Interview w/ Mark Walberg (Host of Moment of Truth)

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Was just about to post this too! Temptation Island chat starts around 14:20. He really seems like a cool guy and I wonder who it is that he says hates him lol.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/nx85 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I saw him when he hosted the live version of price is right! He was hilarious!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/geoffrich82 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
guys recently kelsey and i have done a couple videos watching a game show called moment of truth which ran uh you know it was an old game show and it ran for two seasons because it's the most effed up show i've ever seen in my entire life and uh it's unreal if you haven't watched those videos go watch them but today we're not gonna watch an episode of it instead we're gonna do an interview with the hosts of the game show mark wahlberg not not the actor mark wahlberg this is the host mark wahlberg and i'm really pumped to talk to him about the show and um you know what what was going through his mind on the fateful day that they filmed that one episode the one that was you know the episode the episode where that woman ruined her whole [ __ ] life and then lost the money in the process so really pumped and uh yeah let's let's get mark on the line let's get him on the horn hey oh my god there he is i'm sitting here watching what i saw this morning was the second episode of you doing this yeah and laughing out loud and kels hi so good to see you we all love you so much i love you guys now kelsey story's like you're an urban myth like that time she jumped in the pool that was so funny i remember that time as well she exists here she's not she's not a myth she's right here she's not a myth she is a legend but not a myth thanks for doing this man this has been so fun and i can't believe this show showed up again it's like the craziest show i've ever seen in my entire life can i just ask you first first question how could a man like me do such a thing i know that you're first no because you were i give you credit for being clearly uncomfortable especially in that first episode that we watched like you were like i don't want to be here you can tell they don't like tell you the whole thing but yes that's true yeah so my question is is it all real yeah ish i don't know man you know i realize now after 30 some odd years in television that i may be the most gullible person in the business because i keep thinking like i'm doing god's work and helping people and then you know the people who are supposed to be enemies post an instagram of them like make it out of the club afterwards so i i'm like i i just don't and goldie my daughter is the one who's like dad you have got to chill right this happens like it's all so deep to me right i really don't want to ask the questions and it's the only time i've done a game show where i literally say to them don't make me read the next question i know i know i'm okay with it i'm like but i have to say it out loud those words i'm gonna form them in my mouth and they're gonna come out and then afterwards i'm like oh god this is horrible and they are like hey let's get a picture together and it's lauren from your first episode the blonde and her husband and the home wrecker and it's like there's a picture of you all together they took a picture with me backstage this is pre insta and i'm literally just crawling out of my skin i feel like i've ruined western civilization and they're like yeah that was rad how were they not like fist fighting each other that's what i because you asked me if it's real and i don't know wow i just don't [ __ ] know man i didn't want to do the show at all yeah so when i tell you how i got the show if you're interested i would love to that was my next question how did you get it so i was doing an antiques road show okay equally as crazy a show yeah yeah because i have range you know because that's how i do so i get hired to do this lame ass pilot for this game show and i'm doing my best to help and we shoot all day long it's like 9 30 at night on a friday and we finally wrap and i'm exhausted and a little bitter i'm like i'm just going home i'm not going out for beer i've got my suit on i got my makeup on i'm all hosted out and i'm just gonna drive home this way and as i'm walking to my car an old buddy of mine calls me who's a producer and says hey we're shooting this pilot for this show and we're having a hard time they just fired the host and this was for nbc at the time and they said nbc wants you um they fired they fired the hosts i think the host probably the host might have quit i know who it is and i'll tell you who it is and you're more accurate he says where are you i said well i'm at hollywood center and they were at sunset gower it's like five minutes away i said you know are you in trouble he said yeah i said well i'll help you he said but one thing the producer is this guy who i had a falling out with like he had in my opinion screwed me out of what turned out to be millions of dollars oh geez and we hadn't spoken for 10 years right oh no and i said to my buddy mike i'm like dude i don't have time for grudges if this helps you you know buy guns or buy guns i'm there so i literally