Fat Activist Says Thin Women Buying Plus Size Clothes is FAT PHOBIC

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before we start this clownish video I wanted to remind everyone that today is the very last day to sign up for my 12-week support group workout and nutrition program if you want more information of this amazing supportive group please click the link below after this clown video [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome back to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you my name is Michele McDaniel I am a personal trainer a proud hug mommy and a cosplayer wearing my original cosplay kind of created this character for when we are talking about people of the internet who are asking a little clownish this is Madeline I asked you guys to neighbor and I love that you guys named her Madeline after I introduced the character when I was talking about Madeline Gorge Etta so that was pretty savage of you guys but it spoke to me I liked it and that's over going away so say hello to Madeline Madeline is a clown dummy that will be incorporated into my future anime manga book a comic book I don't know some kind of anime inspired thing that I am writing and I wanted to get you guys involved and I asked you guys to write her backstory and you guys did a bomb I read at least most of them for when the video was very new I'll link it below if you guys want to see the first time Madeline appeared on this weird channel but I finished the backstory with the help of you guys so if you want to hear that make sure to stay until the end of the video so Madeline sprouts out on this channel when we are talking about someone who is acting a little clownish on the Internet today is a pretty simple video let me take off my nose but today is a very simple video of something that I thought was very funny and a little bit like girl stop two people who are level-headed I like to think that I'm level-headed even though I dress up like this you guys remember that one thing that I said triggers me that one little thing yes and titled people please entitled ass people they just asked me off the person that I'm not talking about today is triggered for the pure fact that thin women are going to the thrift shop purchasing items or clothing that is for plus-sized women and tailoring it or changing it in a way where it fits the skinny woman's body better that's it that's why she's upset yes clowning I told you this is what Madeline shows up for clowns by the way you guys like this version of Madeline or the first version of Madeline I like the half lip and I feel like that shirt shows off my muscle buying plus-sized clothing from thrift stores so you can tailor the items down to fit your size zero' body isn't a cute youtube video idea period it's fat phobic and classes and taking resources away from poor and fat people who have an infinitely harder time finding clothes than you do I've been seeing these videos on the suggested tab on YouTube forever and it's been making me more and more angry every time how is this a popular trend it's literally preventing underprivileged people from having clothes that fit them I don't understand there's really nothing to understand they just want to buy some cheap clothes that they can experiment on and that's it but there's more a lot more she went crazy with on Twitter kept quiet about this for literally years because I was terrified street sized people would come after me you know those street sized people always just coming after obese people attacking them watch out for those street signs people never know when they're gonna lash out and get you but I don't care anymore as a fat person you can't afford clothes unless they're from a thrift store y'all need to stop ASAP the next time I see a skinny girl buying a size 3 x sweater because it looks comfy and cute I'm going to grab it from her and we'll wait with it faster than she can blink sometimes you don't deserve cute things if it means that people get clothing [Music] first of all I wish she would I wholeheartedly wish she would come up to me when I'm at a thrift store and I'm purchasing whatever I want to purchase that my hands got to you first and she grabs it out of my hand I wish I wish she would might be a 5 foot 2 suburban chick but I'll bite your ankles like okay if it's in the store and there are dozens of that item whatever but in a thrift store really stain your freaking aisle stay out of the plus-size section stay out of our way we deal with enough crap let alone not having clothes that fit just because y'all stole it all entitlements the complete entitlement from this woman trying to police someone on what they do with their money and what section they go to it doesn't work that way affiliate also don't even try to come at me with that you're fat you don't understand or whatever the hell rhetoric you want to spout I was skinny once I did these things once and then I learned they're selfish and rude close your mouth and open your ears when poor fat people speak it's so funny with that because I bet you that if someone you know thin or like muscular but try to talk about this topic and it was an opposing argument she would probably tell them to be quiet so she wants to be listened to but people like me or thin people or who have you know straights bodies we can't speak okay also this applies to any marginalized persons last group stop talking over us listen when we tell you you're in the wrong being privileged isn't bad until you ignore your privilege use your privilege to boost marginalized voices not to steal our clothes so a pretty savvy fat positive group black people especially black women are marginalized people so uh affiliate can I talk about this topic because I am not agreeing with you and uh hey hey don't interrupt me I am marginalized that whatever I say goes dear sleeve Oh imagine being in a thrift shop and picking up a size three times jeans and not thinking those are too big for me I'll leave them for a bigger person and instead thinking gosh I would just love to cut off 90% of the fabric so I can but my tiny body into them like question mark no these aren't oversized clothing hats you are taking plus-sized clothing away from plus-sized people period it's bonkers to me that someone would do this instead of just buying that jeans may once affiliate they want those jeans so I bet that this person can afford many new pairs of jeans but nope woah judgement I'm guessing there are absolutely no thin people struggling with money okay tell me in the comments section all the thin people watching you're rich right you can afford mini in jeans mini a jeans is a phrase that I'm gonna use but you're all rich money is good anyway remember that tweet that she said that only marginalized people can speak and that people should be quiet when a marginalized person is speaking well affiliate I am part of the marginalized group that you guys say black women I am a black woman no matter what you guys say about my muscle since I am marginalized than what I feel goes I feel that you are the privileged one at this moment and I feel that I am not the privileged one at this moment so I'm going to ask you to stop talking because I'm the marginalized one remember your words not mine and I just want you to stop because my feelings are hurt that you have the privilege to stop at a thrift store and demand people to buy what you want them to buy anyway you guys very short videos today of just people clowning on the internet and I thought it was interesting and I wanted to dress up like a clown and and do that so here we are remember my 12-week program is now open for anyone who wants to have a support system a workout program meal plan ideas meals tough ideas in the Facebook group I'll be posting a crap ton of videos with meal prep and whatnot if you're interested in that I linked it below I would love to have you if you have any questions make sure to send me an email on my business email so that I can see it and only about the program in my business email I only answer questions about programs all the other questions can go on my Instagram and I will get to them when I can thank you guys so much for watching this video let me know what you is it wrong to go get an extra bigger size clothing piece from a thrift store is it fat phobic is it rude to the obese people is it all the things that about that woman said let me know in the comment section I'm looking forward to reading at the comments you guys know how much I love reading your guys's comments follow me on Instagram for more cause please remember you don't have to be a size two I have to agree to have but not need it to be healthy but hope is it extremely important and being entitled is not very healthy for anyone and I want all of my followers subscribers Watchers and even that woman from Twitter to be as healthy as possible and now a quick back story of Madeline the evil clown dummy so thank you guys so much for watching I will see you guys next time down in the depth of a town named Sumer I is a friendly town puppet store owner named otogi there he sells a slew of colorful smiling puppets that the children of the city greatly enjoy but Orochi has a dark side that no one of the town folks would foresee an obsession of control blended with dark magic with this obsession and skill in magic he was able to create and bring to life a different type of puppet from the ones of his store puppets with the unsettling urge to kill anyone their master instructs them to in the most goofiest fashion one puppet has become his absolute favorite for this puppet is being built for a very wealthy and mysterious client Madeline G able to transform herself from puppet to human moves at an unsettling speed from place to place and as she carries out her master's orders she smiles and laughs while doing the command she was told what do you expect she is a clown we'll get to you I will find you [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 202,647
Rating: 4.9743567 out of 5
Keywords: plus size, body positivity, fat acceptance, fat positive, binge eating disorder, binge eating, haes, health at every size, michelle, mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel bodybuilder, michelle mcdaniel fat, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you fat, responding to fat chicks, fat acceptance cringe, cringe, femanist, feminist breakdown, feminist breakdown compilation
Id: fEe5hF_pe0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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