Who's in it for the money?

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you know i haven't done a cut video in a while this is also not a cut video i just i'm just saying i haven't done one in a while this is a jubilee video it's called dating five women without knowing their intentions love or money who is the gold digger can we sniff out the materialism in someone i guess we'll find out let's get into it one of the hardest parts of dating is guessing someone's intentions are they truly interested in you or are they looking out for themselves yeah are they just in it for my sexy ass bod that's something i always used to have to worry about you know my greased up muscle bound frame are they just in it for that for someone who's yoked to the gills like me you know if i was single that would be a concern probably how do you know when you're being played we created a game show to find out one bachelor looking for love will meet five potential matches zach i'm in it for love i'm in it for love i'm in it for love i'm in it for love i'm in it for love all right you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna guess right away i'm gonna judge a book by its cover right now this is the girl that's not in it for love that's my guess sorry but it's my guess here's the catch some of them are lying and trying to win a cash prize can our bachelor eliminate gold diggers and try to find a true match or will they get played this is love or money are you guys excited nervous you're nervous well this is your very handsome bachelor hi i'm zach i'm a filmmaker and little actor and uh kid at heart awesome what do you look for in a match i look for someone who can just have as much fun as i can no matter where ever i go if i go to the grocery store for milk we're gonna be there for two hours milk i mean why do you have to use that example it's weird i want a girl who if i want milk she can provide that's all i'm saying all right daddy's thirsty for a little milk also going to the grocery store for two hours that sounds like my nightmare horrible imagine just browsing the grocery store for two hours just getting lost in the cleaning supplies aisle this sounds so fun i need a girl is willing to do that with me underneath your seats you guys have envelopes and markers you guys can pick them up and you're gonna write down if you're in this for love or money and once you write it down you're locked in and you cannot change your answer that's kind of funny so like he could he could potentially like just charm the pants off all of them and then one of them's like [ __ ] [ __ ] i wrote money but i like this guy god damn it [ __ ] are you hopeful uh i'm i'm hopeful but i'm def i'm gullible that's one of the biggest things and uh yeah everyone's telling the truth is that why you're still single probably oh royalty free sound music let's go i haven't seen that in a minute [ __ ] learn about it hi guys hi hi welcome to round one where you're going to make your first impression you have 10 minutes starting now a little disappointed in her because she lied to me she said she was going to be by my side this whole time but the weirdest thing about you i guess okay so i can move my chin without moving my jaw move your chin without moving your jaw what do you mean what i will wait i might be able to do it is it this that can we do the same thing yes it's weird as hell everyone everyone freaks i uh get paid for larp over summers that's dope fine sweet this is going so much better than i do you know what she didn't strike me as a larper she didn't i i mean i judged a book by its cover in the beginning she kind of looks like a sorority girl honestly but uh i guess she's a larper crazy so maybe she's not i mean you know maybe she's not the one larping it's a weird i mean i did it i larped in the moment house show that we did last week we lerped and it's it's a lot of fun okay so you said that you like want someone that's like down to like have fun and just like have a good time with and i have this nice what is this it says down hell yeah inner lip tattoo [ __ ] yeah someone who wants a tattoo but wants to commit 20 yes that's like the most freshman year in college [ __ ] to do ever just like yo look it's this [ __ ] on my inner lip how [ __ ] sick is that dude i'm so crazy you never know what i'll do chris now if anyone wants to go like somewhere you're just like yeah i'm done yeah i did that last weekend that's so sick i like diving airplanes at the ground at like 200 miles an hour wow right now in the future if we do date then you can see that happen yeah yeah diving airplanes into the ground [Music] i'm actually pre-professionally trained in classical ballet among other things split off do it right now i gotta stress can you do like a high kick hold on you have to judge my form and finally okay yeah you know oh that was actually really good that's really good okay so i didn't get any real impression of anyone's intentions from that honestly i think the the plain girl was a little bit like forward she was like yeah if we date one day i'd love to drive a plane into the ground with you in it she was like pretty forward like by suggesting that they're gonna date that makes me