The Moment of Truth - Episode 1

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simplest cave on television one participant and all that is required is the willingness to tell the truth my key game they're in your family part of the husband's body that repulses about starving children in Africa the country pay more second $2,000 to expose everything about themselves their families every gambled away one of the children's comics mind [Music] myk's you know have you ever suspected your wife of cheating on Michelle would you donate a kidney to save your father's life is finally here we'll still be married [Music] in the country and it starts tonight in this chair the only thing that separates a person from $500,000 is 21 questions and their ability to answer each one of these questions with the truth the whole truth [Music] in Latin America the moat of truth [Music] a rigorous polygraph exam we don't know who developed that test that they tell the truth they can win up to a half a million dollars let's meet our first participant 31 year old personal trainer from Kansas is a former professional football player and he has been married 50 questions by our polygraph examiner 21 of those questions have been chosen to tying neck this is your moment of truth [Applause] how you feeling blue nervous but I'm ready to lose the money well good I'm ready to help you are you gonna be able to tell the truth and run of all of America at night that's my goal man but the more money you can win you know you quit at any time to take the money but what you hear a question you have to answer that question thought lying time lose everything in the game is over now you're not only here telling the truth the front of all of America you're also here telling it in front of your family and friends let's take a moment to see who's come here tonight I've got just eyes white I'm April type friend only 21 questions separate I checked from $500,000 of the road through those questions can get very personal why are you ready for this yeah all right you ready let's do it let's get to it level one have six left an thrall sick truthfully you win $10,000 you want to remind me you are ever concerned about the answers you gave on your polygraph exam and change them tonight we get started going to learn a little bit about my good friend ty you're a personal trainer yes take your job pretty seriously very seriously yeah question one have you ever cancelled an appointment with a client for being sick and you really weren't [Music] yes true [Music] are you in better shape now than when you played professional football no not really I had a knee injury so I actually only worsening I think yeah would you say he's in great shape great question - have you ever admired yourself in the mirror after taking a shower [Music] yeah true you grew up in small town in Kansas right are you a small-town guy with small-town values pretty much see myself as that yeah question three have you hit someone else's car and not left a note [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] true well there's probably been more than one but get back to you and second let's go talk to family and friends for a moment Tapia you're excited about today very not nervous at all yeah thanks I don't know the answer so I want to know you do have some control if I ask a question you don't want to hear the answer quickly step forward and hit this button hit that button I won't allow him to answer the question that has just been asked replace it with a new question and only use it once so also remember that the question I replace it with I have no idea if that's gonna be better over okay well then let's continue shall we you've got three right football you were a vegetable football player so I assume you obviously play college football where did where did you play I played at the University of Cincinnati [Applause] [Music] while you were in college can you ever get a passing grade just because you were on the football team [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] actually no that answer is [Music] what was your GPA when you guys made Constance I'm not on the light that's 4.0 think so yeah question five do you think you're the best-looking of all your friends [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] true [Music] really think you're better looking at Marc dead he's got a green smile consolation prize yeah what's that all right what do you miss most about playing football the friendship team spirit robbery on it I have a $10,000 moment of truth question for you but I'm not gonna ask it we have a special guest that's okay I'd like if we met special guests out now former NFL quarterback one of the hopes of that damn sports show period [Applause] [Music] [Applause] taking time out of your busy schedule to be here my pleasure my pleasure to help out a fellow football player are you kidding me that's right and I know you have a good question because we don't give away $10,000 easily so right it's all yours all right here we go Western six as a football player did you ever sneak a peek and another player privates [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you nice that rocking feet here but we didn't forget your answer $10,000 let's have to take a look [Music] we're gonna see who are gonna make fun of I guess you never know if you're the best-looking guy of all your friends unless you check them out in the tower good news is we've asked you some questions that are a little bit sticky but you did it chief we'll do six questions $10,000 is yours and as you probably know this is a great time if you like get up walk out with your friends ten thousand dollars towards towards two key however decide to keep going you risk that ten thousand dollars every time I start a new question but here's where you are I've answered six to get ten thousand all you have to do now is enter five next level 25 [Applause] so copy and your friends what do you want to do you can take the