Massy Arias Demonstrates How NOT to Train an Obese Person W/ Tess Holliday

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celebrity trainer mozzie arias showing us how not to train him obese person to test holiday my name is Ellen Roberts this is everyday I'm Dave Fitness like subscribe put that in the case but right over here and share my videos subscribe to my second channel Alan Roberts in my opinion course moved above Lothian and all those places thank you very much so this video was sent to me and it took me an extra 0.25 seconds to look at it because test holiday has me blocked now create a test so yeah it was on our Instagram it took me like XO 2.25 seconds to look at it yes baby and whoa what's so good it is a video of her doing the agility ladder and sprinting being trained by celebrity trainer mozzie arias who has 2.5 million followers on Instagram her own supplement line I think her own like you know clothing line on fabletics she's a highly successful trainer highly successful I will say this though any trainer that believes in healthy to resize that says you can be healthy to resize doesn't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about in my opinion of course is why he's either lying or doesn't know what the [ __ ] they talked about just in my opinion of course and YouTube I did say in my opinion course by the way so her and Tess Holliday linked up three times a week from the article I read we're test drives two hours each way to then do this type of workout actually you know the other ones I saw were very safe for some reason this one extremely [ __ ] dangerous for an obese person here's here's some facts reality physics math okay statistically sexually every time you run there is anywhere from 9 to 13 times the amount of stress on your load bearing joints from your body weight okay so if you are 200 pounds you've stress on your knees every time you jog every time you take a jog is somewhere around you know 1802 what is it 2600 pounds okay that is just fact it's reality it's been measured it has been studying that nausea right there is anywhere from five to ten times the amount of force of your bodyweight the amount of stress on your body weight on your Achilles tendon so anywhere if you're 200 pound person that is anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds fat it's just fact its facts yeah I mean that's the thing like the problem with the obesity your acceptance movement is that they're trying to ignore facts you are not healthy if you're morbidly obese by gravity literally by gravity by by the forces of you coming down on your load bearing joints you are not healthy because this woman in my professional opinion Tess holiday is about 200 pounds overweight for her frame your frame does not change and I hear I saw a bunch of comments and her comment section about how it strengthens your bones there's enough strength to strengthen her bones enough for this type of jogging there's not enough strength there's not enough training that she's gonna do from this there's no reward that is gonna strengthen her you know her joints to be able to take this type of load this type of pressure at nauseam now here's the reality she drives for hours round-trip three times a week to train with Mazzy arias I personally believe and I personally that this is just for the publicity it is just for the videos and clips it is just for whatever because any real trainer that was concerned about their morbidly obese client would tell them you know what find a pool and walk in the pool for two hours three times a week and save yourself about two-and-a-half extra hours and by the way the wear and tear on your joints which if at some point in time if she keeps up this type of training Tess Holliday will most likely suffer an injury to her ankle her lower back or her knees break a bone do something pop a tendon do something Tara Lehman do something like that unfortunately because I do not wish this upon anybody this could cause her early demise she's morbidly obese she has a poor relationship with food she will eat more be less active and put on more weight than it could cause her death that is the [ __ ] issue people the issue is that these types of behaviors are very very very very dangerous and she is heard Mazzy as your arias or whatever [ __ ] name is are showing these things to a huge audience of people if you look in the comments section of Tessa's video clip of this there are people asking how do you you know how do you keep working out and losing weight because I want to work out but I don't want to lose weight I love being big that is the problem that is where have we have gotten to where we have gotten to is that where people have shown this to be very healthy perfectly fine behaviors and it is not a marker on you as a how you look aesthetics are a matter of opinion it is not a matter of your morality morality is how you act not how you look but I will say it is highly immoral in my opinion of course for people to be stating that you can be hell see and every size and the training like this for a morbid obesity way safe the problem right now is that many personal trainers are only concerned with aesthetics looks lifting how're your goals the majority of the population the majority of people that start training that start working out are not physically suited to be worried about how big their deadlift is they should not be worried about their time on an agility ladder I think they should they should not be worried about their sprinting time they should be worried about how much time they can get at very very low impact very very safe very very very you know best bang for your buck so to speak chloric expenditures and seriously watch their nutrition so they can get to a healthy [ __ ] weight every [ __ ] week I have to talk about this because it seems like nobody is everybody's watching this is like oh she's a hero with bah-bah-bah this first of all she should not be doing this masse Aires if you're watching I know I highly doubt you believe you should know better you should know better just by physics you're that you're endangering this woman you absolutely are saying it was so great that she ran although is so much better that is horrific that is negligent in my pain of course I understand that people are gonna be like well she's mouthing arias and you're [ __ ] nobody you're just some bald dude screams into a [ __ ] camera but I don't it doesn't matter how popular she is and who the [ __ ] I am I've said this before facts don't give a [ __ ] about where they're presented from they're just facts and it's reality the problem is this you're you are endangering this woman in my opinion of course you are you are absolutely putting Tess Holliday in danger because you can easily get her hurt when you're that big when you are that overweight you can step off a curb wrong and in shatter bones shatter bones again just as a quick reminder of the facts anywhere from 9 to 13 times the amount of body weight the person has is the pressure that goes on their joints a person is designed you can take a look at this picture right here and you can see that the x-ray of an obese person still shows a actual normal size frame their frame does not all the sudden get huge it stays normal it stays the same size their frame doesn't get bigger just the fat tissue around it and the adipose tissue you know in the visceral fat gets larger the fat around that you around their organs gets bigger that is the issue the issue is this woman is too big to be doing these exercises and that is not a fat shame that is not an insult that is fact let's get back to facts shall we because the problem the true problem is we're ignoring this and people like videos like this perpetuate the idea that they said that this is perfectly healthy and this woman that should people should train like this the issue is that have another 300 some pound woman who is 5 3 will try to do this because you need to remember you're speaking to the dumbest person in your audience they'll try to do this and shatter their knees or [ __ ] up their ankles and then they'll gain more weight and then guess what then there you know immobile and then their morbidly obese immobile and then it leads to their early demise it just does deer fitness community including mozzie arias and everybody else and especially you [ __ ] that believe in healthy to resize because any trainer again these believes in healthy every size you don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing in my opinion you know this is an issue let's get back to actual reality of training people getting people fit and that's just my two cents on the matter my name is Alan Roberts hit me up on Instagram and every time a fitness hit me up on Twitter at everybody fit him off on Facebook at every damn day fitness name on the internet that every damn day fitness net god damn
Channel: Every Damn Day Fitness
Views: 753,130
Rating: 4.8548126 out of 5
Keywords: everydamnday, everydamndayfitness, tess holliday, massy arias, weight loss, tess munster, body positive, plus size model, plus size, fat acceptance, fat loss, how to lose weight, alan roberts, body positivity, healthy at every size, healthy at any size, weight gain, body acceptance, tess holliday cosmo, working out
Id: 7L4tIx4OP8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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