drive around the block in my car it's 10 o'clock at night on a friday i scoot down in my car as i watch the other host walk to his car who is managed by me my manager so my manager is walking in the car not knowing i'm the one replacing him right and mike jumps in my car and starts explaining the show to me and i'm like yeah whatever i'm not even listening because i'm worried about seeing this producer that i haven't talked to right but i'm literally walking from my car to the studio i take my tie off and hand it to the producer a pa brings me a cup of coffee just really hollywood it out on this one right i'm feeling myself like like gangster level and um i walk in i see this producer he goes hey i'm like no and i literally i mean when i think of it now it's just so stupid but i like like a badass quote them a figure and say you know no contract this figure my desk monday and i think back i'm like what the hell who are you and he said okay that's badass by the way it is so i kind of laugh and and i'm like it's kind of weird that on a friday night i'm like in makeup in a suit ready to host like any like an emt waiting for a call yeah i'm looking at the west side and like game show network's todd newton has the east side yeah people don't know that's what tv that's what working on tv is like yeah you got to be in full makeup at all times at all times just waiting to go so anyway i shake hands with my nemesis i walk in the set the producers like this the stage managers are like this and i go into just survival mode i'm like everybody just shut the hell up and i go to the audience because i have been a warm-up guy and i'm like you guys how long you've been here they're like [ __ ] forever and it sucks and i'm like give me an hour i'll get you out of here by midnight just i need you and i sit in the chair and again just fully feeling just my gangster self i'm like roll tape right i don't even know the name of the show right welcome to moment of was it moment moment of truth that's not an exaggeration like none of this is exaggerated so we're doing the first segment and the question comes up for this woman do you really care about the environment and she says no and the audience just booze and then the voice goes that answer is true so the audience as you see on the show has no [ __ ] idea what to do so they like cheer but they feel bad about it it's so strange and so i kind of take this stance of non-judgment and i said you've won a thousand dollars congratulations but you said you don't care about the environment so that's weird but um i hear the audience's disapproval and i basically said hey audience raise your hand if you drive an suv so you kind of roasted the audience you kind of gave it to them back a little bit you were like yeah but you guys don't care about the environment either yeah i i full trolled them and guilted them like a father would do nice and made them all hypocrites and they're like now we have to stay now we have like stuck into my ford explorer but i never claimed to care so anyway i leave and that's the pilot right that's it and i go home and i say to my wife you have no idea why i'm late i just did another fight and uh and i'll never host the show i get paid it's done whatever and then i find out that the show was sold into the nbc pass fox picked it up and it sold into 20 countries based on the pilot and now they make an offer to me and i said there's no way i'm doing the show there's no way my integrity is too high right there's no way they said well how about look at the pilot so the senate pilot home i put it in and robbie my wife and goldie morgan who went to school kills watch it and i'm waiting for them to go this is horrible and all they're doing is what you have said what would you have said just like you guys are doing and they're going off and then they made me an offer and i'm a [ __ ] and i took it and i need to let you know this backstory so that you guys understand how this went down okay so what happens is they would interview these people like you would on any show to get background on them that's why we know where we're going right and then they have questions like 50 questions and they would take that with a lie detector are you part of that process or the producers are doing that one of the things i've learned in my business is to not be a part of any of the decisions and it has saved me from many a lawsuit that's fair okay and we're seeing evidence in the news these days on other reality shows why that's apparently important yeah yeah they get asked these questions knowing that if they choose to go on the show two weeks later 21 of the questions they've already heard are going to be asked again and their lie detector response will be revealed they can change their answers if they want right right but what they're trying to do is predict if the lie detector thought their original answer was right or true or false the level of bogus that is when i was asked about it in the press i'm like would i allow my fate in court and whether i live or die rely on her lie detector test absolutely not yeah am i willing to play a game for half a million dollars okay yeah yeah okay yeah we go to do the show and i decided that the best way for me to do this is i don't read any of the questions before we do them on the air so the whole show is just fully improv in the moment