Intuition, Privacy vs Secrecy!

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but hey Tommy gas is here popping in to talk to you today you know one of the things that I notice when I'm coaching women is that a lot of women ignore the obvious signs of a man cheating and you really just gotta be honest with yourself you know a woman's intuition is like the strongest force on earth and the reason why I say that is because when I was in the game when I was playing the games a woman's intuition was never wrong about me never wrong like it could be the slowest woman or the hippest woman the fastest woman and I'm talking my mentally she could be naive and gullible or she could be very street savvy the woman's intuition was the same across the board so the one who never had a boyfriend and the one who knew everybody they the intuition was the same not a key was one thing that I learned when I was playing the game is that I was always able to talk a woman out of her intuition make her feel crazy make her feel insecure that's something that men learned at you know four or five years old any if you got a son around four or five you see they start to develop them skills to talk you out of what you think you know about what they were doing and so that just grows up with I know some of y'all lots of nice ass oh that's all I said no everybody's not talking about that that's not what told me this just this is an average normal everyday man okay that will talk you out of your intuition and the thing about it is a lot of women would internalize that and it could be like the the typical what you see on the movie the lipstick on the collar could be a little lipstick love here or it could be a red tint on the man lips he's smelling like angel you know what's it called love spell cucumber/melon he's smelling like all these you know woman's cents from Victoria's Secret a way on perfume mania and you like that's a little red and then your intuition going on and what took you so long you you work like 30 minutes away you got off like three hours ago and then he like what do you mean traffic duh track oh my oh good here we go with this insecure mess Oh Mike Oh you you need a HBO show you so insecure oh my goodness traffic it's a rent every day I'm stuck on i-75 behind a 14 car pileup what you mean and then you like oh well why you got a little red on your collar right now oh my goodness lunch duh sometimes I'll bite my face and we had spaghetti today like so he come up with anything but it's really more so attacking you to make you you like hmm you know what I need to a lot ah yeah right maybe I'm crazy maybe I'm insecure yeah I'm still think about what John did to me six years ago when he cheated on me now I'm blaming it on this man and you know what Tony guys gonna did say you can't take your pass you know your ex messing to your next uh so you know what I'm trippin and now you're taking put put in there lie on me put words in my mouth misappropriated my message you'll grab all this stuff because he made you feel crazy he made you feel insecure so you like I'm insecure when really no that's your intuition that's your intuition now let me help you understand something by a man now is when it's obvious it's obvious okay so when a man won't give you the password to his phone when he hide that password when he put that password in when he never asked you hey can you call my phone real quick while I'm doing this and Google for me you know this right here what's the down payment what's closing costs on the house you know Hickey something random to Google that he thinking about and how you go Google on his phone when a man ain't having you come nowhere near his phone when he treat his phone when he made you treat his phone like a landmine like listen if you get near it you liable to lose all your leg when he treated phone like that that's just obvious okay that's just up see that right there is secrecy that secrecy not privacy know what you got to understand when his social media when he don't go on social media in front of you and scroll and look at what he's looking at what my wife next to me if I'm on a popular page and it's a woman on a popular page and I'm trying to see who is this on my popular page or what is this that she got on or what is this face she making I click on it so she'll see me click on a woman picture right in front of me because I'm not looking at this in a indecent way I'm like okay limp what's the latest gossip out here what's going on who is this why are you showing up on my problem page but I only follow four people so what why my Discover page what is so discoverable about you and so why she's sitting right there now the first couple times you like what you're looking at all right I'm looking at the one see what this is like who does it but then she realized okay this isn't nothing this isn't anything indecent this just didn't you see me click on a car didn't you see me click on a basketball player and just see me click on a quote and just see me click on this I'm just nosy I'm just nosy that's just higher when we used to go out and about you know I watched every single person at first she thought are you looking at one but then she realized I'm also looking at the person that is this size trying to get through the door I'm also looking at the person that is something wrong with a gate I'm also looking at the little baby I'm also looking at the dog I'm looking at I'm just nosy I look at everybody so then eventually she learned oh he watched every height shape color I'm I just hi always been I'm aware of my surrounding every body everybody you don't know who gonna pop off you don't know who bout to do what so over time she learned man but see not every man some man he's gonna be just like that and you'll see that okay it's nothing wrong with what he's doing like it's not with bad intent mal-intent he is that's just him so you may have a man that he made comment on a woman to you oh she tall wow that's pretty later you know like the way she dressed you know he might say something like that and I mean my mom used to say stuff like that by a certain mean that'll come on TV and my dad would be like uh did you just say the man look good on TV and my mom be like yeah I don't say he's a handsome man do you have to say you know