tank granted we're gonna go for 25 [Applause] have you an attempt to break to find out right now bigotry continue former professional football player personal trainer and pike necklace here [Music] [Applause] to win money simple as that or do you want to go for $25,000 the questions get more personal harder to answer we're revealing dams so if you want to stop [Music] yeah she works out west at 7 if not you developed a flabby stomach would you encourage her to get life [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] true do you want to say yeah I thought if they know how well does your wife get along with your friends kids on the situation what eight have you ever suspected one of your friends of making a play for cotton [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] the keyword mech right so what do you like like go to the beach for the sporting events you know hang out question nine have you ever had sexual relations with someone the very same day you met [Music] that answer is true just sweep that under the rug yep 9 to Blanche's 2 more $25,000 but remember as soon as I begin the next question the risk for $10,000 every time want to stop something to stop before I start reading the question remember the buttons still in play it for something you don't want to hear are you trust with okay so let me go to the next question I didn't come to win $10,000 [Music] [Applause] question 10 is there something you have done that could cause patent not trust [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I hold what true tough question you have any suspicions what it might be I have no I have no idea any do you want to say I think I'm digging myself a bigger hole you're digging a bigger hole well you know this you have tension plants have $10,000 one more question for $25,000 but at what cost but some 10 was tough nothing you even want to talk about I'm looking at question 11 here might be very easy to do it also could be much more difficult content I'm asking some tough question you have answered truthfully and that's really all you have to do with money how much money you can win ty let's find out that [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah okay this is your $25,000 moment of truth question 11 since you've been married have you used the Internet to Porton other women [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] No [Music] true [Music] when I read it wouldn't be a very scary question gotta speak the truth talk to you must be relieved yes before more question too late if you get through four questions four times the money $100,000 what do you want to do [Music] [Applause] too much right now stop if you're comfortable on top here are you comfortable [Music] oh no keep going so you'd be more come with odd without thought I'm curious Maria yeah she has other reason for you to contain motors yes okay we're gonna continue that [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're starting their lives out together where do you want to be in five years time five years I don't like to have a couple kids nice good job and nice home this news to you [Applause] [Music] do you think you've delayed having children because you're not sure if Katya will be your lifelong part [Music] [Music] honey trap the answer is yes [Applause] true three more dollars but at what cost I gotcha that can't be great to hear April what did you say to catch them I asked her hearing that's worth $100,000 what's the answer Katya you know you can stop now we don't have to reveal anything more $25,000 [Music] you've answered 12 truthfully you've revealed some somewhat shocking revelations and it is getting tense I want you to think about what you're like do I want you to tell me are we gonna play for $100,000 are we gonna take a bite of you $25,000 we'll find out type-check beautiful wife pakka April Martez are here as well and you are at a very interesting place we have 12 question 13 is neck shall we continue let's go okay virtual trainer really want resolved they're paying a lot of money so you give your client to a real workout yeah give me as much of a cake question 13 as a personal trainer have you touched the female client more than was required no that answer is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Tai I'm so sorry the polygraph exam determined that your answer to this question was false that it was a lie why do you think it came up false well you know it's one of those saying is that you know when you're training people yeah you heard you got to physically touch him right but what's required you know you know ty I think you're probably a great personal trainer you have a great sense of humor very forthright I wish you and your beautiful wife brave guy but the 13 got him shall we say goodbye the flight deck we're ready for a new participant let's we've been now huge parties are is a 46 year old marketing manager from Miami floor he is a divorced father of three and living with his girlfriend and her two children 50 questions 21 of those questions and the chosen for tonight Jordan or nazar this your moment of truth [Music] so are you ready to cover treatment of all of America yes I am there are six levels let's move towards the further you go the heart defects if you get more money there is for you to win you can fit it anytime but but if your questions have to answer that question and if you're caught lying even once yep game is over you lose everything all right you understand I understand it I have very good George you're not only here telling the truth in front of all of America you're also telling in front of your family and friends let's see who's come here tonight and here George tell the truth Lily I'm his girlfriend baby I'm Mike I'm George's boss ready for this necklace let's begin are you ready I'm ready [Music] six questions truthfully I'll give you $10,000 I'll take it you have about an answer you gave on your polygraph exam don't worry you can change that tonight okay okay