think she's playing a game a little bit i think she might be for the money but let's see how do you feel feel good uh 10 minutes flew by super fast it seemed like they liked you do you think anyone's in it for the money anyone suss i don't know if is anyone sus if i can decide if someone is maybe you're too busy doing the splits yeah zach are you ready to eliminate two of these beautiful women i forgot about this next part and now i'm sad yeah yeah we are too that being said zach you have to eliminate two beautiful limber girls right now imagine the cup producer saying that i wouldn't put it past them really okay zach you have to eliminate two beautiful limber flexible women it's like what dude what are you ready my point that's weird but i'm sorry nice meeting you peace later it was so nice meeting you i hate this oh wait hold on a second let me just do this real fast [Music] when you said like you like wanted someone that was like more spontaneous i don't know i thought we clicked a little bit more but um i'm not like depressed about it oh yeah no you're good sorry yes yeah yeah just feeling that rejection i was like i wonder how my face looks like i was just like replaying my face and i was like i wonder if either of those girls were like think thank [ __ ] god two hours in a grocery store are you kidding me hell no i got [ __ ] to do i got [ __ ] money to make are you kidding me two hours in a grocery store do you not have a job oh you're an actor right right you know not to be too hard on that guy but come on aspire to do more than spend two hours in a grocery store this is round two where zach will get to know his potential matches a little deeper are you ready zach yes you'll have five minutes with your potential match and then i gotta call it quits i like the host she's good she's charismatic banana where are they from yeah how many boyfriends banana questions all that do you like bananas you ready yeah why do they keep using like suggestive food for these references is it just me am i just eight years old or what banana milk like come on you know like be mature guys hello hi good to meet you one-on-one good to meet you i'm zach hi i'm ashley nice to meet you meet you we heard a plane in the last take and we thought it was your dive bomb oh yeah i just stepped out for a hot second fire joke my guy i'm sophie again sophie sophie ph perfect by the way i'm giving him a hard time but he's actually a nice guy with z or ch ch yes zach ch sophie ph yeah i don't know if it's important but i'm a virgo oh scorpio oh god oh no oh no they virgo scorpio the signs they don't mix they're totally the star signs they're not the same planet the same like orbit oh that's a shame that's a shame virgos are way too they're way too strong-headed for the softies of the scorpios harping let's get into this because i am i am quite this is the good thing this is no i was excited that you said that because that's i feel like that's something that someone would normally just kind of like we're gonna keep that but that's what i love about it yeah i keep remembering this is a game so maybe that girl was like i'm a larper so like i'm a total nerd that means which means i you know i don't ha i'm not like a materialistic person because i'm a nerd i'm a geek what's the first first thing i play i've been replaying olivia rodriguez's entire album same guilty as charged guilty as charge take me away fellas i'm a nerd okay i'm a big zombie guy and star wars and stuff i've suppressed it now because my dad always said like no one's always talk about that stuff yeah i'm usually in a graphic tee okay i read a lot of comic books um i used to watch anime actually i say that but you still watch it yeah i mean is it is it not glaringly obvious what's gonna happen here come on let's do geeks it's two geeks they're made for each other what the [ __ ] super into it like i used to wear like the shirts and like i knew all of the themes do i just leave this was fun yeah yeah pleasure good to meet you how did it go round two i actually really enjoyed round two i enjoyed talking to people you enjoyed peeling the bananas can you pick out the liars yet can you stop with that did you enjoy sucking the banana no see i keep okay so i'm gonna be honest i keep forgetting that part of this same honestly i do because it's not they're not really like hamming up the game element of this too much because i also just keep forgetting that this i just think this is a dating show it seems like the button to me honestly keep your eye open you don't want to get your heart hurt get to the bottom of this banana bottom of the banana maybe it's an hour but before you finish that banana yeah you have to eliminate one person okay did you guys have fun with zach we did yeah it felt really natural that was a lot of fun i like that more than just facing five people at once zach you have to eliminate one girl do you know who it's gonna be yeah yeah i hate this go ahead i hate this just as much oh sophie i'm sorry i have the ph and ch but it was a pleasure bye bye all right now it's between plane girl and lame girl i'm kidding okay i'm kidding larping isn't lame it's not lame i did it i loved it this is round three where zach