and they'll be like that kind of like you know joking back and forth but that was a part of their relationship and so it's different when you understand it like that but now if your intuition tells you no no he means somebody is he trying to told me love him he trying to make me feel bad he trying to he try to let me know that he loves out here in these streets that he really getting down with it okay he trying to let me know your intuition going it's gonna let you know now one thing I don't do now as a man if I see a woman is she pretty beautiful gorgeous whatever you name gonna call it I'm not commenting on her ok I'm not coming on that cuz well my wife need to hereby therefore well my wife what cuz ain't no telling how she could take that I'm not gonna say oh that's a gorgeous woman that I'm not gonna do that and if my wife if she see a woman that she think is beautiful every night then she black she's beautiful she's she beautiful I believe looks to be a mean mmm look like I too close together you're not finna trip me up in that I'm not finna know so you could be bringing it up later talking my yeah you think such such is beautiful no eyes too close together no forehead to be got fire head so you know certain things a man ain't just st. gonna do let's meet me in transparent with you my wife she figured out cuz she know what she does the same thing to me I try to get out of her well you know what to talk about celebrity crushes your celebrity crush your CEO say I don't have a celebrity crush I've just never been that way yes I've never had a man picture on my wall growing up I don't have celebrity crushes yeah I say well when I met you like told genuine and I was a kid I did not like him I was just a kid that was from just childhood all it so it's your play like that and so that's wisdom now that's wisdom because sometimes if it's something irrelevant then it's not worth putting it in the mix and messing with emotions and tickling insecurities and people cuz we all human and to a certain degree every human gonna feel a little bit of jealousy that's normal that's normal did you're not sick in the head you're not lost and broken cuz you feel a little tinge of jealousy and then you gotta check yourself and come on off that jealousy and you know my wife she got the training done she used to have a trainer that was out of shape now she got a trainer in shape look like a GI Joe and I just we haven't talked to myself and just you know I heard women say hi sets it is for your man to be confident not a man is a Caucasian my wife is not known to be interested in Caucasian in any sense of the word and so man and so but I got to talk to myself and I also realized that my wife worked out twice as hard as almost any woman under the face of the earth unless this woman is preparing for the Olympics it's never really in this age especially as an adult my wife don't stand next to a woman that could do her workout so men naturally are stronger in their body physically everybody know that so men trainers they train a little harder then the women trainers so my wife rather work with a male trainer to get a more intense workout now in some women that can crank it up but you where we at we not in a big city so she hadn't found that so me as her husband I gotta be okay mm-hmm now you wisdom not now you wisdom on this here and I know okay I've seen ICUs boyfriend see high school head boyfriend I see me I see you merit me anything in our range I the hang a bit of training know how you see some of these women be on on the internet and they married and they had this old man that's writing they stylist is training them watching a booty bent over and watching them sweat not hope no you got to understand human psychology you got something saying about jealousy some things ain't about insecurity something just common sense it just wisdom you don't send your husband and let his trainer be Laura Harvey and you know that's his style and Steve no you let this woman over here and and for a man he only won't want me to be training him you know he don't because women workout totally different cuz you got different body parts and yeah you could cross it over but we talking about on average so on average a man gonna train with a man that's a common sense on average a man going you know do go to the bar or whether he's going to the lounge with a man so that's just common sense it don't mean that you insecure because you don't want your man hanging out with full women at the bar at the lounge they don't mean you insecure that's just common sense so see when we get into this intuition and we start to think about this thing you gotta be able to really understand that not everything that you feel is a negative just because somebody may call it insecurity or jealousy something just wisdom something just weird some in just common sense not yeah you can argue this small point but we doing that we focus on wisdom and common sense so here you have this situation where a man we'll be out here and he'll be into something and so you can't see his social media he'd never opened that social media in front of you he never opened that cellphone in front of you you don't have a password to his social media you don't have a passcode to his phone when he's around you that phone is put up in his car somewhere else and his face down all the time he don't text in front of you see that's when you got to understand your intuition that's when you got to realize what's going on because you will tell yourself arms as me and secure because I got cheating on in the past uh you know it's probably nothing people just like their privacy and a man gonna tell you watch it like my privacy I'm just a private person Oh only my mom I don't mean you see my phone I just I'm a private person no no you up son yup something ain't right you ain't privacy that's secrecy see let me take what privacy is privacy is when a man going to the bathroom okay and he need to drop all the kids to the pool and he don't want you in the bathroom with him inhaling having a conversation so yeah so um what do you want to eat for breakfast tomorrow while he on the toilet stool that's privacy not not one you in the bathroom while he's in the bathroom not while he in the bathroom it still could be some tomfoolery going on okay