Tess Holliday is Too Fat To be a Plus Size Model: Fat Topia Review

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texts holiday isn't a real model she's too fat and has no state she's just the circle you think I'm going saying that no it's actually a plus-size model saying that about Tess Holliday and today we are going to talk about it hi guys welcome to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you my name is Michele McDaniel I am a personal trainer a pug mom and a cosplayer and before we start because you guys are all like in the comment section I've seen yes my 12-week program is now open and ready for you guys to sign up you get a 12-week workout program you get my nutritional program but not only that because the s listings are great but we also have a support group where everyone who signs up is in a group melting pot on Facebook and I keep you in that Facebook melting pot and I post meal prep videos grocery haul videos recipes basically cooking videos because nutrition is the big part in losing weight and getting healthy or gaining muscle whatever your goal is but also be doing question-and-answer seminars sometimes like wiva workouts together things that we can do at home yoga seminars it's just gonna be a positive community because I think a community and support is something that people need when and getting into this so if you are interested it is a three month program that's $170 for the whole thing not monthly not quarterly it's one payment you get access you get your plan and we go we work hard we sweat we sometimes cry yes some people get very emotional and that's okay I'm an emotional person too but my overall goal for this Holi program I don't expect you to lose 85 pounds realistically I do expect the body to change not drastically that doesn't happen to everyone I personally like small changes but I just want to how to have a healthier outlook on life how to plan your meals how to make this weight loss thing not as stressful teach you some new exercises maybe make you guys some new friends in the group maybe you'll connect with someone maybe you'll find your lover I don't know I just want a positive community of people willing to learn so if you are interested in that I linked it below I would love to have you now let's get on in today's video so like I said when John was terribly soubise that I was waiting so wasp in fact opiate because I was waiting until the Red Queen arrived because I had no meat Rios's and I'm just in bed for a couple days so I just want to wait to watch things until that time the month because then I just have something to do while I'm in bed so the red we don't run it over the weekend and I knew it was time to watch fat topia the new documentary that a lot of fat activists are very just enraged and pissed off about I wanted to see what everybody was getting worked up over so it was pretty obvious as I was watching like John said that the person that created the the documentary was definitely trying to he's definitely making it for people like me most likely people that watch this channel people that think and know that obesity is unhealthy I don't think that he was being rude I didn't see anything and I was like whoo that was really a low blow there that you know bring some of the reviews and they said that he was just fat phobic he hates that let me read a review really quick this one says it's super obvious from the get-go that the filmmaker has a bias I agree like I said I think he you know made it for people like me he doesn't like people I don't think that the film think they always say this I don't think that because people say this about me I hate fat people yes that I hate my whole family I just hate their their fat cells that's not so such a weak weak thing to say I don't think he hates fat people I don't think you see the fat person walking down the street and says I hate you he doesn't say that most people don't care about what you're doing walking down the street he doesn't like fat people which is fine however why go to all this trouble to make a movie if I go through all this trouble to make a review calm down girl he doesn't respect these people why would he care if they die he doesn't I hate that one too because I do care people that I know what it feels like to have no control over food and the food has complete control over you that's a sucky feeling I need that feeling I still struggle with it right now it's not fun so I hate that argument as well random reviewer on Amazon it's also badly made the interviews are boring it's predictable and lacking facts it's just boring and stupid and I say I can tell that it's a low-budget movie I honestly felt like I was watching a very long youtube video which is fine I love YouTube I don't think he had all the funds to make it like this amazing you know five-star quality Phil there are some things that I would have done differently but I'm not him he's not me and we have different flares on how we film a lot of comments that I saw a lot of low rating comments towards the documentary that I saw were from fan activists and they were saying how fee the interviews were very boring and they should have intervened more fat positive people but I don't know how he could have done that because it you actually lost this film most I think like 98% of the fat positive people ran away from the conversation they ignored him or blocks him immediately when they found out what the project was or they demanded a large amount of money for a small interview like their spongebob or something humble yourself so if anyone on here is irritated that he didn't get an interview and they didn't tell he didn't tell these fat positive influencers story correctly because I'm not sure once again I don't know how they can how he could do that because they were saying that he's not allowed to tell these people story because he's a white cisgender male so I'm just conflicted about what they're talking about because