find out a little bit about our friend George I know you're an energetic person that's gonna fit yeah are you an acquisitive person pretty creative curious curious yeah energetic though question one have you ever gone through a co-worker's private belongings without their knowledge [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes that answer means true $10,000 I hope you've been funny since the first question was about your work at the park right here it wasn't you might think about that bike sock when did you go through somebody's thing yesterday get a phone number and there was like oh and wasn't you Mike George you a religious person raised the Catholic yeah no let's boy ultra Blanco fanboys that's the time that question - have you ever had a sexual fantasy while attending Mass [Music] [Applause] [Music] true dirty work teenager you know how they match the other yeah you're late hold on we'll be right back in the moment when we come back for questions for Georgia O'Keeffe yourself the truth [Music] - video with a very exciting for George's our little pretty confident really confident - to the landfill for for $10,000 she's gonna be a pretty good shake pretty good tapes on fire you're worked out not at all no I've gained like 35 pounds in the last like two year that dislike was easy I don't know question three do you consider yourself to be better-looking than most men your age [Music] [Music] my answer is yet [Music] true [Music] three more $10,000 how old are you I'm 46 what do you think are you really 42 what do you think yeah I do I would have never guessed he was 46 35 minutes that's what I call my name n-no I want to take a moment say hello to you guys I I know you're sort of sitting here a little powerless and whole process we've just started that's three questions as we go through this process assuming he does well we're gonna get to harder questions those questions are gonna be very personal if you ever hear a question that you really don't want him to answer or whatever those reasons quickly lean forward at this month if you do that I'll stop the question I won't let him answer we will place that question with another factor can only use that but once though and you have no control over what the replacement vegetable that's not old but you sure look under than that how do you keep your good look I got secrets [Applause] Weston for are you currently a member of the Hair Club for Men [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] you won't and that's for violet back yeah Navin the Commerce's like you could use it when you go swimming you know you see the guy going [Applause] [Music] you have four fruitful answers to more $10,000 where do you work I work at Hollywood Park it's a racetrack here in the Los Angeles I'm the marketing manager and my boss right there question 5 have you ever considered you might be addicted to gambling [Applause] [Music] my answer is definitely yet that answer is [Music] true so you have considered that you might have a gambling problem I don't know I cried and I just I just love love gambling it's definitely affecting my life in the past I mean there's definitely this money that I've lots of money I've lost but I gotta admit to myself that something it's one of my problem no I mean after years of experience with my previous wife we've decided that she's gonna handle all the buddy around question six for $10,000 do you have a bank account your girlfriend doesn't know about [Music] [Music] now that answer is [Music] true [Music] Wow that's what I get for 10 grand what's 500 thank you answering some questions that were actually quite pointed for the first round and you did it great thank you George don't want this thing along hard about this you just got here we're having a great time you're welcome to stay as long as you like but if you leave now you have $10,000 if you decide to say the journey gets a little shorter but not easier next level you get $25,000 if you have to answer five questions food for one line you lose $10,000 stay gambling mark so what do you want go for it I saw your boss - go for it uncle Pedro what it is they say well quick okay I play poker mm look again I'm going for example that $10,000 right after this [Music] truce we are here with Jorge borders are what a great smile great energy seems to be a great guy and in the first six questions there were questions that were pretty difficult to answer still feel okay feel okay you know I'm pretty open about a lot of things and I see that hey I try to be as truthful as I can and and I'm a gambler we found that on the first round yes I'm ready to go all the way bad great things sometimes they said great the truth a little bit yeah yeah question seven have you ever added your underwear to look for well it now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] actually the answer is yes [Applause] [Music] back answer is true [Music] [Music] [Applause] very well you know some of these questions can't be embarrassed George I'm dying to see how far you're gonna take this game but unfortunately we're gonna have to wait till next time because we're all out of time I'll see you next time right here for the moment of truth the Jorge Orta Tosh [Music] [Music] [Music] ever help someone smuggled nothing into the the one question he thought he'd never have to there's only one collective been botherin him for the last five years that would be that class have you ever gambled away one of your children's college corner
Channel: Lighthearted Entertainment
Views: 2,315,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the moment of truth, The Moment Of Truth (TV Program), moment of truth, Game Show (TV Genre), lie detector, lie detector test, polygraph, polygraph test, lighthearted entertainment, lie detection, lie detector game show, lie detector gameshow, Lie Detector (TV Program)
Id: fDG8knUL-oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 15 2014
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