Angela cell phone well site out hands in the bathroom probably still could be tomfoolery going on in there but the bathroom okay that's privacy all right now when you get married or y'all askin young Merritt then even a man who ain't got nothing hi you might be enough you know for a couple minutes until you start to get your will and then you excuse yourself because you don't want to put yourself through that punishment and so you know that's that certain some relationships all right that's nasty now in privacy that man want to white when he get rid of the white all right that privacy okay when a man want to blow his nose and all this he'll MOOC is about to come on okay that's privacy you know when he wanna pray that's privacy he want to sup with the Lord cry to the Lord he want to go on his prayer closet that's privacy okay he on the phone with a family member and they telling him they personal business and he don't want that to be in your ear cuz he don't want it to end up in the salon or you telling your momma by what his sister going through and cuz she might have contracted something from old knucklehead man and she boohoo crying and telling him and he might not want to tell you that his sister that contracted her B and so he's talking to her in private so that she could share that and be consoled without you getting a business and then because he know you don't wanna tell your sister yo mama uh yeah John was on the phone today with his sister and apparently and this I use apparently and apparently she's contracted herpes yeah yeah I heard yeah he was talking about it and I heard him tell her that and you know he was trying to console her and just help her understand that it may not ever have a breakout and that is medicine for it and that a lot of men have it everything will be okay yeah yeah I know it's so sad so sad I know so sad these young kids today and so he know that's what you're gonna be doing so he won't had that conversation in private because he don't want his family business out there because his sister going through a lot and he don't want yo sister yo mama looking at his sister funny or hugging her extra long at Thanksgiving and so that's privacy all right Nazi secrecy is when he hiding that phone when he hiding that fun when that phone facedown he hiding at social media okay when he when a man never asked you to do something on his phone see in the course of a relationship a man gonna need you to do something on his phone an idea is out when I'm driving I Drive every well I don't let my wife drive me because she really didn't have a good driving class she just kind of she was she had let me tell my wife got a license she happened to be at the place with a friend when her friend was taking her driving test my wife had never drove at all no training no practice but was so smart she was able to learn the book while she waiting on her friend so when I friend finished she had to study the book and took the test so my wife drive if it's a look so I never let my wife drive me unless I'm about to pass out I'm just so tired I'm gonna pass out okay and she noticed so she ain't gonna be mad about me saying it for y'all to think my wife know me I'm transparent I tell all my business that I need to be that need to be told and so what is here I say a lot I'm driving and while I'm driving I'm thinking so I say hey baby you can google this from maybe your guru from Oh what is right here saying well I get a notification I look at it real quick but I'm driving I said hey baby you did text read that Testament read it out to me reply to it so a lot of time my wife will be on my phone responding to the business inquiries that's coming in and text people that's texting me so if you ever text me and it sound a little proper you know and you don't how slanging in ain't commas ain't not in the wrong place hey that's my wife texting you for me because I'm driving you see what I'm saying so you come through a part of a relationship where a man gonna need you to go on his phone but if your man never ask you to go on his phone never ask you going strong mm-hmm oh yeah yeah something mean that phone so I mean that phone that's not about privacy that's about secrecy not see the same thing when it comes to social media when it come to social media if you've been with a man for 12 months or more and he has never posted you a picture with you and left it up he don't post you a man a man really ought to be posting his woman by once a month you know when y'all bite once a month it night might not be exact but you getting at least six posts a year now you definitely if anything if at the least you get in your birthday post you get in your Mother's Day post if y'all got kids you getting your anniversary post if y'all married you at least need to be getting old post now if if he's on social media actively and he post about whatever but he does not post you it is what you think it is it is what you think it is he the cheating or he is preparing to cheat he is courting in the DM listen to me it's no if ands and buts about it he told me oh I just post business I like to keep my page business your woman is your business your woman is your business your woman is a part of your business your woman is your life nobody want to see your business they want to see your life they so that it so that they know you good ground to spend money with because you got a queen and you treat her right that actually make people trust you more when they see that you have love and that you could treat somebody right that endears you to people and we all understand that to be honest with you that's why a lot of celebrities who real big that's why they get married because it represents stability it's actually some general managers of sports teams that you would rather sign a guy who was married than sign a guy who is single if their skill set is very similar it's close the guy who married gonna get that don't get the edge because it represents stability the man knows that this man got an accountability partner that he can't be out all night drinking and smoking and willy-nilly with all kind of women so he knows the wife is actually going to protect his investment so people understand that so when a man won't post his woman that's because and it's been 12 months or more