because you know i don't want to like go here comes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah part of it was good because it's like it's your genuine reaction like yeah your sincere reaction where you read the card and you're like oh my god i don't want to read this to you right now like that made the show so much better in my opinion and then on temptation islands the same thing they show these clips of what goes on on temptation on the other side of the island and i make a point not to watch them so that i don't go apparently i become like meme bait because all i do is react like i'm like a cartoon overreaction how could you not though kelsey knows me and my family we're not the digger of dirt and drama and hell no um and i think one of the reasons that i got the job and other jobs on fox because temptation island was originally fox moment of truth was box was that i think that they realized that even the craziest formats would be unpalatable if the hostels like it well i'm trying to go don't watch this yeah yeah yeah yeah i know which of course makes people watch it even more no i totally agree i think it like weirdly grounded the show and it made it feel like it wasn't intentionally evil the people that go on the show look even worse because it's like we're all not in on this it's just you guys that are [ __ ] your own lives up by the way weirdly grounded is how i often describe myself that's exactly it so but i got a kick out of your take on it because it was dead on your reaction to it the part of you that makes you want to watch and yet you feel horrible for watching it yeah where that show lived and i had a hard time with the show because right off the bat you know whether the person says i cheated or not that's shocking and fun and great you know people love to watch that but then you you need to have some other moments where people are heartwarmingly honest and we have those as well yeah and it gone to me as we got into the show that they were producing i want 10 years of success and they want 10 weeks of success right literally the show started airing and the show would have a promo running in the show saying next week the most outrageous episode ever when you're watching this week which was the most outrageous yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we just can't it's not gonna go far oh yeah that was one of the things i noticed that is that like in the episode they'd play the last question like right at the start and the answer i'm like why are you sweating now you know they already they at least got to another question yeah yeah exactly the game show nerd in me is like that's not the rules yeah no we watched the episode we did that video and then two days later we were visiting some friends in san francisco and i was like i gotta put this on for you just like the full episode and we watched the whole thing yeah and they were like glued to the tv they were like this is the most incredible thing i've ever watched so here's my take on it as a person with an actual conscience and heart which is yet to be discovered because i work in tv and so allegedly allegedly yeah what the show explores could have been a really interesting show and with me hosting it i know where i would have taken it what it explores is the gap between what we believe to be true about ourselves and what we subconsciously know about ourselves that's a good point right that's very good and that i think is really interesting to explore yeah on the meaningful level yes yeah and that's the [ __ ] of the show is that i asked you did you cheat on your wife you're talking no did you know your wife yeah right if i ask you are you a good person we got you yeah this is a carnival game yeah three rings but the last one's this big so you know and i knew that and all i could do is what i try to do on all my shows is that i'm not i'm not the creator of the show but i'd rather sit in the seat with the participant and the person at home and try to bring some humanity and most importantly no judgment i mean anybody in that red chair is going to look with the exception of the rat tail in the second one you did i just looked that guy up he's like a real estate investor now and an mma fighter too i was like we picked the wrong guy to make fun of god he also i think he lives in la so i'm just now i'm just forever going to be scared that i'm going to see him like at a bar or something like that i think i would recognize i had 30 years of episodes of people i'm afraid to see you have no idea so what what was your like best memory from the show do you have any like wild memories like any any crazy moments besides that first episode that we watched there were episodes that never aired so we did a whole second season and then stock market crashed and you know advertisers pulled or whatever story they told me why were canceled but we were canceled with really high ratings but in the second season i had jose canseco on wow he was a baseball player for those of you who don't know um and he also was one of the leaders in the steroid right yep and we're asking you at once a moment he admits to using a cork bat and the next question is do you think you're a cheater he's like no so just what like a lot of those moments where wow i can feel myself outside of my body looking down on it going and this is how you're earning a living to