiring is if you would eff off so I can see where tests would be coming from you know I get that it would be very annoying hearing comments about people saying stuff about your body you know I deal with it with my loose skin people seem to think that they know exactly what I want or what I should do but at the same time I accept that when I post pictures of my loose skin or when I post videos on my other skin I understand I'm going to get some conversation there's gonna be some people that are gonna be mean and for me it's just it is what it is but the issue that I have is that when we start normalizing obesity where does it end right like at what point does test think okay is it okay is it okay to be 600 pounds is it okay to be 700 pounds where is her line and if there is no line that is a little ridiculous to me right there needs to be some sort of line of take hey there's no way that you are 600 pounds and healthy right I would hope that she would at least agree with that and there's no way that you're 70 pounds unhealthy so where is like her line maybe it's pushed a little bit further than most people but I just I don't think that as a society we should be pushing that line over more and over more and over more especially when all of the evidence and all of the science is saying being morbidly obese is going to get you at risk for diabetes heart disease and going to die sooner so why are we normalizing that and glorifying that again we don't need to be making fun of it and we don't need to be making people feel like monsters because they have extra weight on them because I myself is an example of you can get rid of it and you can live a really fulfilling life that you really enjoy once you lose the weight not saying you can't have a fulfilling life while you are overweight at all but there is a light at the end of the tunnel if that's something that you want so again this is just my thoughts I thought that it was a really interesting topic to talk about and I want to make it very clear I have nothing against test Holliday I am NOT trying to at all bring hate on her I think that what she's doing there are certain parts of it that are really cool I think that it is really cool to show somebody that is you know overweight again she is a model so it's really cool to have a model that is really overweight in the gym to show people that might feel a little bit nervous to go into the gym that they can feel confident and they can feel comfortable I think she looks beautiful in the photos and I think that's great and I think that that can be a really big catalyst for other people to continue going to the gym or going to the gym at all in the first place to start working on themselves you know there are a lot of positives from this but there are also negatives and I just wanted to give my thoughts and in my opinion on them I truly believe that Fitness saved my life and losing weight saved my life that's why I talk about this stuff so much and that's why I'm so passionate about it is because I know that there are so many people out there that do want to lose weight that feel trapped inside of their bodies I felt completely trapped inside an obese version of myself am I gonna sit here and say everyone feels the same way I did no that would be ignorant but I know that there are people because I get messages from them every day so I want people out there to understand that if you do want to change it is possible and the people that are making fun you are absolute garbage and they don't deserve your time and they don't deserve your energy so if somebody's making fun of you because of your weight they don't deserve the air they breathe that's how I feel at least and so if you do want to start going to the gym 100% that I think it's great that Tess is doing this and great that she is inspiring other people to get out there and go to the gym but again to say that you are fit and healthy at when you are morbidly obese that is just not the right message I think to be spreading I would really appreciate if you guys would share what you guys think down in the comments section down below I would love to hear you know what you guys have to say but again thank you guys so much for watching the video make sure you like comment and subscribe there's one other thing that I wanted to say oh yeah all day the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig legs don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop [Music]
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 798,333
Rating: 4.9283004 out of 5
Keywords: tess holiday, cosmopolitain uk, body positivity, health at every size
Id: VSmpxaaLudk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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