but I take my 12 months for him to really get to know you really fall for you really like you when you cross that 12 months if he's not posting you you're not his woman then he's still open his options are open it's still women in the DeYoung now if he's not posting you and you have complete access to his social media that he could that's an exception to the rule so understand sensical exceptions to the rule okay not the nonsensical and I don't know if these words but we use on them here today but understand the sensical verse the nonsensical applications of this okay drop that right down you so what you have to realize is that there are there's exceptions to the rules not your man work for the CIA your man work for the FBI your man is a private investigator you know your man is an undercover agent you know what I'm going with either sentence to the rule not to nacho construction working man not to school teachers not your wrapper not your ball player you know not your insurance agent no mm-hmm no I know you want to feel like his job was important no it ain't ci if it aint CIA FBI undercover agent in all likelihood you know no because government officials senators presidents all that post a wife all let's suppose to post your wife get your woman you mean now you high up you necessary posting girlfriends you know you hire a position as a man you necessarily posting girlfriends now once it crossed 12 months now yeah okay it's serious because now you need to be getting on one knee to propose so understand is now the difference between secrecy and privacy so this discipline when it comes to posting a woman online okay posting your woman online secrecy is when demand does not post you privacy is when he posts you but he doesn't post when y'all arguing see privacy is him posting you but not saying poof and eat that good each piece cobbler when he posts date night but he don't put you know date night then eating peach cobbler when he doesn't tell your see that's privacy when when y'all in a disagreement and he don't post subliminal means that's talking to you so that he could get the likes and comments that beat up on you when you look at his page see that's privacy and when he doesn't do that now secrecy is when the people don't even know about you the people don't even know you exist and he's and he telling you it's I'm a private person you know I'm a private person because you know just like I could post you and then somebody could be after you because I got a past life I don't know what I was doing you don't know everything I was doing in my past so it's like I gotta protect the people around me so if I post you now you under attack you see what I'm saying um no we we don't see what you're saying so yes explain this to me again because you're not special you're not doing anything that amazing now you're not saying this this get me talking to him boy start lying what start lying like the song say boy stop a he lying to you so you got to get to the place to where you understand the difference between privacy and secrecy and guess what your intuition is gonna let you know the difference cuz you're gonna be like hold on this night and this ain't and now you go Twitter 12 months anything if you 12 months everything need to be open 12 box at 12 month Martin you need to how to pass cold to the phone he should have given you the passcode to his phone at 12 month mark let me tell you why because he could have a seizure he could collapse he could pass I you need to be able to get in his phone and call his momma after you call the a mallanna so you know emmalin now you need now hold on uh emmalin is a ambulance but where I'm from where we growing up we call it a Malone's now I'm gonna tell you something what I was very disheartened about is the civil attorney attorney Crump who represent all these families attorney Crump said emmalin i say i need to be a lawyer emmalin i said i said bro you want national TV you know how to say ambulance come on brother you went through all that law school you told my mo else but back to what I was saying back what I was saying don't y'all send that to attorney Crump cause he's going through a lot he having a lot of people we really need him to be on point but that right there let me know I could be a lawyer so I might getting ready for law school but listen what I'm telling you when this man here 12 months you need to had a past call to that phone not not you didn't y'all you know we seen the picture beyoncé or jay-z with texting jay-z with texting and Beyonce well your queen bee you queen and you know everybody taking pictures of you that one let me know lemonade was real time on lemonade was a publicity stunt you not that kind of energy and your chest on them songs if lemonade was a hoax no that lemonade was real they seemed like the agri-food and then why Beyonce was at that game look a text message and got caught on pizza and so listen to me you don't have a cold because you've been no you had a cold because hey this just my cold telephone nah don't get too excited because a lot of men got two three phones so don't get too excited not thinking you just overall my wife not no no hold on hold on if you don't have a single account if he got a count in his own name that you not own then you can't get too excited because he could be paying his MetroPCS or his cricket phone bill on his bat phone that he keep at the job and that's what he talked to women at Oh y'all give away all the game cuz I've seen it all now me I never had enough money I got I met my wife when I was 21 so I never had enough money to have two phones but as I watch him I start to see a lot of men with two three phones I'm like oh okay what y'all doing guess what I'm going to tell on you god you're nasty and we need to build healthy relationships so I got to give away the game cuz we need healthy relationship need you to be faithful need you to marry this woman need you to raise your kids and be a real man yeah I'm telling on you snitchin all along yeah do somebody snitch it all along you know what you can do buddy become a real man marry that woman get out to the streets put your thing in your pants put it where posted be be a real man raise your kid be an example and help change the world from the inside out that's what you could do and