put your kids through notre dame high school yeah yeah keep your eye on the ball wahlberg you know just do it for the kids i am like the literally the captain of the uncomfortable ship like that's that's my love boat yeah just cringe yeah and uh somehow making that okay the cringe needs you you you you cut through the cringe you're good at like making it palatable for us yeah i'm like the wine pairing for cringe yeah exactly it takes the acid out of it yeah yeah yeah yeah how well did you get to know the contestants before slash after like how much did you talk to them did you ever hear like how anyone's doing after like did you ever on moana truth uh no okay um it was a long time ago and i don't really remember and uh no okay on temptation island this latest version which is also a ridiculous story of how that's happening i keep in touch with almost everyone except for the ones that hate me and it's a really weird um line between what your generation likes to call an empath and what my generation calls chronically codependent so or desperate and needy of attention so this temptation island show i'm doing i really feel great about a lot of it and what i get to do on it yeah so what's that story if you want to go into that a little bit back in the day uh survivor came out big brother came out survivor came out and then fox developed this idea temptation island but before that they done the show who wants to marry a multi-millionaire which is the biggest train wreck of them all that started all of it and i was the warm-up comedian for that okay not only was i the warm-up comedian i was the married with two kids bitter as [ __ ] warm-up like literally like i should be hosting this [ __ ] like just so bad right like the worst burger's gonna make it so i do the warm-up and the kills on that show and then i mike darnell who's the head of it and has created a million shows sesame afterwards you're really great you should be our warm-up guy and everything and i literally go i should host your [ __ ] and walked away again badass i don't know where the swagger comes from because it's really not me like literally anyone can bully me and i'm happy to welcome that it's hollywood mode so two weeks later i get a call about this show temptation island would you come in and audition and i'm like whatever and so i do the audition and i get the job which was just a test i had i really i had no idea what it was and the next thing i know i'm in like gilligan's island's hut in belize and mosquitoes are just killing us and we're shooting the show and we literally just kind of flew no script to do this show which was for couples like you guys who are not married but in long-term relationships but have trouble going to the next level don't know what the problems are come to temptation island where they give each other the gift of being single again for a period of time and they go to separate parts of the island where 12 perfect singles show up and live with them and they date them and at the end they come back together and decide if they want to stay together or go apart i'm so stressed out just hearing about that that like i'm that i hate that that's like do you ever see love island of course yeah so this is like when they go to castle more but it's like an entire show but the difference is we have no gimmick there's no prize there's no reason to do this oh my god and they've been in like long-term relationships it's not like they just met yeah no no it's entirely different vibe no comedy here yeah so we go to do the show this is back in 2001 so i do it it becomes the highest rated show in the history of the fox network at that time like overnight just ridiculous it aired just broke all records and i was wicked famous for several minutes and and then they took like a year and a half to do the second season the second season didn't do as well as the third season we did another one a year and a half after that on like a reality channel that doesn't even exist anymore and the show was gone okay fine 20 years later after antiques roadshow and everything else uh they rebooted it on usa network and i looked at it like they're not gonna call me you know there's no way this show is gonna they're gonna hire me i didn't even think about it i'm like ah so i get the meeting with them and i approach the meeting like you see shawshank redemption i actually have never seen that movie okay this meeting is over i know i was like it's like the most famous movie pathetic movie of all time i'm always liking it too morgan freeman is a you know he's got a life sentence and he keeps coming up for parole and every time he comes to the parole board he's like yeah i've changed i've rehabilitated i have and they are like stamped rejected and then finally at the end of his career his time he comes in and there's this young guy there and they're like why do you think you've been rehabilitated and he's got the swagger i talked about he's like you know i don't even know what that means you know you ask me if i feel bad about what i've done well yeah every day i feel bad i want to take that 18 year old and shake him he goes on this thing he says so stamp your paper i don't basically says i don't care and of course he's approved that's how i did this meeting i walked in like oh yeah you want to do temptation i don't give a [ __ ] right three weeks later robbie