will get more intimate with his potential match and on a black couch too uh i wouldn't you know there's i don't know what this segment's gonna be round three where zack will get naked and intercourse potentially on the couch they called round three intimacy round and there's a black couch sitting in the middle of the set i mean don't you know be careful with that zach are you ready to get closer to them peel that banana just a little bit just a little bit more what's up with the banana stop with the banana or it's gonna be a brown banana yeah and you don't want it i don't like that it's mushy too yeah it's like ew all right well you have 10 minutes to speed date these ladies and i'm gonna go over there enjoy yourself i messed up the couch welcome to zlatan he's like all right [ __ ] so i just get naked and then what and then what are we is it gonna be full-on sex or just for player what's going on it's actually pretty comfortable oh i'd say so i don't know how to sit so what's your favorite marvel movie say whatever couch you're on that's how you say yeah 110 oh this is casual awesome so we have to get personal nice hello all right uh do you have any questions i guess the um do you have any fears going into oh going into relationships yeah dedication factor is really big for me i feel like that's something that i struggle with a bit because like once i get really into keep in mind one of these girls potentially could be in it just for the money so why why is my chair doing this why does it do it you know it makes you think why why does it do it right in the middle of me speaking too it doesn't do it when i'm watching it's just it's like this is a shitty joke dude so just like someone i tend to dedicate like probably too much time yeah how many relationships have you been in um i've been in about two serious ones i'm actually in one right now i'm in a long-term relationship right now and i'm just looking to cash in on this for a new couch only really do serious pretty guarded too so i think i kind of just close out people pretty easily that's probably why i've only been into relationships or i don't know and since i just moved down here like i really don't know anybody sorry i like watch back with my thought after that yeah yeah okay well nice to talk to you thank you for coming absolutely i really hope to god that whoever he picks is in it for the money just just so we can be like ah zach you're going to have to go with your heart and choose who you want to go on another date with remember both of them can be in it for love both could be in it for money or one could be in it for love and one could be in it for money i want to go on a date with you nerds did i call it right from the beginning i i mean i i singled her out and said she's in for the money but let's see [Music] i'm so sorry i'll see [Music] time to find out if ashley was in it for love or for money zach do you think you're able to dig deep enough and find out her true intentions maybe maybe do you yes think you made the right choice no well this is love or money and here is your envelope to reveal what you chose okay let's go let's [ __ ] go let's go let's go are you for real right now dude i swear to [ __ ] god that's the first time i've ever watched that video i swear to god i called it from the get-go holy hell what the [ __ ] is up you know god dang dude gosh crap darn it crap and heck what the crap crap and heck i called that f dude i'm so sorry it's okay it's okay yeah i mean let's let's i have to cut you guys off you can't ask i mean she made the right choice because then she gets a cash prize and then she can just hit him up right after they leave and be like hey so do you want to just go blow this on the star wars land at disneyland how about that ultimate first date ever are you with me and ask for his social media okay i just have to walk you out i'm so sorry and then i just does it rain money on me or something like that [Music] how much did you get 300 bucks wow [Music] she was money too so he would have lost either way my man i'm sorry dang he was too nice for that wow that's crazy i mean i wouldn't really say that that qualifies them as gold diggers that's a little bit hardcore for a game show like this where they're they're like going into it i would do that too i'd be like [ __ ] 300 bucks hell yeah i don't give a [ __ ] about dating that's crazy my man got owned i'm sorry dude he was so into her too you could just tell he was like what you like larping and what like i i i like star wars too but i'm not supposed to say that because my father made me not say that he was envisioning a life with that girl where they just go to every new star wars movie that comes out together and they larp together you know they larp into the sunset he's on hobby horses you know holding hands i love the wow he got ruined he got wrecked that actually turned out to be a lot better than i expected all right thanks for watching make sure you larp that like button and we'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,959,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: 1pHDDgorH4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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