so that's what you got to understand twelve months everything open 12 is see a lot of a lot of people say oh I've been with this guy a year and a half and I still haven't met his family that's secrecy that's not privacy see that secrecy know what that means is that you have no rank and rule in his life that mean you still nobody to him that mean that any any given day he could be gone in 60 seconds any given Sunday gone in 60 seconds to movie name right now any given Sunday going in 60 seconds I don't know just like that taking three movie name right now hmm so that's what you got to realize is that you got to be paying attention and that's why I might tie to this intuition comma privacy verse secrecy mmm-hmm because all of this goes together you gotta use your intuition to know if this man is being private or if he's being secretive and if he's being secretive ain't no secrets in a real relationship so if he's being secretive then that's when you gotta use your strength to get up and walk away your intuition gonna have you smelling the folders in the morning your strength your self-worth your character your integrity yourself love that's gonna give you the strength the leaders relationship because you with a man who is not with you oh yeah a lot of women are in a relationship with a single man you need to hit that again DoubleTap the screen it'll go back 10 seconds oh yeah a lot of women in a relationship with a single man I saw that tweet one time on the timeline they don't belong to me but it went viral but that's what it said I've been using ever since I'd say well thank you that pain that go good for what I got going on on my purpose over him oh yeah make sure you not the woman in a relationship with a single man make sure your man is private but not secretive see see privacy meanings he don't go tell his mama and his friends all y'all business that's privacy see he telling his boys by hide you ills in the bed see that's that's privacy now when he now when his mama don't know about you that secrecy you need to run when his boys don't know by - that secrecy you need to run now I hear go y'all well his friends know about me but I never met his parents that's secrecy you need to run if it's past 12 months by the end of month 13 everything need to be an open book you need to be the met parents if they in his life if they're not in his life he never talked to them that's totally different okay and yeah I gotta spell this stuff out cuz people well then the question I'll be getting on so Tony um what if he never talked to his parents and I haven't met him and we've been together 18 months okay if he'd never talked to his parents then of course he's not going to introduce you to his parents okay all right okay and so understand this at the end of the thirteenth month it need to be open book the be honest with you not a man who has nothing to hide he might not give you his social media password but he'll be on social media right in front of you he'll be in a DM in front of you shooting his home wedding messages it might be a home girl his messages and you know she truly a home girl he commences her right in front of you he'll be liking the pictures he wanted like he'll be posting the picture he wanted post he'll be on social media right in front of you you might not have a password because he might not see the necessity of that not a passcode on his phone a wise man knows that anything could happen to him at any moment and you need to be able to get into his phone to call his mom to call his brother his sister to call his family physician you know his doctor if he got one I don't have now so you got to call doctor gzhel for me just send a prayer to the Lord that he can't save me it's time for me to go but he might have a family physician have his life in order so boom you could call dr. Johnson hey he just you know he he passed out so what I need to do at the call and amylum and so understand that and use your intuition now listen there's caveat some nuances though all of this here is it's exceptions to the rule and you got time to coach you in the comments okay so if you feel like you got exception to the rule you need to sign up for coaching sign of code visit my mentor dot like to book a coaching session with myself or one of the other coaches and in a relationship coach product can help you sort through it the other thing is if you are a life coach but use procrastinating and sitting on your thumbs you need to make sure that you click the link in the description to take advantage of the 30% off price right now that's for the life coach certification you need to go ahead and get certified and then you need to join my mentor dot life so you could help me help the world hey this is Tony Gaskins I got to cut this short today 20 minutes short so watch the first 20 minutes over if you wanted to get to your hour but I got a train today I've been doing physical training ok 3 times a week and I got to tell you all that because I noticed with people like myself we have one kale smoothie we got to make a post by fit life you know we do a little bit of training and now all the sudden we fit like so I had to let y'all know that that I've been training I'm probably going on my eighth session and you know am I seeing gains already now I see this right here on my arm right here that little Martin when you see that mark right now when I was growing up I had a Wang worm okay I had a rain worm translation ring worm ring worm but in my dialect we call it rain worm so I had a rain worm and I put beach on a band-aid I was little I was in high school I was I was probably younger than that middle school and I put bleach on the band-aid and put the band-aid on my arm and that you know the little plastic just look cotton Park it burnt my skin off yeah somebody told me you kill the rain burn with bleach and I put the bleach on the band-aid and put it on in burn the skin off so I got a perfect square tattoo on my arm a random story time just so y'all gonna take that's a birthmark no did that's himself young and dong hey god bless you we're top song
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 40,490
Rating: 4.9448276 out of 5
Id: XZu7YkTV_7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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