and i are on the beach in maui getting paid like ridiculous money to do the show again and all and now wow the entire crew were people that were born after i did that show so i'm only like a legend they saw an episode of on youtube from the early days that came down from a satellite of what reality show was you know and then they want me to just do me and i keep looking around going really i sit on a stump and i talk to people like you that i really love and care about and kind of share my life with them and just kind of talk about it and deal with it and have this bond and then all the crazy stuff happens and and that's now a show again wow but what's funny is we were the original and all i get now like my moniker is like value-added chris chris harrison or walmart knockoff chris harrison yeah you know and i'm like okay i think any person i think any person that does anything that has an audience gets those same comments yeah walmart version someone else unless you're harry styles you get those because harry styles is mark wahlberg so i'm [ __ ] to start with that was my last question for you is it annoying sharing a name with another hollywood superstar so the answer should be no it doesn't bother me at all and the truth is it's annoying all day every day and um i've come in to peace with it and it it has it's become less of an issue because now people know who i am a little bit where it used to show up all the time is when i promote moana truth or something like that i'd have to do these radio interviews which we don't do as much anymore we podcast it more and always it would be like that market 140 in the afternoon station where the guy hits me with a boogie nights joke right out of the box yeah and so that got a little old yeah to the point where i once said to this guy before we come on he's like i think i'm you know i'm gonna start with like this marky mark joke if you're cool with that and i said i'm cool with it just make sure it's good because i do this for a living and i'm gonna fillet you if it's bad and i've heard every single one probably and i did i literally ripped him apart just like he did some stupid joke about was that really you boogie night and i'm like is that really you on it three o'clock in the afternoon in little rock and have no choice possibility of a career beyond this ever oh my god probably not my best moment i'm glad i didn't start this interview with a marky mark joke because it wouldn't matter at this point because i have evolved and in this moment because he's doing a movie where he had to gain weight this is like this weird paradoxical like wormhole we're in where i'm in better shape right so i'm going to just roll with that exactly you're the you're the in shape mark wahlberg that's what you can say right now everybody knows me for my workout routine exactly yeah awesome man thanks so much i really appreciate it i hope any of this is usable and i'm really appreciative because obviously i said to robbie this morning i'm like this is crazy is that you could do what you want in your life and try to make noise or get successful or anything and then somebody like you guys with the following is far greater impact on my life than like being a guest on conan right yeah like you guys do this and i you can't imagine the number of people who have no idea about temptation island or like this moment of truth [ __ ] is crazy right yeah yeah and just to close on that if i were to do moment of truth again it would be a talk show format with one question only yeah and and more exploring why did you hold that to be true when then to prove that it wasn't true oh so you would go through their answers and just chat about it it would be enough yeah yeah you know i just think that and ask much more thoughtful questions that matter instead of you know you know you have a mullet because chicks dig it because we know that's true yeah we all know that's that's right so yeah some things that are just yeah anyway thanks for your time yeah thank you so much i really appreciate it it was great meeting you it was so great to see you please tell everyone i say hi oh we're giggling on a group text my family and i about uh this and you send everyone my love and i said this to cody on damn but you're by far our favorite cheerleader and our favorite almost everything we just oh my gosh you have no idea that we have a you're you're what we call like you have a cult following and we're the cult that's all i need i just need the four of you guys and then i'm good to go add me that to that group text too i'm down to be in that call too i'm in it too a little bit you know i used to call the family of champions because my children uh have a cheap greatness but i changed the name because they uh i'm unimpressed with them now i'm no longer proud of them i just call it ungrateful offspring yeah that would be our first question for you on moment of truth yeah are you proud of your children exactly yes all right man thank you it was so great to see you i love you kelson to your family and uh and i'm a fan now i'm watching you guys so hell yeah thanks man see you thank you take care you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,370,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: bnLl4V4S1h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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