if he can't tell it then you guys should tell it and but you guys also don't don't want to explain your stance so I'm very confused I do want to say if I have any fat positive individuals right now though that want to speak to me live I don't do debates I don't want to debate you I don't feel like there's anything for me to debate I believe in what I believe in is backed up by science anything you say it's not gonna change my mind anything that you feel is not gonna change my mind I don't think being obese and morbidly obese is healthy and that's that maybe is my age or my schooling I don't know but I will never agree I'd much rather view an interview I'll give you my platform and you can we can just kind of talk to each other and I see where you stand who knows maybe we will actually agree on some things I found some things that I do agree with like I said I'm not a traditionally the traditional beauty according to media I am too strong looking according to people so if you would like to talk to me and you are a very just that positive influencer reach out I will try to make it work we also have every damn name Fitness who said that he will full-on talk to you anytime any day and if you want to talk to him you can get in contact with him or the amnion and I can help set it up but the problem that I'm finding that I have and the person that made that topia every damn day Fitness anyone who tries to talk to these people they it's the only one that themselves to be heard if they hear one thing from us that they don't agree with they shut out they don't want to hear it they don't have a conversation they want it to be a one-way relationship and that doesn't work you have to be able to let other people talk so it's just very hard to find reasonable people but most people in the fat acceptance movement are not very reasonable so yeah I'm not sure how you expect anyone to get a a good according to your terms good interview but in the documentary I just found it very interesting that they interviewed an X plus size model and I definitely thought that she was gonna you know need to asked about Tess Holliday and I definitely thought she's gonna be like yeah go test she's amazing she's perfect we need bigger women on on that runway like she's amazing but she she was not for it I've always wondered what plus-size runaway models think about Tess Holliday kind of coming in and taking the plus-size model reigns in full force so here is that clip if I couldn't speak to test it was important I could speak to someone from the same industry that's why I headed to London to meet joseline joseline is a plus-size model whose work with brands such as ki be seen as Archie and Vivienne Westwood I knew she couldn't speak directly for tests but I thought she could offer some plus-sized expertise when we spoke about you said about I was a traditional traditional all of you I've gone through the transition of becoming a plus right but the plus is when I see it as you get your the same size your the traditional but you just get more curves more rounded right where but what's happening now with a lot of plus models that they're calling themselves plus like for example my gold Tess yeah from the front of Cosmopolitan she's not when you're a traditional model when you start you've got to be admitted Mahina five-foot-eight yeah she's I think five foot two so this is where the mom describes what a plus-size model is according to industry standards basically according to any respectable modeling agency and she's not assigned to a fool so she's like yeah let me just interrupt here this is a trigger warning I feel like if I said any of this I would be fat phobic I find it funny that no one pointed out this plus-size lady talking about test Holliday in this way because I can tell just from the thumbnail and the way that I title this video people are gonna come at me just because I'm a fake girl and just because they think I'm staying tests holidays not a real model when I'm freaking 5 foot 2 I'm like a hobbit compared to a real model but for some reason it's okay for a plus-size woman to say this but I am yeah just watch so that doesn't you know being a plus because it doesn't bring anything positive to the big almond or the curvier woman it's a height issue then always it a weight issue now to be a model it says that every agency every notable agency you have to be a minimum height or 5 foot 8 this holiday is my height but I am sure look like a solid house or damn I guess buy a big deal at all I looked all here I am a hobbies I've got small hands small six-and-a-half size but I would look very weird on a runway next to women that are 5 foot knee Giants so when you've got girls like her or these fat girls I call them fat because I think if you're plus you should be given you should you should be you they're all attractive they're pretty girls but you should be in proportion and I agree and you know you don't take this seriously because I am a fashion school dropout but when you make clothes or when you're designing clothes and you're just trying to show off the clothes you want in proportion model you don't want a body that's going to be very distracting and look at just walk down the runway she looks uncomfortable her walk is not good I don't even look at the clothes and that is the shiniest thing going on that ever seen and I don't see it at all I just look at her body and Runaways are meant for fashion designers to show off the clothes but you shouldn't be like this you know and just inch for me in my opinion I just think she doesn't represent the Plus model on what a plus model exactly is so why would you then call use the word model as in the traditional models you have super models some models are not all spotty or you know got fat arms or covered in scars whatever or just not not complementary to what they're supposed to be selling so for you would you then take the test holiday situation and you would put her in her own sort brat bracket of models magazine I don't call them there's a traditional model the plus-size models yeah man I would I don't know what label you will call them because they're not really what is she modeling what can she can't go and walk down a catwalk with a traditional model and wear the same outfit because he should the true sir model here should be down here and just there so it doesn't sell what is a bigger woman a curvier woman would look like so I personally love that part I am so happy that she explained it the way that she explained it I feel like some people are gonna be very upset but even the little time that I was in fashion school it just it makes sense from a factionist fashion point of view if you're talking about a runway I personally think that Tess holiday is giving it's been given a handout because she's not even a good model this plus-size model doesn't even consider her a model she wouldn't even give her her own category and I really don't think that Tess holiday is good she's not good at walking she looks uncomfortable on the runway it looks very awkward to me and that's just my personal opinion what exactly do you think when you see her walking down a runway I personally think the way that she walks was she's trying to hide that her knees hurt I've seen a couple of clips of her walking and it just doesn't look comfortable it doesn't look smooth it looks really painful I just don't think just holiday fits on a run what that's not a fat joke that I'm sure many of you guys will take it that way but I just don't think she fits on a runway I'll fit on a runway can you imagine nice it looks like standing next to a tall freaking tall person you guys saw it obvious the piece was here you have to literally like lean down to get in this shot I'm sure it looks odd I think way too many people take their parents too seriously when they say you can be whatever you want when you grow up my ass could be a professional football player I could scream my way in there and try to get in but I'm not because I'm gonna get my butt beat pretty badly because men are physically stronger and faster than women so I'm just gonna stay in my lane and watch anime but you guys do what I'm saying but not everyone's meant to walk the runway some people look awkward me and tests are the same height both of our asses don't belong on a runway with the mega tall people even when I compete they separate the high classes for a reason if I you know got first in my class then you move up Anita you you battle it out between all the other classes which means the tall girls I don't fly gonna hop it next to the tall girl and I only one like once or twice usually the tall girls would win because they just look longer and leaner they just look more aesthetically pleasing and that's okay we are more about health instead of aesthetics and Tess is more about being pretty and fortunately you don't have to walk a runway to be pretty you could just be pretty on Instagram anyone now can be an Instagram model but I don't think everyone can be or should be a runway model I'm sure they're paying her a pretty penny and we all know how much test loves money and I'm sure you would probably take the money and walk your ass down that runway if they're gonna pay you super well I know if they were like hey five foot two Hobbit muscle chick you want to walk the runway see I don't I don't belong on a runway but I would take it but you also have to deal with people saying that was awkward and I don't think you fit in this whole thing it just it looks weird and you just have to deal with that and that's personally what I think about test holiday walking a runway or like I said before these people just know that her name makes a lot of money they make people feel comfortable and therefore they're going to have her not because they respect her as a model or a person or they think that she is you know has this amazing body but because her presence and her popularity brings money into their business but I kind of interesting I've always kind of wanted to know what some plus-size models think of Tess Holliday coming into the Plus Size industry when she is more of a circle shape and I know in the fashion industry they want um they have you know their base measurements because of the way the clothes will look and how it looks on the runway and they're more focused on the clothes and that's that I just found it very interesting so you guys know my opinion you know the X plus size models opinion and now I want to know your opinion what do you think about Tess holiday on the runway and what do you think about this plus-size model saying that she's not a real model I'm looking forward to reading your comments especially the ones that only see the title and are now calling me a man in the comments section thank you so much I'm glad that you noticed my muscle remember you don't have to be a size too to breathe a half but not needed to be healthy health is very important and remember you don't have to be everything all the time you don't you don't have to be a football player you don't have to go build a house some people are super tall some people shorter people are very good at fighting a cold yeah so suck on that tall people that's that's what I can do I'll bite your ankles that's how short I am okay I'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 309,338
Rating: 4.9461651 out of 5
Keywords: fat acceptance, body positivity, tess holliday, fat positive, fat positivity cringe, fat positivity, tess holliday walking, tess holliday cringe, fat topia, fattopia trailer, fattopia tess holliday, body positive cringe, body positive bro, michelle, mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you fat, my thoughts will probably offend you tess, responding to fat chicks, weight loss, tess holliday cosmopolitan, michelle mcdaniel
Id: qH0AZPrTvG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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